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Mediterranean edition

Thank you janny sister
>30 seconds in
this is awful
t. nu-male
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Honorary metal
It's very laid-back and cool
Yeah not metal but no worries, the Isis album is good
DId this band just take a Dark Souls screen shot and slap it on their album bra bra?
Ehnahre is jammin
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No that's probably actually somewhere in Europe
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The one who actually cancelled it was the current jewish president of Mexico, who governed that city at that time.
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Alright time for something better
Thank you sister for deleting your posts and reposting
I'm a dude but yeah your replies are bad takes so yeah had to repost
You're a retarded poster though

Definitely better than most of the music shared here this month
god i miss eeny posting. fuck you timer.
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Okay so basically they blew the entire decade the fuck out right at the end? Got it. 8/10
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what's YOUR AOTY?
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No I'm not but you sound jealous. My taste in metal is pretty great for being an outsider though
Are any of the trans girls itt cute? Don't be shy.
Not metal
Metal fans are metal and metal trans are metal. Checkmate
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>Are any of the trans girls itt cute? Don't be shy.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
This is a place for discussing music
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Oh, right....music. yeah I'm a fan.
Morbid Angel
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Links? Unopened.
Blastings? Ignored.
Yep, it's /metal/ time.
stop posting pictures of me
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I don't like this picture
Sorry Kim
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She kind of looked like this except not and I recognized her, again

Wow these people look really cool and not like literal nazis, nice
why are you a simp tho
I'm not a simp I just like posting models with the music, are you mad or actually dumb
you are mexican, that's why you say it
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It's an EP but it's the best thing I heard this year
How did you know I'm mexican, that's crazy
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what a cute little metal music guy
>i need to post models to stand out
attention whore
Jute Gyte
Ftm vibes
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brutal mogging

