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Why not take the boatpill?
Pretty expensive
You can get a used sailboat like picrel used for $3k. It's really not expensive.
Yeah where do you park it though
I know 2 boat people.

One buys towns the way I buy a pair of socks. He doesn't have an "income" per se but let's just say he doesn't need to worry about money. He sails a couple of times a month, usually in competitive sanctioned events. He gives no signs he is i the "sailing lifestyle", he dresses shall we say not well, I guess because he's what the zoomers call "stealth wealth", and he has never even mentioned boats to me but I have heard about it from others.

The other earns about the same amount as I do, which is to say, low six figures. He does not own any towns. He had a cheap boat, which he would sail about once a year, and eventually just gave his boat away because it wasn't getting enough use. He wears nautical themed apparel and his home is plastered with boat stuff.

They're both cool but all this has shown me is that if I'm not able to throw around a gorillion dollars every 5 minutes like it's nothing, it ends up being more of a fashion thing you do to back up a certain way of dressing.
You can get a permanent mooring buoy installed out in the water (this is perfectly legal as long as it's far out enough) and just sail to and from land using a little dinghy.
Okay so you met 2 sailing archetypes, but you haven't met the "homeless hermit who lives on a 50 year old boat" type. It's a land of welfare and mental illness. They're all over the marina.
If they can do it, why not you?
Honestly I took a liking to maritime stuff and would love to learn to drive a boat but I dont live next to the sea
Sell all your belongings and become Captain Jack Sparrow.
I am happy just shipspotting from time to time and maybe going on a ferry it's cool
Maybe someone can help, I want to kayak first >>>1922253
OP here. Fuck kayaks and fuck you.
Wtf is the wrong with you? I honestly cant afford a boat and I just want to be on the water, play a little music, drink some brewskies
>gets told to fuck off
>"ummm sweaty, wtf is wrong with you?? That's hurtful and problematic, who hurt you??? Maybe try being a heckin decent human being for once???"
This is why people dont get into boating
Yeah my friend went to the marina and asked some sailors whether there were boats for sale, she was called a redditor and they mimicked her speech patterns. It's an epidemic that is literally preventing people from getting into boating.
There's an epedemic of: you
*joggers steal your dinghy*
nothing personnel kid
post in /out/ and fuck off
Just get another one for like $30 on facebook marketplace. Little paddle boats are literally junk.
OK where do I put the dinghy.
Im too attached to my record collection to give it up and live on a boat
post $30 dinghies and hand
>it ends up being more of a fashion thing you do to back up a certain way of dressing.
lol that doesn't just apply to just boats but to men who don't do and just larp.
I talked to a few illegal anchor-outs in sausalito and they really are all mentally ill to varying degrees. They claim to love living on the sea but they're just schizos.
3k is the initial investment. If you're serious about using it you're likely going to need to shell out over double that to keep the boat in reasonable condition. Most boats aren't used often and so need much refreshed and repaired. Cheap boats are cheap for a reason. Everything is a wear item.
Likely need patches and repairs or outright replacing
Consider corrosion damage to fittings and check rig tension. Replacement requires removing from the water and a crane to lift mast out
Assuming it's not 2 decades old it'll need regular servicing else replacing. If it's got stale fuel you'll need to clean out the fuel system.
Usually ancient and non functional - replacement
Either you have enough time to fix all this or you pay a shop enough money to have bought a tidy boat to begin with. If you want to sail a yacht for cheap go to a sailing club and write a post-it note with your phone number "crew looking for boat" on the notice board. Boomers love that shit.
literally me
the only thing I do is lie in front of a wall sized stereo and play proper records.
I just finished my first round of sailing lessons, and am looking for a sailing dinghy as we speak.
>Why not take the boatpill?

I would need to take 100 grams of dramamine to not get sick, but then I would pass out and sink.
Anon stop being a drama queen, cheap sailboat is fine.
Nylon lasts a long time, no issues with mine
Needs some upkeep yeah, but typically less than $100 per annum, I do it myself
It's a 4horse outboard yamaha, 20+ years old, works just fine and I can take it with me to the shop for service
LOL, it doesn't have any, I do have. a set of battery powered nav lights just in case I stay late somewhere, but they are seldom used
>t. Owns a cheap sailboat
All are welcome in my Kayak thread
Way more popular than the "boating" thread lol
You can get a permanent mooring buoy installed out in the water (this is perfectly legal as long as it's far out enough) and just sail to and from land using another little dinghy.
kys fatty
How long of a boat can I get if I have a 9000 pound weight budget? Anything that you can live aboard or coastal cruise with?
I kinda want to but at the same time don't want to be stuck with something I'm clueless about.
Boatmaxxing is affordable if you liveaboard.
Yeah but I live inland, a kayak is better for me provided I lose the weight
I've seen people like that too. They're all fucked up on drugs or mental problems. I'm surprised, you'd think rent-free living on the water would also appeal to hipster types.
>weight budget
nigga what

Lots of maintenance on a boat, if you just want a boat to "sail sometimes", don't. As with most luxury items the REAL luxury is not being able to afford them but to be able to pay someone else for the upkeep.
I live in a sailing community so I've worked on a lot of boats. They basically combine the worst maintenance problems of both houses and cars, and by the way your house/car is sitting in salt water 24/7.
what is a "sailing community" anon?
Probably a small ass town next to the coast where the local marina is the largest business.
You can keep a dinghy and trailer at your home and just tow it with your car.
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That was always the pitch at Ferrier: a big fast sailboat boat that you could pack up yourself, tow with a mid-size car, and park in a shed. They are NOT big enough to live in or sail around the world or anything but they seem to do that job reasonably well. If you don’t mind a ‘camping’ vibe and shitting in a bucket a multi-night coastal trip is very possible too.
I have a truck that is rated to tow ~11,000 lbs
Triple axle boat trailers usually top out at about 2000 lbs
I don't want my boat to be stuck in a marina when I'm working on it, hence I'm looking for a pocket cruiser that comes in under 9000 lbs
Wealthy town with a big harbor. Half the people here own sailboats and the rest of the boats are owned by people in neighboring towns.
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I drive a corolla and live in an apartment.
I did this exact thing and just brought a cheap yacht. Will post updates.
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Being a real sailor with a real sail is still within reach for you. A windsurfer can ride on Corolla and hang in your living room no problem. Or if you want to crew on some multi-masted ship they’ll be glad to teach you as long as your ‘show up on time’ skills are well developed.
windsurfing is not sailing reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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Trailer sailing is the best. No need to deal with anti-fouling bullshit and easy to work on. Pic mostly related, picked up a 1974 era Siren 17 a few years ago for 2500. Slapped a coat of topside paint on it, good to go. I can have it rigged up and in the water in 30 minutes singlehanded.

