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Last thread hit bump limit

Spring is coming, get the winter stuff when it's on sale. Except people from Argentina, for you, get the summer stuff when it's on sale

Anyone use winter-specific road or MTB shoes? I've been depending on overshoes for too long

Discuss bike apparel. Engage in catty tribalism between "lycra lout aero fred" and "practical normal not-a-cyclist' (actually still marketed to cyclists but with reverse psychology) apparel. Boast of your metric century (not a real century) wearing just jeans and a t-shirt. Conveniently, there is no strava of it but it totally happened I swear!

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>no shirt/trikot
>always at 110rpm
Yep thats me
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mtb gloves suck
I don't like to play dress-up.. I just jump on my bike and ride it.
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>no sanic bike cycling gf
I got no lycra for these feels
This seems as good a place as any to ask. I have always felt a little bit of irritation and itching in the front center of my hairline during and after rides, right where the helmet is in contact with the head. I wrote it off until I noticed I was starting to thin out on that spot, so I did some googling and apparently this is called traction alopecia and it can be permanent.

I've switched to satin finish headbands under the helmet, but I don't know what else to do other than not wear a helmet. Anyone else have this problem?
>I don't know what else to do other than not wear a helmet
you just answered your own question
I was thinking maybe just spam my forehead with minoxidil before and after rides
>tfw fat
>want to cycle a lot
>thighs hurt and chafe while riding
>too embarrassed to buy and wear a chamois
what do
You should be embarrassed not to be wearing a chamois. Launch unracers into the sun.
What the fuck is an unracer?
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The unracer cult promotes being a pickme fake cyclist who thinks that trying to appease cageoids by riding exclusively on designated "segregationist riding paths" while wearing klederdracht and hand carved klompen is somehow going to make cageoids drive safely. They are very chill and non judgmental as demonstrated by the fact that they hate anyone whose bike weighs less than 50 pounds or has more than one gear

It was started by a disillusioned weeb who accidentally fell into an executive position at a japanese zaibatsu that wanted to sell bikes to americans in the 1980s and given an unlimited budget to sell high end product at a loss, unsurprisingly everyone loved the bikes and thought he was a genius, which caused him to develop senile dementia. The dementia didn't stop him from convincing a whole generation of tech bros that buying a heavy, outdated $5000 replica of a $150 dutch piece of shit makes you better than someone who rides a fast and efficient $1000 road bike purchased used
Ride more...loose fat and get that sexy thigh gap for the black saddle to sit in, and you also "season" that ass with more riding.
If you're embarrassed about wearing tight clothing, you should ride more to tone that ass. Build a nice firm ass that you can wave around boldly Infront of cages, and infront of me. While riding a bike haha
There is underwear with chamois you can wear under regular trousers
Steel toe boots, jeans, long underwear, long sleeve shirt, maybe a sweater and a parka.
Is it an ebike or do you ride in antarctica?
>fitting wool turtleneck
>cheap wide crop trousers i got from shein
>thin wool socks
everything is pretty breathable and it keeps the sun off of me. i find underwear and having a fitting saddle is more important than anything padded, i usually do 50-70mi rides and im fine. but it was pretty chilly the other day and...i don't actually have any suitable layers like a wind breaker so i got pretty cold.
i love that i don't have to wash wool stuff so i can wear the same sweater for a week straight. i do change underwear daily and socks every other ride if i don't get too sweaty. also i saw that silca has wool socks for$30/pair, i thought the darn tough socks i wore were expensive when i got them on sale...wtf
maybe this is an unracer fit, but i really dislike buying single purpose clothing plus im cheap/poor. i also dont like plasticy fabric clothing like my pants and undies, but wool pants are really expensive and im not so adept at sewing. the polyester undies prevent chafing, too.
I weigh over 100kg and like everyone else it takes more riding to make your ass adapt to the beatings of the road.
Somethings that do help are a decent saddle for you, largest reasonable tires you can fit in your bike, and most importantly more riding.

