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Someone died in a train collision last week. HOW TF DO YOU GET HIT BY A BIG AND LOUD ASS MOFO TRAIN???
>t. has never lived in a town with trains.
When you walk on the train tracks 5 times a day you get complacent. Sometimes you will put headphones in if you think you know the schedule but there are always unexpected freight trains..
>walking along tracks with dog
>last train is at 8:30
>headphones on but low volume
>just like every night
>wait - why is there light
>oh shit
time from light to honk is less than 2s. Never wear headphones on train tracks.
Usually suicide.
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yep quick & painless
Are North American train tracks just laying there in the middle of towns like we're in India or something and it's not really a problem if stupid people die? Call me a nanny-state socialist but in Europe I don't think I've ever seen a city so terribly designed that the train tracks were accessible with no fence. There's like 9 train stations in Paris running thousands of trains daily and not a single track directly crosses a road where someone could be walking. This is on the level of horse carriages on Russian highways
Trains can come up on you surprisingly fast at a rural crossing where they are chugging along at full speed. I remember being at a diagonal crossing with the barrier down and completely misjudged how fast the train was approaching.
In small towns in canada it is frequent to have tracks without fences and without the barriers and frequently without lights as well. People use the corridors all the time for travel.

The town where the above happened was probably over 50,000 residents before they started installing fencing to keep people out.
>Someone died in a car collision last week. HOW TF DO YOU GET HIT BY A BIG AND LOUD ASS MOFO CAR???
>Are North American train tracks just laying there in the middle of towns like we're in India or something and it's not really a problem if stupid people die?
It may be baffling, but here in North America people will argue that installing a rail viaduct would be too big and a detriment to a community but building an elevated 8+ lane highway through the middle of a city is perfectly fine.
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You wouldn't get it...
>in Europe I don't think I've ever seen a city so terribly designed that the train tracks were accessible with no fence
you know nothing John Snow
cars are sound insulated and restrict line of sight. that's why they don't realize how loud they are, but if you stand next to a highway you'll lose your hearing and people hate living near major roads because of the constant noise, noise that the drivers themselves don't get subjected to but subject everyone else to, much like their pollution. drivers can't see shit and that's why they're always running over children and crashing into each other. just sitting in a car is like being drunk, high, and blindfolded. cars fundamentally do not work.
>just sitting in a car is like being drunk, high, and blindfolded. cars fundamentally do not work.

I never get enough of you deranged lunatics describing the horrors of cars. Apparently cars are so insulated with magic material that you cannot hear a fucking train (lol)

You might as well be saying the windshield wipers are designed to go up and down blocking the child you're about to hit.

Never change, unhinged retards.
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>Import a zillion Indians
>Suddenly your country starts having train fatalities
What's the deal with people walking literally on railroad tracks?
>Suddenly your country starts having train fatalities
This is in no way a sudden thing, no is it even increasing. Level crossings have always been dangerous and a few people a year die to them - rates are actually far down from a peak in the early 70 - possibly due to fewer crossings rather than increased awareness or driver skill.
Tracks that run in the middle of the road often existed like that for hundreds of years
Brightline in Florida has a problem with people driving over the track and getting hit. As far as I understand it the reason is that people are used to long slow freight trains that they can pass after the barriers close, and that cause long delays if they follow the law.
In the early 1970s most crossings weren't signaled with big gates (maybe with lights but no gates). You hardly ever see an unsignaled crossing anymore except in seldom-used spurs and rural crossings that have no need to be crossed unless you're one of the half-dozen farmers that lives across it.
>What's the deal with people walking literally on railroad tracks?
Hmmm. Walk on the tracks, walk on the steep gravel dropoff, or walk in the forest. Which is easier?
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>blood spray as his head gets ripped off when he hits the bench support by red mailbox
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retards don't want to wait and think they can beat the train
Biolumiscent alphabet bois. Thats how.
what. children?
>Fuck up two other guys just from your ragdoll corpse's kinetic energy
You really never think about just how much energy a train is ready to impart when traveling at speed.
the age of many american towns means they were built around the tracks when trains were the only efficient land transportation. 95+ percent of the time the tracks were built first and then some developer built a bunch of suburban neighborhoods right next to them.
we don't really have passenger trains here but freight trains still deliver cars inside heavily populated areas. it's better than having more trucks full of gasoline, propane, and various dangerous chemicals on the road, at least.
trains are faster and quieter than people realize
trains can be loud up and down hills, in curves, or when blowing the horn but otherwise they are difficult to hear coming up behind you

>t. trainman
>Fuck up two other guys just from your ragdoll corpse's kinetic energy

Three actually, there's a guy on the lower right hand corner of the camera who got hit too.
Improving your country is socialism
Hopefully this faggot is burning in hell
I wonder what the clean up procedure is after these things

