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bicycles should be fun colors, not boring solid colors
Congrats, you've caught up to the latest bicycle trends from 4 years ago. Spoiler: aluminum in high end frames is next.
I agree.
Whatever, fellow /n/iggerino.
I wish the two trends would merge
allez sprint is (or was, I haven't checked this year) only available built up in boring colors, blackout and fucking CELESTE
the new emonda alr is only available built up in blackout and that fucking coral abomination
all the CAAD13s near me are all BLACK BLACK BLACK
and fuck the Di2 105 versions coming out of everything this is supposed to be a mid-starter bike why the fuck is it $3700+
and specialized does those wacky color schemes in frame sets only
save us Giant
I did buy the emonda in white as a frame set it's rad with the jersey patterns, but hey it's sold out now and all that's left is BLACK
Pay some custom paint.
I was thinking of doing a wrap actually
but I'm good now I built up my emonda
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have you considered a Crust Evasion Lite?
>reeeee I want free shit
If you want bargains you need to lag the trends by exactly 1 cycle. Black is exceedingly uncool right now. Want a cheap and good bike? Buy a black one. Won't impress your tiktok friends but it will impress your bank account.
I don't want free shit I just want some basic colors that are a little brighter and maybe some cool patterns
even the cannondale stripes would be ok with some brighter colors
but I got what I wanted, emonda with the palmares edition paint, just wish it was built up with full 105
I was able to build it up for cheaper because of CRC and merlin sales but now that's gone so I don't know what I'll do the next time I'll have to build up a bike because the only offered built up colors will be black and something shitty
nah but I wanted the latest memes, internal routing, aero tubes
wasn't really looking for a gravel bike
I might now actually my local group has only been posting gravel rides lately
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I like this actually
my favorite paint jobs are always creative rattlecan dealies
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then they wouldnt be able to upsell (((limited editions))) and effay colabs
everyone wants cool patterns, everyone wants the latest hot shit, this reminds me of when "minimalist" jerseys were hot shit and everyone was like "reeeeee stupid fucking lycra freds showing off their expensive logo gear!!!!" when all the rich people were in monotone shit from rapha and pas normal and meanwhile broke people like I was at the time wore bargain bin team sky kit and put up with all the hazing and anger because it was the best way to get comfy clothes for next to nothing and I guess normies thought I was rich
bikes should have fighter jets and dragons on them
If it's black you could scuff it up with like 1500 or 2k grit sand paper, do some splatter over it 1-3 colors(bright), and clear over it.
I have liked cool/splatter paint for 2 decades.
I like what I like and that includes early 2010 bright mtb clothing with monster energy symbols.
huh? has anyone ever criticized you about the way you ride a fucking bicycle in public? surely all this faggotry, criticism and bitchiness is confined to the internet. i'm having a hard time beliving someone rode up to you and made fun of your attire. i mean, some random person i could see calling you a fag, but not another cyclist..
I wonder if this is the reason aluminum bikes are colored like this. If they painted them to look as cool as the carbon bikes, they already have the carbon tube shapes now and they grind down the welds on some of them, then who will want a carbon bike when the aluminum is a couple pounds heavier and several thousand dollars cheaper. They're no longer the plain round tube bikes with icky external cables and groups only up to sora. Sure it's a couple pounds but most of us aren't racing, those pounds are fine for larping at group rides.
I could see someone in a roadie group looking at him with some ultra branded jersey going "nice kit!" sarcastically
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solid colors are fine as long as they have a nice shade and finish, i detest the amount of boring black bikes and ugly colors like canyon's green which makes me physically ill. dark blue on the other hand almost always looks good.
>Want a cheap and good bike? Buy a black one
where are you finding these massively discounted black bikes?
shiny frames look good, same goes for merida green
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all my bikes and cars are red because no one wants red
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You considered one of these?
Is that pogo?
Those bottom down tube waterbottles are retarded
>go down bumpy hill
>bottle bounces out
>gets jammed in between DT and tire
>you fly over the handlebars into a tree and die
Just looked that up- holy shit! I did NOT need to know about this guy! Fuck you!
lol, how do you not know about pogo? he's the whole reason clowns are associated with horror
Lol paint doesn't have anything to do with the used bike market, except for collectible/retro
They've been a thing forever, you're retarded.
not hard to add a strap anon.
Based and go-fasta pilled
That dropout mod unironically puts a lot of torque on a pair of flimsy metal tabs, chainstays and seatstays both point off axle. It is weak and dangerous and I am sure it is not UCI certified.
You are 40 years too late
i would be more worried about cowshit going on my waterbottle
I didn't even notice that, is this supposed to be a SS bike?
It does make it easy to tension a chain when running SS or a gear hub but the sliding dropouts are primarily to extend tyre clearance when needed.
You can also see the dual position dropout on the fork, same thing.
That distance from the axle to the seatstays and the hollow structure is not very confidence inspiring though, but the fatt tyres probably eat up the stress.
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Reminds me of my trek checkpoint.
I mean it's super cool by virtue of being so unique but honestly I feel like it's a solution searching for a problem. No one really converts their bike from a road oriented bike to gravel bike with wide tire clearance to single speed and back. I'd still buy it though if I had the spare cash.
Damn yea this does look really wack.
Agree with you here if I wanted a hub bike I'd buy one, the cost of a conversion would probably be a significant cost of a new bike, and approach buying used.
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>this guy has $2,800 aluminum frames to sell
>high-end aluminum bikes are suddenly "le next thing"
I don't like this guy
Something about him
I don't like this guy
Something about him
ngl I have been very tempted to get one, although if I'm actually wanting to go anywhere on it idk if I'd be best off finding one with a freewheel and a brake rather than just a regular one like that
racist mentality
ronnie seems ok
i dont really care about his products, but i think his attitude surrounding cycling is ok
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It's fine motorcycles have that kind of dropout
Check your picture, the axle is in the dropout. On the bike in OP the axle is way off the actual dropout.
nobody cares
they were talking about trek/specialized/cannondale making aero tube/integrated cable frames
they even let Sagan race one but he came in second, so the stunt failed, people probably thought he would have won on carbon
no they weren't the thread is about fun colours.
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Is that bolt supposed to take all the torque of the brake? Is that the post mount lying on the chainstay? Where the fuck does the torque go?
fun colors?
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no, the whole piece is inside the tube, the bolt only holds the thruaxle in place. The torque wouldn't change it's position, at best it would try to bend that bolt, which is at an advantage.
is this fun
Looks like a marketing gimmick to get you to look at the brand decal.
5/10 at least it's not matte black.
>Everything colorful but the brand logo
Looks like a marketing gimmick to get you to look at the brand decal.
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your bike should be whatever you think looks cool
mine are white, blue an blue/white
bad day?
pick one
everyone knows that clowns pack
looks like a romero britto painting. neat.
Nah. Just a mediocre attempt at mocking you since a brand's logo is designed to stand out on whatever they slap it on.