I just don't like putting on cycling shorts. Downside is my normal shorts are wearing through in the crotch area.......
>It was started by a disillusioned weeb who accidentally fell into an executive position at a japanese zaibatsu that wanted to sell bikes to americans in the 1980s and given an unlimited budget to sell high end product at a loss, unsurprisingly everyone loved the bikes and thought he was a genius, which caused him to develop senile dementia. The dementia didn't stop him from convincing a whole generation of tech bros that buying a heavy, outdated $5000 replica of a $150 dutch piece of shit makes you better than someone who rides a fast and efficient $1000 road bike purchased used
So bridgestone bikes of that era are good?
Recently I have been wearing old motorcycle gloves. Haven't found any protective full finger gloves that are decent, so I am happy these are working good since they are underprotective for motorcycling IMO.
He's not riding hard enough
It's a lot more likely that your hairline is just retreating due to genetics
it's not the helmet. I am 28, been losing hair since 25 or so. One of the indicators was an itchy scalp and it's well documented. Luckily the common F drug stopped that issue and my hair doesn't itch and I now lose a normal amount of hair a day.

If you notice little white hairs going out of your head then it's happening.

Run no helmet for a while and I bet you it will still itch.
won't really help.
Are MTB baggies too fucking hardcore for you?

>So bridgestone bikes of that era are good?
Yes, but they're a meme.
They were very good, I had one (I'm old), but it's important to remember what "good" means in bicycle-speak, at least for people who aren't delusional retrogrouch luddites. "Good" means good relative to what was available at the time. A high end bike a generation or two ago is basically equivalent to a low end but still serviceable/maintainable bike today. Cutting edge state of the art cost-no-object stuff on prestige model bikes by top name brands will become regular everyday baseline expected features on inexpensive bikes in approximately 15-20 years. So when someone says of a 1980s or 1990s or even 2000s bike that it was a "great bike" you can't compare it to today's great bikes or even today's pretty good bikes, you compare it to that era's pretty good bikes, nothing more.
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well fuck. I don't want to take shit that's going to make my nuts fall off, I'm not some baldhead costanza that needs those kinds of drugs, I have hair! I'll just pretend it will go away on its own, until it looks noticeable and then freak out and order bathtub estrogen on the dark web and spend $10k on a hair transplant
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wew lad
>I don't want to take shit that's going to make my nuts fall off
my dick hard as hell every morning and my t is like 1030 ng/dl last i checked
i take 1.25mg/day approximately, i divide up a 5mg tablet because it's way cheaper that way.
Fair enough. I just like fixing and repairing old bikes and have noticed bridgestones are more expensive.
I haven't ridden enough modern road bikes to know what's good so I stay in my lane with my one fancier bike (mid 2000's ritchey swiss cross) and my older bikes.
I am the retrogrouch/old bike enthusiast even though most of the bikes are from before I am born.
Where do you guys find prescription glasses for cycling? I'm just using my regular glasses but I'm afraid of damaging them after I had my first spill while biking.
Just get ti frames, I crashed wearing some and they're fine, a little bent but the store lady fixed it with some kind of expensive looking bendy tool that weighed about 100 pounds. The impact might drive a titanium needle through your brain though, also they're a little expensive
rent. fucking. free.
my normal glasses. really annoying how they slide down my nose when i;m in the drops and the brow piece is in the centerline of my vision.
you can get wrap around frames with impact/ scratch resistant lenses from one of those outlet frame places. shouldn't be more than like $100 from some place like glasses usa(if you are american)

even normal sized people with nice bibs use a bit of it before a long ride.

You also need to vasoline/bandaid your nipples if you go out and do a huge run in the summer or you will chafe them bloody. Not even lying.
Frozen shithole of Hoth. Twenty below straight up - no windchill. Degrees F or Degrees C? . . . First one then the other.
Just normal glasses with maybe some addons to make sure they don't fall off, like those rubber hooks that go behind your ears. Oh and if you must fall off try not to land on your face.
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My favorite gloves are almost shredded and they're no longer in production or available anywhere. Anyone got recs for recent model winter road gloves that are warm and windproof without being unwieldy lobster mitts? Pic only tangentially related
I don't, that sounds like it would make an impossible mess. Chamois cream washes out because it's not made of tar
desu I just buy enough cheap pairs that it won't matter and you can have a spare pair with you if you're a long way from home
but also, I've been through some reasonably kinetic bike and moto wrecks and the only time I ever broke my glasses was when I had a pretty bad reaction to a bee sting, glasses fell off when I fainted, and EMT stepped on them. so this may not be as big of a worry as you think.
Meh chamois cream is gross. Vasoline on your own ass, nuts and grundle > wetting your chamois up with water based cream.

