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So why do we hate the Beatles? Am I ever going to get an answer?
We don't
I think it's more just annoyance that they're talked about so much.
Even lennon himself says he doesn't believe in beatles
True! Wanna see my Adam Friedland wallpaper?
I love them
their music is embarrassingly simple due to their inability to play their own instruments (any live performance will show you this).
they even stopped playing live entirely simply because they couldnt do it.
their most talented member is George Martin, remove his classical additions and its basic bitch stuff.

if you look at their music as a collective its granny tunes, joke songs for Ringo, rip-offs of better artists, boyband tunes. remove all that and whats actually left?
The Ballad Of Fuckin Your Ho
I don't think you're ready for an honest answer. it has nothing to do with the music because for the most part it was was pretty good.
Because they got famous with stupid songs that are like children music, I mean I wanna hold your haaaand
I like how they made psyche-pop. Made people listen to psyche then listen to more bands.
Stop pushing this meme
If you can't find a reason why you "hate" a band or an artist, then you're just doing it to be a contrarian
Ringo is based.
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/mu/ never hated the Beatles, the "2016 boyband" guy is just a schizo trying to build consensus around his dislike of the band by creating a false narrative leaning into the "4chan was better before 2016" mentality. They were seen as pedestrian but hating the Beatles outright was often mocked here as babby's first contrarianism.
Is the reason boyband fag refuses to acknowledge this is because he refuses to read replies?
>their music is embarrassingly simple due to their inability to play their own instruments (any live performance will show you this).
Thus inspiring millions of people around the world to learn to play an instrument and prove they could do it a millions time better.
(And they DID!)
>they even stopped playing live entirely simply because they couldnt do it.
At the time the technology to perform songs like Tomorrow Never Knows or A Day in The Life in concert for a live audience didn't exist.

Thanks for proving how BASED The Beatles were, and still are.....
That's a song about doing drugs.....
we are luvibg in a yellow submarine yellow submarine yellow submarine
They’re gay
the eternal boomer thinks they had an impact on culture and that anyone cares about hippies anymore. The boomers did nothing good they destroyed the united states. empires arent supposed to be so short lived. id bet they tear down that john lenon statue on nyc after theyre gone.
Simplicity is actually better.
Because we’re contrarian retards
>Will you still need me, will you still feed me?
>When I'm sixty four

I love granny music

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