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why are guys like this so racist against anything that isn't old and farty?

why don't they just ignore the people flying by them at 40mph having a ton of fun being super fit and not fat and angry like themselves?
Why they such haters?
I suspect grant himself is a lot more laid back about this stuff than his followers. Just look at that bike he's on. That's probably like an 11-30 and a 48/24 in the front, right? So he's able to go 35mph comfortably. That is fast. Way, WAY faster than what your average unracercope hamplanet would dare consider. And unlike an unracer you can't be like "well the bike came that way" seeing as he designed and built it for himself.

Probably, like a lot of figures who got an inadvertent cult of moonbats name dropping him all the time, the legend outgrew the man.
*48/34 in the front
No. UNracist.
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Its simple. Those faggots think that a bicycle is a holy thing that needs to be in the family for generations.
And that 1k is a lot of money.
I buy a new carbon road bike like every 2 years and just have fun. Its better in every way and i dont care if things are starting to fall apart. Am i a consoomer? Maybe but it doesnt matter. Bikes are cheap and a 4-5k bike doenst set me back a bit.
Its still peanuts compared to other hobbies.
I'm only racist against other (inferior) races
Something just feels wrong about buying carbon frames made by tiny little yellow slave hands for 4-5x more than they cost to produce.
Would anyone know and tell me which are those fenders exactly, I need some and those look very good, especially the front looks like it would not let much road spray on the chainrings, and would you recon the black part is original to the stock fender or is it a modification of his? Thanks in advance.
SKS longboard is my guess since that's what Riv has sold for forever. They're plastic, in my experience they like to shimmy when you go over bumps and make a decent amount of noise, especially the front fender. Maybe I just never ran enough clearance between my front tire and fender.
>reeee slavery
t. the guy pushing "right to work" laws in red states so that 12 year old kids can have the right to be factory drones without union representation and then get diddled by their local 65 year old congressman because jeeebus saves

No it's true they rattle like crazy like all fenders, you can stuff every possible source of noise with leather washers though and remove the plastic end pieces and replace them with boutique leather straps made from chromexcel that you bought on etsy. Full fenders are just unracer fashion, the best a fender can do is keep mud off your back, the rest is just slowing down the inevitable. You get a better user experience with a clip on rear fender and skipping all the drama
why would you out yourself as someone incapable of properly installing fenders?
I don't have to ask why you'd out yourself as someone who doesn't ride more than a half a kilometer at a time at speeds never to exceed 20km/hr because to an unracer that's something to brag about
Looks like you got the consoomer riled up real good
Thanks a lot will check them out.
>for 4-5x more than they cost to produce.
that's practically everything you buy, that's how thr market works
ass blasted lmao
Unracers can be fast and many own road bikes.

I see lots of fat and slow carbon freds.
Also freds with horrendous clicky indexing and dry dirty stretched drivetrains and screaming brakes.

The dividing line between casual retard and competent cyclist or between nice bike and shit bike is not really to do with what kind of bike you have or what kind of cycling you're doing or what personality cult you subscribe to.

Just because you have chosen to purchase a modern road bike does not mean that bike will be excellent for ever.
>Full fenders are just unracer fashion
now that's half bullshit, full fenders help keep road spray from the back of the legs and seat tube. Yeah clip-on fenders do like 80% of the job but that last 20% of full fenders keep the ride so much cleaner. In winter weather that also means less ice cold water splashing onto the back of the pants.