You take a shower and wash your bibs after every ride it doesn't matter it is personal preference. I just cant emphasize enough the need to wash your bibs/shorts EVERY ride or you will get saddle sores from ingrowns.
Bruh. The fact that you think washing your clothes and bathing are top secret life hacks says what needs to be said about vaseline
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anyone tried these "Gear Aid" kits to repair bibs? I had a disagreement with some rocks the other day and my favorite (relatively new) tights have a small hole
is she waving at me? haha, hey :)
for summer bibs I don't bother with anything other than redwhite anymore
I can't really find good fitting bibs, it's allways moving up and down.
Long ones seem good, maybe because they grab my legs better. In bibs the mad moves, thigh grips don't grip that well. BUt it's all decathlon stuff. Do I have to go full fred and buy the expensive brands?
how thick is the pad on those?
I like their overall sales pitch but don't really like super thick padding.
I've had about 10 bibs overall and I'd say they're towards the thinner side of the spectrum in terms of absolute thickness, but I wouldn't say they're "minimalist" or anything like that. there's density there.
*10 different bibs if that wasn't clear. I only have one redwhite that I got last summer. the rest from other brands
Maybe try a tighter one? I only use shorts and don't have that issue.... but they are tight shorts.
The differences between expensive and cheap bibs:

1. Better chamois (the most important part)
2. More complex construction (more panels to orient fabric stretch in the optimal directions for each part of your body)
3. More complex and comfortable thigh grippers (cheap ones are either too much or too little)

Upgrading could improve the way the bibs move (or don't move) on your body, but if they're really moving a lot you probably just have something too big
I made a thread before about the ground floor of yuppie douche cycle wear cause I need to hide in this group of assholes cause I get too much attention as a dirtbag, and no one had answers.

Shirts at the local bike shop are still 130$ for Lycra recycled water bottles. Also shapewear or something if you are a chub. I saw a "runner" yesterday who was full potato. I'm fairly built, but I wouldnt be above wearing a fake muscle suit as a joke while in these hyper revealing clothes.
Are you just looking for something that fits and has neutral colors? rion? ykywbike? hell, voler mystery jerseys are $35 and MiUSA.

>hyper revealing clothes.
can't relate desu, I'd do literally all my training in speedos if it wasn't for chafing, weather, occasional poison oak, and possibly police.

density is fine, just don't want a ton of bulk. thanks.
Try some stuff on at a shop to figure out your general size, then order online or ebay. Jerseys and shorts can be found on great sales pretty frequently, but you kinda need to know your size range.
If you don't want revealing stuff just go MTB. Most of the jerseys aren't revealing and pretty comfortable. Not aero, but that just means when you beat roadies you are that much faster.
>the first person who has never been gross
You sicken me.

what clothes are nice for fatties
look for "club fit", that's code for fat fuck

t. fat fuck
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I bought a $325 helmet, AMA
>when you beat roadies
unracers try not to be obsessed with how fast other people are going challenge INPOSHIBORU

no but seriously what is it about the sight of normal cycling clothes that makes fair weather weekend cyclists get all competitive and try to "defeat" me when I'm just cruising through their neighborhood on a normal 80 mile ride? good for you, you managed to sprint for 18mph for about half a mile and then your heart exploded, you want a head pat or something?
Was it worth it?
Probably. It feels like I'm not wearing anything on my head. Even the wind through my hair is crazy. I never got this much ventilation in my life. The coverage seems not as extensive as my last one but vtech gave it a 9.45 so I just. need to make sure I bash my head into a lamp post at an angle that falls within the specified range and I should be fine
That's nice. As long as you feel good about your purchase, it's fine.
Need some new Sunglasses for my rides? Whats good these days? Normally would just wear some tinted safety glasses from the workshop, but I dont work there anymore. It's time to step up my eyewear game
they're a bit played out by now but I'm happy with my sutros. the cool kids are now on more outlandish and extreme styles though
the choice is up to you, because they come in two classes: rhinestone shades and cheap sunglasses
I commute with my bike in the summer and last year I started getting really annoyed with back sweat so I'm looking for a new backpack.
The only features that are a must are a ventilated/netted back and a laptop compartment.

