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A woman who is in a sexual relationship with an aeroplane has revealed that she travelled abroad 30 times in the last year just to spend quality time with her lover.

Sarah Rodo, from Dortmund, Germany, found love on her first flight with a Boeing 737 - after an unfulfilling attempt to date humans.

Since then, the 23-year-old has also 'met' 60 figurines and three larger models who she considers part of a 'collective being' that she is dating, and so she often refers to her lovers as one.

Keeping up a relationship with an object requires real commitment.

The avid jet-setter is so loved up that she has booked 30 mini-breaks in the last 12 months just to be close to her original beau, the Boeing 737.

Despite their many trips together, Sarah, who identifies as objectum sexual [having a sexual or romantic attraction to an inanimate object], is heartbroken that she's never been fully alone with her partner.

Sarah said: 'I'm proud to be objectum sexual – it's a wonderful sexuality, the only sad thing is that I can't be alone with a real plane.

'I flew a lot in the last year to be with the Boeing as often as I possibly could, I took about 30 flights and always combined it with a city trip or vacation.

'I also love to travel and discover new things [in the cities].

'With my love, I've travelled to Stockholm, Malmo, Copenhagen, Budapest, Vienna, and Paris.

'I also often visited Katowice in Poland as a day tour.'

Although Sarah struggles to have alone time with her beloved aircraft, she has an impressive collection of models that she also shares a bed with.

She is so devoted to her planes that she's forked out over £3,550 on 60 figurines and three large models of her significant other.
She refers to her partner(s) as one, calling it 'Dicki' and says its wings are the sexiest thing about it.

Sarah added: 'I currently own three large models. They are made of fibreglass and cost €4,000 (£3,550).

'I also have many small models, over 60 in total, and they are custom-made.

'Many are from airlines or from travel agencies, with the larger models measuring between 1.25m and 1.6m long.

'I also have five aeroplane tattoos. The newest is a 737-800 on the right forearm.'

Sarah has also recently met a new plane, Charlie, who she is enjoying getting to know.

The 23-year-old still hopes to wed the 737 series. She has previously shared how she cannot legally marry her lover despite their strong bond but has now hinted that there may be wedding bells in the near future.

She added: 'I also have a new bigger model that looks like Dicki, but he has more detailed wings... his name is Charlie.

'Currently there are small plans to get married to the 737 series. However, I will not move abroad.

'In the meantime, I have my models and will continue going on trips to hang out with planes.'
why not a340-600, or 747-8, or 777-9?
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as a bikesexual, I hold no judgement against aerosexuals
Wait, am I reading this right? She intends to marry the entire 737 series? The whole model range? What a slut.
>from Dortmund, Germany
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Tbh I get this. I have a deep connection to the DC-9 family of aircraft, including the MD-80 and Boeing 717. Nothing "sexual" of course but every time I get to fly one it makes my day, and I always sit by the engine. I also have a model of a Caravelle (design inspiration for the DC-9) that I'm working on.
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I get it. I understand completely.
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Fly on a navy c-9 nightingale cross america; all the seats are so far infront of each other I could extend my feet as far as possible and have 5 inchs left over.

Best plane, flew back on the then new navy 737, seating is economy tier.
>gets out-competed by more attractive females
>goes insane
>gets insane person haircut
>has 'sex' with model airplanes
>IC 2370 sign
Is she some sort of trainsexual?
Boys I think I found the woman that will love me

>have Norwood 3
>hairs go point like in middle forehead and then. Go full steam backwards toward the temples, giving me a very aero shape
>reverse pear like face shape, so forehead is large and chin is small, very much like an airplane
>also dumbo ears, it's my wings

