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Hi /n/, thoughts on package drivers? UPS package car driver here
my gf is an amazon driver, she is a failure as an adult.
how much do you earn?
t. europoor
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,,allwaysafe driving near me.,,,,,,,
,,,,deliver myfood,,,meds/taken.
,,,,willing to brave walking trail tomy rabbithole,
,,withoutyou i wouldie.
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It's funny that end stage capitalism had created the idea that particular ways of "earning" the monopoly money that you need to *checks notes* not die are seen as a "failure" or "for children" or whatever. They are usually the ones that are actually important too. Like delivery drivers, building infrastructure, driving public transport, preparing food, taking away the bins, whatever. The fake "sit in front of screen all day" ways of "earning" the monopoly money are somehow "successful". It really is extremely stupid.
They do a good job and don't steal my packages.
OTOH I want all lawmakers hung
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>seen as a "failure"
>my gf she is a failure as an adult.
,YOU! have failed HER!,
,tonight,,,feel in your pants and find your Fing BALLS!!,,
,,,walkin, grab her abortion pills and THROW that DUNG in the trash!
,,,,,,tell her if she gets pregnant your getting MARRIED!!! MAN! UP!!! make HER a SUCCESS!
,,,,,then tender FORCEFULLY IMPREGNATE!,
,VICTORY!!!!!!! can be yours.,
How often do your trucks get robbed?
Shizo bro is right, man up and impregnate your girlfriend.
Hello, I forgot I made this thread

I'm in the USA and work under the Teamster national contract, plus my local supplement.

I've got a little over 2 years of full-time service at UPS, so I'm still in the pay progression. I make $25.75/hour with our new contract, overtime is paid at 1.5x my hourly rate after 8 paid hours each day. I work about 45 hours per week, give or take. In September 2025 I will be at top rate, which will be about $46 per hour at that point

Good pay and outstanding insurance benefits for a relatively comfy and engaging, sometimes easy job. I quit a white collar wfh job to do this and I don't regret it.
its more than just her job that makes her a failure... in fact the gig she has right now is pretty sweet compared to previous gigs
wait until you find out about the "just own things and do nothing" occupations and how much of the pie they're taking
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The trucks themselves don't get robbed often. We always have the bulkhead and rear door closed and locked unless the driver is in the back. Buddy of mine did have a close encounter when he was in the back of his car sorting the shelves and some thieves thought he had left the door open and unattended, they were quickly spooked and ran off
Man it seems like it would be so easy just to jump in when the driver is getting out and drive off - get a whole truckload of free stuff. I'm sure they have gps trackers, but you can buy jammers online from china that'll block phone signals so it can't call home
We have a key fob on our belt loop that needs to be clicked for the starter + ignition button to be activated. If you really wanted to I'm sure someone could hack it but the truck itself has telematics, GPS, etc. and would quickly get tracked down. And if the DIAD scanner is still in the truck that's another extra source of tracking info

There are stories on google of UPS cars getting robbed, they never get far
lmao so you gotta get the driver's pants off to steal the truck - UPS really goes the distance for their drivers i guess
i once dated a girl who was an art graduate and who, in her life, only wanted to be a driver for some big shipping firm because she "like to drive always". She was crazy as hell.
The Only sane persons working in this business are immigrant males. they are the only one with the background and the personality to tolerate a life that requires surviving with a truck in a western urbanized environment.
Hahaha we live in a society bro cmon
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Amazon have been putting all their branded vans out around my area over the past year. They're an absolute nuisance. Dinged sides, bad parking, frequently not even bothering with the bad parking and just stopping in the middle of the road to do their delivery. I appreciate that it's less the drivers fault than Amazon hiring the lowest bidder and demanding they pull off as few seconds between deliveries as possible, but regardless it can't be good for the company image. It's a wonder anyone still uses them, but I guess the lure of cheap junk from China delivered straight to your door is too much for some people.
I used to work for fedex, ended up hating that shit. Having to drive a big ass van through tight spaces was stressful af and the greedy kikes running our station kept adding more restrictions for liability yet still expecting us to do the same about of stops. I hear amazon is the worst of all tho. Also fuck anyone that owns a large dog
UPS drivers are the only decent people left in the delivery business. The rest is full with retarded refugees that won't deliver packages to women and don't care about set delivery dates.
>and don't care about set delivery dates.
UPS is the only company that is unionized and treats employees fairly. Don't be surprised when u don't get ur package at the right day when the driver has 200 stops
How does UPS afford to be unionized when all the competitors can’t? Surely can’t be out of the goodness of their heart
I'd rather sit in front of a screen for 15 minutes a day checking my charts while netting six figures than washing dishes or whatever