Currently looking at the Aevor Proof Bike Pack. Does anyone have experience with this model or suggestions for alternatives?
get a rack and strap your bag on to it. there is no acceptable backpack for cycling in my mind.
Everything has its place. Backpacks suck for commutes where there's no stop along the way to pick up groceries. But panniers suck for grocery shopping because carrying those things around in the store with a basket in one hand is incredibly awkward.
>get a rack and strap your bag on to it
No. I will not be mounting a rack to my road bike. I do not care that that would eliminate back sweat.
>commute cuck
>road bike
I hate you /ni/ggers so much
>you can't drive
>no wtf you can't ride your bike either you need to use public transit
>your bag is all wrong
>you can't ride a road bike
>no not even when it's 10kms of flat and paved bike path
don't get upset, we're just a very chill, non-judgmental, non-conformist crowd that doesn't obsess over lycra and going fast. that's why we rage at people who wear the wrong clothes, ride at the wrong speeds, on the wrong kinds of bikes. we want to make sure everyone else is just as non-conformist and non-speed obsessed as we are, while making sure everyone knows it's ok to wear what you like, and ride what you like, how you like, and at the speed that makes you happy, provided all those things EXACTLY agree with what I like (if they don't you're a jerk and you should be shamed and ostracized)
Well said. Now get another bike and use it instead of your road bike for your grocery shopping.
>Now get another bike and use it instead of your road bike for your grocery shopping.
But anon, I go grocery shopping in my car. I am asking for a backpack that can hold a laptop and a couple of small extras. Is that to hard to understand?
Cotton T shirt and joggers
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>carrying those things around in the store
huh? why don't you just leave them on your bike and bring your groceries back to them? are people really stealing panniers where you live? i know i am certainly not carrying 4 panniers into the store and trying to awkwardly explain to the bag people (fucking americans) that i want my groceries loaded in my reusable bags.
i did that for years because I was "too cool" to wear be a lycrafag, getting slowed down by flapping fabrics but now I'm a lycrafag and wish I didn't wait so long to go aero.
I’m on the verge of going Lycra lol

I want to exert as little energy as possible on my commute
>that i want my groceries loaded in my reusable bags.
That's not really a concern for me because re-usable bags are the default here (also a fucking american, we banned single-use bags). You just can't use them for holding stuff when walking around in the store. You load them up at the register after paying. Can't speak to the pannier stealing from direct experience, but I assume an unsecured item with a resale value in the high 2-figures range is probably steal-worthy
>You just can't use them for holding stuff when walking around in the store
weird, that has never been a problem for me. though i don't think most people would really understand how much a good set of panniers cost, and i don't have ortlieb ones either so the main name brand isn't there. otherwise most thieves are probably going to have no idea what they're looking at.
i would imagine rummaging through them is just easier, have fun stealing my bungee cords i suppose.
>no idea what they're looking at
a bunch of pieces of plastic and fabric that wouldn't be worth 10 bucks, but some retarded paid way more for it?
Lmao cost and worth are totally different concepts anon.
well I do have ortlieb ones so I'll just take them with me. imagine thinking bike thieves don't know anything about bikes
The majority opportunist thief is just that, an opportunist thief. If someone is going to steal your shit they're just going to take the whole bike dude.
What are you getting at? Perceived value and market is what matters if you are just stealing shit to resell, it doesn't matter what they're "worth".
I ride in local races with jeans, boots, and on a 10 speed.

Still beat carbon fags.
Thiefs know what can be sold easily for good money, and fucking bike bags ain't it lol
oh ok. so you're saying if I have $200 worth of bags, unsecured, on a bike with a heavy chain lock, then the existence of the unsecured bags renders the entire bike unsecured? that is certainly an opinion.
the reality is that crackheads will steal anything, even if its totally worthless.