However, I'm often the only non-boomer in a sailboat on the lake.
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There she is. She needs a little work, but she's good for the price I payed.
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Last owner was a total hoarder. I think there'd something like 45 different spanners in the lockers.
What are the specs, and how much did you pay?
Snapdragon 747 from 1978, 24.5ft long
Recently serviced 15hp diesel engine, new standing rigging. The previous owner didn't sail and only motored it for fishing, so the running lines need replacement pretty soon since they haven't been cared for. All the sails look to be in decent condition apart from some corrosion on the mains eyelets. Roller reefing on the head, slab on the main. Comes with a Garmin wired in and linked to a sounder.
10gal diesel and 17gal water tanks. It also has a butane stove, grill and oven.
I payed 2700gbp (about 3100usd) plus 85 for the paint to redo the antifouling. Once I've got a few lifejackets and an inflatable kayack to use as a tender, total cost will come to around 3500gbp/4000usd.
I'm part of a local sailing club so get very cheap mooring and hard storage, so that is something that isn't a concern for me.
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Too pricey and inconvenient. Live the better part of a day of driving from waters worth sailing, would need a huge ass towing setup or pay someone else for transport, or alternatively leave the boat at a marina halfway across the country, huge effort to maintain. If I ever wanna get into boats I'll probably stick to foldie + kayak for local rivers. Pull the kayak up the river with the bike, put it in the kayak, float back home, or the other way around.
Those bilge keel sailboats are really cool. You almost never see them in the US and when you do they were made in England. Around here most anchorages are deep harbors rather than mud flats and river inlets like in the UK.
Honest question to boaters, expecting honest answers: Why shit in a bucket when you can just shit over the railing when no one's looking?
Boats are the enemy of water.
Fecal coliform, which contaminates the waters and causes shellfish to be unsafe to consume. Once you're 25 miles offshore you can.
They are common in the Midwest.
its so funny how out of touch Vice was at the end. glorifying the abhorrent conditions these fentanyl addicts and schizos (often both) live in like its some sort of cool counterculture lifestyle.
>do you ever feel conflicted about tearing apart this community
its literally a flotilla of trash, debris and drug addiciton. "community" gmfab. these are not even boats, they can't move under their own power. the fact it was ever tolerated in first place is shocking...though look at Portland, Seattle, LA, Oakland and you'll see roughly the same thing on land.

to somehow lump this shit in with liveaboards and people who care for their craft is stupid
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I lived next to False Creek Harbor in Vancouver for a number of years, and I started to get jealous of all the people simply anchored in the water that seemed to live there.
I wanted to get a cheap sailboat and park it there for use as a cottage, but a buddy shattered my dream when he said the Vancouver police will move you on after 3 days. I guess I never really paid attention to the boats and assumed they never moved.
You can still live aboard, just take her sailing every three days dumbass
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You misunderstand me, I thought I could simply drop anchor leave my boat there locked forever as free parking.
Keep in mind I see people daily living out there.
I used to think the same thing when I lived in Van.
After some research I discovered there *are* people doing just that, but not in false creek. They anchor up by Deep Cove instead. And definitely around the Island - there's entire 'pirate' flotillas there.
just make your own. and make it solar powered. pretty ez
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That sounds awesome, sounds like a great find.
What will you use it for; daysailing, weekending or just a "home away from home"?

I sold my 34 ft monohull last year and bought a trimaran (Dragonfly 800). I'm having an amazing time so far sailing it, the light air performance is amazing, especially with the Code 0 and asymmetric spinnaker. I've decided to update the electrical system, mostly to learn more about it as it's something I'm not overly familiar with. I'm adding a solar panel, bluetooth charge controller and an inverter so I can charge my laptop and work from the boat.
They stay there for weeks and months at a time.
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I bought a little 3.7m RIB with a 20hp suzuki outboard. It's a lot of fun. I'm based on an estuary with 2 other large rivers converging on it.
It gets a bit choppy at times and there's lots of cargo ships but that makes it more fun to check them out.
The only downside is I'm harboured in a small fishing village that has tons of silt. The tide has to be over 3.7 meters for me to get out and I'm always on a time limit because if I don't get back maybe 2 hours after high tide I'm screwed.

One of my tubes has a slow puncture too which I tried to patch but it didn't work. I'm glad I bought it because I'm learning the ropes and basics using it but if I was to go back I wouldn't get a RIB unless I could afford big ass one with a centre console and lots of power.

>price I payed
....what was the price to seal it?
I like flushing my toilet and then my excrements aren't for me to deal with anymore. I don't want to scoop up sheets of hard shit because some fucking pump breaks down
>price I payed
I see what you did there
Boring, expensive, time consuming.
Good for old people with too much money in their hand.
>He doesn't shit directly overboard during a storm.

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How do I learn how to sail?
my vanguard 420 cost $1000 and i've maybe put $250 into it over 15 years of ownership

on the beach. white people in all white neighborhoods don't steal boats

yeah i gotta replace the halyards on my boat this year or next, not terrible, just annoying. maybe $100-150 for both assuming quality synthetic line

it's not that hard m8. just know where you are in relation to the wind, remember that steering is backwards (tiller left = boat right; becomes 2nd nature), and only jibe after you've mastered tacking or you will either capsize or hit your head
>vanguard 420
all the ps2000 chads are laughing at you
>chinaman's shitty off-spec club 420
no thank you, i'll enjoy my american-made boat
Looks like 27-30 foot is about the max, any suggestions?
A friend of mine gets sea sick but still likes boating so last time we went out he puked over the railing and it flew directly into the small open slot of the window where the toilet is.

That was impressive
I'm looking for a sailboat that I can just roll into the water from shore, preferably should be light enough that I can handle it on shore by myself
should I just get a used laser or similar?
my shoreline is rocky and about a 2' drop into the water but I'm already kinda planning to throw together a set of pipes or boards that make a ramp into the lake, and maybe a cheap winch to get it out of the water
there's a few 14-16' 90's hobie catamarans for between 1-2k that seem decent
I have experience sailing, but have never purchased my own boat.

