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Does anybody these days actually unironically listen to rockabilly? It seems like the one era of music I've never seen anyone under 50 actually like—not just as an "important historical artifact", but as a genre they genuinely like in and of itself.
Rockabilly is fine, but not my thing, yet
I listen to a lot of it, and other 50s shit lately. It's comfy
It's pretty cool, but I only listen to it occasionally.
I'm 36 and I've listened to it since I was 10.
Yeah but the og genre from the 50s (elvis, carl perkins, buddy holly) those post 50s artists feel more like a parody than genuine music.
I listen to Buddy Holly all the time. Carl Perkins and Eddie Cochran a bit too. Haven't really gotten into Gene Vincent yet.
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I grew up listening to the Everly Brothers, so yes, I do.
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Psychobilly had some really good moments. I’m sad it went away.
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Rockabilly pretty much the only kind of rock I listen to except for punk/hardcore. I listen to a lot of country and western swing and of course there’s a lot of overlap. I’m 24
It's rather boring and one note
I'd rather just listen to bluegrass
Lately I've been listening to guys like Eddie Cochran, but typically when I want to listen to old school style tunes I'll just listen to live shows fron the 60s and 70s because they'll typically be playing those same grooves but for longer.
The extra tracks on Teenage Head in particular are good.
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It’s all I’ve been listening to for the past year. I also write rockabilly songs.
Elvis, Gene, Johnny Burnette et al is as good as rockabilly gets & is deservedly famous but there’s a lot of decent stuff that’s obscure too. Check out Buffalo Bop compilations like picrel, there are dozens of them.
t. 23 y/o
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Please recommend some good punk for a rockabilly guy like myself. My understanding is that in theory punks were harkening back to 50s rock n roll but none of my listening to the big names bears that out, i.e. Ramones, Clash, Pistols etc. Maybe I just don’t like punk but I’d like to be convinced otherwise.
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Its definitely there with the sex pistols. Example would be god save the queen. Imagine that intro riff played on clean/slightly dirty guitar with some slapback echo and in a higher octave. Pure 50’s musical vocabulary but with a different timbre (distorted).

The Cramps would be the most obvious to check out if you haven’t already. Human Fly, I was a teenage werewolf, way I walk, etc.

Also the misfits. Last caress, for example, harkens back to the 50’s. There’s also flat duo jets, who inspired white stripes
cramps are rly good but im p sure most psychobilly isn't as good as the cramps.
Actual rockabilly from the 1950s is fine. Trying to make rockabilly today however is cringe. It came and went and the moment has passed. Psychobilly and neo-rockabilly are both shit and not real rockabilly. Also, Buddy Holly wasn't rockabilly but just plain, poppy (albeit done very well) 1950s rock 'n' roll music. 1950s rock 'n' roll ≠ rockabilly
>Also, Buddy Holly wasn't rockabilly but just plain, poppy
Buddy is well know for those pop songs but he has a lot of rockabilly songs too
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Thank you, Cramps was on my radar but Misfits and FDJ were not.
I understand your point about punk having the same vocabulary as early rock with a different timbre but to me timbre is at least as important as the vocab if not moreso. Which is why some indie/post-punk sounds closer to early rock than punk. For example:
Clean, clear tones. It’s like Scotty Moore jacked up with a chorus pedal, no? Punk seems to bury a lot of the intricacies with noise. Nothing wrong with that but I think that’s what makes the difference.

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