Why is it always the absolute meme bikes with that unreal saddle tilt? Are influencers / photographers so detached from the object they are shilling for?
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>Are influencers / photographers so detached
I am feeling numb already.
>The torque wouldn't change it's position
I know. I'm not talking about the dropout sliding.
>the whole piece is inside the tube
I sincerely hope you mean to tell me that the bottom flat portion lays in some notch on the inside of the chainstay and that the bolt is just keeping it hugged up against it.
It's your bike as you said, you should know.
>the bottom flat portion lays in some notch on the inside of the chainstay
correct, I thought it was clear.
Could have been a sexy frame if not for the pig disgusting dropped seatstays
Truth. You know what they say about big feet.
do they do that because a smaller triangle is stronger or something? or is it just an industry trend of being different for no reason
Supposedly it's more aero.
It's not different since brands have been doing it for what seems like 5+years.
I think it's ugly, but I don't buy new bikes.
supposed to let the chainstay deflect upwards more while retaining crosswise and lengthwise stiffness
All this, and lighter since shorter tubes are lighter than longer tubes.
>and lighter since shorter tubes are lighter than longer tubes
This is not the case as you have to reinforce them and the seat tube with more material. All the ultralight bikes have the top tube and seatstays meet in the same spot because they can support eachother and not put any strain on the seat tube.
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I like all kinds of livery, bright or low key doesn't matter if it's aesthetically pleasing. I have a love for 90s fades though.
The only thing wrong here is lack of bottle caps.
Cool liveries are only availabe for 10k dick tier bikes.
Better to buy a frame of stupid color and get a custom paintjob
QBP is closing All-City after 2024 season, and the paint schemes for the final season are really nice. I guess designers can actually do what they want to do when they don't have to worry about whether they can clear out the bike inventory from retail channels before the next model year.
All City always had fruity colors
howbout i just get a Surly instead of Surly-At-Home?
i always want to order one of these frames but it's always 18 to 36 months out and i never end up committing.
Crust mystery steel is supposedly lighter than Surly mystery steel which is way heavier than Reynolds 520.
I unironically got the sl6 in clearcoat only.
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I wish I could find nice hazard vinyl wrap to go with my dull gray frame.
My bike is a chick magnet due to its color.
which is what?
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Lil Moine
idk anon it looks more like a gay best friend bike rather than a chick magnet
Anon, those are the same thing.
this one is sick too
the bigger issue with these is that they get absolutely caked in muk
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They're gone by now but just before covid the end of season sales would only have black left in stock
I have a pet theory that the skinwall tire craze is a direct result of the stealth bike craze when people realized that it looked cringe to not have any colors at all
2/10 not graevel enough
Is that this faggot?
>frame can't flex but that 10 cm of exposed seatpost can
>most perceived comfort comes from tire pressure