So there is love for everyone
Glad she is enjoying her authism without too much troubles.
I could fix her.
Are you an airplane?
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>unfulfilling attempt to date other men.
,,,dude,,getajob!,,maybengine mech?,drain the oil,pump thetires,,empty the latrine,,buff the wings,,,,but NO you lay onanime pillowand figurine?,wheres flush rivet earings?
,,,allways wanting to just ride,,,hitch thetug
for pushback,fag.
I wanna see her get fucked by a 737
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Patrician taste
relationship? with whose consent?
sounds more like she's sexually harassing those poor planes
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Why not a 727? Are backset wings, rear engines and T-tails not as sexy as it gets for airliners?
Someone tell her that Max has suicidal tendencies.
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>after an unfulfilling attempt to date humans.
How do you mentally destroy a woman you're breaking up with so hard that they give up on men and start fucking $4,000 model airplanes? (No seriously, tell me. I must learn this technique.)
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When a girl does this with a plane she gets sympathetic MSM coverage
When I do this with trains I get called "an autistic virgin"
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sexy sporty young tomboy trains opening their coupling gear housing...
I wanna stick my hand inside
>woman has extremely basic tastes in a specialized field of interest
Imagine my shock
you sir, are the best poster.
>posting uncensored trussy on a blue board
Worshipping her big sisters' wheelsets!
And you get doxxed by kiwifarms members. It's great to be the next ChrisChan, isn't it?
Just imagine what her babies will look like!
That's a woman?
built for Big Boeing Cockpit
genuinely quite based
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>(aroused giggle) Hm? you want to peek inside my coupler housing? Pervert...
ctrl + f "hot"
phrase not found

>Oh look its got a cute little co.....Its gets bigger.
Something tells me that she uses some model planes to masturbate

I think we know exactly what model she uses too.
I honestly got a small chub when it opened.
wtf is this board doing to me
I once loved a bus for its bussy
Is all of /n/ in this thread?
this is one of the most /n/ things to happen in recent memory.
She can ride in my cockpit... You know, handle my thrust lever... Maybe even sit on my captains quarters... Sex...
Unless you're a 737 I don't think she's interested.
That's a femme-butch crossover who is so manly ke's not afraid to take cocks from airplanes.
even a commercial airliner isnt enough to get cheated on
>Oh you are just *precious*. I'm an 802, and I go *both* ways ... I'm bi-mode.
>(suggestively lowers pantograph)
>These big, powerful generators aren't just for show, honey.
>(floor begins subtly vibrating)
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I have an airplane in my pants, if you know what I mean...
>Unzips the hanger bay
>She added: 'I also have a new bigger model that looks like Dicki, but he has more detailed wings... his name is Charlie.
Chad wins again
living the dream
She would prefer the Airbus for its Airbussy.
I guess "I'm in a romantic relationship with a cartoon character" doesn't have the same ring to it as a femoid fucking planes or they would have featured my bodypillow and I on the front page by now.
It is never too late the daily mail would love to feature you on their website!
sex with trussy
>not a 757
Wow would be crazy if someone threw her in a mental institution and called it a day.
Yes it does, indeed. Encyclopedia Dramatica features on Furries for a good reason. Planefags on the other hand seem to be sane enough to not be lolcows all the time.
Why? Is she a threat to herself or others in some way? This is batshit insane but its harmless.
God why does the 340 look so good? Shame it failed hard. Man I'd fuck one of these, the single deck four engine thing is hot as fuck.

