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It is happening again
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Just flying around here leaving my blood on the ceiling, small Boeing event.
How will they deflect and cover it up this time, bros?
The plane 'just froze'. Yeah it had a moment of self-realisation 'arggghh I'm a Boeing........'
Luckily the pilots were able to get the plane back under control before it could attempt to end its cursed existence.
latam to NZ hmm will boeing shills blame maori or mapuche for this?
You ladies gonna make a thread every time some insignificant, minor issue happens to a Boeing jet? Like a bunch of hyperventilating hypochondriacs…
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By offering refurbished MD-10 MAxXx as substitute. Only now with 2 more bolts per cargo door.
>free little 0G experience
Truly realizing in flight dreams.
>boeing at the peak of its quality scandal resurrects ancient airframe known for disintegrating mid-air
I wouldn’t even be surprised at this point.
>just froze
What the fuck is this even supposed to mean?
>You ladies gonna make a thread every time some insignificant, minor issue happens to a Boeing jet? Like a bunch of hyperventilating hypochondriacs…
*broken Boeing wheel-like-claws typed this post*
>blood on the fucking ceiling
I'm blaming Airbus, as usual. FUCK AIRBUS!
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Has Boeing's stock gone negative, yet?
Yes, please sell so that I can buy cheap and sell high.
>speculating on dead-cat bounces
Burn your hands (and money) all you want.
from https://www.stuff.co.nz/travel/350209133/live-plane-just-suddenly-dropped-out-sky
>Expert concerned by reports of instrument failure:
>An aviation expert said she is concerned to hear reports of the pilot saying he temporarily lost instrumentation.
>Passengers have reported that the pilot came back through the cabin after landing, before stating that he had lost his displays, after which they came back all of a sudden.
I'm not a pilot but this sounds like some nightmare shit...
also, on avherald they say there have been similar reports:

seriously, wtf is wrong with Boing?
>seriously, wtf is wrong with Boing?
I was on a 787 3 weeks ago for a total of 16 hours. Everything was fine. Go back to sleep.
So, it happened AGAIN
This is all traincuck propaganda
I was on a 787 and it crashed, killing me instantly.
damn sorry to hear that, have you recovered since then
Yeah we're gonna keep shittalking Boeing until we get that train line from Sydney to Auckland
isn't it odd how this isn't getting more attention from the press?
>If the instrument panel went dark, even momentarily, Hofmeyer said the LATAM pilots would have experienced a "startle effect", because of the sudden, unexpected situation.
>"Obviously, it's something you wouldn't expect," he said.
>"Pilots around the world have been trained for that startle effect, in terms of being able to manage their own emotions in that time."
>"It's staying calm in the moment and then being able to assess the information that is in front of you, and the situation that you're in, and to come up with a course of action to achieve a safe outcome."
>Most modern pilots fly their entire careers without ever facing the kind of threatening or unexpected event that causes a startle effect, because planes are now so reliable and pilots and crew so well-trained.
Imagine having to train for a scenario where your plane BSODs
Yeah those things happen, it actually happened to a JetBlue A320 two months ago

>Boeing whistle-blower found dead
>hotel parking lot
It's so fucking over
>Rule 1: You do not blow any whistle.
>Rule 2: You do NOT blow ANY whistle.
Land of the fREEEEE
Why do yuropoors cheer and celebrate everytime something negative is happening to Boeing.
Are they really this obsessed with American companies?
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h-here we go
No, they are obsessed with the(ir) Airbuses and negative news for Boeing counts as positive news for Airbus.
this is why you keep the seatbelt on at all times when seated
Why are you a corpoRat bootlicker?
Euros LOATHE Americans they're just too passive aggressive to outright say it when confronted.
I don't know which euros you mean but in my experience french people take pride in their "no filter" devil may care attitude about expressing their views on various groups of people. maybe scandis are too passive aggressive to say anything. a french will tell you you're a grotesque fat pig and not apologize for it
Nah, these threads are always just Americans obsessing assuming and over Europeans whenever their shit companies get called out. Protip: you don't have to be European to call out American inadequacy.
Allow me to explain: yuros get to make the threads first while mutts are snoring off their latest glucose binge kek
By shooting anyone reporting on any "technical issue" in the back of a motel
>1 hour into the flight to auckland the plane lost power
>everything turned off
>lights, ife and the plane started to lose altitude quickly
>that's why so many people got injured
t. chilean news, passengers finally arrived in santiago this afternoon
Idk what could cause everything to turn off midflight, I'm not an avgeek autist but the burger doj, new zealand and chilean flight authorities are on the case
>Idk what could cause everything to turn off midflight
How about an integer overflow?
what about a memory leak? what about a race condition? what about divide by zero? can I get $300k a year now thanks in advance
The timing for the power loss to happen matches pretty well with the number of seconds, respectively minutes to overflow since the last power cycle.
I think, there is already an advisory out in that regard, if I'm not mistaken.
It was Boeing. Since 2016 the FAA detected an issue where if the flight control modules have been turned on for 22 days they will turn off so the pilots must have been chilling when suddenly everything turned off, plane took a nose dive, they promptly rebooted the plane, everything turned on and regained control