I literally have a bike with smaller tires that is more comfortable than another one with bigger ones and no amount of letting air out of them is going change it, dude is full of shit.
He's an instagrammer, of course he's full of shit. He might even be right but he is, it's entirely by accident

If you want an actual, math based analysis, this guy seems to know what he's talking about:

exotic alumemeum alloys is absolutely going to be the next thing. There's research being done with ceramic-aluminum alloys that's looking promising.
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I always wondered why we can't have springy aluminium frames. They make tent poles out of it and those bend a great deal.
Aluminium fatigues rapidly, those frame sticks are not meant for 100kg dynamic loads and rapid bumps. The only Al frames capable of taking that kind of load are rigid and harsh, which is good for the frame itself but not so good for the fork, this is why we have steel or carbon forks paired with Al frames.
that looks like Rane's bike. I know the guy, he's one of the nicer crazy gravel influencer types. Taken a few spins on his bike, its so stupidly uncomfortable.
tanwall only looks good on certain schemes. All black, blue or darker green, looks fine. Red...maybe. Anything white or with mixed colors, looks pretty shit.
Silver or metal finishes are also fine, mint green, seafoam green, various other colors.
>various other colors
Chrysler desert turquoise?
I'm a guy, I only see 16 colors, don't ask me to list more.
frames dont flex nearly as much as seatposts u fucking retard
frames are triangle trusses
seatposts are just one unsupported lever arm


tire casing tread count has more to so with comfort than width or pressure
I believe it's called celeste ;)
Give me some actual lab tests not another internet theoretician.
It’s thread count retard, and also you are wrong.
I keep seeing this push from "influencers" who are almost guaranteed industry shills, to convince you that a frame cannot be more or less comfortable, despite years worth of empirical evidence. I don't understand the reason, seems like shooting yourself in the foot on your more expensive models, why not just claim that YOUR frames are more comfortable?
I bought my current bike specifically because my previous bike had a godawful frame and it was very uncomfortable.

Current one is like a dream.
Brands? Models?
Current one is Cannondale Topstone AL with a pair of used Ultegra brifters, GRX chainring and cranks, GRX 810 brakes, XT rear derailleur and Tanpan 11, SLX 11-46 cassette.

Previous one was a bad bike with a brand name of... ready? BadBike! It was a BadBike Baddog something with the worlds worst configuration of a frameset. I mean it, the bottom of the barrel Decathlon bikes have better geometry than that piece of shit had.

I am very, very happy with my Cannondale.
Sooo... should I use pain stripper or sand it ? Blast it ? It's aluminum btw.
>Blast it ?
with piss
like ur mom ?
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looking for a colour that goes well with lilac. I have a lilac frame but want to add a flash of colour so will repaint the fork and stem. I was thinking of orange or yellow?
Should work.
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purple and green is the current color meta
This one looks like vomit, could be better.
I like it.
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purple and green has been the color meta since 1997
thanks doc
I heard purple makes you transition
i was thinking of buying this bike but the swamp green is just too ugly
I happen to think the paint scheme is nice but I'm just a schizo from /n/. I think with a saddle and wheel upgrade it would look quite nice indeed. though you'd probably say "but I'd rather upgrade the drivetrain". it's not for me to tell you what to upgrade but the paint is not the issue
So 90s was crazy spilled paint buckets. 00s was chrome. late 00s early 10s was stealth bikes. late 10s was earth tones then metallic glitter and now fine detailed colors on white

what do we think is next, /n/?
me when i
no reflectors
black jacket black jeans
i have lights tho
>colour frame and fork with the all black everything else to make it pop
based tbqh
unicycles are based tho
they gatekeep themselves
bottle cages in general are dumb get a bag
how thefuck do you drink that shit covered in the filth of the road
thats a cool feature but id rather just have 2 pairs of dropouts lol
or whatever the fuck thuaxles or whatever modern meme bikes have
this weird sliding thing looks overdesigned to me
what if this but you can change the height of the axle too?
its ok
OP is wrong. My bike is blue.
My bike is grey but not boring grey, it has colorful (mostly blue) sparkles inside when it is out in the sun. Otherwise it is graphite grey in the shadows.

I'm in the process of putting patches on a dull black framebag. Since the store mostly has rainbow unicorn pony and sportsretard patches I have to settle with white flowers, a hedgehog and Snoopy on a bicycle.
There are bottles with covers included. I also have a bottle/snack pouch on my handlebar to keep my hydration
why does nobody use them tho
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>posts mushy pea bike
You might want to book a visit with your optometrist.
You would see it more often if you have gone outside.
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Just tape your bike with luminous tape or work for the government?
dylan johnsons new bike looks pretty cool for being white
too bad all the consumer models look uggo
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I really like 80s italian paint
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She wants to Ride a
Boring Black Cycle
but White Bikes
are Bad Luck
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Flames, flames are the only way.
The flames are only cool ironically, they make your bike look ghey
Maybe if they w
I like this a lot
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gonna paint this stem, what colour do you reckon will be the best?

