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What are the most /n/ films?
For me its Kontroll, the hungarian masterpiece
>Opens with a budapest transit official say they were happy to help make this film, but please don't think it reflects on our actual service
>Entirely set in the subway
>Excellent soundtrack
The only /n/ film I have watched was the "new"
Pelham 123 with denzel washington and (i think) john travolta
so, any suggestions?
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Emperor of the North Pole
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Yeah, that's pretty hard to beat, great movie with a good amount of railway autism. All I can think of are The Warriors and The Sting, which respectively feature the NYC Subway and the 20th Century Limited.
Streetcar workers in Mexico City take their old car out for one last drunken ride
The General is the GOAT. Buster Keaton was a big foamer and he retrofitted an Oregon branch line to 1862 Georgia and did mind blowing stunts, including the most expensive shot in silent film history.
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So strange to see a mexican movie from that time shot largely on location and portraying trams. It's also an entertaining light comedy.
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"Bullet Train", japanese movie from 1975. Basically it's Speed, where some criminals put a bomb on a train which will explode if it goes too slow. But the original japanese cut goes really deep into the characters of the criminals. Little known certified /n/-kino
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I can't fathom how people back in the day didn't appreciate it. Sure it's not the usual madcap comedy Keaton did usually, but the whole film is just so amazing in its entirety.
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This one is really great if you like those horror films from the 60s-70s, it's all set on a train in russia in the late 19th century. Also Kojak out of fucking nowhere.
>Victorian era heist film
>written and directed by Michael Crichton
>Sean Connery
>about a train robbery
what's not to love? Well okay it's a tad slow at times, but still kino just for how unique and well made it is.
Great trainporn if you're into 19th century railroading, also pretty significant as one of the first big budget westerns alongside Stagecoach.
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Holy shit thats a fucking sad movie.
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Nothing for this classic /n/ related aviation movie?
Nothing compared to "Snakes on a Train", especially the ending.
Good flick, just watched it again the other day, still amazing that Connery did all his own stunts.
Pulled by this Irish beauty
New York was close to 75% white in 1970, the closest year we have demographic data for to when that movie was released. But we probably shouldnt be discussing racial demographics /pol/ style on /n/
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This and the General (1927)
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More Buster Keaton with trains. The Railrodder was filmed just before he died and he was still doing wild athletic stunts.
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What the fuck was this guy's problem?
how has no one posted the classic yet?

That video made the movie look much more awesome than it was.
You just unlocked some memories.
He wasn't even a bad guy, he was rude to Bulcsu because Bulcsu was a literal murderer.
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A Russian movie i once found in a pirate DVD store years ago, about a tunnel flood in the Metro
Breaking Away
yes, the action centers on his road race against the Italian team and the track race finale, but in between he constantly rides for transportation, including 50miles into town where he motor paces a semi
Harold Lloyd’s Speedy is a 1928 comedy where he plays the driver of the last horse powered streetcar in NYC. Shot on location, it features streetcars, elevateds, subways, taxis, Coney Island, crazy stunts and a Babe Ruth cameo.
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Has bus, plane, and subway train. True /n/ movie.
not about transportation but features a lot of bicycles, trains and planes
No-one fucking posted it yet?
no because it's unfunny boomer shit
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Hasn't aged perfectly, but it's pretty funny
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The new one is pretty fun as well.
Looks like train guys have train movies covered. For cycling the best movie is

Breaking away

The best comfy documentary is either louis lemalles Viva la Tour or Hell of the North which is GOAT.

There were a whole bunch of old bmx freestyle and mtb extreme downhill videos that got passed around back in the day
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They also have Golden Boy.
I've only heard terrible things about it tbqhwymf
It's a rather strange film that falls somewhat outside a usual silly comedy from the 80s imhotep. It has a certain freshness that reminds me of student films (the ones that aren't pretentious in black and white). It's by no means free of flaws, but I think it's entertaining and memorable.
Where? A friend just told me that a number of critics called it bad for not being as dark as they expected when it never tries to be anything but an action comedy. And I think it did that pretty well all in all.
I guess I just don't find annoying, insufferable, clueless, fat characters funny. it's the reason the simpsons went to shit, for one.
Well, you make *me* laugh, at least.
>Johny "Eyeliner" Derp

