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post minju
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im going to kwak.
playing tekken with jooe
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ain't nothing to smile about being a kpop idol
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there was really not any thought put into it i just lost myself in the moment
don't analyse it you'll ruin it
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just like that other time where you said something about doing something to a kpg concertgoer
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jiyeon esl princess
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still kinda mad at how fucking trash momoland's last comeback was
the fucking ostrich dance move was so retarded they visibly hated it
except all the bkc they fuck
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only yuna could love me
i said 'probably' and it was a joke
and also holy shit how do you know that was me? that's incredible
whip it out at the fanmeet
Good morning bros
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rocket punch is live someone ask them where yunky is
she was born to love ya
i almost did but i felt it would be disrespectful
mmmm yumyum
I only remember the funny posters and I'm aussie too
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Don't forget about later today!
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2025 year of rocket punch?
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your ability to detect me is positively uncanny
i'm making year end lists brothers
there was only one 9/10 anime this year and it was karasu wa aruji wo erabanai
No it's fine
heck yes ketchybro
i have so much love for nugus and it's never rewarded, they all suffer in the end
love lip
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one of the prettiest kpop idols
don't remind me of the banana incident
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>2025 year of rocket punch?
I'm impressed you remember what i'm referring to. that was a funny chain of posts but I don't remember exactly what was said
maybe but what's the point of only talking about her. there's so much fun stuff in kpop.
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those rotissiere chickens are fucking garbage
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i talk about other kpop stuff as well
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beautiful kissable lips
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beautiful Japanese tummies and bodies
heckin love kpop
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something that never happened
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punching bag bros ww@
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>pizza on the way
brothers this is gonna be a good day right?
kari plap
jaewook got to do that...
i had canelloni al forno on wednesday and it was the highlight of my week
crazy how something so simple can make your life better
enjoy your pizza brother
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thatll be 20$+ tip

you better learn how to make tortilla pizzas in ur oven
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No e
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just like many men before
it's the € hours right now
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all e
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I wanna eata da pizza
How do i make kgf at kpop concerts??
when she sees the new intern a jyp on his first day
i wanna shoota da CEO
have you tried talking to the women around you
be nice?
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Great song
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it was just before the triples show in sydney so one year and two weeks ago.
i wanted to go with someone and some anon said he would come but he was scared i would molest him.
then other things were said don't worry about it :D
we need a korean luigi to take care of the fatman problem
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you get a wonhee daughter
you need to accept a moka wife in the process
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morning coffee time
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youngeunie gay angel
*raises paw*
i accept
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greater e
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e melty itt
that's my favorite example for how everybody has at least one great angle
Kpop tip of the day: if an idol looks busty while wearing a hanbok, she's got implants. Real breasts get squished by it so naturally big idols don't look big while wearing it, only those with unnaturally rigid breasts coming from implants
she was this close to being pretty
fuck off, whore
did he say he dresses like a korean? that was me btw. let's hang out before billlie's concert just kidding haha
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no e you retard she is CHILD
ok retard
Go early and queue. Talk to the people in the queue. Hope there are no weirdos next to you.
bros with how hoe-y Wonho has been in the last month, just taking his clothes off on stage and such, i think i might have to restart my lewd Wonho folder. too bad all the actual lewd stuff like, his vlives are gone.
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We ate eagerly waiting for Sihyeon's drama alongside great famous actress
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e is ADULT
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I love Billlie
I have yet to see anyone who looks busy in a hanbok. Even the Swans and Jeewons of this world.
speaking of sihyeon, their first video is live
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We are watching liking commenting and subscribing to boost the algorithm
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Its going to be a depressing ass Christmas again isnt it
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her teeth are too good we dont like them
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god i love her
looking forward to see more infiltered sihyeon goofball content
just chill anon, just chill
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moka legs
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>that was me btw
yeah i had a feeling. i might go see billie yeah
Sihyeon is so fucking beautiful
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EU is pretty too though let's not forget
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maybe they'll feature the other group members too
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>her teeth are too good we dont like them
Nigga wat
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omfg boobie
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looks like a veneer in her new video i dont like it
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Probably since they're family

