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I'd like to buy whoever invented the thru-axle a beer. It's a fantastic invention and I have no idea how it manages to be so good. It makes replacing a wheel so much nicer than fucking qr skewers.
Ok I've been meaning to make a thread about this and you saved me the trouble.

How in the FUCK do you spec replacement skewers? Apparently there's like 20 different thread pitches and axle lengths and shit for the same nominal OLD
You just ask the brand/google search the answer. Or visit the Robert Axle Project site - they have a good finder tool there.
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Actually that site was specifically what made me go ballistic and decide TA is an international conspiracy to piss me off
What bike do you have that you can't figure out? Some no-name China special?
Basically yeah. It's a sketchy drop shipper called "Canyon" and the model is "Endu-race" lol, that probably sounds really cool if you're Chinese.

Price seemed good at the time.
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Procuring a replacement axle is a frustration I've not yet had cause to experience. I imagine that could sour me somewhat on TAs. Although parts-compatibility seems to be a problem endemic to the modern bike industry and not specifically with TA.

>that probably sounds really cool if you're Chinese.
Or German, as the case may be. But I'm assuming you were being ironic.
Thanks, yes that is another example of useless information
I think you're overthinking things. You need a 12x100 front and 12x142 rear with 1mm thread pitch.
What more do you want?
The length would be nice?
Measure the width of your frame or fork at both ends where the axle attaches and add the sum to 142 or 100 respectively.

Or just order one of these
Yeah I know I can just break out the vernier calipers but my point is coming from the QR era this whole thing seems like a practical joke taken too far. Handlebars and stems and seatposts have standards, why don't thru axles. A "standard" where the specifications given only constitute part of the critical information is not a standard at all
>Yeah I know I can just break out the vernier calipers but my point is coming from the QR era this whole thing seems like a practical joke taken too far.
Oh. And here I thought you actually had a real problem to solve. Turns out you just wanted to bitch on the internet. Fuck you then.

The whole bike industry is increasingly a practical joke. Just wait until you need a new bottom bracket.
On the contrary, you learned something today didn't you? You thought TA was just 142x12 wham bam thank you ma'am, and now you know better. Maybe someone else did too.
Meh, fair enough.
>It's a sketchy drop shipper called "Canyon"
lmao, thank you for that anon
also wtf is the point of their d2c model if their entry level bikes are just as expensive as big brands?
Which bikes are you comparing?
the entry level endurance bikes, cheapest endurace is €1300 which is hardly competitive
I've done too much internet shopping today but last I checked their 105 mech bike was about $900 less than giant's
wasn't giant supposed to be a cheap brand as well, since they own most frame manufacture? i can find 105 bikes that cost less than 1k, by bulls and van rysel
Real 105 or mixed? What kinds of wheels?
one of them has full 105 except for a microshift casette, fulcrum racing 6 wheels, idk if that's good.
I like cup and cone bearings and therefore like QR's.
>my dirt jump bike has 20mm TA in the front and hex bolts on the rear
checkmate, atheists
they're not really the same kind of bike. the van rysel is a rim brake bike with external cable routing. it's a different generation of technology. nothing wrong with it but that's why it's so much cheaper.
Are you me?
>t. also has 20mm thru axle+bolted axle on the rear of his dj
I also have bikes with
that €1300 Endurace 7 RB has rim brakes too, and paying that much extra just for the benefit of internal cables doesn't make sense on a bike touted as a cheap alternative. if it had hydro disks it'd be a different story.
qr is superior. axles flex for micro suspension gains and improved planing. thru axle saps watts overly stiff
I didn't even know that existed desu

I thought they dropped those years ago
it's the cheapest model endurace they have and it's still overpriced, i'll never forgive the freds
I got my canyon before corona so I don't share your feelings. The real villain here is coronatards
>fuck you i got mine
the boomer mindset
>Just call the company or Google it
So basically it's impossible for boomers to use. Noted.
Boomers can just drop it off at the shop and have the monkeys take care of it
Can I actually overtighten a thru axle by hand? I don't seem to know if I'm tightening it too much or too little.
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Probably, with retard strength. Don't be retarded, just tighten until it's firm.
Or get a torque wrench an axle with an allen end.
Use a bit of assembly paste and do it up just hand tight. Less force is better for longevity of your bike.
now riddle me this fellow thru axle enthusiast. i have to replace an extremely pain in the ass front thru axle 12x100, m12x1.5. lenght of the axle 100mm (you read correctly) total lenght 109mm. it's one of those with the head that goes in to the fork. obviously I can't find a replacement and the fork producer is out of stock.
can i buy the shortest I can find and then put some spacers near the head?? assuming the shortest i can find is L120, does that mean i have to put 20mm of spacers?!?!
you're overthinking this, just go on amazon and buy a 12x100 wa la
wa la poster you're starting to get on my nerves can't you recognise a serious question?
Loose wheels are WAY worse for your bike than tightening something that's supposed to be tight.
thru axles aren't just a friction fit hanging on desperately by a lawyer lip, so overtightening them isn't necessary. just tighten with the same level of force you'd use to close a jar of peanut butter and that's it, you're good (can't say w* l* anymore because SOME oversensitive types get upset)
> just tighten with the same level of force you'd use to close a jar of peanut butter
Ok good luck with that.

>can't say w* l* anymore
No, please continue. Your militant refusal to learn basic spelling helps identify who to ignore.
im sure it is better but why are bikes and hubs that take them so expensive?
rly not worth it for me
plus i can convert a nutted bike to qr, cant do that with a thruaxle
i guess i wont rly be able to appreciate them when i see a bike that suits my needs for cheap that has them and il still probably always be dealing with qrs on other bikes all the time
Wheel goes on perfectly aligned every time, no effort. It's crazy how long it took then to figure this out
Retards ITT that have never seen someone use a digital caliper and don't even really know what it is.