is there anything I should be avoiding? I already know to avoid/evaluate cored fiberglass
is there a brand/model/feature I should be looking for?
should I avoid the cheap 70's-80's all together?
C&C 27
Idk just drop the anchor somewhere
Thanks for the suggestion.
I know one who did that and flagged it north korean.
I know two who lives on the sea and just keeps on sailing around the world, one is 89 years old and I touched base with him last year. Wife died but he plans on just keep on going, not much else to do.
The other one is 65+ something and I haven't heard from him in a long time.
More sane than any one browsing a public forum for faggots for free.
OK where do I put the second dinghy.
>absolutely based
>85 pounds for antifouling
holy shit mate, that's a great deal. its like 1k every 10 feet here in the USA. cheers!
those aren't boats ya nonce. go out and actually explore. that's some goober shit you talk about, having a foodie and kayak. brotha
Sexy boat bro. Love trimarans. Are you able to store stuff in the outer two hulls?
Take your RIB to a person who patches them for a living. I have tried to patch a leak. It is not easy and will fail. A professional will always do better. Just keep filling it until you get it patched properly.
>only 250 in 15 years
you're lying nigga
No way around it, but boats 30ft and under are cheap to get new sails made.
DIY. Once the steel rigging is shot switch to synthetic. Synthetic has many benefits in addition to being cheaper.
Rip it out, glass the hole, hang an outboard off the transom. Like 80% of engine expenses can be eliminated by having it out the water when not in use, and not having another hole in your hull.
It takes 20 minutes to learn how to solder competently and USB-powered irons are really good these days. From zero electronics experience you could build a wiring diagram and spares inventory of your boat in maybe a couple days. It's not hard, you don't need to know how circuits actually work to fix them.
can't deal with the maintenance hysteria, like the gel coat got a crack, so what, it's a fucking glass fiber hull and it's not going to rust.
Oh got to paint it anyway and clock the few hours the engine runs, because reasons!
So most boats just stay on land and decompose while some sorry sucker spends all his free time and money doing busy work.
Thanks! Yeah tris are sweet.

Yeah they have hatches in them so I can store long, thin things or things that can deform to fit the hatch size of entry. There are storage areas that are like... 5 ft by 1,5 ft.

The only thing is that for performance reasons it's wise to keep the outer hulls light so I only use them to store fenders and sometimes the extra sails.
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I agree wholeheartedly with this.
I'm >>1929347 and my mono had an inboard engine. Nothing but issues with it from the start (seizing through-hulls, clogged water intakes, shit in the diesel tank) and even though they were things I could handle myself with some googling, it was a big time sink and doing work to it always felt a bit uneasy since I was messing with something that ultimately was connected to three holes in the hull of the boat.
I was actually planning to either install an electric inboard and glass two of three holes or rip it all out, glass all the holes and put an outboard on it.
My criteria for my new boat was that it should have an outboard. It's all so much easier when you can just lift the engine off and get it in a nice working position. My other reasoning was that if I brick the thing and it's completely fucked, it's like $1k for a nice new one and literally 10 mins of work to remove the old one and install the new one whereas repowering an inboard engined boat is a lot more expensive and time-consuming.

My rigging is fine so far but I'll definitely be going for DIY dyneema when it's time to replace it. On my monohull I replaced the backstay adjuster with a dyneema purchase that I spliced myself which worked great.

On my trimaran I have relocated the battery and replaced the wire from it to the breaker panel. I have also wired in a solar panel with a controller and added a USB charging socket in the cockpit. No prior experience but it was very straightforward just looking at guides online. A tip is to check for campervan conversion guides as many of them had a lot of in-depth information. There are some differences of course, I used tinned wire since it's for a marine environment but the basics seem to be the same.

I agree on sails, new ones can be a daunting expense but most old dacron sails can be made to last for a very long time as long as they are kept out of the sun when moored or anchored.
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For sails it's important to remember that there aren't just "dacron" and "laminate" or whatever, there are very different qualities of dacron (woven polyester) and laminate sails and so on.

A good set of dacron sails made by a reputable sailmaker with a skilled designer can work way better than low quality laminate sails, despite the hype surrounding laminate. They will also last much, much longer as long as they are kept out of the sun when anchored and moored. Also, the stitching in the sails will most likely need replacing long before the cloth does. Dacron sails can be kept going for a very long time with some small maintenance, and sometimes preventative maintenance is key. Always keep a sailmaker's palm, needles, sail tape and thread on board. If a small rip develops and you can repair it immediately, you may save yourself a lot of work and money than if you keep sailing with it and it gets worse.
Rivers? Lakes?
how do you boat on a fast moving river with big rocks
Boat on a slow or non moving river
>Why not take the boatpill?
Too much hassle. Just take a cold shower while tearing up $10 bills, it's basically the same thing (and probably less expensive).
>Too much hassle. Just take a cold shower while tearing up $10 bills, it's basically the same thing (and probably less expensive).
This line never gets old, and I heard someone chime in with this line every time there is a conversation about sailing for the last 50 years.

When you say this you are admitting you live in a cold climate and can only sail half the year. You lack the brain power to realize that sailing is a type of recreation you do in warm climates.

You are admitting you are either too poor or too lazy to do something beyond sit in front of a tv all day. If youre rich and you can have a boat yard do all your maintenance work, then great. If your not rich and youre willing to put in some time, you can find an affordable boat and get it running affordably.
>dude just live somewhere else
unbelievable advice, thank you anon
>tfw I have a mooring spot in town, but it's too shallow for a sailboat

I know there are sailboats with shallow keel and moveable keel, but I assume they're shit.
Your best bet is hydrojet propulsion, although fan powered boats can also work.


Chartering yachts with the boys is pretty fun but it gets old because there are no women in this country.
where are the big rocks
Nigga, ever been to the ocean? Plenty of fucken space to park your boat
They're okay as long as you don't expect them to behave the same as 1000lbs of lead 6 ft down. There's lots of perfectly good boats in the low 20 foot range with shallow bilge keels or swing keels. You shouldn't be going far offshore, and with swing keels any moving parts add maintenance and grounding a one when it's locked in place can do serious damage, but the performance can be perfectly respectable. Lots of people have Catalina 22s and similar and do light cruising on the coasts and stuff.
Not even remotely compared to a house. Even on a 50 year old sailboat maintenance won't go over ~4k/yr.
A mooring costs like $3k a year, compared to $24k a year for rent it's an incredible steal and you don't even need that if you know what you're doing.
Hurricane season though.
I'm more annoyed with my short rudder than shallow keel.
I actually use a cheap electric engine on mine. The thing itself was like $500 on Amazon, the expensive part was the batteries but now I can run toasters onboardd which is kind of cool.
I would but I have a dog to take care of, and I don't think there's a good solution for a place where he can shit and piss.
>Sport where you naturally fight with God in the form of weather and Ocean
>Mean people on 4chan are why people don't get into it
He's obviously in the highland part behind the fall line. Most states East of the Missisipi have a city (usually the capital) you can sail to from the Ocean via a lowland river or one that connects to the Great Lakes but the majority of the land is elevated and the rivers there aren't navigable without power (unless there's some trick I don't know but I've never seen a sailboat in those places.)
It's easier to see what's available on craigslist and then check sailboatdata.com. 9000 pounds is a lot though. What are you planning on carrying?
Thanks, this is handy info
>as long as they are kept out of the sun when anchored and moored
Do you mean physically taking the sails off the boat and into inside storage or just putting one of those covers over them?
I just put a cover on mine. I need to get a new one though the stupid birds have put some holes in it.
The phrase "affordable boat" is an oxymoron.
Landlocked into oblivion.
Less so than "affordable housing" these days though.
Even a new 25 foot sailboat costs less than a 50 year old house in the middle of nowhere thanks to immigration and (formerly) cheap credit. If you think those aren't going to need expensive maintenance then you're not paying attention.
Current housing costs are primarily due to heavy downzoning in cities starting in the 70s, coupled with very little new build projects relative to the actual economic growth and job growth in those cities. The over-pivot to literal neighborhood-level local control over new housing development is screwing most everyone born after 2000.