No reason to run a clip-on fender if you have the mounts for full fenders, full fenders have a cleaner line too. The only advantage of clip-on is dry weather aesthetics, that's it
>full fenders help keep road spray from the back of the legs and seat tube
Seat tube sure. Back of legs, not really. It just delays the inevitable.
i live inside you
(You) think too highly of yourself, you're replying to at least two different people
I mean, yeah you'll still get your legs wet inevitably but it's very different from having salt, sand, and silt up to the back of the knee, with full fenders the grit only goes up ankle height.
It really doesn't though, because that shit is getting kicked up by the front wheel too and I don't care how long your fenders are, there's air turbulence up there and that shit is getting on your knees, there's no escape
I like fenders so when I go downhill fast the water doesn't get in my eyes and on my chest.
That was no fun.
The clip on ones are great for wet MTB riding too.
Never tried full fenders.
>because that shit is getting kicked up by the front wheel too
oh no, if only there was some kind of front version of a rear fender that could prevent this...
I will be shitting you out now.
can you eat more calories, please?
Also, you need to provide rent, so give me some insight while I am riding about unracer techniques or ideas.
you will never be free of me.
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>Poorfag cant afford a bike once every 2 years for 5k
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The longer I live on this gay earth the more bikes like this make sense to me. For fast group rides and racing I’ll still use my road bike, but for slower rides there’s no real reason to deal with any kind of saddle to bar drop. My legs aren’t supporting nearly as much of my weight as when I’m putting down actual power, and I think riding in the same low torso/saddle forward/quads rule the day position just fucks up your legs’ muscle balance for the long term.
you love this. you love me.
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Sorry for the dumb question, I've never seen this thing he has below the top tube before. What is it for?
Back before the tubeless days, it was common to actually get flats. People would just drop everything, pull something called an "inner tube" out of the tire, apply a vulcanized rubber patch, and reinflate the thing with a hand pump (they also didn't have co2 in those days)

Some old timer contrarians insist on doing it that way still even though it's demonstrably worse. Because the jews or something.
This so perfectly encapsulates nearly every poster lmao
It's an air pump.Tubeless guys should carry one since they can still drop quite a bit of air with a big gash/puncture, and I heard co2 doesn't mix well with sealant.

I prefer to run a smaller pump in my camelback.
why do these farty old boomers LOVE huge air pumps?
they are all about rolling slow but they must have a giant air pump so pumping up your tire takes 30 seconds instead of 60 seconds on the side of the road

these people are mentally ill
They're convenient, pump peglets just wouldn't get it.
He probably has high gearing because spinning is a newfangled racing invention and true cyclists mash at low RPM.
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prob sks as said.
fyi, though, you can make your own mud flaps out of e.g. old inner tubes (or just buy some) and turn any fender that isn't quite making full coverage into full coverage
he's probably had that same pump for 30 years. it still works so why buy some new mini pump? because zoomers talk shit about him on the internet?
I did that but with some chromexcel hipster shit I bought off etsy. looked pretty amazeballs, the grills loved it. too bad full fenders are garbo for slowpokes

t. >>1958433
I don't know why you had so many issues with your fenders, but I've had the exact opposite experience with mine. the VO honjo clones have never given me any trouble and kept me and my drivetrain clean and dry for my years as a daily commuter.
sounds like you bought cheap junk, or you're inept at installation, or both.
>SKS longboards are cheap junk
hey you said it not me
well, I have no experience with them, but looks like Grant's got them working for him, which would seem to indicate the later of my premises
>grant likes them
If there ever was a reason NOT to get something, this is it

Anyway the least shit full fenders I've used were planet bike, but since I'm obviously inept you should go with the stubborn slowpoke's choice, the man singlehandedly drove a tire company into bankruptcy so he must be right
I'd hardly equate business acumen with mechanical inclination, but whatever you have to tell yourself
Angry retards on the internet tend to believe everyone thinks the same way they do. Why do you think they’re so angry? Because they get bullied into doing things by strangers on the internet.
I'm curious now: which tire company are you talking about? Bridgestone? You're not serious about blaming a single guy for what happened to the Japanese economy in the late 80's, are you?
Jesus! smell the immaturity and inexperience in these posts lol
carbon fiber is satanic
Nobody takes pictures of wrecked steel shitboxes because it goes straight to the trash where it belonged in the first place. Only a tragedy is worth photographing
They look bad imo
this is one of my favorite pastas
>why are guys like this so racist against anything that isn't old and farty?
outrage culture, instagrifting, and terminal internet syndrome.
you arent going 40mph
youre thousand dollar meme machine is the difference between 25 and 30mph
you arent flying past youre crawling past and im not upset about it because you wasted alot of money for that extra 5mph so i guess you deserve it
my old farty bike was cheap to buy costs nothing to maintain and has so much compatibility i can upgrade it wish any parts i want to get that 5mph for a fraction of the cost of your bike lol
gainz are the only thing that actually makes a significant difference, again not that i care i dont have thigh muscles twice the width of my torso and im fine with that
if you do then you are flying past and you truly earned it
not everyone is rich you faggot
i highly doubt you are either
uci races?
the most inferior of all!
Dude how poor are you?
Most normal jobs for normal people, not the untermenschen pay around 50-60k a year in europe. If you arent stupid and have around 5 years experience you easily can make 70k.
Thats nowhere rich and i see many cowards buying 50k sportscars with a salary like that.
5k is literally change compared to that
just picked up a nice 165mm square taper crankset at riv, thank you based grant