<You mean they make cheap precise (insectoid produced)tools I can measure any bolt size,length, diameter and even thread pitch with?
Second time I tried green texting proving even more green textings for faggots and shills.
Mentally ill tool hoarder thinks everyone sits around looking for reasons to buy more stuff for the "man cave"

The only time normal people have ever had to do what you're describing is spoke cutting. For every other real world situation, the nominal size/spec of the product tells you what replacement you need to buy. Even if individual brands deviate slightly, the parameter that's actually relevant can be safely assumed to be all you need to know, and when it can't, it's only an issue in edge cases, like someone trying to "upgrade" by adding an unusually large tire, or a new seatpost being too long on an XXS frame. Imagine having to measure every single seatpost with a digital gauge. This is what you're defending
I like these but they make wheel theft too easy. I have to carry multiple lock to keep people from stealing them. For nice bikes that never leave your sight anyway they're good.
Removable lever axles are a thing, but you do have to buy a mass spectrometer to determine galvanic compatibility. For example if the dropout uses a cadmium-mercury alloy, which is common these days for completely arbitrary reasons that I will nonetheless defend, an axle made of aluminum could permanently damage the threads. This is completely normal and anyone who doesn't accept this is a fool
well, you see, dumbass, one symbol is "greater-than", and another symbol is "less-than."
this was covered in my first grade education but I understand not every school district teaches things in the same grade level
There really isn't. Measure yours, measure your wheel hub width, and go from there.
It angers me that the force relief struts/hollowings are milled/forged in the exact opposite direction in which the force would be going.
its not hard to put a wheel on properly with a qr
kinda a non issue
it does look faster though
but like where are the bikes that use it ive never even seen one
how can you tell just by looking?
not doubting you, I want to learn
I don't understand. You've never seen a bike with thru-axle?
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>people had a hard time with QR
fucking really
so is TA vs QR going to be a rehash of "my obsolete inferior shit is just as good as your current good shit" like we did with discs for the last 10 years until hydro discs finally became affordable even for broke NEETs?

I know the bike warehouses still have a lot of QR frames to dispose of but you usually see those paired with a TA fork at least
It's not so much that I had a hard time with QR, but that TA is so much fucking nicer in comparison.
Well, expect for when you need to source a replacement axle, apparently.
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Nah I actually might be entirely wrong about it. I have one of these and the arm looks similar.
I presume most modern thru axles are nice, but one some of my older mtb's they can be annoying.
No lever on the side, and so you end up pushing/hammering it out from the other side.
I have found every annoying QR experience to either involve "lawyer lips" which are the nubs on the bottom of the fork/rear dropouts to protect companies from loose qr's.
Or external cam qr's. Whoever popularized those sucks.

I can go and grab a 40year old internal cam qr and it clamps hard and easy. A 10 year old external takes way more force to get the same clamp.
>No lever on the side
I think most TAs I see nowadays don't have the the lever, just a socket for an allen key.
>so you end up pushing/hammering it out from the other side.
... Are we even talking about the same thing here?
>I'd like to buy whoever invented the thru-axle a beer.
Probably Josef Mengele
You make Tullio Campagnolo sad
Good. He made everyone who used his products sad.
what am I looking at here
looks that way yes
>roadside flat repair
>flip bike over
>remove axle
>it's covered with grease
>nowhere to put it
skill issue
>flip bike over
>>remove axle
skill issue
>>it's covered with grease
skill issue

t. toobless chad
Just add "everything is covered in sealant" after the first line.
sounds like a <32mm problem
was that the bad guy in "marathon man"
Bumping this thread to remind non thru axle havers that there are NO thru axle standards and in fact every single fork has a different, custom, proprietary axle despite superficially having the same "spec"
As a first time thru axle haver, you people aren't kidding. 12x142mm with 1mm thread spacing but it's a sufficiently different pitch to be incompatible with my trainer and my trailer, both of which came with like three different thru axle adaptors. Mavic speed release how bout I speed release this dick in your mouth

Previous gen TCR is pretty much an unbeatable value play innaUS. Polygon is possibly better, but Giant has as big a dealer network here as any brand for in-person support and trying before you buy. Agree that Canyon is somewhat disappointing on value.

Sensible chuckle
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solid-axle > qr > thru-axle
I was going to buy a giant but I got ignored when I walked into the giant authorized dealer near me so I just ordered a canyon on the internet and called it a day
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You overthought it trying to own people...

The way you determine what size thru axle you need is you measure the old one.
My lbs has last years tcr (the bronze flake and blue one) for 1990 isd.

I think canyon and giant are the best values. I know canyon is in the pro Peloton but there are no dealers nearby where I can take a joyride.

If I literally didnt just spend 150 bucks on tires and chain for my AL frame carbon fork Poseidon triton id have bought it.
Doesn't work if you've lost the old one. Which I imagine would be the most common cause cause to need a new one. I don't imagine TAs break a whole lot.
simply wrong, don't even try to pretend you enjoy bolting on a rear wheel.
How do you lose a thru axle???????????????
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Are you supposed to grease the thru-axle? Mine came dry stock
greasing the threads is not a terrible idea. if there's a lot of grease on the actual axle part someone probably just over-applied grease on the threads and it smeared off when inserting
you could try soaking it in paraffin
This specifies the metric size for all screws, contact area size and screw pitch. You only needed the length, if not for the (((innovative proprietary companies)))
yeah, had to buy a boost fork for the front wheel
>12x135 (rare)
scott voltage fr had it. I'm still using that wheel, with a sunringle 12 to 10 adapter axle.
i got my steel thru axle literally seize to the alu hub. then got some anti-seize and problem solved.
I'm sure if you added tungsten stuff it would work great

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