With regards to the boat though, it will be more expensive to maintain than the house unless you're living in a mudslide/wildfire/tornado zone. Masts, rigging, and sails are not cheap, and they get a lot more wear on them than a house does. There's more risk of weather or dumbasses fucking up your boat, even if you are on a lake. You also have to look at the cost of mooring somewhere or having a slip, not just the purchase cost of the boat.
too much leg work
that's really it for me
I can keep looking at sea 24*7 even then I would want more
that's what I do on cruise trips
I'd love to get into sailing but I don't have the money or space for even a dingy. I live pretty close to rivers and the water. Is renting sailboats a thing? Do you need a loicence?
>Is renting sailboats a thing
yes, very common. Usually called Chartering for big ones and just renting for small ones. License depends, usually dinghies don't have legal license requirements, afaik most of the time small boats without motors are exempt from those kinds of things, but the rental place might want proof of competence for anything more than the cheapest dinghies or require you to take lessons with them or something depending on the kind of place it is.
hot af
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been thinking of buying a nice pocket cruiser. Will probably check on a few boats later in the week.
And once again there is proof. OP is truly a faggot.
It's absurdly expensive and I have zero interest in dealing with hurricanes&tropical storms while on a fucking boat.
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now this is based
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It literally is though, its a boat powered by wind
UK Yachters, how did you learn to sail?
Did you just hunt down a local yacht club or is there a good resource for finding tuition and getting accredited for international boating?

If I were to get into yachting I'd want to travel internationally, how does that effect the costs of the hobby?
Do you hide fish in there or something?
no xDDD what happened next?
What youtube sailing channels does everyone follow?
none, and I want the vagabondes to be brutally raped by feral AIDS niggers

If it ever became a movement: glug glug.
i am terrified by the thought of traveling over open water. i will not enter natural bodies of water. i do, however, enjoy swimming in well-maintained swimming pools.
SV Delos and AlluringArctic
if its like 30 ft or less and you have a yard/driveway then you can park it there
you have no fucking clue.
There's some boat homeless anchored outside one of my favorite parks
It's a very well protected bay though no storms. Pretty neat, they don't even need the marina a couple miles away and row to shore using dinghies.
>What do you call a hole in the ocean you pour money into?
>A yacht
$3k just gets you the shovel
Hijacking the thread. I've rented quite a few boats (sail, power)*. When it comes time to get checked out on the equipment, one thing they show me is the manual emergency bilge pump. Lose power and maybe you can keep it above water until fixed or help arrives. Inevitably, these pumps are all hand operated.

So, here I am, trying to steer a heading or operate the VHF and I've got to yank this lever back and forth by hand. Why no pedal operated bilge pumps? I'll put my spindly little legs against any Chad's biceps and probably put out more horsepower. And have my hands free. When I've asked, the only answer I get is "tradition". But why?

*If it flies, floats or fucks, rent it.
yeah with an infestation of barnacles, leaks, rusty rigs, sails falling apart from UV damage etc

you can get a cool catamaran for that price tho but it's not transportation it's just for fun
or a great windsurf for 1-2k
3K USD will get you an older trailer sailer in okay shape pretty easily if you look around
I don't recognize the boat in OP but it's probably a little big to go for 3K without some serious condition issues but it's not that hard to find something like a Catalina 22 with a trailer for that much.
Yeah you're not going to be crossing oceans in it, it's not a blue water boat(unless you're crazy, people have done it) but they're great for coastal cruising and weekend trips and such.
>okay shape
which doesn't mean much but yes if it's just to have fun here and there and bring the bitches to sail 3-5k will do the trick
these are good boats.
vans are way cheaper to live in but still expensive
>One buys towns
explain? and how do i became like him?
This thread gave me cancer.
Real estate.
Buy a house
Do it again but rent out the old one
Do it again and rent out the old one
Do this until you have enough equity in homes you just point to one and the banks just roll it into your mortgage and you don't even need down payments anymore.
I took the kayak pill, after years of sea kayaking I am switching to whitewater this spring
I don't even like boats but I'm bumping this thread to save board culture

kill urbanists
I've been watching a ton of videos of people doing short cruising in Trailer Sailers, it looks like a fantastic way to go boating and a lot less hassle/money than the 35-footer I have now. I'm seriously considering selling my big boat and buying something like this in maybe the 20-25 ft range.

It's like a step above camping but below big boat. You can take a ton of stuff with you but might not have standing headroom inside which is fine. Also really nice to be able to have the bed made always compared to camping.
The ultimate moneysink
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as seen here

1915, riveted steel, gaff ketch
Seats will break quickly, the plastic joining the seat to the backrest, this said for that price I got my money worth, great gateway kayak, you will outgrown it soon but it is worth it
gary Kerr
I don't have the money and I need to find somebody to take me under their wing so I don't kill or make a fool of myself
literally just live somewhere else
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My Boatmaxxing Plan
by Anon

Fuck Alaska, it's cold and retarded
I'm moving to Tampa, or Port Charlotte, or Cape Coral (one of those greater bay areas, if anyone has a recommendation I'm game). For work I travel internationally for 3-5 weeks at a time, and then work from "home" for 3-5 weeks at a time. Home has to be USA and relatively cheap to fly out of.

I'm gonna buy a Gemini 105 MC or similar, and then anchorfag while I'm in the states. I'll either try starlink maratime or just rent an office on the mainland and take my dinghy to it. When I fly out I'll just rent a gated slip. I'll keep a truck and a motorcycle at a storage facility nearby.

I'll pay cash for the boat, and I'll be able to bank a couple hundred thousand over the next couple years. Once I'm cashed up and comfy and the boat is tip top, I'll kidnap my dream girl and impregnate her with several children over the course of 4 years cruising around the world. Kids will get bornt in the states, and we will still spend some time visiting family, but we will mostly be cruising for 4-5 years. Once the oldest kid is ready for school we will come out of retirement and join the workforce again until the little fuckers are out of school, and then do it all again until we die

This is a great plan in my brain but you faggots go ahead and tell me how to improve it
Mast is an item you likely never replace unless you get mega unlucky, many boats out there with half century old aluminum masts that are just fine. Rigging is a once every two decade cost now that dyneema is a thing and is much cheaper now that you can do it yourself fairly easily without the need for swaging tools and expensive ass s/s wire. Sails last 5 years usually and easy enough to find good condition second hand ones from rich racing yuppies who unload theirs every year or two. Antifouling is also now a once every decade or two cost thanks to coppercote antifoul, more expensive upfront cost but no need to haul out every year or two to reapply ablatives. Mooring and slip costs are 0 because if you are living on the boat you are anchoring out everywhere. Once you put in the initial cost to get your boat in tidy shape, maintenance costs are surprisingly low. Living on a boat you can get shitloads of free food if you are willing to put in the work to go fishing and diving. You also forget to mention property taxes, most places worth living you are paying mid 4 figs if not 5 figs a year just for the privilege of owning a house. Oh and then housing insurance which is mandatory if you have a mortgage meanwhile there is zero need to insure your 20-40k boat beyond dirt cheap liability cover in case you bump into a richfags boat in the marina. Also no ongoing costs for power, gas and other utilities except for whatever your internet connection is.