I always thought those gmod ragdoll physics were weird and unrealistic, but it looks uncanny IRL
I think if video game ragdoll physics had any sense of weight to them, they'd be super realistic. As of now ragdolls look like they are light as a feather when they hit the deck.
sound is just one issue, though. how do motherfuckers not FEEL the fucking train coming up behind them? I live 100yds within line of sight of a daily used rail crossing (pic semi-related, the blue was nicer. their new scheme sucks) and not only can I hear the fucking horns through noise canceling headphones in a concrete building, but the entire building shakes when the diesels go by. my plants in the back room start vibrating. you gotta be completely out of it to not sense something that weighs 150 tons approaching you at cruising speeds.
shaking is also variable and depends on flat spots, tamping, the head of the rail, etc.
perfectly round wheels and perfect welded track would have no vibrations at all.
i'm not trying to say you can't detect a train coming, but factor in how hard it is to feel gorund vibrations when walking on ballast, the possibility of being in a loud or breezy environment, and having a false sense of security from maybe not seeing trains all the time and it can be difficult to know you are going to get hit.
train crews can also have a hard time seeing the person. we sit so high we are looking at a small object in contrast with the dark rail, light ties, and gravel, often at night. a drunk dude passed out on the tracks looks exactly like a trash bag until just before you hit him and we see things and animals on the tracks all the time so there isn't anything a train crew can do about it

good news is you can't get hit by the train unless you are standing in a very specific ten foot wide lane, so just walk to the side lmao
One of the more common reasons I see for people "coming into contact with trains" by accident is that there's already ANOTHER train passing on a separate track which covers the noise and vibration of the second approaching train which hits them. There are lots of videos in which this happens or almost happens. The other pretty typical thing that happens is people don't realize that the train extends outside of the rails by some distance, so they stand right next to the rail thinking they're safe. Lots of videos of nasty things happening to people because of this. Of course, there are also cases where no one will ever know for sure if it was suicide or just someone with no situational awareness at all.
RIP Terry
kek, the old guy lifting his legs
>so just walk to the side lmao
Trains are really unpredictable. Even in the middle of a forest two rails can appear out of nowhere, and a 1.5-mile fully loaded coal drag, heading east out of the low-sulfur mines of the PRB, will be right on your ass the next moment.

I was doing laundry in my basement, and I tripped over a metal bar that wasn't there the moment before. I looked down: "Rail? WTF?" and then I saw concrete sleepers underneath and heard the rumbling.

Deafening railroad horn. I dumped my wife's pants, unfolded, and dove behind the water heater. It was a double-stacked Z train, headed east towards the fast single track of the BNSF Emporia Sub (Flint Hills). Majestic as hell: 75 mph, 6 units, distributed power: 4 ES44DC's pulling, and 2 Dash-9's pushing, all in run 8. Whole house smelled like diesel for a couple of hours!

Fact is, there is no way to discern which path a train will take, so you really have to be watchful. If only there were some way of knowing the routes trains travel; maybe some sort of marks on the ground, like twin iron bars running along the paths trains take. You could look for trains when you encounter the iron bars on the ground, and avoid these sorts of collisions. But such a measure would be extremely expensive. And how would one enforce a rule keeping the trains on those paths?

A big hole in homeland security is railway engineer screening and hijacking prevention. There is nothing to stop a rogue engineer, or an ISIS terrorist, from driving a train into the Pentagon, the White House or the Statue of Liberty, and our government has done fuck-all to prevent it.
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I literally run on the tracks/ballast 4-5 time a week. Not a big deal at all.
mmmm thatsa gooda pasta
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>old people
>not paying attention (headphones, daydreaming, NPCs having a room temp IQ and accompanying level of situational awareness)
>idiots thinking they can beat the train
>suicides (never described as such in media reports, typical hints of it being suicide are things like authorities saying they're 'not treating it as suspicious'
An old woman got hit by a train just down the street from me the other year. I didn't see it or the aftermath but two passersby who did see it were in tears and said it was the worst thing they'd ever seen. I suspect she had stopped to let a train pass that was departing the station about 200m down from the pedestrian crossing and then started walking as soon as it had gone past, not being able to see or hear a second train coming from the opposite direction.