Sad that everglow covers Yena but she never covers them. They prove they're angels while yena isn't
sex with hanni pham
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makes you think...
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cope, subhuman
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I am going even though i know nothing about them. I'll just watch a few fanmade videos and she'll be right
These shorts are too short
There's a limit to everything
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Fuck I'm so sad plz not the teeth...
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elegant beauty but with a strange sense of humor and a heart of gold is one of my favorite tropes
shut up bitch
i volunteer
that's very nice anon but we have no fucking clue who that is
maybe take a break from gay erping and actually bother to get into them instead of using them as a vehicle for your homo grooming adventures, billlie are legit amazing
what if you are 100% spherically symmetric
do you think heejin is a slut irl
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moka is 20, I am 30
will she ever love me
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yeah i don't know them either. that girl tsuki is kinda cute.
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>we have no fucking clue who that is
story of her life
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update on haerin and jasontheween?
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>we have no fucking clue who that is
This is actually the ideal age gap
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this is billlie
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I'm just talking about concerts man. i listen to their songs but only know tsuki as gingamingayo girl
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Did it
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One of my fave idols

>Error: Duplicate file exists. here
the setup
the denouement
the reason
yea i remember gingamingayo going viral because of her. it's a small venue so we will bump into each other without knowing
billlie more like bulllie lol
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>elegant beauty but with a strange sense of humor
I call them womenchilds
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there are so many amazing girls stuck in nugu groups and i 100% blame big 4 payola bullshit, pushing everyone else out and leaving them no air to breathe
she'll just use you for sex
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like come the fuck on
there's so much to say about billlie i don't even know where to start
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hybeshill is going to spam l**s*o now again since everyone ignored him, isnt he?...
Who exactly did haerin kiss???
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yeah just compare to sea countries and especially japan where indie groups and bands are literally thriving right now
meanwhile korea is still stuck with this 1900s chaebol attitude where they're only listening to whoever pays the most to be listed on the fruit app its so stupid
why would a hybeshill spam leeseo, a starhip idol?
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Same reasoning as third worlders blaming whites for their shit countries when the truth is Yuehua is the worst company ever, taking the most stupidest decisions and is just fucking shit and evil
Plus Yuehua is rich, they have 0 excuse but being dumb. Big4 just make good use of their money
sick and tired of a*stralians on kpg
who's the most impressive one live? what do I need to know about her?
because he is a dive falseflagging obviously
why would you reply to a poster who's clearly mentally ill
just let him melt in peace
Koreans are sick of them too
aint we all bud
aussies are the worst aliens
There's that but also the fact that korean indie artists are trash mostly. Maybe it's the whole soulless mentality
the only thing i know about billlie is that there's an anon that keeps writing stories about sheon and bjs
also mutts that stay awake past their bed time
a hero
the bj queen
imagine those lips wrapped around your thingy and going to town with it
yeah but it's a self fulfilling prophecy you know why would talented indie artists even try to make it in the industry when it's so stacked against them
who you listen to?
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in terms of vocals haram has a slight edge over suhyeon, both are unironically in the top 10 for gen 4 vocalists, haram arguably top 5. their lines in the final part of nevertheless are insane
she likes acting like a lazy dork but she's actually an aerospace engineering student with a crazy work ethic
rei is so fuckable
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they not live here at all
categorically untrue i listen to a ton of korean indie artists and i even prefer them over japanese ones
Link your fave
the audio is a mess, the songs they perform on stage without choreos are live. i saw them
the indie group akmu is really good
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my wife
love hanni's thighs and legs so much
thank you i will be watching haram videos to know her better. an aerospace engineering student can't be this cute. who is the best English speaker in billlie?
kpgs biggest vocalfag here that billie link was definitely live
but with backtrack on most of members and shitty phone audio