Go read reports from shoestring sailors on cruiserforums, a lot of people are sailing the world on almost poverty money. People get fudded out of this lifestyle because of retarded boomers who have their boat sitting in an expensive ass marina 24/7, pay marine technicians 200/hr for basic maintenance and feel compelled to get the latest shiny raymarine gadgets, then they go and cry on the internet about how expensive it is, no fucking shit.
More people get filtered by constant hassles of maintenance as much as the costs, maybe more so. I'm terms of sheer dollars, home is probably more expensive (eg mast vs roof) but only a liar will claim that a sailboat isn't massively more hassle and headaches year to year and month to month. The question is whether you want that lifestyle or not. The upsides are huge for those who love it.

you live in an apartment and you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Looks to me like you're the one in an apartment living vicariously through people on cruiserforums.
>any accusation based on my incorrect perception of reality must be projection!

redditor argument, go back.
cope, seethe, and pay your rent

owning a home is a fucking pain in the ass especially if you live up north

I hated plowing my driveway and shoveling my deck and plugging in my block heater and buying fuel oil and moving firewood 10 times

tending to rigging and sails and running gear is no more a hassle than cleaning or doing laundry
So you lived in some snowflake rural house requiring far more work than even the average large house and think it's reasonable to compare to the most basic sailboat maintenance.
You show zero evidence of real sailing experience.
Apartments have HVAC, sitting in an anchorage anywhere south of Maryland on the east coast and you'll be sweltering during the summer. Not to mention a lot of other things that are trivial living on land become huge hassles if you're bumming on anchor. For example, need groceries? Gotta dinghy to shore somewhere and have an Uber or friend take you to the store and back. Need fresh water? Gotta go to a marina and pay to fill your tanks back up, or get drums from a grocery store that you then have to dispose of. Your boat is also at much higher risk from storms than a typical house is, along with things like a through-hull going and potentially leaving you homeless. That happened to a houseboat at my club's marine, through-hull went in the middle of the night and the 40ft houseboat was underwater by the time the neighbors noticed.

You can make it work, and you can deal with blown out sails since you aren't racing, but if I've learned anything from the actual sailing channels its this: If you're actually sailing and not sitting at anchor, shit is going to constantly break and need replacing. Even if you can do your own maintenance, which for most considering the lifestyle because it's "cheaper" than getting a house is far from guaranteed, you're still paying a premium for boat parts. If instead you just plan to sit at anchor and never move at all, 90% chance your boat is going to turn into a garbage scow that can't actually move under its own power because algae/barnacles and salt buildup have frozen everything.
it is better to drown in the ocean than to be subject to the 4chan home owners association
why do flyovers think that apartment = rental and SFH = owner-occupied?
because it's true
It's not.
I just bought a 50-year old H-boat for 3K, very excited to do casual racing with it this summer. It's the most popular racing class here so there's quite a few opportunities for it. The sails are very old so I'll hopefully be able to cop some slightly newer (but still used) ones, don't want to invest triple the price of the boat in new sails just yet.
Going to try and avoid making it too much of a project since I still need to focus my major effort's on my family's sailboat, but that's definitely a cruiser and won't ever be used to race.
it's true
Condos are common.
You lose.
commonly rented
why are you retarded?
So are SFHs
i bought one. Main sail was old so sent it in for a new one to be made. already winterized so excited to get it out early in the spring
>why haven't you taken the boatpill?
This post. Boats and ships are a literal money pit. Everything is always breaking all the time and trying to vacuum up your cash.
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behold, a perfect boat for beginners and veterans alike
>if you have access to a nice archipelago
very nice lines, close to the water
easy to handle, goes shallow
4 people can sleep in it comfortably
How big a boat would I need to sail from Florida to the Bahamas and engage in piracy?

this and an internet connection
>home is probably more expensive
Not if you count by the square footage. I live in a pretty modest house, but a boat with three cabins, a couple heads, living room, kitchen, and enough of a hold to store two cars would be ostentatious for a Bond villain.
Can I have an functioning muzzle loading cannon on my boat?
I live in the middle of a steppe.
I am, to an extent, currently buying a boat against my will (a 38' bayliner to be specific) to live in. I am a member of the yacht club, because the drinks are cheap and I spend a lot of time over there to see my friend; though, not long enough to technically be a liveaboard so I get to be a sneakaboard until I slip through some loophole.

I am not excited to downsize into living out of a postage stamp that is smaller than most hotel rooms I have stayed in.

Once the ~3 months of not-able-to-live-in-it renovations are done to a 5th wheel I bought, I am getting the fuck back on land.
In international waters, sure.
Why is fuel so expensive?
I was reading earlier today that people spend $100-250 easily on their boat engines purely in terms of fuel
I figure that it'd be cheaper because you can just cruise most of the way
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Why aren't there any boats built like pic related but with a mast and rigging so you can sail in fair winds? I'm sure it won't be nearly as efficient as proper sailing yachts but I don't understand why there aren't more small boats that place their primary importance on comfort/ headroom with the ability to sail albeit not as efficiently. Is it just to do with keeping the weight low for the keel so a wind doesn't tip it over? But surely you could have the upper bits made of lightweight material.
I'd guess that market is filled better by catamarans.
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Motor sailer
The more superstructure like that that you have, the more windage the boat has to deal with. So if you're trying to sail upwind, that's a lot of extra air drag fighting your sails. If you're on a beam reach, you're making more leeway. It also cuts into sail area, giving you less power for a given size of boat. Motor sailers do exist, but the tradeoffs in comfort aren't worth it IMO. Most '90s and later sailboats in the 30-35 foot range have good headroom and cabin layouts, the only advantage your pic has is the enclosed deck saloon.