>buying 50k sportscars
with borrowed money
Steel is pretty nice in that you can repair it more readily.
Not that it's impossible on carbon ofc, but given the choice I'd rather ride on steel instead of carbon.
Alu is okay too, though ofc much worse to weld and not as light as carbon.
At least mostly impervious to corrosion and salt compared to steel and carbon.
i can barely afford food thanks to niggers like you
>but I can fix steel
This old canard

Show me a case of someone fixing their crushed steel seat stay or buckled top tube. Just one

I've seen plenty of cases of people fixing a cracked carbon frame. Never steel

I wonder why that might be
I can't imagine anyone being interested in LARPing as a 4chan poster. Does this really happen?
Hobbyist framebuilding died before the internet got big. Replacing a seatstay would not be much of a problem on most steel frames, but replacing any of the main tubes is akin to open heart surgery. My personal philosophy for bike frames is that if it's broken, it's broken, regardless of material. If you crashed hard enough to break a frame do you really want to keep riding that thing? I don't. "Repairability" might be one of the last reasons I like steel frames. Honestly it doesn't even make the list.
I wouldn't diy it, probably, but it's a lot easier to find a guy who can weld than it is to find a guy who can patch carbon. Could be significant for touring in particular.
There is absolutely no reason a bicycle frame can't last 50 years of use, and with the right owners some do.

>for 4-5x more than they cost to produce
Quit being retarded.

>so that 12 year old kids can have the right to be factory drones without union representation
Kids can only work on farms owned by their family.

The intention behind laws banning kids from working on farms is to extinguish the existence of a family farm and turn farming into a graduate job.

So every budding Kulak needs to subject themselves to 4 years of institutional Bolshevik hazing, all the while their role is being done by an certificated inclusive and diverse worker, building years at the business in the son's rightful place, who will file a lawsuit the millisecond the farmer's son is promoted ahead of them (if they survive the hazing).

Right to work is good, fuck you.
Sure, if you never touch it, it could even last 500 years. But in the real world that's not how it works. A bike frame with 150k-200k miles on it is an extreme outlier. Sooner or later it's going to get hurt by something in its environment and that's it. It's cheaper to replace it at that point than to repair.
Beautiful welds!
That's because in the real world bike frames are built with the expectation that they'll only be used for a few years, so builders chase lightness and cost.

The outliers are bikes like the Dutch single speeds, but among Dutch single speeds decades of use without frame repair is not an outlier.
That’s because in the real world people would rather have something that’s pleasant to ride even if they have to spend an extra $50 a year

Cycling outside the Netherlands looks like it does for real reasons that have nothing to do with numtot mental illness
and generally much cheaper. Simple carbon repairs are 500 dollars upwards, four figures for whatever that guy was talking about
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neckbeard delusions from the same people who claim, without evidence, that ben serotta personally fellated them while building them a custom frameset for $50 and a six pack of beer based on a craiglist ad:

reality check from the real world where repairing a steel frame is basically not done in any first world country, except for extraordinary collector pieces owned by rich people:
>$450+ Replace rear dropout (plus cost of replacement dropout)
>$550 Replace down tube or top tube, TIG welded
>$650 Replace down tube or top tube, fillet brazed
>$800 Replace down tube or top tube, lugged
>$900+ Replace seat tube
>$500+ Replace chain stay or seat stay, per each
>$700 Replace steerer tube
>Prices do not reflect cost of repainting your frame.