If the plane decides to turn off by itself midflight then it's a big fucking issue

Pic related Airworthiness Directive that states the issue
Fuck I uploaded it backwards, this is the first part

Anyway this is the pdf https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2016-12-02/pdf/2016-29064.pdf
>integer overflow
>in a fucking passenger plane
>reboots ALL computers onboard after 22 days
>hasn't been fixed since 2016
fucking LOL
>just froze
>quick little drop
>technical event

My sides dude
pls not be discuss of sensitive technical event, sars
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wtf is going on at Boeing
>technical issue
Pilot spilled his coffee.
with no need for the tail engine, it'll simply have a hollow tube in its place, the aerodynamic effects of which will be adaptively compensated for by a computer program written by a pajeet who used chatgpt
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They murdered their ex-Qiality Manager. Rules are, if you submitted or had a big report lodged, and you get murdered by the people you were defect tracking for, you get to fuck with them by mucking with the statistical probabilities.

Boeing merc'd him, so now he gets to merc them from the great beyond.
apparently they are now trying to blame the pilot or a passenger. from https://www.avherald.com/h?article=51601631&opt=0
>Rumors are that a visitor to the cockpit inadvertently pressed the captains seat switch, on the top of the back rest, and caused to seat to move forward, while the captain was sitting crossleged. His leg pressed the control column and caused the autopilot to disconnect and the nose to dip. It took some time to move back, and gain contol. Only a rumor still, but can explain the event.
Apparently the electrical seat controls had been found damaged when inspected after the plane landed. The downside of yoke controls is unexpected seat motion can ruin your day
fucking lols
>a visitor to the cockpit
They still have that in the year 9/11 + 22?
>Modern Boeing planes have a button that fires the pilot into the windscreen
Very cool
Has the 'visitor' been found dead with a self-inflicted shotgun hole to the back of the head yet?
Yeah, 787s must be rebooted every 22 days or the computers crash, right?
>a visitor to the cockpit
It was a stewardess, she leant on the pilot's seat and hit a button or something.
The malfunction is that it was supposed to be locked out so it shouldn't have done anything.
There is literally no reason to get on a plane in 2024
why is the pilot sitting cross legged
samefag here. looks like the media already considers this the actual issue, even though apparently there haven't been any news on this
I'm on a conundrum(?) here, because, being chilean myself, I know that chilean people are all liars, and very stupid at that... so the pilot might have been lying or at least deceitful enough to make it seem much worse. but I don't trust the media. some very powerful people would obviously prefer blaming the pilot instead of the manufacturer...

why can't them
I should write a "So, it happened AGAIN" pasta for Boeing.
It's obvious something went wrong in a way that the pilot knew the blame would fall in some way on the cockpit crew, so he just made up a lie in expectation that the incident wouldn't get to any actual investigation or he thought that no one was hurt and the lie would smooth things over. Planes don't just turn off mid air and start diving straight down, even if there is a rollover bug. Everyone knew about it and honestly if you leave the plane running for 23 days straight then I'm not sure what the airline is doing anyway.
sounds like pilot error to me
if you bumped the yolk forward it would do that
i have no idea
shitty bbc reporting
scary fr
were too busy seething at the highways
>no reply
well u see airline crashes and even more minor accidents used to be rare enough that they would get attention on the news
post in 2020+4 theyre so common people dont want to know anymore so the news doesnt bother covering it
also boeieiing could be paying them not to yknever know
ive had this in flight sims actually
i always have random failures on in xplane and ive had moments like this where somethings failed and i make a dumb panic input and fly like shit while im pushing buttons to try to fix it
yes because the french are based
why is this all happening so suddenly and all at once?
computers were a mistake
do they run fucking windows?
absolute king i want to believe this is true
so wheres the lie then
the absolute state
yeah where the fuck are you even going
because youre a faggot
pls do
It's been weeks without another big whoopsy.
Are we already healing?
the good thing is for now you dont know who i am so i cant get suicided by (((You))) so yes, I'l keep doing it.
well, getting the truth out just doesn't worth the risk nowadays, specially after the Snowden thing. And boeing and the media openly mocked the killing of that QA guy, is basically a mafia at this point, but worse because they have airplanes and high military tech
retard here, can you actually macgiver your way out of that situation with your ipad or mobile phone, the physical map (which i guess those airplanes have to have), compas and those old flight calculators? Assuming the failure lasts several hours
kek saved
yes please, preferible with a pic of robbie using a pilot uniform and the Boeing logo on the mic
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I mean two things can be true, Boeing is fucking awful and Euros are not human beings who resent Americans for being better than them
after reading this i think i understand what happened now and what >the plane just froze is supposed to mean
>which could result in control surfaces not moving in response to pilot inputs for a short time
the pilot probably moved the yolk forwards slightly while the plane was "frozen" and when the computers rebooted and the control surfaces could move again the plane then very suddenly and aggressively pitched down for a fraction of a second making negative g forces
absolute horseshit that wouldnt result in anything like this
that wouldve been a sustained nosedive and overspeed not a sudden jolt
'we can blame pajeet coders......'
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Apparently now even the toilets have started malfunctioning.