Someone stole the mounting bracket for my 10 dollar amazon light.
no...? i'm saying if someone wants your shit fiddling around with 4 panniers is a retarded waste of time compared to cutting a lock, for someone that is determined. for someone who wants to nab something quickly they're probably going to realize "hm i can't just tug these off like a handbag off a chair, probably not worth it to grab all 4". the second statement wasn't a direct continuation of the first. the bike having panniers on it probably doesn't make it immensely more attractive. panniers are a pretty niche thing and not something someone is going to want to steal to flip.
if i'm looking for a bike to steal i'm not going to be perusing the racks looking for fucking panniers and i'm going to assume to owner isn't a retard and hasn't left any valuables in them.
>hm i can't just tug these off like a handbag off a chair,
but there is nothing stopping them from doing exactly that. do you actually know what a pannier is? it seems like you think it's some kind of permanently affixed component, like a rack or something
here's a video showing how these things work, as you can see, it's not rocket surgery

>do you actually know what a pannier is
it's almost like...not every pannier is the same!
>i don't have ortliebs
i don't have ortliebs

mine are not removed this easily
what should fat people wear for 50+ mile summer days? other than a burlap sack to hide our hideous bodies.
bibs and a jersey same as anyone else
Just wear lycra nobody cares. Just do a club fit jersey aka buy one a size too big.

We arent greek gods here we like riding bikes. Lycra is like a singlet in wrestling. Love it or hate it, its the objectively best way to cycle.
I'm doing door dash on a bike, I don't think bibs are gonna work for me
xl+shirt, comfy seat so you don't have to wear bike shorts.
However bike shorts for mtb are better, or just wear the pad under some comfy shorts.
she's pretty :D i love girls
Anyone tried these new reebok pump cycling gloves? If you pump them 2-3x before a climb you can jump higher just like charles barkley
basically. you are going to look like a fat fuck regardless so there isn't much point in hiding it.
I used to shred through those before I just gave up on trying to wear "normal clothes" and went full lycra homosexual
are polarized lenses worth it over basic ones that just block uv and blue light? polarized are double the price.
have to order some new glasses and figured i may as well get some prescription sunglasses while i'm at it.
i wouldn't consider non-polarized glasses, but i live in florida. if you live in seattle it may not be worth it.

also, what brand are these? even cheap gas station sunglasses are polarized these days, who the hell is upselling it for a 100% markup? im guessing its some cycling specific ripoff company.

oh i didnt see that part. still absurd.
heh, i live in fl too and have been using some el cheapo sunglasses of unknown origin for years.
but ok i was wrong, with the tint it brings non polarized to $32 over $45 for polarized because tinting is included. it's just the lenses themselves that are $16 vs $36. but no uv protection? dunno. i would assume my current ones don't have that either so i guess i probably won't notice a difference.
Depends on your environment and riding conditions, I don't have a pair of polarized prescription glasses but I used to have a set of polarized Oakleys that blocked a lot of glare reflecting off car windows and glossy paint on clear high brightness days. It's useful if you're sensitive to glare.
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>but no uv protection?
OH, i'm retarded and can't read.
Anybody got experience making/using vinyls on their helmet?
Mine is carbon fiber so Idk how it will interact with adhesives?
Any tips for placing them?
I got some designs I wanna work out while I wait for the state to answer whether its legal or not (Europe so laws are weird sometimes)
Polarized are dumb for general use, if you're a sailor or something fine, but for ordinary land use they cause more problems than they solve
That sounds pretty sketch but they have all those helmet mounted camera things so maybe it's fine. Do the kids still say "sketch"? I haven't read the latest slang.