Another big attraction with the hot-bulb engine was its ability to run on a wide range of fuels. Even poorly combustible fuels could be used, since a combination of vaporiser and compression ignition meant that such fuels could be made to burn. The usual fuel was fuel oil, similar to modern-day diesel fuel, but natural gas, kerosene, crude oil, vegetable oil or creosote could also be used
In the USA, as long as they're muzzle loading and black powder fired with solid shot. Explosive shells require a tax stamp for each explosive round ($$$).
having spent many days at sea, I cannot express in words how sad that image makes me
"prison" comes to mind
unless you are a billionaire living on a boat is worse than living in a motorhome
>well what about just owning one and taking it out for the weekend
what a fucking hassel
no thanks
everyone i have seen who is not extremely rich who owns a boat just has it sit in their driveway 99% of the time.
and then by the time they get around to using it its half rotted away and needs a full clean and repair.
and then 10 years after they bought it they sell it for less than half the price and they only really used it 3 times.
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>The two happiest days in a boat owner's life are the day he buys it and the day he sells it
>The more superstructure like that that you have, the more windage the boat has to deal with. So if you're trying to sail upwind, that's a lot of extra air drag fighting your sails.
Ah I hadn't thought of that, interesting thank you
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Where I live there several large canals with boats functioning as busses. You get downtown in half the time as the bus or driving since there's no traffic so people often commute to the city on it everyday.
Sailboat / boatlifemaxxer here. We have to be believers. People do it all the time. It takes a lot but gives a lot back. Im almost ready to move onboard but im overhauling the interior now.

Canice Bannon on dutch barge uk canal touring and lots and lots of welding. Sailing Wildling in Amsterdam quite close to me actually. Sailing Kittiwake is my all time favorite.

where from bro
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>ywn have a personal diesel-electric submarine to explore the world and the depths in
Nothing else in my life matters. I crave the adventure and freedom that such a remarkable craft can bring.
don of a bitch
kayaking is great fun
Motor sailors are terrible motor boats and terrible sailboats. Just pick one.
what's the difference between a motor sailor and sailboat with a motor? Every boat above 25' or so seems to have a big inboard anyway
Usually superstructure looks more like a trawler, and sticks up farther from the hull. This is an issue for actually sailing >>1982906. Motor-sailers will usually often have a more powerful one engine than a dedicated sailboat since they expect to spend more time motoring.
i almost capsize when i was in the academy with a captain professor. wind is no joke
He's from a family in the northeast whose ancestors came over on the mayflower. Possibly not literally, actually not literally now that I think about it, no I will not go into detail. But they're very well connected and have a lot of money
I don't swim well
if you go overboard it doesnt really matter
opinions on this for a starter sailboat? it's a bauer 12. recently bought a piece of coastal property but it has no dock and is extremely tidal. we are like half a mile from a public boat launch, however. my wife used to sail and i never really have. we want something that will be easy to sail and learn on just for tooling around the coastline and little islands nearby. couple of my sailor friends were enthusiastic about it. what do i look for when i go to take a look at it? i'm good with my hands and pretty savvy with things like cars and houses and bicycles and other simple machines, but i don't know shit about sailboats. thoughts sailors of /n/?
>not taking the large barge with radio antenna pill
That looks fun. The wood will be a lot of work though. I'd definitely want fiberglass for a first boat.
Well yeah. Motorhomes have gotten really expensive to park though.
Trawlers are like that from what I hear. Their sailing performance sucks (their performance in general kind of sucks I think.) A lot of boomers like them because they're the boat version of an RV.
It's legal to own mussel loaders in most of the US. The problem is when you want breach loading. Also good luck finding a boat you can fire that from without shredding it.
Yes. And look at the tiny motor for pushing it around marinas. Truly optimal.
Eh. The boat will weather so you can open both hatches and get an ok breeze even during the duldrums. Just stay out of the sun. They finally came out with a half decent 300 watt A/C that doesn't cost a fortune. I'm upgrading my inverter this weekend (the inrush current is still too much for the one I have now) so we'll see how it does.
You can keep going on even pretty baggy sails too. It's only really an issue if you're racing or dealing with passages that don't have anchorages IMO. If you don't care about how long your trips take since you're going to be on the boat anyway just float on.
Even where my parents live way up in the mountains you need a quarter of a million dollars to by a tiny bit of land with a trailer on it. Real estate is exuberant and I'm not going into debt for something like that. Either we're getting massive inflation or the market will massively correct.
Catamarans are not good boats.
With Dinghies they'll just take your money, plop you in it, and tell you which way the wind is blowing. It's great. Probably a good idea to take at least one class first though.
idk wood working and electronics were already big hobbies of mine. If you don't think working on your boat could be a hobby for you then you might have an issue.
Where I live, this is literal pirate/boat graveyard territory. People out there are either drug dealers or about to find out the hard way after coming back to their boat stripped clean of all their stuff (if it's still floating). A lot of people with broken down boats just abandon them there, because otherwise the city will fine them.
I know a boat guy. It's a lot of work. He doesn't mind because he likes fixing stuff. His wife was fucking miserable though.
I couldn't imagine doing this with a family. That's what houses are for anyway really. Maybe if you married an /n/ tier autist it might work.
Renting a house as a single guy seems extremely retarded to me though.
My ancestors did too. My boomer parents sold the farm when I was 8 because they thought it was worthless. I'm still a little pissed about that.
>ywn have a personal diesel-electric submarine to explore the world and murder female journalists in
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based monohull enjoyer.

hope everyone has had a good kickoff to the 2024 summer season! Anyone else out for Wednesday night beer cans tonight?