>group akmu
They're shilled to hell and went to survival shows and whatnot, nothing indie about them
thanks antonio
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akmu is signed to YG lol
would honestly suprise me if there are more than 5 non big agency acts in the melon top 50
they look dorky and indie to me
Just like newjeans the indie queens with 5 millions of hybe payola
Do idols say merry christmas or happy holiday??
dang i didn't know minji was this cute
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asians struggle with the R sound so probably the latter
we need season 2 of Adari TV asap
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she's everyone's wife, brother
>haram videos
>it's haram
kpg getting islamised as we speak
kep1er is the best1er
메리 크리스마스

What prompt her to do this??
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with yunky gone suyun is now the visual
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kep1er and others
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that innocent little haerin is gone... destroyed by bang pd and his bully goons...
tripleS and the background dancers
hey keyypyoster
come on pekka, post pantsrin (1) too
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For me it's Runa
my favorite korean indie album of the last few years is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bne-gkvj7o&list=OLAK5uy_ke9pN_gtqEYBw7FP78hS0lbZu6CRP9jJg
best song if you only have time for one
smooching your wife
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why her hands orange?
>who is the best English speaker in billlie?
probably moon sua and suhyeon. moon sua has an interesting raspy voice too. very VERY powerful rapper but can sing too, and incredibly charismatic and a real leader. she and haewon are similar in that regard and also very good irl friends.
wonhy looks so fucking retarded it's endearing
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I like to share
too many carrots
Why did you crop out the only attractive member
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>yo pass the controller bro
good morning i love joobs and you should too
this fucking slut can get it omo
why are their faces like that
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it's a REALLY ugly guy taking the picture and the girls do not want to be there...
I hate those retarded lenses they all wear.
hanni after exiting the hybe elevator
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if you go see billlie live, siyoon's flipping a coin dance break is life altering. even if you don't know the songs you'll notice the audience reaching a fever pitch
kwak's small boobies
J is the only one over 7/10 (10)
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forgot my joobs
adequately gooky visage
Who's the pep guardiola of kpop?
hold on i'm retarded that was a korean concert, they're all dead there
her legs look amazing
honestly probably teddy
you convinced me at haewon. she's my favorite variety idol. it seems like moon sua is a real genuine idol. thank you I have a lot to look forward to
mina also self harms
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she's so delicious
none of our waifus is a bald fraud
qwer egg (kim gyeran)
sua mentioned thew grew close over the summer of 2023. that was when sua briefly came back after her brother's mourning period ended and tried to go back to normal before going on an indefinite hiatus in september. i assume they met while nmixx were promoting and sua was co-hosting show champion, and i can only imagine haewon said something real to her and they bonded over that and formed a connection. haewon has incredible empathy. they're both very special and thoughtful girls.
dreamnote chads we feast
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i'm not the usual one but hello
brazil crowd mogs
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probably, haven't viewed the sao paolo cams yet. working through the billlie americas tour backlog step by step
sua seems like a truly good person. it's awesome hearing tidbits of idols interacting outside of work like this. I would've never expected haewon to be such an empathetic person given her silly persona. this makes me love her even more. what do you know about suhyeon?
not a single ugly girl in dreamnote, crazy
ugly :\
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whats going on in tomi's head?
wait a minute you sound like you're from scotland
i actually think heejin posters want to BE heejin first and foremost
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so what
add an r to the beginning of that filename :)
well which exact heejin specifically
this but stayc posters
I'm aussie and going to the Sydney concert. he said suhyeon is good at english and I connect more with idols who can do that because I don't know korean
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probably the loona one if i had to guess
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Idol you want to fuck
Idol you want to be
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just wanna be me me me
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alright ask a bit later when the scottish suhyeon super fan clocks in
suhyeon is the second oldest member, almost 10 years in the business, used to be an actress as a teenager. she's a good actress too, very expressive, very smart, only haram is a better singer than her (i love suhyeon). went on an indefinite hiatus of over half a year at the same time as sua, for reasons that were never explained.
most of them
most of them

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