Helmetfags don't get to feel the wind in their hair
And they don't get to feel the wind in their hair

What a cruel world
milwaukee (tool company) and carhartt gloves have always worked well for me and lasted about the same as sports-marketed counterparts while providing more dexterity. lined leather ones for chilly weather and ski glove lookalikes for when it gets really cold.
Everything about this bike is fugly though, I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Those handlebars, the stem, the br**ks saddle, the frankenstack, for some reason the head tube is too long, random out of place bell, grip shifters? I'm sure it's a fine shitbox for commuting and comfy on various levels but on the astatics angle it never had a chance
I actually quite like that rack
to me the cockpit and the wheels/tires are the ugliest parts

black spokes on classic frames tend to look awful and those grips are disgusting
I came to the conclusion bike mounted bags are just a meme.
I had frame bags, I had top tube bags, I had handlebar and saddle bags. They all suck.
Frame bags rob you of space for bottles and make your bike look like a hobomobile; top tube bags while looking better than the alternatives touch my legs when climbing out of the saddle or.my crotch when I dismount.
Handlebar bags destroy aesthetics, can't really be accessed while riding most of the time and don't even get me started on aero. Finally, saddle bags are a necessary evil, as I don't really wanna carry spares on my pockets every time i ride and take them out every time I arrive. And all of them rub and mark your bike.
So yeah, gym sack for the win, a backpack if I need to.
Cheap mtb shorts are my jam bros
im reluctant to be an aerodynamics boy, it looks great on the instagram korean chicks but i swear im gonna feel retarded, but im gonna tryhard it so i can get a lycra wearing gf
why is bike clothes so gay holy. it's so weird, without a bib - i fucking love watching porn and masturbating but once i wear a bib, i suddenly want a dick up my ass. wtf
same bro. the other day an hispanic truck driver yelled "marica" at me and I know I was supposed to feel insulted but it felt good
Occasional bike rider here.
Anyone have suggestions to not look like a raging bum boy?
Tshirts not a problem but the lycra pants outside a race.... yikes....
mtb shorts
MTB shorts are stretchy and loose, very comfy. I'd still recommend wearing some kind of padded underwear under them.

As for tops, just go up size with jerseys. There are MTB shirts that are typically super loose but they usually lack back pockets.
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How do you decide what colour glasses to go with? Black lenses are boring and should be avoided right? Maybe gold lenses and a clear frame?
They need to match with your helmet or other accents ok your bike. White frame, white helmet and white shoes. True black lenses are boring.
what's the go-to direct consoomer brand these days?
Get bibs instead of shorts so your rolls don't hike them down and expose your asscrack
How do you avoid sitting on your balls riding nude?
Who said they want to avoid it? It's a cheap alternative to expensive orchiectomy
What's up with all the korean road cycling social media content these days? It's like out of nowhere my feed is flooded with slender porcelain korean dolls spinning through rice fields on winspace builds without a single bead of sweat or split end
you're just caught in the coomer algorithm
got new bike for longer rides
got liner bib and shorts to go over it because???
realize combo is a shit
order normal bibs instead

Add joke chevrons as you wish.Bulge pride world wide.

got some rapha core at -50%, at which point its barely more expensive that Lidl seasonal cycling gear. Bitches love Rapha.
Not that expensive really, they are becoming more common, I got a frame for 120 euro +45 for each glass.
Compared to my old frame that had 7 years which was 60, accounting for inflation its at most a 50% cost increase for something that lasts way longer, you only need to replace springs/screws once worn out
rapha core is really bad though
>chink bib short feels like it's biting my perenium
>buy chamois lotion
>helps but doesn't eliminate the problem after a long ride
>wear regular shorts and tight fitting briefs
>balls hurt since flop around
What do you guys recommend that's both affordable and provide comfort? Also, how the ruck do you pee with a full bib? Just take it all off?
Pearl Izumi on sale is the budget chads friend. I wear expedition cargo big shorts.

> how the ruck do you pee
Depends on how flexible the bib is. I unzip the jersey, and slip one shoulder off. Just enough flex to pee without getting full nude.
I kinda agree. I’ve settled on a saddle roll and a tool bottle in an under tube bottle cage to hold random stuff like my windbreaker when it’s hot. If I’m day touring or something I don’t mind having a feed bag, even though it can get in the way out of the saddle.
I find that just wearing normal pants is ultimately more comfortable than a bib for long rides. Just did a 900 mile tour and stopped wearing padded shorts after day 1.
I’ve heard tourers say this before. Do you use a brooks saddle?
Nta but a lot of bib wearers are coping with a shit saddle or one that doesn't fit. Your goal for getting the right saddle should be one that's comfortable for as long as possible without a chamois, whereas you go into any saddle rec thread online and everyone's talking about how you need a good quality bib which shouldn't enter into saddle discussion at all.
Many bib worshippers also claim it isn't about the padding but to prevent chafing but in my experience long length polyamide (not polyester) and elastane boxers don't chafe at all.
Try stuff. I don't have your body, your weight, and your time in the saddle.
I find more time in the saddle, better saddle, better tires, and a decent bib all help.
Some of my bikes I don't need bibs since they have larger saddles, suspension, or it's a short ride.