What about in this one? What if he was playing that tasty lick, and you came up in back of him and kissed his neck, like how bros greet each other in our scene?
add this
of course the overrated album gets the most votes
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Not clicking, weird post
Oh right, I mean I like girls too. I think I've had too much sugar, and I'm not really gay.
No, she wasn't a whore but I do believe she is a fan of mine
just add it and shut up fella.
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Wishing you luck on your transition
They are the new genuine metalheads
I don't think it's a coincidence that I bumped into her again, that's all I'm saying
NO MAN i didn't mean it, i don't want to kiss tim henson and make love to him, that's patently absurd that you would suggest it.
I am again wishing you luck on your transition
I was referring to the band and I was being sarcastic, but no worries
Is gay the same thing as trans?
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this is literally everything that everyone makes fun of black metal for, from the hilariously blasphemous lyrics and borderline parodic vocals to the most stereotypical artwork and album title imaginable, yet it totally works. is there anything else that has walked a finer line more precariously than this?
ah, they look incel chuds of course
What a cutie
Does he not want to be seen on camera because he is in diapers?
>borderline parodic vocals
Don't know what sounds parodic about it, Paul is one of the best bm vocalists ever
Just slept my first night with new electric blanket. Was too hot and I woke up early. I love sitting on my bed and slipping my hand under the covers feeling the warmth mmmm. I imagine things.
Additionally, I took a proper shower for the first time in a very long time. I had taken a shower a week ago, but the hot water tank wasn't set high enough. Before this, I had last taken a shower in May, when the pipes started leaking. I find that when I'm clean I get random boners. My boner has been stifled under dirt and dried cum.
I have a new 2k 360hz qd-oled monitor coming that I bought on black friday. Finally, a two monitor set up. Amazon needed a whole month to get it in stock. Everything is going to improve.
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Speak Finnish or die...
He's not in diapers he's just eating well
lunchtanic eatmaster
The trve nordvk blood of our land flows ever more
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>Before this, I had last taken a shower in May
Didn't read the post personally, looked like a very strange blogpost
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Scandinavian is just drunk english
that's Dutch
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Tfw been waiting over 20 minutes for my order
I'm playing brighter shores right now. Just ran across someone named "Anselmo".
he smol
thats in scandanavia or whatever isnt it
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stop playing video games
Walk, he has a vulgar display of power and will get you 5 minutes alone for domination.
Want to see my name?
what is this
runescape for homos?
Yeah fine one more game though okay?
Pretty much, yes.
Oh, the Netherlands in Scandinavia? Adorable. It's like saying Italy is part of the Arctic Circle. For your geographical enlightenment, the Netherlands is cozied up in Western Europe, nestled between Germany to the east and Belgium to the south, with the North Sea on the west and north which is nowhere near Sweden, Norway, or Denmark. But hey, I suppose both regions have windmills, so close enough, right?
Goddamn I hate Americans so goddamn much
>Goddamn I hate Americans so goddamn much
I just learned the other day that denmark and the netherlands were different places.
I used to think Netherlands was closer to Scandinavia too. We don't get education here on world geography man, we pretty much learn about slavery and negroes weeping anally eternally over slavery.
Speak for yourself, country peasant. Us West-coasters have a damn fine education system. Russia? Big fan. Very powerful country, very metal
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Play Stalker 2 instead
Unless you're from Massachusetts, your state's education is third-world tier
kill yourselves
>we pretty much learn about slavery
I legitimately did not learn of Martin Luther or the reformation until senior year of high school (age 17-18). Before then, if the name "Martin Luther" was spoken to me, I would have, without doubt, assumed this was a shortening of "Martin Luther King Jr.".
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seething again
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Clearly not because I'm much smarter than you lmao. Don't worry we'll send you some more vegetables soon
Yeah this, cringe hype expected from metal listeners
humor is correlated with high IQ and since Immortal were funny shitposters, them being the gold standard checks out
I'd heard of him, only because my family are devout religionists and so anything religion related was shoved down my throat. Still, no one taught me the interesting things about ML, like when he decided to roast jews in a book. My family worships jews and Israel.
It’s a legit turbo autist/schizo that posts from time to time. Always talks about his activities in a stilted manner and mentions how infrequently he showers. Part and parcel of /metal/, really.
Not this for sure
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Most midwestern huwhite people know Martin Luther because Lutheranism is (was) fairly popular
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Appreciate the lore update
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What's his favorite metal band?
Knocked Loose
Not metal.
>>>>>>>>>>>This video is only available to subscribers
we don't tolerate -coreshit here
Swallow the Cum
I tried inhaling and hurt my lungs again.
Metalcore is metal lol
Correct, and it riffs hard.
Probably because he kept talking so much shit about her, very mean -_-
That's a fucked feeling.
>metalcore is metal
incorrect, unless you also think a pineapple is an apple
According to the scholars, metalcore is indeed a subgenre of metal
There's always a few autists who get riled up every time at this, they still haven't figured it out lmao
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>the scholars
pineapple is a banana!
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Pineapple is neither a pine nor an apple
Metalcore is metal and hardcore
Literally just use google fucking hell
Holds up spork
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metalcore is not TRUE METAL
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Correct, it's a subgenre
Most languages use the word "ananas" for pineapple.
which one is Yeji
Any metal for the upcoming class war?
truly the reddit of fruit
I think the one on the extreme left.
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>we're not the fuckin' Beatles
>thank you very much
>"you're welcome"
Hasan getting anally raped with a fireplace poker
>a fireplace poker
More like a fireplace Piker! ha ha
batlord rools
Is it true that Metal is preferred and listened to by people with higher IQ? I'm listening to it a bit right now and I'm feeling stupid. When do I get smarter?
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still looking for a batlord gf
So true, babe, so true
I like the word "lord".
Tfw she finally invited me to the cool table
More like the poser table
Maybe I should add "lord" to my long title. I've decided on a long name beyond "Tyrant Screech".
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>invites you to the cool table
>can see you're nervous
>asks you to smile
>too nervous to smile
>she tells a funny joke and nudges you
>still don't smile or laugh
>she looks disappointed and is now uninterested
>rolls her eyes, grabs her food, and leaves
it still hurts
So like, the people who pretend to like metal but who actually think most metal is shit? Okay yeah
We had a tripfag for the longest time with that name here (circa 2011) I miss him, Also im a faggot
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Can you even screech at the top of your lungs or do you just shitpost about dogs and freemasons
Being 'cool' necessitates bowing to the whim of the mass.
Damn yeah your storyline sucks. Mine would be much better heh
let's hear it, faggot
I never shitpost about dogs or freemasons. Usually when I caw like a bird it's very light falsetto.
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It gets a bad rep
You look like this
Sounds like a loser take no offense