Flight UA59, Friday March 29th.
you have to be shitting me...
Now the pajeet responsibility its confirmed. Its over for Boeing
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kek is that real? looks like a youtube screenshot and the UI design looks legit.
I hate to ruin your fun but there is a HUGE industry of fake recruiters offering scam jobs and bait and switch that bank on the fact that everyone is desperate to work at a brand name company and will gladly suspend disbelief in the hopes that this might be that one chance they shouldn't pass up. at best it ends up as the recruiting version of an MLM scheme where there's technically a "job" of some kind, and there's an extremely tenuous connection to the company mentioned, like it's a shop that once had a one-time contract to Big Company. often it's just a straight up identity theft ring or someone trying to build a database of "job seekers" to sell to others

tl;dr the image is basically the third world job seeker version of "hot women in Anonymous Proxy want to have sex with you now", there's approximately 0% that there is even a real job, anywhere, that the advertiser is in a position to fill

also fuck boeing
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It simply keeps happening.
Both cowlings came off/opened. That's a maintenance issue. AME responsible is probably a spic.
I ain't going if it's boeing.
>computers were a mistake
More like reality was a mistake.
Pre-modern technology would often use relays for counting - with significantly less bits than what we take for granted nowadays.
It's also why in Europe trains usually aren't allowed to have more than 250 axes.
>Company under criminal investigation for covering up defective airplanes that killed hundreds of people
>Second inexplicable drop in altitude in same model in two months, causing injuries to passengers both times
>"insignificant, minor issue"
Very glad that the masses are being scared away from flying. Flying is slowly moving back to the luxury experience it used to be now that stinky poor people are staying on the ground where they belong
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Well, well, well...

"Climate" obviously didn't do the trick, so more "drastic measures" had to be taken?
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So it has been found.
Based, now we, the unique non-plebeians, can finally stop being oppressed by the inferior filthy masses.
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It has only just begun.

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He might be next
Protect our sad engineer at all cost
Imagine if Airbus was the one doing the killings to make Boeing look bad
The lack of baguette crumbs and cigarette butts around the bodies of the deceased leaves them looking innocent
if it's boeing
you ain't whistleblowing
it's boeing's omega trick to lower the price of their stock, in order for airbus to get tricked into emrging with them, which will forever corrupt airbus from within
Wouldn't put it past Von der Leyen, but I suspect there are still sane people between her and actually doing it.
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Do any of these pieces of shit move without bits falling off?
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Read closely, the situation is slightly different.
Something didn't want to fall out of the plane.
Well that runway is fucked for a while.
Could be zero-G when the plane suddenly dived ala the vomit comet.
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showindows,,,view?,those biglass thingslaped on the front?.
,,when did we gethis fixation onthe wavey needles.,
,,,,,,flyinglued to the panel?,
,,ya,ive flown twinengine thru thickstorm where gage lock wasathing.,Sucky!nothanks!, gothitwice by lightning tho so.,ya iseethe need,,ocasionaly.,
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I'm impressed by the pilots holding the nose up for that long.
>Boeing has violated a 2021 agreement that shielded it from criminal prosecution after two 737 Max disasters left 346 people dead, the Department of Justice told a federal judge in a court filing Tuesday.

Tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling do~wn.
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