depends on your boat, I 've seen guys put up three masts in one day because they broke the first two.
I actually want to leave the land and live on a boat, even willing to start with a shitty little boat just to get into it. I have fallen to the youtube algorithm gods and have been watching catamaran reviews for a week straight. I would love to have like a 30 ft catamaran, it's easily the size of a small house, and would have plenty of space for my autistic hobbies as well. What I would really love to do is get a small sailboat, remove all the mast and rigging, and convert it to 100% solar and wind power, by building basically a large flat roof of panels above the entire boat, and install some fancy vertical wind turbines, then replace all the engines with super efficient electric motors.
What's the smallest sailboat you can solo and live on which has a wheel and not a tiller?
B.O.A.T. = Bring Out Another Thousand
> Move to either the USA, or somewhere in Western Europe
> Go to therapy
> Have your gut flora replaced
> Cure your autism
> Learn to code. Hard. Spend 26 hours a day coding, and get a $6 figure salary.
> Tell your wife it's as low as he's willing to marry you, and live a frugal lifestyle.
> Teach your children how to be frugal, and how to live on less.
> Buy 1 SPY. Every. Fucking. Month. (You can buy more if you want)
> Get your children the best education you can afford by going into debt.
> What you really need is NOT degrees, degrees are useless. Good education = leadership skills, entrepreneurial skills, and most importantly CONNECTIONS. The more you spend on school, the higher your connections go. Fund your children's *ke/x/p*rc habit if you need to as long as he makes CONNECTIONS with $ 1M net worth people.
> Get your child to eke out a living, starting him with $0 above his education, and let old man Darwin take care of the rest.
> Exercise and make your child exercise.
> You will die with $10-$20M. Leave it to him in a trust fund.
> Your child knows what it's like to work hard
> He's smart enough to see through disposable roasties, he had his fair share of them in HS.
> With his wealth, high-functioning autism, and connections he can find himself a half-decent wife.
> He grew up in the lower middle class, and seen the light of the upper echelons of society
> With his education, background and connections, he'll raise to high middle management, lower upper management, and earn high 6-low 7 figures.
> And that's when he'll get the letter from the trust fund
> Suddenly he's into trickling steady disposable wealth (some $10k monthly)
> BUY 10 SPY. Every. Fucking. Month.
> His child will be born without financial worries. His child will gain access to elite education = ELITE CONNECTIONS =/= Brand Name Diploma (TM).
> Be the strict grandparents. Nudge your child and grandchild to work for a living, even though they could retire
> You die, Gen2 has the possibility to work or not. Before dying tell him about the trust fund, and make him merge his trust fund with yours.
> With enough income and management experience, your grandchild will have enough money to sink it, and start either enterprising or real estate.
> With enough connections, he'll have angel investors to take him through the rough business patches and liquidity problems.
> His dad will understand him, seeing how you have took him through his rough patches with drugs, parties, phones, etc. in high school.
> His income will be high 7 figures.
> He would never need to think about money.
> The trust fund grows.
> Your great-grandchild will have everything he ever wanted and more
> And be the bluest blue of the socialites having had everything in life without lifting a finger
> How you raised your children and grandchildren will make or break the family weath. A strong back and diamond hands grows wealth, a weak will eradicates the family fortune. Tust funds are a backstop against eradicating funds too quickly.
> Your family has access to infinite money and zero tax glitches: fake "charitable" foundations, actual astroturf foundations masquerading as charities while being in actual society ball places, astroturf charities which are openly talent shops for one of the parties (senator track), fake "modern" art (art commissions at $10 valued at $10M) - these all erode the tax base
> Borrowing against equity, and borrowing against the trust, or unsecured borrowing from private banks (with rock solid income and an amount of stocks you have only seen in your paper trading account, not mentioning corporate equity and real estate, he'll have a high 4 digit credit score. As a mortal, your credit score tops out at 850.)
With these exploits, your great-grandchild, or his son is now capable of buying cities.

What you need is a healthy lifestyle, and to pass down traditions to your children and grandchildren.
Why a sailboat then? Just make a barge out of wood and plastic barrels then put a roof on it with solar panels and wind mills.
Meds, lots of them
Only way to do it in one lifetime is to start a company and become wildly successful in it.
The only guy I know that "buys towns" started a land development company that made him a billionaire.

nigga literally just explained how generational wealth worked, this isn't rocket science.
>nigga literally just explained how generational wealth worked
Yeh, but that wasn't the question and his plan was unnecessarily autistic and specific when speculating about events that are entirely uncertain. You could raise your kids right and have them spit on your grave later. There are no guarantees for anything let alone 2 generations down.
This. Also, there's no guarantee that you leave enough to your children to start a trust fund. Or your children become a druggie in your lifetime. Point is the tl;dr:
> if you're not born into wealth you will have money worries
> close the fucking tax loopholes
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Does anyone know if C&C ever even made this boat?
Sailboatdata says they're "first built" in 1971, but I can't find any evidence of a single example existing. I became aware of the design several years ago, was struck by just how practical and performant it is, and ever since I can't get it out of my head.
>long waterline for a 36 footer
>perfectly vertical transom, easy to install an electric outboard/generator mount if you want to rip the engine out
>blade rudder is fully serviceable/replaceable at sea, which is probably the safest possible configuration
>high directional stability
>efficient keel
>simple rig
>has a normal raked bow which doesn't slap

If this was never constructed it's a crime. It's ideal in so many ways.
What is an SPY? Just wondering since I've been following somewhat modified version of the same plan. I already have connections that most of my friends could only dream of.
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There are some people who seem pretty smart who think the passive investing craze is going to cause big problems down the road but for now it's the meme du jour so that's what most people do despite what you might see on /biz/ or reddit
Genuine question I can't find a straight answer for.

Would it be possible to mount a smoker on a 40ft sailboat? (hunter legend 40.5) I'm wanting to do some longterm sailing, a couple weeks to months at a time, and I would like to cure some of the fish I catch so it can be stored for a little while. I plan to bring some canned goods, but for the most part, I want to try to catch the majority of my meals. And if I could somehow mount a smoker, maybe have it overhang the side near the wheel, mounted to the railing in some way. I know I'll need to save space for fuel, I use mahogany charcoal when I smoke. For regular bbqing, I already use a small propane grill mounted to the railing, but you can't smoke meats with propane.
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This board has gotten so much better, I should have done this years ago
Possibly dumb question, but why does all the talk and search results about sailboats by default revolve around 25-40 footers with cabins and berths and whatnot, instead of something like >>1999876?

I mean how often do people owning 40 footers actually sleep in them during the year? How often do they cook a meal in the galley?
It's almost like if looking for a fun weekend car defaulted to mostly RVs.
Personally I would always prefer something small enough that I don't need to pay for an enormous crane at the marina to lift it out for a yearly painting job.
those tiny sailboats are not that interesting and are replaced by motor boats of the same size for a better experience. they're mostly used for learning or teaching basic sailing for people who intend to move onto larger sailboats where sails actually have style, purpose and tangible benefit.
So what you're saying is, bigger sailboats just sail better and provide a better experience and they are crammed with amenities just because the space allows it?
>I mean how often do people owning 40 footers actually sleep in them during the year?
Depends, some don't, some do all the time, some do for 2-3 weeks a year.
>It's almost like if looking for a fun weekend car defaulted to mostly RVs.
Except virtually no-one commutes in their personal boat
>why does all the talk and search results about sailboats by default revolve around 25-40 footers
25ft is about what's needed for two people to be aboard without either needing to know exactly when the other shits.
40ft is about where affordable boats end, and I'm not talking about the sale price. You can purchase a 42ft boat for not much money, but you can't keep it on anything like the budget you can keep a 36ft boat.
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Yep, in the finland proper archipelago.
I've been out with a few times now, very fun to sail.
I'm aware of zero marinized smokers and salting sounds way way easier.
Getting a freezer and generating power is easier still.
dinghies are a ton of fun but mostly focused around racing or very casual day sailing. Either there isn't much to discuss because it's a small floating tub with a sail you sit in and drink beers for a couple hours a week and as long as it doesn't leak or flip over you're good, or you're looking for higher level very specific discussion about Laser 2 mast rake angle vs cunningham tension when optimizing pointing angle or whatever and it all happens on page 73 of some obscure forum. Or I guess probably on some discord nowadays.
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i get where you are coming from, i was just reading about meat preservation in the tropics but picrel
well i just lost all confidence in the government and want nothing to do with those people whatsoever

there used to be this great channel on youtube made by this boomer yugoslav sailor, he was never ever going back and i think his reasoning was sound in light of recent events
Some people do dinghy cruise for days/weeks at a time up and down rivers.