my personal theory is that the padding leaves enough of an air gap to allow sweat to wick and evaporate. also the padding is obviously going to be more relevant when absorbing road chatter when you are riding at very high intensity/1-hour FTP - not normally the case when long distance touring with a loaded bike, or so I understand.
I've got some real good quality bibs at around 100 USD. I usually ride with them for hours. They are pretty flexible so I just sort of pull them down for peeing. For reference I had some chinesium yowamushi pedal bibs and I had to take them off just to pee. They were also ball crushing tight.
What about tools in the second water bottle. My biggest issue is where to store the phone desu.
I keep my phone in my bib. That’s the reason I wear one. It’s the only solution I’ve found that doesn’t have a downside.
I'll keep an eye out for this one
I usually spend $20-30 on chinkshit. I was looking at dhb but their website is horrible.
It boggles my mind that pearl izumi is still around
Ekoi's got a sale going on right now. Google them. Hexa bibs are at around 80 USD.
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What genius was like "I know how to promote our brand, let's associate it with war crimes and genocide!"

lens tint is a matter of weather and sunlight not aesthetics. you want a dark brown lens for normal daylight, a high contrast pink lens for morning/evening rides with long/deep shadows that might conceal potholes, and amber or clear for night rides.
website isn't loading for me.
Hey the jews get to have a cycling team too
At least they aren't French
Any good jersey deals for eu bros? I ordered a bunch of castelli, craft and endura from best secret, but frankly I'm not really thrille with high expectations as ther choice was shitty.
>best secret
sounds like the name of a scam site, you sure any of it was even real?
It's one of those huge, massively discounted fashion sites that have thousands of articles, free shipping and returns etc., like about you and zalando (so they all have idiot names). This one just happens to have some cycling clothes. They also have their own models and generic names for clothes.
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Anyone use bike mirrors? I bike on the roads in the US and I don't want to die so I got one.
I'll start doing that when I turn 50

I use trieye sunglasses. Looks moderately less dorky, doesn’t vibrate and since it’s close your eye the small surface gives you pretty good image still. Very nice to have when the roads aren’t too twisty and you can spot people approaching a dozen seconds or more ahead of time. Makes me more confident and less hesitant to take more of the lane more visibly. I make room when I know someone will be trying to pass soon unless I making near speed limit pace down a hill sometimes.
huh i've never heard of those before. I might buy one of those when my current mirror breaks or something.
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sport pursuit sometimes have decent discounts on castelli/sportful but the website search is shit so you have to know what you're looking for
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If a person is not wearing 4-6 piece armor suit, they either need to travel under 20mph, (definitely under 30mph) or stop riding.
Maybe try a riot suit.
Not to mention you can wear 2-3 layers of shorts+pants, and short+long sleeve shirts under your armor.
i'll remember that next time i'm doing 70 on my dual sport in silkies and a bro tank
I switched to a cycling cap that doesn't grip as tight, and also started taking >>1979267