>Dropouts (one) $160
>Top, Down, or Head Tube $320
>Front Triangle $460
>Seat Tube (Full or Lug repair) $460
>Re-paint (strongly recommended) - from $600 (depending on difficulty).

tldr: carbon and steel repairs are basically the same thing cost-wise except that there are more existing carbon bikes worth repairing than steel since steel is mostly found at the bottom of the barrel and in a few boutique frame builders and let's face it none of you NEETs own anything in the latter group and the second you have the money for a good bike it's going to be a carbon bike and you'll act like you were never posting this steelisreal cope
steel frames get repaired all the time zoomer
yeah, in bangladesh and haiti, sure

p.s. old enough to be your grandfather, sit down
pretty sure those goalposts broke the sound barrier
it's okay to dislike things without a good reason, you know, you don't have to make up fake ones
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You're retarded.
Of course they cost the same at a bicycle-specific joint. They need to make money off of ignorant retards who think their steel bicycle isn't just metal tubes welded together.

You could get any of that work done for under $100 if you just go to a metal shop and tell them what you need. Sure it might not be pretty, and it won't work on your exotic soda-can thin team racing bike. But it's just fucking steel tubes bro, it's not that serious.

This is why people who cycle across continents get steel bikes.

Also, I've no experience but I'm pretty sure the above is mostly true for carbon repair too. Plenty of people fix their own frames with good results just using carbon sheets and glue.
pipe down
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idk mang im so slow that road bikes are pretty much aye lmao ufos
they breeze past @ 30 mph with some retard 80 rpm cadence
I used to pace them for the keks but the weight of my bso and my lack of tree trunk legs put an end to that
What the fuck is this gearing?
Touring road rider gear. That way you get small jumps in gearing in the rear depending on if you run 8 speed or more. Then the 26-26 gives you the low gear, while the 52-13 gives you descent speed.

Personally I would just run a compact with more range in the cassette, or a standard triple with more range in the back. I don't race so I don't need the 52.
Bumping to protect from the yimby spammer
Not him but can you explain how ?
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Say what you will about the unracers themselves, but it's a mark of genius that this guy managed successfully to convince palo alto tech bros that they can win a social media argument with some imaginary crabbon freds who made them feel slow by spending $3000 on a replica of a $300 piece of shit you'd find next to a homeless camp under a freeway overpass
one does occasionally feel that they're putting an awful lot of work into designing and building bikes that just aren't all that good, though I think there are worse offenders than Riv ("klunker" and ad copy about "riding to the pub" are red flags)
>they breeze past @ 30 mph with some retard 80 rpm cadence
They can do that only for short intervals with a group of riders taking turns. Amateurs (I think you refer to them not proper pros) have in best cases around 300 Watt per hour power, that equates roughly to 23 mph on flat terrain
Also 80 as a cadence is quite good and even a bit slow. You see slower cadence might seem easier since it strain less your hearth, but pushing slower can put a real dent on your knees if you are not carefull.
>I used to pace them for the keks but the weight of my bso and my lack of tree trunk legs put an end to that
No need for big legs, you need powerful hearth and lungs mostly. The big boys are just sprinters and track riders.

Whats the point of this answer? I dont know, just dont be scared to try going fast even with your normal bicycle.
>ad copy about "riding to the pub"
Never noticed this until now but it's hard to get out of my head how spot on this is
a bit of mashing does feel right ngl probably because it removes the weight from your taint
Skill issue
damn, i just realized i'm an old man. i used to a ride around with pic rel on my top tube with a bungee cord coiled around it.
all that time adds up over the years
>26-26 gives you the low gear
lol no better than a modern road bike which has 34-34 imagine have a based 3x chainring and then cucking it like that with a gay rear cassette
I carry an sks pump in my camelback. For some reason I like picking up bikes by the top tube to move them, and the pump being there bothers me.
nah it's just young wippersnappers up here.
out of 1000 people who spec their bikes for "what if it needs to be welded" maybe 1 of those will do something approximating a transcontinental ride