Patrician taste also extends to the RJ/146
Why is it always Germans
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Germans love this sort of shit and real shit I think it is autism.
Wow would be crazy if she rode my dick
It's always harmless until it isn't... straight jackets stop violent crime.
Her dad is just happy its not in Turkish airlines livery
A Berliner woman did the same in 2019, in a physical relationship with and engaged to a Boeing 737-800.
The same chick also tight-laced her waist to 16", and yet these two tidbits about her never get mentioned in the same article.
Jay Dyer has pointed out certain news stories getting recycled over and over, e.g. life or water on Mars.
I wonder if this is one of those.
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Thanks, loving God for making her dote on that hunch of plastic while I suffer from loneliness.
post pics or gtfo
Why don't you buy a plane ticket anon maybe you'll get lucky
>gets insane person haircut
¿¿What did he mean by this?
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of all the planes ever made, you chose the most basic fucking plane in the sky.
How common do you figure it is for girls to be sexually attracted to large machines?
There are enough videos of girls cumming on slingshot rides, and all of them have their vibrators of course.
>How common do you figure it is for girls to be attention seeking?
Bretty common, fren.
Thank you anon, I needed this proper context.
I've missed this before which lost me a sexual partner.
Warms up with the left, then tries with right.
I'm German. Please exterminate us for the sake of mankind.
>objectum sexual
so, dildos and fleshlights?
was it really necessary to classify this as it's own sexual orientation?
What do you expect from women?
>moid has to tryhard his tastes and to make his supposed sophistication public in front of other tryhards
Imagine my shock
I'd buy you a pint irl, we have the same favourite planes.
germans are a different breed
>Dortmund, Germany
like clockwork
I'm too busy laughing at you to pull the trigger.
This is just plane wrong.
I can fix her
Woman detected.
good taste, anon
i'm kinda sad delta and aa retired their md-80s, at least i got to fly on one of them before they did
this feels wrong somehow.
Same but me not a model airplane.
That's not a woman
This is a blue board anon!
I recently met a bicycle version of topic related leading a group ride. She was so cute and we were both spazzing out from anxiety while talking to each other. She had short feminazi blonde hair, tatts, smol skinny frame, quiet shaky voice, yellow 90s Trek 930, and good Lord, I want to fix her... but as a bikesexual myself, I know it'll only lead to more bikesexual degeneracy.
what is there to fix? seems like a good catch. reminder that the "I can fix her/him" instinct is just projection. the one who needs fixing is you.
I'm a short hair tomboy addict and that is too much even for me.
this is what """tomboys""" in real life look like anon, your hollywood/anime version of them isnt real
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I don't want to believe it anon!
>She intends to marry the entire 737 series? The whole model range?
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My tastes run towards the exotic.
interesting choice.
I accidentally clicked on /n/ instead of /mu/, does this sort of thing happen often over here?
i bet she fuck like a fighter jet
That look was supposed to be sleazy and gross at the time and now it's the default look for men who care how they look and/or don't want to commit social suicide

Funny how that happens
Not so much. This board used to be fun and degenerate, now it's just high school kids whining about how their parents won't buy them a car
Atleast clean it afterwards you dirty whore
They took this from us. Paint strippers that work.
Give it back!
It would be interesting to see if I could make her cum showing her my designs and other various works as an Aerospace Engineer.
Surprisingly autistic comment, even for this thread.
Do you think it would work?
why is it always Germans

Unless you have a 747 fursuit I don't think she'd come anywhere near you.
Try it
I've heard of flights of fancy, but this is just plane crazy.
Why are you guys drooling over her? She's ugly and retarded.
In b4 F40PHM 210 or twotenney.
She is interested in our hobby's anon
Not true, on the comments normies are calling her pathetic and ugly. They dont have any sympathy for objectum sexuals of either gender
Those comments are great.
Its normies bullying people like us
do you fuck objects?
ITT: minors figure out the world can be a bit weird

Walk into a retirement home and try to explain to 6 dozen geriatric boomers that a zoomer fucks planes and I think they'd be just as perplexed.

This is not normal and is a psychiatric issue, but since it's just sexual there's no real harm done (unless she starts breaking into airports to ride aircraft).
As a misogynist, yes.
Now THAT'S what I call "Travelling a broad!"
I am going to be honest, I just came to this board from /u/. What the hell is this? Why are there lesbian trains?
>Keeping up a relationship with an object requires real commitment.