Yeah, I think I'll pass on this one.
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Superior version comin' thru
what's funny to me is people feeling personally insulted when someone doesn't like the things they do
That's a toilet cleaning anime with gratuitous cycling scenes.
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>hijacking the ATC from a church
im thinking kino
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How about airplane movies?
there's far more cycling than toilet cleaning
>The edge (2010)
Shit movie, some cool loco scenes.
God bless Cameron's autism.
>Runaway train
Prime Eric Roberts and Jon Voight, also kino shots of the train on the snow.
Fine disaster movie.
Among the Peckinpah's best.
G*rman direct to TV attempts at Titanic. Notable because not many movies about those events.
>Flight Crew
2016 remake, it is a standart 70s plane movie but russian with Tu-204 (or soviet from 1979).
>Ice breaker
2016, the name says it all.Was mogged 8n theaters by Flight Crew
The midnight meat train, basically a guy killing niggers on a train to feed reptilian aliens
looks like Usyk
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how come to one mentioned train to busan? I thought it would be an obvious pick
I think some of you train people would enjoy this movie. Its pretty much just a train line trying to beat a bus line One plot point is that the trains obsessed guy has to learn how to drive a train for real to save the line or something.

Also, I think American Made is the best flying movie ever made. I just wish they cast someone that actually liked like Barry
Nasu: Summer in Andalusia is pretty kino too
Movistar the least expected day
noone mentioned this yet?
taking of pelham 123
There's a HD version too from about 2015, was a pain to download due to the low seeders but looks amazing. Also recommend
>Never in the history of human existense have 239 people been declared dead on the basis of mathematics alone
Yeah faggot, except for Waratah, Arctic, Naronic and shitload of other missing ships. Great fucking lakes have their own like that, Bannockburn, and those are fucking LAKES, not OCEANS.
>I had to investigate
No, you have your little peepee hard from social media instant gratification and cheap popularity so you essentially sell conspiracy theories to the mourning relatives of the dead.
>But some danger hair 50yo hag with more cats than children saw some white shit in the sea on google maps, and she is adamant from googling "how philippinean airbus 777 looks like" that it is the parts of a missing plane
Yeah, she and a billion of other easily impressed bitches that want to star as themselves in a docudrama abiut saving humanity.
God i hate journo "investigators" like you wouldn't believe, and i am a journo myself. Also, there is no organisation with "free", "independent", "open" or some other big word like that that you can or should trust, ever.
Inspiring schizo ramble, what's the movie?
"MH370: the plane that disappeared". Latest N*tflix crap.
Are they still milking that nonsense? CNN burned out all the shits i had to give in the first week.
>"MH370: the plane that disappeared".
>Latest N*tflix crap.
Aren't most Netflix documentaries exceptionally awful schlock and basically completely overproduced TV junk?
How about some trucking movies? Anyone know any good trucking movies?
DUEL, of course.
Smokey and the Bandit. Convoy, too, but I always mix up whether the song came from the film or the film was based on the song
smokey and the bandit
the great smokey roadblock
bj and the bear (tv show)
maximum overdrive
I'm going to invoke the episodic short films over the Spielberger movie. Tintin is very optimistic about international and domestic travel. I think the comics always featured how he transited to different locations, usually on romantic era commercial airline
Fact: Outlaw trucker films are cringe.
Fact: Train kino is abundant.
Fact: Cyclekino doesn't exist.
>Cyclekino doesn't exist.
Pee Wee Herman would disagree
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My favorite ones are when they fly in a seaplane airliner.
>Train kino is abundant.
If only
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Haven't seen this since it was broadcast as a made for tv movie back when I was a kid.
It probably sucks.
>Atomic train
>the final stop is deadly.
>Mushroom cloud behind an EMD and a helicopter
>Rob Lowe; Kristin Davis; Esai Morales
Anon there is no possible way this sucks.
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The Red Tent - about the 1930's italian attempt to reach the north pole by airship.
Most of it hasn't aged well, but the crash scene is fantastic.
>modern goyslop
>/n/ - transportation
>nobody has posted “planes, trains and automobiles” starring John Candy
All of you should feel ashamed of yourselves

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mi scusi
Extremely based
This is what that one anime with the shortstack ripped off isn't it
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yes!! nasu is amazing. i like it more than watching real racing actually
I actually didn't watch it at first because I thought it was going to be more along the lines of John Wick than the comedy it actually was. I didn't know about the original Bullet Train novel it was based on at the time. Then chatted with some coworkers about it and decided to watch it based on their feedback. Glad I did, it was hilarious and very writing still felt very Japanese despite the international cast.