git gud, commie
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oneday,,,ispent 15 minutes getting justone bottle out of deep brush.,
,,,ilive on Gov Gibs(900$month anditsenough) and i wanto THANKYOU!, for dragging me alonginlife!,,,Thank You, realy!,
,,,ill spend hours pickingup cans,wrappers,packaging,,,once gatheredup 2 pistons and parts from roadside cagerepair!,
,,have brought Sharps container for broken bottles.,dragged large bits of tire,farming,homerepair back to my pile for disposal,,,currently have bag of aluminum cans growing.,,,,,if i could get 5 cents a can? id be a busniss!,
,,iprayou Kickass more! up yourgame to 7!

wheresmy wedding invitation?
>Hi /n/, thoughts on package drivers? UPS package car driver here
Stop doing that shit where you "attempt" a deliver by scanning a package without leaving your car, or write the notice up and stick it to the door without buzzing, fucking cunt.
>How does UPS afford to be unionized when all the competitors can’t? Surely can’t be out of the goodness of their heart

They tax the fuck out of their employees, have massive pay rates for their Union bosses, and threaten the fuck out of UPS for anything

Last bitching competition UPS dragged them out to stress the little fat fuckers out until they needed to have counseling....lol....over fans in vans and stoopid shit like their fleet is even considerably environmentarlly sound to be running stop/start all day everywhere.

They say they have over 200 stops per day, but that is exaggerated because in some buildings a load off of a single stop is delivered to massive buildings with a number of deliveries in each one.

So maybe there are 200 drops but less stops.

These are averages that they apply to routes that are run so the higher volumes will drive up the numbers to make them look fucking invincible....lol....still just pussies on a vertical pedal in a gas guzzler.

What a fucking waste as a well designed Work Bike can carry the mass of Last Mile, and they can just park the Browns in the cities and then use it like a mobile warehouse

Also UPS can't park worth shit in the city, making them the highest receiver of tickets on record.

In NYC alone they get around 25million a year in parking tickets, and are never towed for double parking and using the lanes as their loading areas.

I literally make a Work Bike that can fit into the rear of the Browns for Urban Fleets and can carry up to 1000lbs.

One last thing, UPS needs to separate their loads and max weights of anything above 40lbs over to freight and let them deal with dispatching some Mistubishi Fuso's with tail lift gates to accommodate.

Their idea of the Big Browns are cool but to stress their labor for any huge deliveries is a joke, and they need to recognize that an efficient delivery team is reliant on volume of deliveries and not volume of packages. Some vans with no ramps too.
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UPS buys votes with the wages that they tax from the Laborer and they have kept the warehouse workers that sort the incoming and outgoing packages for decades....

Starting pay in some places was miserable....so I don't really consider them a Union worth dealing with.

They are considerably useless at times and cause more grief than progress as they take an argumentative approach instead of a logical consideration of the efficiency model as a gauge of their labor needs.

In a lot of these older guy's minds they are a bunch of grunts that are doing all the work but the Teamster guys are literally a clown show.

When they were all forced to be vaxxed they decided to mind shift the issue over to Gay/Womens/Liberal identity endorsements as a way to really piss the guys off.

These are literally the most annoying and least progressive of the business ends of the company, and to consider that they were claiming to stick up for your rights and then dropped it all for a shit show and a few fagolas to dresss up afterwards was like that my little pony bandaid that you got after the good doctor injected you with genetically altered cancer causing element.

The Union decided that they woud just lay down and cry together about their suicidal committments to the VaxHappy club, with the interests of getting back at them with a few token pay raises.

So what is a Union? Its just a unified agreement, but in this case the Teamsters force you to work under that policy or else face their age old strategies of blacklisting.