the itching stopped, not sure if it was the cap or the midlife crisis pills, but it's also warmer weather so there are too many variables. if it comes back this winter I'll just get on estrogen monotherapy and cut my balls off with garden shears, going bald is a fate worse than death
External lens coating has nothing to do with actual lens tint; I had blue coated lenses with yellowish tint and blue coated lenses with reddish tint. Same for non coated dark lenses, I've had them both neutral and cold/blueish lenses.
Oakley, for one, tells you the actual lens tint.
To anyone interested in these, I bought the first two jerseys, never tried Castelli before and it's really, really good. Black Craft jersey was three steps down in quality and had a too long neck part, Agu was good but looked ugly as sin, Endura was crap quality, flappy sleeves etc. The third Castelli jersey, the red climber's was excellent as well, but I decided I don't need that many. Also, the blue/colourful Craft jersey had a hole/production fault, I contacted the store and they is
nstantly gave a refund without asking for photos or to send back the jersey. I got it professionally repaired for 4€, so basically I got a free jersey. Would recommend Best Secret to all EU anons.
My wardrobe is like 2/3 castelli at this point, I feel like such a knob when I go out and it's castelli, castelli, castelli, but no other brand hits the spot so consistently
Yeah, I'm going that route myself. I was honestly surprised at how great the fit and the materials are, and at 50% off the price is more than worth it. Just works. Also considering buying the perfetto jacket for winter rides.
I have only used pearl izumi, performance(branded), and castelli stuff.
So far it goes castelli>pearl izumi>> performance.
For bike shorts/bibs.
I have used MTB shorts but the sizing on those can vary a lot, where as road shorts can stretch.
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assos stuff is nicer than castelli but hilariously expensive
zoomer here, what kit + helmet can I get that won't make me look like a total dweeb? I was looking at Maap Alt but it's way too outta the price range.
given that you're asking that question in that way, I guess you should ask yourself who are you dressing for. is it non-cyclists or unracers? they'll pretty much hate you no matter what unless it's jeans and a t-shirt. unracers won't even like jeans and t shirt unless they're brands that are popular in amsterdam

so if it's other cyclists, then buy what looks right for the bike you're riding. what bike are you riding? if you were looking at maap then I assume you have a knob gobbler bike, perhaps a cervelo r5? a ritte esprit? cipollini rb1k?

tell me your bike, preferably gimme a picture of your bike, and I'll pick your kit for you
i got the team cycling cap for my frame from the 80s off aliexpress for $5

helmet is a comfort issue, and you ideally don't want to be at the bottom of a size range and have it be larger than it needs to be. You want to try them on so it's pointless giving recs, go visit some shops.

don't buy used bibs cos it's worse than used underwear but try buy near-new fancy jerseys for cheap, freds do sell it. I just got a MAAP jersey with the label on for $20 and a classic Santini for Jacques Anquitel's team for $10.
You could weirdmaxx like I do. T shirt, weird pink+green helmet, bike shorts for comfort. Also a camelback full of tools and vintage road bike I am riding.
IDK dweeb is a specific look, and it's half rider half the person. A chad would look more like a sophisticated rider, and a nerd could look crazy/weird like I do instead.

I do recommend bibs/bike shorts. Really makes longer rides more easy.
yeah I was thinking of getting a cargo bib so I don't need to fanny pack or jersey and can put on some technical gear for my top but trying to find technical gear that's breathable that's "not really for cycling" but it works is kinda difficult. cargo bibs are expensive as fuck too and idk if they'll fit my fat ass phone.

but really though what helmet styles aren't weird as fuck. i've been reading windbreaker a lot and the "skateboarding" style like helmets look cool but i'd imagine wearing it on a road bike would catch some "wtf is he doing"
oh and my bike is a giant propel advanced 1.
Thank;s for the tip

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so you're ok with spending money, but not on mystique or bling. possibly you even want to avoid the appearance of mystique or bling. I'd look at craft, gore, and redwhite. I'd say castelli but the brand is italian sounding and that has blingy connotations even though at least 80% of the cycling apparel worth wearing is made in italy.
Yeah, I saw craft stuff and that's nice. I was looking more for shit like God and Famous (but holy fucking shit lmao that price). Casteli I have a few stuff but maybe it's because I have their entry level stuff but it's pretty ugly (boomer core) and it's starting to fall apart like my competitizone bib just fell apart within fucking like 4 months? lmao
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god & famous is just about as cringe as it gets, their "irony" is aimed at babby cyclists just venturing outside of their "lycra is gay" comfort zone, I seriously hope you don't actually do this
nah i want a bunch of brands on my jersey, maap alt road is probably my favorite but jesus fucking christ its out of stock everywhere, anyone know when the next drop will be?
newfag here why doesn't archived.moe backup images from /n/? when i press on an image it just redirects me to error on alice...

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