This movie fucks up at every attempt at aviation knowledge but BY GOD it’s exactly what makes it such a kino film
>you can just take complete control of ATC from a church
>you can “lower” the surface to make planes crash land
>planes running on empty explode like bombs
>passenger jets have ejector seats in the cockpit
>there’s manholes on the runway
>all those runways at dulles aren’t even real
>planes don’t have alternative airports planned in case of bad weather
>planes don’t just land at reagan instead
>there isn’t a warning that tells the pilot some dickhead cop opened up the fuel dump
>jet fuel lights up if someone throws a lighter on it
>flames can climb up a jet fuel stream that is essentially aerosol
>you can blow up a plane by lighting a trail of jet fuel leaking from it
>you can land planes on an icy runway in quick succession without them crashing into each other
This movie triggers /k/ as well.
>stun guns can knock people out, and aren't only effective for the period that you're tasing someone and then just pain compliance afterward unless you tase them more.
>"That' punk pulled a Glock 7 on me. You know what that is? It's a porcelain gun made in Germany. It doesn't show up on your airport x-ray machines and it costs more than you make in a month."
Glock 17, polymer gun, made in Austria, readily detected by airport metal detectors, and is a middle of the road pistol price-wise, although back then probably a little cheaper than middle of the road. Expensive for what they are though, which is crap.
>you can kill someone by stabbing them through the eye with a typical unsharpened icicle.
I don't even remember the deal with those magazines with different tape colors marking them.
>you can unload an entire clip of blanks into airport security to prove a point in front of a shitload of cops without being turned into Swiss cheese by said cops
>>planes don’t just land at reagan instead
Reagan is like a fifth the size of Dulles, and once those transcon widebodies land, they aren't taking off again. RWY 1/19 is only 6900'. The biggest aircraft I have seen at Reagan was a 762 Delta used as a test flight. BWI would be a better suggestion.
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Has a zebra ass in it so it appeals furries, too.
Inconceivably based
Extremely based. Oldschool NFB stuff is always excellent.
As I kid I always liked the movie Money Train. The plot is not exactly about transportation, but the entire plot nonetheless revolves around the heist of a NYC subway service train that transports the cash fares from different stations to get deposited. Pretty brainless Hollywood action and slight comedy with lots of scenes in subway tunnels, stations and on all kinds of different vehicles and operations of the subway.

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Subway takes place in a subway
My birthday is on July 14th
>They didn't even bother matching the names to the faces
This is a bad movie isn't it?
>They didn't even bother matching the names to the faces
They never do. Something to do with contractual billing order.
The movie is pretty good for what it is - a silly 90's action flick.
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Ships are underrepresented in this thread.
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>planes don’t just land at reagan instead
>land at reagan instead
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Not really an /n/ movie, but the spaceport scenes were kino af
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Do shopping carts count?

Concrete Rodeo is better, though
I cried, when I was 8-10 years old watching it.
Your Name, Weathering with You, Suzume.