So they are really just easily told what to do when the company demands it and in reality the company pays them as well to control their own labor so to keep them supplicated while lethal injections were handed out to everyone.

Fucking Stoopid Terds.....run by this fool thinking he's the "Brown Around Town Now"
being a delivery driver made me realize that dogs should be more restricted than guns. i'm even pro-2a but i don't think everyone should be allowed to own a dog anymore, certainly not mid-large size dogs. tiny dogs maybe.

Ok…..nice effort I guess but I basically didn’t understand anything you just said. Are you on drugs or something?
>thoughts on package drivers?
You guys are really fucked over by the shitty companies you work for. Given the choice, I'd always prefer delivery by postal service because the postal service actually respects instructions like "DO NOT SAFE DROP" my package filled with sensitive electronics in the middle of winter.
That and we should pass a law that says:
>any contractor providing a service to a residence or business (including delivery services and landscaping) has the legal right to park their vehicle in the driveway of the property
>any vehicle conducting commercial business gets parking tickets starting at $1,000 and escalating to $10,000 per violation, with the option for cities to pursue injunctions with even higher contempt-of-court penalties if that isn't dissuasive enough

I'm a Teamsters member (but not in transportation). I attended the meetings. You covidiots were always a tiny minority and the rest of us just wanted a safe place to go to work in the middle of a life-threatening pandemic that only got "better" because we waited it out long enough for the virus to evolve.
We Teamsters threw fucking money and lawyers at pointless arbitration cases THAT EVERYONE KNEW WE'D LOSE just to make you idiots feel better about yourselves. There wasn't even a risk of a DFR, because the legal precedents were all tight as fuck that the employer can do whatever they want as long as it's for "safety." This was repeated every meeting: "the arbitration hearing is coming, but don't expect good news because even the lawyer think this case is shit."
And then we got you lazy fucking shits your jobs back at the end of it all!!!
If that wasn't enough for you shits, then I hope the next big pandemic is smallpox, since we already have a vaccine ready for you idiots to filter yourselves over.
The fuck you want from here.
Z Scan and get back to work.
Actually, get some rest. The holidays are coming and your ass is gonna be pulling OT every week for 2 months.
P.S. Throw your piss bottles away somewhere else, not in the fucking trash cans at the hub. Thank you.
>and the rest of us just wanted a safe place to go to work in the middle of a life-threatening pandemic
Real onions hours lmao
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>tfw preload
I want out of this hell already.
I fucking hate dealing with you assholes.

I can tell you that I am not the one you are looking for, I am not able to accept the package and you guys get all angry and scream at me, then dump the package and claim I was the one who received it.

Another asshole always parks on the fucking sidewalk at my grocery store, he will basically just gun it up onto the curb even if I am walking there. I want to figure out his schedule and see if the cops will ticket that faggot.
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The issues with Amazon could warrant a whole thread of its own, but to keep it short, all these problems stem from how they choose to operate.
They hire contractors (DSPs) to fulfill their deliveries, which acts both as part of the company (using Amazon capital), and a separate entity (for civil and criminal liability). These DSPs are paid a negotiated rate per delivery when contracted, and depending on their overall company performance, are given delivery routes to fulfill.
How does this work for your average driver? They are assigned delivery routes made to maximize the most deliveries possible, mapped out by an algorithm with little oversight, while on constant surveillance, and expected to be completed within 8hrs: lunch, breaks, and delays included.
The average employee works for 3-6 months before burning out or being fired. Resulting in a retention rate is so abysmal, they hire immigrants or questionable drivers knowing full well they can be easily replaced. Even the cost of accidents and property damage is factored in to compensate for their hiring practices. After all, DSPs are made to fail if necessary.
I can go on, but this is why you always have problems with your deliveries.
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,,vitamin C D3 zinc?,
,,,,does raw garlicount?
stillwaiting,,,for wedinvite!,
,,DOiT,,,,fag!,make babies.,MAN!
> above 40lbs over to freight
UPS sold their freight division to TForce and if it's under 100lbs loose you fuckers should handle it.
Theyre getting blacker
I love the EVs the amazon guys drive
Write a report to Amazon, but don't assume that all of us try to pull these tricks.
I used to be a preload manager. The only driver our center had fired in the 4 years I worked that position was for piss bottles. He would just leave them in the truck. I knew how to play the union game (dad was United Steelworkers local chapter president). I documented and escalated each time. The only reason it worked was because he was "willingly and flagrantly introducing a biohazard to fellow union members." The fucking idiot was 10 years from retirement.
the ups truck would make a very cozy home to live in
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Bump for a thread that isn't about parking minimums and real estate press releases
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bumping for weddinginvites!,
UPS driver I get at work is an older guy and absolutely hilarious. I think he's been doing it for 20 years, maybe longer.