Pic rel, photo I took that day.
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Her family built a small memorial which is still there when I walked past it last week.
My gf drives truck and I was riding along with her for 3 weeks last September. She was telling me how in urban Utah there are bits of cars along the train tracks because the people are stupid and constantly get hi t by trains. When we got there? A car had been hit by a train and blocked the road.
Imagine having to work overtime because some goon decided to aerosolize himself by jumping against the nose of a large carriage
I fully understand this way of suicide and wish more people made their bodies into kamikaze jets.
i wanna kill myself every day and take the subway every day and have to prevent myself from doing this because im afraid of fucking it up.
>because im afraid of fucking it up.
No, this is the rationalization you tell yourself for why you don't do it. The real reason you don't do it is survival instinct. When it comes right down to the line, you don't actually want to die.
Take steps toward improving your life. Work up the courage live life, rather than working up the courage to end it.
I met a guy a couple of times who got hit by a train.
Knowing the 999 rides, he was probably drunk. I know I always got drunk at those.
>Then—suddenly, and seemingly coming from nowhere—the poo's natural predator, the box car, appears a half a mile in this distance, and hurling itself at the blistering speed of four miles per hour.
>It's over rather quickly for the pajeet.
>His friend can only look on helplessly.
maybe they were deaf idk
wow ragdoll physics are real wtf
>I wonder what the clean up procedure is after these things
IIRC the plataform gets cleaned as any other blood related incident (so probably a janny with protection against bloodborne diseases) the tracks just get treated by a white powder cleaned agent
explain yourself Americans
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It hurts just to watch. Yikes.
That poor engineer.
Looks like the gates weren't working. This is on the railroad
My favorites include:
1. Poor driver training leading to NOT running over the fencing when boxed in
2. Forget to look(!)
3. Be even stupider and follow a queue INTO the fucking railroad track crossing, instead of treating them like a hot potato
Opiate induced deafness.
read somewhere that in nyc it's customary to do a quick clean then store the body under the platform until service has ended, remove it later.
Oh, well. Then you can't change it, that's god-given (also changing it would cost money that could be spent on the military instead).
Alpha mindset
RIP, Heather.
Sounds like you are the girlfriend.
No it's not. Every HTA describes that if the gates and lights are not working, you are mandated to come to a full stop at a railroad crossing and look both ways before crossing.

Maybe not the case where you are from though, poo.
Wtf are you talking about. No cars stop at rr crossings if the gates are up and lights aren't flashing.
Stop bumping this shitty thread no one cares
I care
Also bump
It's funny. We have train tracks everywhere and like three passenger stations per state.
I could walk to the train tracks from my house but had to drive two hours to the nearest station. This isn't unusual.
How would they know it isn’t working dingus
I don't understand. In the past few years, there have been way more collisions involving trains and walking pedestrians during the daytime where I live. I just can't fathom how one doesn't hear the horn or feel the rumble of a train approaching you while you're on foot.
I just saw an interview with someone who survived getting hit by a train in broad daylight and the guy was advocating for the trains to sound their horns sooner to make sure people know they're coming. Or hey, maybe don't walk on the tracks, especially with noise cancelling headphones and whatever condition/drugs that disable your nervous system so you can't feel the rumble. And certainly don't ignore all the red blinking lights, loud bells and crossing gates if you're at a crossing.
I seriously cannot understand how this happens to people in non-suicide incidents while on foot.
>I don't think I've ever seen a city so terribly designed that the train tracks were accessible with no fence.
Almost every country in yurop except for the UK has some train tracks that are accessible by foot.
TIL that Canadian steam train that went down to Mexico hit two women trying to take selfies. One just dropped her phone and was otherwise unhurt, the other died getting hit in the back of the head by the pistons in front of her young son.
People really do have to learn some spatial awareness and stop being so absorbed in their phones. I feel awful for everyone involved, especially on what should have been a fun day out, seeing some historic equipment running again.
Cellphone zombies and TikTok generation don't deserve our sympathy. If I was the engineer i'd have blown down the boiler. It's a good way to shoo away people who gathered just a tad close to the tracks for comfort.
Bump because it's not urbanism spam
dubstep remix when
My dad killed 4 people in 30 years working at a railroad.

1. Christmas time. Car stuck on tracks, lady had presents visible in the back window of the car.
2. Guy walking with grocery bags.
3. Suicide jumper in front of train
4. Suicide jumper

Always an investigation + drug test afterwards
>lady had presents visible in the back window of the car.
Fake. No way the body didn't disintegrate
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>be me about 20 years ago
>be off-duty deputy sheriff
>be riding Amtrak train coming back from vacation
>train hits car with a pregnant woman in it
>jump out and run to the front of the train because I know basic first aid naively thinking I might be of some use
>car didn't have a roll cage (probably wouldn't have helped anyway), both passengers died instantly, poor girl was squished beyond recognition, blood seeping out of the door, her womb ruptured or something because the fetus was half-hanging out of her
>could've gotten into trouble with the police myself because I wasn't in my jurisdiction (which was in another state) but acted in my capacity as a sheriff on reflex (pulling out my badge, setting up a perimeter, keeping people away, etc.) but they just got on the phone with my boss to confirm my identity and then let me go
>train was cancelled and I had to spend an additional ten hours on a bus to get back

Wasn't the happiest day of my career

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