These anime movies by the same director, where there are crazy amount of train scenes. There's also Colorful, another anime, there's a 15 minute section in the middle of the movie, about a fictional defunct tramway line.
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you can't tell me space trucking isn't /n/!@
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Underrated post.
is that a light sabre?
it's a torch
Old pelham 123
It's decent but the ending is AWFUL
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movie Virus 1999
Surprised no one posted this yet. Very kino
>arthouse "comic drama" about le quirky off the solitary guy starring peter dinklage
wow this sounds incredibly bad.
Chaplin was kind of the father of this awful concept of starting the movie as a comedy to get you emotionally attached to the terribly written characters, and then throw cheap drama at you.
I remember it being rather entertaining.
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That's a Fairbanks-Morse C-Liner.
Movie came out in 1999, last C-Liner operating was 1975.
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I like Source Code
best thread on 4chan
I found The Edge alright. I visit it every now and again to go back to those amazing loco race sequences.
Fantastic movie from a technical standpoint.
I aspire to become a director who could orchestrate a train crash with real trains.
solid movie.
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It's called Tram and it's about a tram driver who gets off being a tram driver. Can't find the full link but here's two of the trailers for it.
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Polar Express. Surprised many people forgot about this one with Tom Hanks.
lmao i forgot about this
The animation in this movie always creeped me out. talk about uncanny valley.
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Gadgetbahn to the center of the earth to nuke the inside. Lots of pseudoscience and some hollywood hacker kino.
>planes don’t have alternative airports planned in case of bad weather
iirc there's a throwaway line by the head ATC guy that most of the planes circling Dulles HAD been diverted to surrounding airports, but the bad weather + holiday schedule meant that a handful of planes had no choice but to land at Dulles anyway. It's a little lazy writing-wise but at least they address it
Over the top
Must be some more ship movies
It's a fun movie in a /tv/ sense, but as an /n/fag their depiction of a bullet train should have you calling for blood.
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it's currently free on youtube
I had a teacher in highschool who told me this was his favorite movie and I should watch it.
I didn't.
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Chosen because he’s autistic
I saw this thread last time I browsed 4chan. This is probably the slowest board amongst all the well known ones
autist keeps going to jail for trying to operate a subway train. hes actually good at it. its histerical
>blanks can reliably cycle a roller-delayed blowback SMG
I like it.
I can check it monthly.
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I love this movie.
This looks incredible
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>Opens with a budapest transit official say they were happy to help make this film, but please don't think it reflects on our actual service

>It perfectly reflects their actual service
Outstanding cast, as usual on any A. Christie’s film.
BASED film, watched it two times with my roommate kek
>It perfectly reflects their actual service
>High likelyhood of being shoved onto the tracks
>Staff routinely murder/suicide on the job
>Sport made of outrunning express trains
Is it really so?
It really is a special film, unique aesthetic.
I visited Budapest back in the days when their central square was still named after Moscow. the door mechanism of the metrovagonmash wagons scared the shit out of me.
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Holy shit, it was implied this guy messed his leg up railing, but I think we know what actually happened.
QRD, i heard bad things.
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Why tf would you tailgate on a bike?
he was drafting and fucked up
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It's available free for streaming at 720p here. HD includes resolutions at or higher than 720p.
Ublock seems to work, too.
lmao, i thought this scene was cringe as a kid but its alright. especially with the new soundtrack.
The movie is fantastic, but I like the TV version because of how it's more sombre rather than having them offer a toast at the end.
this movie was terrible as is everything with tom hanks. it also didn't need to be 2 hours, it could have been a youtube clip
Is he a planefucker like most furries are? Or a trainfucker? I mean there is a lot of stuff on e621.
yeah, it's bad. but it begs the question, who did the best version of the Orient Express?
>who did the best version of the Orient Express?
David Suchet is the only legitimate Poirot.
Polyphia - Playing God Guzheng Cover | Moyun Official
>A man and a train, a train and a man
>They both tried to run as far and as fast as they can
>But a man's not a train and a train's not a man
>A man can do things that a train never can

>Goin' up a mountain even half way to the top
>The minute that a train runs out of steam it's gotta stop
>But it's a different story when a man runs out of steam
>He still can go a long, long way on nothin' but a dream
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Atlas Shrugged is the most /n/ movie ever imo. Couple of industrialists builds trains and competes against cars
I read the book. I quite like it. Despite the fact that the author clearly had autism, based on how she wrote people.
Russian author has unique Russian style writing.
Dam, Boris Johnson was hot
so named since 1998
Happy birthday, thread!
I enjoyed the aspect of that character being judged by the ghosts of the crew. Rarely would any director do that.
A forgotten train robbery movie from the 1969. Worth a watch once
Does it have a name?
No, not really.
best NC movie
That's Jean-Paul Belmondo in the pic, so must be The Brain aka Le Cerveau in French as seen on the newspaper behind him.
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move aside faggots
kino has arrived
Dog Day Afternoon.
Seinfeld and Broad City each have episodes about taking the subway in a rush to gay weddings.
>Broad City
Shame on you
More /k/ than /n/ desu they jerk off to fighter planes over there. But Miyazaki has lots of awesome portrayals of planes n trains for sure

Loved the film too
>So strange to see a mexican movie from that time shot largely on location and portraying trams
Why is this strange? did they not have trams then?
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Mine too! What this have to do with this movie? Honestly curious.