out of that 1/10th of a percent, maybe 1 out of 100 will actually need a welder at some point

this is just larping, no different from those people who buy MREs and store them by the pallet in their basement with the ammo and the toilet paper rolls
I switched to CO2 around 1999

t. old man
>So he's able to go 35mph comfortably.
yeah nah
probably because newer bikes are a product of globalization, lower quality, energy inefficient in manufacturing and produce waste from overproduction like cheaper bikes
What the fuck is going on with that bike frame? Why does it have two parallel horizontal tubes??
I think it's because somebody brazed on a second top tube. That's like asking why it's green, it just is.
Ostensibly adds stiffness and durability for larger frames meant for taller and heavier guys, but it probably just adds weight and makes the bike handle like ass. Grant always specs out absurdly overbuilt shit like that
aside from the large frame thing it's also common on Raleigh models in India and Africa and Flying Pidgeons in China

It's because the bike is your only vehicle and is loaded with your extended family and year of crops to market.
Grant is signalling his bikes are 'normal' and 'practical' in the same way.
old fuck here.
i love those zefal frame pumps - lightweight and easy to use, though putting one on the top tube like that is pretty awkward.
you can pick up the plastic bodied frame-fit ones from rarewaves for 6 bucks or so - they're spring loaded and fit vertical so get the right size.
the newer mini pumps which have little hoses so your pumping action is isolated from the pump head attaching to the valve.

They are so much better to use.
>not buying superior italian steel for 2x the price of your SEA garbon fredsled
Colnago supremacy now and forever.
I was going to make fun of you for thinking that Colnagos aren't Chinese carbon these days but apparently they do still make a few Italian lugged steel frames and mighty fine-looking they are.
4chan has no problem believing that there's a fleet of orbital jewish laser cannons that cause tornados, or that lizard people are trafficking children to sell their blood to democrats, but some guy being able to spend a couple thousand to upgrade the bike every few years? Definitely a larp, what an outlandish claim hahahaha
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>i'm so much faster than your slow and clunky crap... ACK!
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Old can be very cool, so can new. But with old you get the added rarity.

There was also a time when things generally were made better, using better quality materials and superior engineering and workmanship, simply because the industry was still figuring out how to make things well, and was yet to reach the point where their primary focus was how to make things cheaply.

All products and industries follow this curve, cycling isn't unique, the car is another obvious example.

There simply comes a point where they perfect the technology and then turn their focus towards cutting costs, and that's usually just before the penny drops - that building things to last is bad business.

Every product, every industry has a golden age, a short window wehn they were still craftsmen and creative genius's involved, before the accountants and managers took over.

The bicycle industry window closed sometime in the mid to late 1990s.

Picrel is a low - mid range consumer tier ATB. It cost £349 in 1987. Even accounting for inflation good luck finding that kind of quality in the same price range today.
Obvious zoomer. Things have 100% gotten better since the 90s, you're just romanticizing a past you never experienced. Sure a few things maxed out like flat pedals or steel forks but almost everything else has gotten better
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My body is ready.
Delete that you dumb, shit. We'll all have your home address when the info updates.

Just in case they do, here's the tracking number for everyone: 9405511206117007221001
Linux users are retarded
wow what a cool thread. this is never discussed at all on this board...
>flying by them at 40mph
>on a bike
skill issue, leglet
My package arrived, and the thing I was most excited about--the Suntour shifter clones--feel so sloppy. Even when I compare them to worn out ENE shifters that I've been using for the past 15 years.

I was promised HOT THUMBIE ACTION.
Grant-sama, I've never been so disappointed ;_;

Are newfriends this easy to troll?
U didn't think I would post my *actual* tracking number, huh?
I've had the exact same experience. How'd they make such a simple shifter feel so shitty. It's like click and the 1mm of play
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who is this swarthy gentleman in the visor
I went down a little cops on bicycles rabbit hole today, I found on wikipedia that our beloved grant also had something to say about the ideal saddles to protect cops prostates. He really is the polymath of cycling
>cops with tattoos and beards
is there no standard anymore
>orbital jewish laser cannons that cause tornados, or that lizard people are trafficking children to sell their blood to democrats
the weather dominator is a UHF antenna array, and the lizardman is an allegory for people who commit inhuman atrocities.
t. doesn't ride
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You son of a bitch.