I almost said these are the smartest words to come out of a womans mouth but it appears they are a troon.
what she is doing is a crime against the environment and by extension humanity. She could also be into a plane and not fly in it, wasting ressources and producing emissions. There is nothing wrong with bicycles. Also not with using them. Quite the opposite. A man can use a bicycle without causing others irritation or harm and the more he uses it the fitter he gets. Unlike means of motorised transport.
>what she is doing is a crime against the environment
>Sarah Rodo, from Dortmund, Germany
Of course she's German.
Half the boomers have fucked goats, cows, asses, horses, sheep, you fucking name it if they were raised in the countryside. Where do you think all the goat/sheep/whatever fucker jokes come from all around the world when talking about people that grew up more rural than you? It used to be common practice.
apparently you can still buy gasket stripper.

chlorinated paint stripper is banned but gasket stripper is something completely different right?

but make sure to use it well ventilated so you wont die.
Most of the world isnt muslim, sorry mohammed
>A man can use a bicycle without causing others irritation
What? Really??
Scotland and New Zealand are known for this too
Jesus this bitch's carbon footprint must be off the charts
lets get this to 300replies asap so this thread will fucking die
Those planes would be flying without her, even if it's for the most autistic kinf od sexual gratification, it's the moral obligation of the companies that run jets to have them as full as possible
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Well at least I know what outfit to wear to woo this girl, bitch is gonna slide of her chair when she sees me.
lets get this to 300 replies, im tired of see this fucking image
This is /n/. Some autist is just going to post the same thread again.
You can hide threads, you know.
Why hide anon?
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trainsexuals, aerosexuals, boatsexuals, bikesexuals haha
bussy haha
what the fuck?
meme magic is real
You, I like you. I thought the Princess was cool when I saw it in a book before most of /n/ was born.
I expected to see a link to /gif/ of this chick fucking a model plane. I'm disappointed in you /n/.
>crime against the environment

you are just as nuts and autistic as her lmao
>crime against the environment
No one cares, fag
>she considers part of a 'collective being' that she is dating, and so she often refers to her lovers as one.
Nice mental acrobatics, slut.
That's bananas.
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The L1011 is a flawed aircraft, Lockheed had to go to Boeing to help them design the wings. Even with help the L1011 never flew completely level.
Why is this thread always posted
I lucked out and flew on a Delta MD-83 3 months before they were retired. Sat immediately next to the fan blades. Luv the JT8D, me. Also, miss these nigga like you wouldn't believe
Platform 1 & 2 at Paddington, going to Brizzal are we?
someone do a side-by-side with that extremely fat woman with fat even in her forehead from "my 300kg life"
god i love tomboys so much
As a woman, take offs and landings are physiologically arousing experiences. I don’t know if it’s the same for guys, but I can see how somebody’s wires could have gotten crossed and a sexual fetish was born
They are? I just get a rush of adrenalin, not dick tingles.
Women are fucked up.
This is why the 767 is my favorite plane that metallic look is dare I say sexy
opinion discarded
you're just a freak
I feel so powerful during takeoff like I'm personally responsible for the engines or some shit, that feeling of raw pure energy flowing through me no homo is the highlight of every flight for me
Describe in detail what you are wearing right now
reddit humor
>you're just a freak

She is but her post implies she's submissive and likely masochistic. Probably the kind of girl you could choke out while you fuck and her pussy would tighten around your dick the longer you kept your hands around your neck.