I would never desecrate my lovely feminine body with tattoos
Can tell she's been studying the cosmic codex, nice
bro, like, you sound like hella gay, like, kinda like a fag, like for real, like gay
Sounds like projection, not my problem heh
You sound like a faggot and I strive against your approval.
Usually tattoos look stupid but if you get cool ones like that Eddie ruling outer space tat then it's okay.
Yes indeed. Need gf
my voice is very manly and makes all the girlies swoon
>vocal fry
low t detected
sleep well metalheads
If vocarooposter is uncool, does that make him kvlt?
Correct. Black metal is inherently for losers.
You type like a trannard
Nah my vocal fry is high test and you're not at the cool table anyways so not my problem
I'm cool and you're not so no, you guys are the cvlt
I'm going to eat chicken burgers and pretend they're tim hensons hole. C ya losers....in like 20 minutes because I'll be back
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>"This is how out of the loop I was. I met him and he kind of reminded me of Squiggy from 'Laverne and Shirley'. Because I met him when I was a kid, too, at a baseball game. I met him and I was like, 'Wow, fuckin' Squiggy.' Anyway, I meet the guy and he's carrying a mace, but it looks like he stole the table leg off his mom's kitchen table and put, like, nails through it and shit. And he was wearing this $1.99 cape that you'd buy at the dollar store during Halloween. They brought me backstage and they said, 'Uranus, or whatever, from Mayhem is there and wants to meet you.' So I went out there and met him. And in his broken English, he said [in robotic, foreign accent] 'I did not have problem with you, but this band Gorguts They are not true Death Metal/Black-Metal band.' And I was just sitting there with a big shit-eating grin on my face like, 'Yeah, that's cool, man.' And I really didn't know the importance of the guy. To me he looked like another goofball fan".
gorebutts lol
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Olivia Rodrigo metal world

Fart Throne lol
Satanic Warmaster
eternal heils

I saw an item priced at $14.88 at walmart the other day.
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was it a Burzum shirt
You're a swarthy jewish-italian, zaz.
MyPillow is $14.88 on the tv commercials.

Gaytanic Fartblaster
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where are the thrash gfs
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unfathomably based
They're in serbia
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Is there any metal that's "sexually deficient uwu-incel"-vibed? I want the 'uwu' in my metal. I want it also uncool kvlt and dark.
see >>124880341
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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Are they really the only notable Spanish language metal band?
That's a pretty good rec, ngl.
My favorite tracks are
>My Dreams of Hitler
>Eaten By Rats
I was obsessed by this song for a short while:
pretty good, or
>muy bueno
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my fav video
We hate Squiggy and respect Glenny here..
are symptom of a down rlly getting back together
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I'm listening to Drowning the Light.
What are you going to do about it?
>australian black metal
I wonder what notes and scales he would play on my meat axe with his nimble fingers
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call you a nu-male
>taps on your balls
>bends your penis
percussionist, pffft
henny would play delicately with precision.
>not knowing that tapping is a guitar technique
fake timberly enjoyer.
Fair point maybe he'll tap the frenulum while he plays Eruption, and then I erupt for him.
I fucking lost it at "mom's kitchen table leg"
>Bald vocalist/guitarist in a BDM band
beloved here.
Who's surprised that I know the guitar player from this band

Who the fuck even are you?
All of a sudden I find myself really really wanting to play eruption. How hard can it be to learn? I think perhaps I want to play the Hammerfall cover -- it's better.
Do you have an example of the hammerfall version? I can't find it on yt
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FUCK it was rising force, not eruption.
sup brah brah
Yeah I can't play that shit lol. I can play eruption but probably not Yngwie, dood is a neo classical genius.
I loved Hammerfall in highschool. Great hits such as Angel of Mercy and Rising Force.
Let me give it a listen here, I have rising force the original but haven't heard your version. I'm very out of touch with newer bands as I'm 5000 years old
>my version
I haven't picked up a guitar in months. This is a pipe dream.
They really did rising force justice, slaps and bangs. The rhythm parts would be easy to learn, the lead would take some time but you could get there. With stuff like this, you have to practice it everyday for weeks.
I click on this every time it's posted.
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i-ron is the most metal element.
I am preparing to pick up my guitar (I'm not going to do it).
I feel you, I'm rusty rn too but trying to play as much as possible. Goodnight noni
this general lacks any discussion of metal philosophy. Where is the misanthropy? The depression? The environmentalism? The anti establishment sentiment