Every day I watch this thread slide through the catalog. Page 7, page 9, page 10. 10. 10.
Then back to page 1 with a three-word bump.

Grant is tired.
Let an old man rest.
Sorry grant. I won't do it again
Road cycling has a lot of little bitches. Roadies are almost always cagies first and part-time cyclists second.
I ride broken bikes, single speeds, gravel shitbikes with walking boots and covered in bags filled with my shopping and to see their mouth breathing faces when they catch up after trying to race you, is priceless.
I'm a roadie and I haven't owned a cage since 1998, what now
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>I'm a roadie
I can tell
Touring triples are from the era before you could have wide range cassettes. The fact that there's only 5 cogs in the cassette in the diagram should tip you off, this is some 70's shit.
Ok and? What point are you fucking making with your made up statistics? That just because few people need to weld a bike, that it's not cheap/easy? Because it doesn't matter if only 1 person in the world did it, it doesn't change the fact that a steel bike is cheap to repair
not eveybody has money mr richard
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Grant "once I reach page 10 I'm free" Petersen
They must not have lyme disease in california
Can those thin-ass tubes (in mixte geo no less) survive actual mountain biking?
That's a shit question set up for going "No Real Scotsman". I used to regularly take worse tyres than that around the locala MTB loop when I was a student, for what that's worth.
Also, you don't know what a mixte is.
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My body is ready,
Grant "trapped in Samsara" Petersen
those are 2.1" (57mm) tires.
That was the standard size for mtb tires for a long time.
2.0 tires are awesome for easier trails, and with mud cleats great for mud.
My favorite size is 26x2.25 with small compact knobs for high speed XC riding.
You modern bros running 29x3.0 are just excessive for non enduro stuff.
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Grant was actually a qt when he was younger. Here is a old color photograph of him riding before the decades of sun, trail dust, and test turned him into the old man he is today
grant is pinning? damn. based and 70s pro pilled.
Saw a giant fat fattie on one of those bikes today. Grant's target clientele.
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"Page 10"?

Just wait until we get to the back of the book
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Hey I have that book too!

I wouldn't go to alameda county. Been robbed there twice. My good bike stolen at gunpoint. Don't do it!!

solano co is very underrated and has amazing places tho
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how is it that internet people are getting robbed all the time and nothing ever happens to me? like do you just have a t shirt that says "oh please oh please rob me pleeeease"? I ride around the so-called "ghetto" with a carbon bike that costs more than most of the cars every day and when I'm not riding I'm usually wearing the latest sony wireless headphones and a multi thousand dollar watch and the worst that ever happens is a hobo says "bless you" (translation: "fuck you asshole") when I politely decline his request for spare change, I hate to sound like one of those victim blaming types but you're obviously doing something to invite problems

agreed re: solano county though it's cozy

is the ghetto you're talking about west oakland because if it isn't, it's not ghetto
Not so fast, unracer
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I compared the two on "crimegrade.org" because apparently the real estate sites killed those features. So who the fuck knows how useful this is (probably not very because the site appears to be an affiliate link farm for selling prepper gear to mentally ill people), but:

West Oakland:
Overall: F
Violent Crime: D-
Property Crime: D-
Other Crime: F

My neighborhood (not doxxing myself because I fear the hacker known as anonymous):
Overall: F
Violent Crime: F
Property Crime: F
Other Crime: F

It would appear that I am such a bad dude that I could personally rescue the president from ninjas, whereas you are a pussy who cowers at the sight of your own shadow. Neener neener neener I win.
If you're wearing long pants, you're generally ok. It's also said that they can't transmit the disease unless they have enough time to get engorged
Lyme is only in the north east/central Atlantic of the US
The ticks that spread it are blacklegged ticks (or deer ticks). They are usually found in the:

Upper Midwest
Pacific coast, especially northern California

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