Amazon guys oth are scum in my region. At least 5 arrested for theft in past couple of weeks. All of them hindu's who've recently immigrated to Canada.
It is incoherent babbling. Makes you understand that not everyone is cut out to communicate online or sit behind a desk.
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90% are good but the rest make me furious
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>tfw preloader
>the wait time to get upgraded to driver at my center is approximately 12 years
Bet the benefits are alright
UPS vans are pretty kino
thank you for delivering my packages
And you forced your employees in the end to take the Vax or take a permanent vacation from UPS

Beautiful ending Honey, don't you think?
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And to think that they don't want official runners and couriers working for them anymore.....

So sad that they went moto-corporate and left that edge and speed and efficiency model behind having to mule a whole mobile warehouse around.
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USPS kneeger here (pic related was one of my routes),
You lucky fucks get better salary and is it true you don’t even load your own vehicles? I am constantly envious hearing about your 100k new contract (if true) salaries so it’s making me think about ditching (already sent in my job app)
I’m considering moving to UPS because management here in USPS is hell and everyone is masochistic. I only get paid 21 an hour and shift is from 6 or 7 am to however long it takes to deliver all my shit (usually ends at 5 PM). I have to sort all the mail in route order (including packages), load all of them in my truck, and we have no GPS or AC in the vehicle but you get used to it. Still sucks ass though but the retirement is good except when some days I get tasked to deliver some of Chad’s weightlifting shit I want to kms.

How is life at browns? We also got the new electric vehicles that look ugly as fuck but who cares atleast they got cameras all around so I don’t run over some kids and dogs “accidentally"
GREAT for drafting, but I know I do so at my own risk. Drivers have always been in a great mood.

Bacon is fucking nuts, but he's not wrong. Use your nuts or you don't deserve them.

Don't you DARE confuse amazon with UPS.
Don't worry. You'l get used to Baconrider eventually. Wait, that's the UPS dude. Uh...just stare at the packages going by until you reach zen.
>is it true you don't even load your own vehicles?
For the most part yes but sometimes the dipshit supervisors put someone new on your truck who doesn't know that they're doing and you need to spend like 20 minutes rearranging the stops before you leave the warehouse with your truck.
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white amazon drivers are a rare sight and tend to do it the best
Are all of them total dirtbags? One spike me with his headlights and pulled within a foot of me across from a empty loading dock, loudly flirted with a stroll up inside, then threw his fast food cup of urine out the passenger door AT THE DOCK, before leaving.

Another parks in front of my house on a country road with non shoulder, on a slow hill, on a curve, 200 feet from TWO huge parking lots, to AGAIN, throw a liquid out the passenger door, and wrestle his packages for a few minutes.
cool bird. is that a crow?
That's england? They pull that shit even there?
FedEx does the same shit, FedEx Ground uses only contracted couriers but Express still has in-house couriers but now they're merging the Ground and Express logistics chains and sacking half the Express couriers for more contracted couriers. Raj in all his pajeet retardation is selling out FedEx's reputation even more for a quick buck, I hate that fucking poo
Did you start as driver? If so, how'd you get that lucky?
that unwavering confidence of the screen-based workforce, even in the face of ai. also much of blue collar shit is of questionable greater purpose. I long to just grow food and humans, at the expense of what feels like all social standing. the market demands distractions and brutal ethical compromises
what are your thoughts about delivering water bottles? I just ordered some for the first time online
Will they ever give rider helpers better seats?
I've always wondered about people who do this
Worked for fedex express for a little over a month. Absolute shit job wouldn't recommend unless you're seriously hurting for money. I kept passing a chik fil a on my route with a sign saying, "Hiring starting at $18" and I wasn't making $2 more than that.

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