You do not understand metal if you are not aware of atrocities and don’t actively wish for a better world, free of greed, destruction and materialism. There is no talk of the spiritual aspect of metal in this general, just shit throwing
Also this is something that weak minded people cannot grasp about metal. It transcends left or right, it transcends politics and culture wars, it holds the disgusting truth close to its heart and then throws it back at the world to comfort the brave or to shake the blind
>You do not understand metal if you are not aware of atrocities and don’t actively wish for a better world, free of greed, destruction and materialism.
I wish for a worse world, full of greed and destruction. I do wish for less materialism, thoughever. Prescriptivism in metal should be universally derided, however, so go fuck yourself.
Metal is not only about music. Metal is not only about anger. Metal is not a vehicle for politics. Metal is not a podium for hatred. One must examine the purpose behind the statement of the art. For instance, death metal harnesses the power of primal brutality in order to use it for expression, for uplifting energy, to transcend weakness and to face horrors. Black metal uses misanthropy and anti establishmentism to transcend its hold on us and the free us from shackles, to challenge our conditioning and to wake us up. Doom metal harnesses the essence of our fatality, to take the meaninglessness of a failed experiment of humanity and to hold us and let us sit with it in order to face another day.

There is intent behind it all
>The environmentalism
If you wish for a worse world you should not be interested in subversive material. You should work in finance, this is all happening and it is getting worse. The is the mainstream trajectory and you have no place listening to music that exhibits expressions
The zoomer brain does not understand that metal is a fundamentally subversive expression. To be subversive is to hope for more out of this experience of life within society
If you trust the government, if you believe in technology fixing our problems, if you are not concerned with our trajectory as a race then you need to self reflect on why, and if you do that and do not feel differently then you do not have any business listening or engaging with a subversive counterculture

I am bringing the true spirit and intention of metal back. It has turned into pure entertainment, we need to bring the intention and the spirituality of metal back
I really enjoy that this general is mostly about the posters. I have no friends and the people here are the only people I know. It's kind of like an MMORPG: Every time I log in the same people are there.

Metal is dead anyway. What is there to talk about (again)?

All the old power metal greats are retiring. No vision; no innovation ... nothing but parody and mimicry now. No talent, either.

What else is there? The same old black metal, except this time gay.

PS. This guy makes me sick. I will never wear a californian smile.
Jdawg kino
There is plenty of great metal being made. This year has been incredible for the people who are really paying attention, consider that you are not really paying attention to what is happening in metal. Metal has actually split recently, the true underground has come back and bands have stopped trying for relevancy or mainstream acceptance, then there is the other side of the split, the mimicry and the grovelling for attention. Metal was floundering after briefly being picked up and then spat out by the mainstream, it is better now that the real musicians don’t give a single fuck about the amount of listenership
>You should work in finance
I unironically attend an Ivy League school majoring in math, so ya, finance is where it's at
I'm not paying attention.

I am legitimately low T.

Underground in which genres?

Nothing else matters.
Great, do every single normal person a favour and torture your psychopathic insect body to death. Stay out of metal
Too bad, I'm going to be milking retards like you for everything they're worth
when you stop listening to it
poser central
Black metal is the genre with arguably the most grovelling and mimicry out of the true metal genres. But yes, there was a great number of great black metal albums this year. Try to look for black metal that avoids atmospheric tones and political perspectives.
>roiding for THIS
If it ain't cathartic I'm not interested. Black metal needs to be beautiful for my soul.

>political perspectives
Chud only, please, unless it's ska punk.

And what about power metal? "a great number of power metal albums this year" is a belief I can't imagine will ever happen again.
Was this post supposed to aggravate me? There have always been, and will always be people like you. I don’t care, most people are shit, big surprise. I merely encourage you to do us a favour and take yourself out if you don’t intend to do any good with your life. I honestly find it sad that you people misunderstand our place in the cosmos so much, you have to have a poor sense of self and perspective to do the things you want to do. I may be on the ‘losing’ end of society but the experiences I’ve had and the emotions I feel have been golden my whole life. When I go to the forest and gaze at the tree tops, when I spend weeks camping outdoors, when I sit around the fire with the people I love, when I practice rituals for the seasons and worship nature/the cosmos, I wouldn’t trade anything for it.
I honestly don’t pay too much attention to power metal sorry. I got into as a kid but I do not follow it any longer, I’ve never felt much from it
Power metal is my soul. Comparitavely, I feel little from black metal. Not enough black metal cries.
I can respect that, my taste in black metal is very limited to small niche scenes, for instance the Lithuanian pagan scene is one I always return to

It’s not new but you might enjoy this, maybe not. It has some power metal influence
I'm stale. A problem with being eternal: My soul never changes.

My ears are fucked right now and thus I can't analyse properly. Sounds fine but there's not enough melody and vibrato for me.
Tobi Sammet
I watched the music video for "creepshow" and it was fucking horrible. I was hoping for something good but I think he's totally washed.
american hours when?
As soon as we get back from church

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