The best channel I've found for it is Roger Barnes, who (other than being a cunt about any other kind of sailing) has some good content on dinghy cruising in England, France, and some other places in Europe.

There's also some people who ride the intracoastal waterway south.
(((They))) already conditioned wild orcas to disable small craft in open water. Too late!
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>Hello shipwright, please build a boat that only sails downwind
this must be what being a pet goldfish feels like
The boxy hull shape allows the chines to act as leeboards.

It will sail badly in open water, but it's a canal/river cruising hull, so the entire hull is far more isolated from the wind by geography and foliage, while the mast protrudes upwards into where the air is moving faster. The result is that virtually any point of sail (except dead straight upwind) works at virtually any wind speed so long as the vessel has a fine end and a bluff end.

This is how ships transported goods all over the inland UK for hundreds of years even on calm days.
Condos are only apartments in NYC.
>penniless because Gen3 didn’t have to work for anything and blew it all on hookers and blow.
It has worked for 80 years.
>Past performance is not an indicator of future results.
What else do you have?
I never knew sailing upstream was ever a thing. How slow must the flow have been?
I think that the traditional medieval technique in modern day Germany was always to transport stuff downstream on rafts and then disassemble the rafts upon arrival for construction material, firewood etc. They usually didn't have the means to sail upstream.
Much refreshed, much repaired, very wow
All I'm saying is my individual stock winnings based on hearsay from "a guy I know" have outperformed my S&P indexcuck mistakes by about 25% in the last few years and therefore this is a sure thing, passivecels btfo. I recommend everyone invest based on what that dude at work who never shuts up about investing says he's into now. p.s. hey kid wanna learn about options trading
Ehh...I've sailed on both versions of a Sadler 29, both in good condition with clean bottoms, and the fin was noticeably faster and more comfortable. I think once you get down to the 18-22ft lengths bilge keels are less of a penalty because nothing is comfortable and you reach hull speed in less wind.

The benefits of being able to dry out upright are over-stated IMO, you still need to haul out or go to a scrubbing grid to service the bottom of the keels. I would only get a bilge keeler if I lived on a mooring which dried out with each tide. Many fin keelers can sit on their side just fine, they're just annoying to be inside when they do.
>everyone i have seen who is not extremely rich who owns a boat just has it sit in their driveway 99% of the time
99% of everyone's possessions sit doing nothing 99% of the time.
>unless you are a billionaire living on a boat is worse than living in a motorhome
Unlike a quadbike, or a motorcycle, or any other recreational vehicle which might accompany a motorhome, a sailboat won't be stolen, and sailors aren't left stranded.
And this cuts to the very heart of why we love sailing, why men have taken to sea for millennia, how the camaraderie of the wind and sails endures through the ages!...niggers can't swim.
Bikecuck here, my bike is only sitting doing nothing 91.67% of the time
boatpilled and steampilled
To add to this: reduce seacocks, thru-hulls, and metal fittings as much as possible
>replace conventional toilets with dry ones
>install a small seawater header tank for the galley and just refill it with a bucket instead of direct intake
>re-route the bilge into the cockpit sump
>replace blocks with low-friction rings where possible
>replace steel shackles with soft shackles where possible
>replace sheet tracks with tweaker pulleys
Basically, the less shit you have exposed to the sea and sun, or bolted through the hull and deck, the less you need to fix. And much of the stuff that has to be exposed can be made of dyneema or alloy instead of steel. String is easier to work onboard than steel.

Buy a boat and sail it until many of the things on the list need to be done while planning out the refit and buying the materials to complete it. Haul out, do the fucking work, and don't bore the tits off everyone in your life and in the yard bitching about the work you're doing. Mixing glue and playing with string is not hard, bending over and kneeling also isn't hard if you're not a fat pensioner.

Boat maintenance is only a huge time, money, and morale pit if you're incapable of planning, have no ingenuity, and are addicted to instant gratification. I know a single woman in her 40's who refit her 35ft yacht in 3 weeks, including many jobs which won't need anything beyond inspection until she's dead. The reason it didn't take a year is because she planned the entire thing out before she hauled out.
I'm looking at getting a decent sized boat for 50,000 that can be used for fishing and oceangoing since I live around the San Juans. Any pointers? Going to be powered as I don't know how to sail.
Maybe work up to it? $50k is a lot for a boat, like an order of magnitude more than what I paid for the boat I live on.
You don't really own a condo. You own some of the interior stuff like the finish and the Air conditioner but you don't own any of the really expensive stuff that matters like the rough and foundation. So you get all the debt from homeownership but without the executive control over the thing securing the debt. It's not really comparable and I'd argue it's the worst of both worlds.
>you don't own any of the really expensive stuff that matters
It's a tradeoff. I don't own the foundation or roof of my condo building, but if there's issues with the building outside of my own walls the repairs come out of the community's repair fund rather than leaving me on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars. Everything within my walls is easy and relatively cheap for me to maintain, and since the walls are shared I pay less for heating and cooling than an equivalent sized detached house would. My actual HVAC unit was also far cheaper to replace.

>without the executive control over the thing securing the debt
That's not the case though. I own my condo. I can sell the condo whenever I want, my neighbors and the condo board have no control over that.

>b-b-but what if a billionaire wants to buy the building
Then it's up to the collective will of the condo owners. Typically a supermajority is required for something as drastic as selling the building for a complete demolition/rebuild. No supermajority of owners is going to agree to sell if the buyer is lowballing them, and a developer buying out a condo building that isn't already a mess is rare to begin with.
you can get a fucking nice boat for like 20k, and spend the rest on stocking it with supplies
>condo owners don't own the building
Uh... I don't think you understand how condos work, or they work really differently in your country but I doubt it. Who exactly do you think owns the building?
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boatards I come asking for your help...
what kind of boat is this? Even if you aren't sure, having a estimate on what its top speed and/or cruising speed would be great.
They look like any generic utility/supply/small passenger vessel. The first has a more upturned sheer line and heavier ground tackle, so it's probably originally a commercial vessel, the second is very yachty.

Probably a 60-70m hulls, so efficiency cruise of 12-15kn, max is much harder to guess because engines can vary enormously.
Thanks anon, that's plenty useful. The two boats are supposed to be the same, but I agree there are differences. The top one takes precedence.
bcuz i live on land lol u fuckin clown. do u live in water like sum kinda frogman? lol this toadie fuck thinks he shud be a boat guy just cus he lives in his shell like a turtle. go b a fish somewhere else
I live near the ocean, but there's almost no wind at all just 3-7 knot at best
can I even sail with a small sailing canoe in this condition?
You're in a wind shadow, offshore the wind will be stronger.

Nowhere on Earth gets only 3-7kn of wind unless there's a prevailing breeze, and it's a windward shore (offshore breeze), and the land is tall right up to the coast.

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