PS bike is yellow and green, forks are red and there are blue accessories also. Think about it, let me know what you think. I'll be waiting. No rush, just see what springs to mind.
>just see what springs to mind.
Purple. Might as well try to get the whole palette in.
agree, do purple
Don't paint it. Just oil, wax or clear it. It looks cool like that.
that's too many colors for one bike, but to answer your question, paint the stem whichever color is dominant on the rest of the bike
Purple is out, I agree with the lad that says there are too many colours already, so adding more would be a bad idea. Truth is the bike already looks like a bad acid trip, luckily the blue is only on components, so I will probably remove all of those to tone it down a tad.
I'm going to pain stem red to match the forks
i know someone that ran a suicide cage and the bottle bumped up into his front wheel and he crashed and is now paralyzed
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Aside from taking my bike apart and painting the frame, what can I do to make it look less dull? It's all black at the moment. Going to get tires with reflective sidewalls but what else
Bottle cages and bar tape are easy.
You could get i9 or white industries or CK hubs in funny colors. TA levers too.
I believe there's a china carbon rim maker that will do custom wheel colors, I forgot which but it's one of the bigger ones.
Some saddles come in fun colors
If you are still running legacy brakes, paul components makes them in weird colors
What about stuff like wraps/stickers/decals for the top, down and seat tubes? Or do they look fucked without exception?
I mean if that's the look you're going for. I wouldn't do it to a nice bike but if you've got a shitter you want to make look more interesting, why not
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Seriously tempted to put some fucked up looking decals on it. Like those old WW2 planes with shark faces painted on them
nothing is ever cool "ironically" fuck off
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for me it's thunderbolts
Post your bike
cover it in holographic vinyl.
Completely? Or cut it into some shapes and sprinkle that shit over the frame so I don't have to take the whole bike apart
I'm such a sucker for holographic and color changing stuff. You bet I'm a millennial, back in my day holographic meant limited edition
If you got something that didn't completely clash with the colors of your bike, I can see covering only half of the bike working. Say, top/head/down tube.
silver chain and cassette
rainbow ones even
If it's aluminum, strip the paint off the frame and polish it
>v-brakes and road levers
how'd he did dat
Oh interesting, didn't know that was a thing
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Is that a collectible bike?
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I wanna see a modern full-faggot aero bike but in early 2000's swooshy nonsense graphics like picrel
Mine's raw and black
Heh me too heh heh ;)
topstones look way too much like a commuter bike
picrel is actually a synapse, not a topstone. what's the difference between a proper road/gravel bike and a commuter bike? handlebar height?
I tried ordering it in black but it was out of stock, now it's grown on me
I'm so fucking glad I didn't get it in matte black
Looks cool, could do with a bit less black.
Rate my rattlecan job. First ever attempt.
It's clean but needs decals BAD.
not bad for a first attempt, not bad at all for rattle can. The gradient could follow the line better but that's a whole level more difficult, doing that would elevate the workmanship however.
I have some Japanese text on the other side. Some Initial D shit. It's a Carrera so don't really want to broadcast that.

The fade is difficult. Annoyingly, I used an expensive, two-component clear-coat but it's still super delicate and already marked where it's knocked against bike railings, etc.
where'd you get the keychain on the back? i luv this bike
shit idea, paint the stem and the handlebars teal blue so it clashes with the red well, alternatively you can paint the handlebars purple
>Le NTSC phase shift
Last thing I'd expect was for anyone to feel nostalgic about such cancer
for me its polished frames
those cannondales with the smooth welds are pure sex
i just slather on black rustoleum on my shitters and ride them until they get stolen
I was considering polishing or brushing mine, but then said fuck it, and left it stripped raw.
boring sells better
>give money to gay retards
That's what taxes are for.
describe, in specific terms, the "years worth of empirical evidence". evidence of what, exactly? most of the time when you see someone saying something along the lines of the frame "doesn't matter" what they mean is that factors like the angles, the tire pressure, and the physical preferences/limitations of the cyclist, are going to render any difference between carbon layup or brand of triple-butted meme steel insignificant. and all of that is true.
so what exactly are you trying to argue here?
looks like a tranny bike
I thought you had tranny derangement syndrome but then I saw the pic
rent free bby
true but sad.
To be fair it does have 2 out of the 3 colors

Anyways, what's the best way to paint an aluminium frame? How rough should the surface be for optimal rattle can adhesion?

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