It's the freaky girls who are the best in bed.
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*teleports in front of you*
nothin personnel kid
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might as well fuck the 707 and the 727 they use basically the same fuselage
Holy shit this thread is old.
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She's literally me, except i'm a man and i love the F-14
Ugly plane desu.
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As if there ever was any doubt.
I don't get this
Hey my office is on that lil boi :)
Why is it always Germany or Japan?
>you will never fuck this
>325 days and 2 hours ago
any cool plan for this thread's first anniversary?
ceremonial murder of OP
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greetings from >>/k/
i'm sorry.
dont even
Your brian got tricked into thinkig sexually about the train, that is now a burden you have to live with
janny deletes entire thread because it needed to power trip
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>greetings from >>/k/
This you?
holy crap, I'm surprised this thread is still active
>image predates reddit by decades
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one day this thread will end
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And one just like it will take it's place.
Such is the way of /n/.
Kek, underrated
Tryhard coper detected. Go fish for upboats from your overcompensating friends on reddit.
How is this thread still alive?!
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How is it not alive anon?
I like it anon.
What the fuck?!
Best thread in /n/ history
It is almost one year since this thread started.
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365?,,,yet notayear?,,,,oddball.,
,,,,still, deserves aruff spanking fornot fueling planes,,,,probably just overloads baggage.
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,,,lazy TWAT!,
,yearsago, guys would showup in emergency room withingstuck up their BUTTS!,,"I sat on it!?",
,,,now?, we just lethem walk aroundegrading life as troons.
Happy 1 year anniversary to this thread!
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>there are year old threads
Welcome to /n/.

A bit of a rarity even in /n/. I really don't know how this one is still around although it's kind of become /n/'s /b/ containment thread now. It's a slow board but most threads die off fast enough due to all the bikecucks spamming the board with gay bike shit.
the trainfags always have lots of old threads.
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Trains is hard job.
His passion in his hobby leads to imagining more and more complex, painstakingly optimized visions of it.
That is until he's retired, where he appreciates it distilled into its simplest ideal albeit with nuance.
Not the same anon who said he didn't get it but now that you explained it, I hate how it's true. Something about growing older makes me see the elegance of simplicity
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sure its a decade old tweet but why would you censor the names?
Hopefully with Boeing's reputation deservedly in the shitter now, they'll leave their 737s and go for THICK Airbus A380s- so big and thick that most airports can't even accommodate them. But they'll try.
she should be wearing a helmet
What's happened since you last posted lads? I got my degree and got a job.
my oldest daughter will get her driving license soon
>over a year old
>still hasn't even reached the bump limit yet
Fuck all of you
I, for one, support BBA (Big Boeing Airbus) supremacy.
only deranged zoomies who are into toxic relationships like the 737 MAX...
you gotta fuck an airbus now thats a good piece of ass
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Most people like this are not cute but she is, I wonder why she turned out like this.
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Does she have an onlyturbofans?
will those fit in her vagina though?
you just know
That's necroplaneia!
>Hangar 17
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Love is always wright
lmao this is hot as fuck
The more important question is why does she have male pattern baldness?
>In love with a Boeing
When the door flies off because the diversity hire forgot to install every screw and it kills her, will it be a plane accident or DV?
have they divorced yet
Still going hot here is her instagram.
fucking lost kek
>wearing protection
No, i want my lover to mpreg-nate me.

Isn't it incestuous for you to ride the town bicycle?
Pretty hot anon!
I saw an f16
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Fuck you cunt
reddit is a cosmological force that predates even humanity
it's an axis around which revolves the universe
basically reddit is enthropy
lurk moar i guess
Body of a twinkhon, face of a pooner, too bad about the tattoos because she's my type otherwise
only 26 more bumps and this cancerous thread disappears from the front page forever.
come on /n/, we can do it!
Sky King is the longest lasting one I think.
Diesel Hamilton thread was like 5 or 6 years long
I thought it was the great lakes steamships one?
But there is still so much to discuss.

actually funny joke.
The world champion of the aero-autisms.
Dude this is a safe for work board
>>hanger 13
Shed 13 probably isn't going to be as bad as that

>5 years
I need to see this thread
wait til you see >>>/po/
germanic autism lmao
There used to be a lot of multi year old threads until the urban planning scum showed up from I have no idea where
Oh yeah baby. Suck on those flap track fairings~
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Yeah, she unironically does
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Saw this image and immediately thought of this thread. Thanks /n/ keep on masstransporting

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