One of my favorites.
isn't luise bunuel a spaniard?
Yes, but he did most of his work in Mexico
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First time I'd ever seen an airplane towed by oxen
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Empire of Dust is full of n content
Supertrain, from 1979. A broad-gauge atomic-powered luxury train, the show was trying to be "Love Boat" on rails. It was pretty awful. You can find some of the episodes on Youtube.
Is it? Was there any transit in it at all?
Mexico city had a pretty large tram system which actually worked as a sort of interurban system between the city and outlying towns, which nowadays are completely grown together.
But I meant because mexican films from the 40s and 50s were shot largely on sound stages and never showed trams or much realistic city life.
Rips off the above film. The speed they can't go below even stays the same (80kph is 50mph)
Well, it's about building a road
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I remember seeing trailers for this and thinking it looked like unwatchable garbage. How was it?
>ctr+f pacific blue
>no hits
I saw it when it first came out. Still watch it on occasion.
An absolute classic, top quality.
Based Buster Keaton posters
Sorcerer is true ki/n/o.

I just watched it for like the third time a few weeks ago. Such an amazing kino. I love how everything is sleazy and gross, both visually but also the characters themselves.
(Sorcerer is its remake, and another one is apparently just released https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRrqa3nD2YY)
It’s good. The movie was buried by people that profit from oil.
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This is a good if you’re literally autistic when it comes to trains.

up in the air
soul plane
ghost ship
deep rising
executive decision
air force one
pushing tin
throw momma from the train
red eye
darjeeling limited
before sunrise
broken arrow
night on the galactic railroad
north by northwest
strangers on a train
dr. strangelove
flight of the pheonix
us marshalls
passanger 57
flight 97
united 97
six days seven nights
captain ron
the poseidon adventure
the perfect storm
life of pi
mutiny on the bounty
pirate radio
death ship
going over board
jason and the argonauts
black dog
joy ride
near dark
the hitcher
around the world in 80 days
>dr. strangelove
WMD mass transit
is the hit song in this movie?
>pedo maniac is getting away in the end

How do you think?
KONTROLL is a very mystical movie. Highly recommended if you are a cinema connoisseur
A fellow enthusiast
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This movie is awesome
I really liked the first half, but it got to weird for me at the end.
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>No Quicksilver
This is the movie that got me to learn track stands
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Malaysia Airlines 370 was flown to Diego Garcia Military Base in the Indian Ocean. One of the passengers, Philip Wood, managed to put his iphone in his underwear before the plane was unloaded and sent a voice to text message to an acquaintance along with a black photo that had GPS coordinates in the exif data of a hanger on Diego Garcia.

5 months after MH370 went missing it was shot down over Ukraine as MH17. The two planes were identical except for a window behind the boarding door which confirms the alleged MH17 shot down over Ukraine was in fact MH370. The passengers aboard had been embalmed to preserve their bodies but were all wearing winter coats in the middle of summer. This was Obama administration and Ukraine working together to blame Russia for shooting down a civilian airliner - the story quickly and quietly got swept under the rug when it was revealed that Russia had not used those SAM missile for nearly 15 years and it was actually Ukrainians posing as Russians that shot it down. The real flight MH17 was cancelled 24 hours before departure.
Take your pills and come home.
We miss you and are worried.
>it was revealed that Russia had not used those SAM missile for nearly 15 years
If the war in Ukraine has taught us anything, its that anything the Russians claim to have withdrawn from service is very much still in service.
I think if it was any actors other than Martin and Candy, the movie would've fallen flat
Not saying they carried it 100%, but they were a big part of what made it good
Galaxy Express 999 is a old classic. All about traveling to space by Train.
Rail Wars as well for something recent.
Should i watch the old or the new one?
Weird, disjointed movie but it's the best we have for zeppelin movies
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Trains and street cars are quite prominent in Reds
the whole 3rd act of this movie is on a Zeppelin
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this movie prominently features a trucker

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