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>they used to serve McDonald's Happy Meals on United flights.
we used to be a real country
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>Châteaubriant and McDonald's in the same sentence
America deserves to be nuked mercilessly
>tiny burger and a pile of useless sugary shit
Glad it's gone
Is Ronald going to crash into Manhattan?
>they knew
>we used to be a real country
Zoomers BTFO
>Eating processed goyslop while being irradiated

America is truly a country
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>On some flights, McDonald's Friendly Skies Meals will include macaroni and cheese or other fun food instead of a cheeseburger.
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>no fries
>no McNuggets
>only milk to drink
What's the point?
>happy meals connoisseur
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Imagine the smell
Yep, that's why he inputted the name of the restaurant in the North Tower into the flight computer in that picture. Not being a Mcdonalds, it was his real target
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I wished their cheeseburgers looked like that when you buy them.
"Honk, honk!"
Terrain. Pull up
Oh fuck I actually remember this, never had it but I definitely bugged my parents trying to get them to do it when we were flying somewhere on United.
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why did he gaan?
Can't the planes just fit automated kitchens now? I want freshly cooked food. Not warmed up stuff.
spoken by a faggot who has never tasted true freedom
I honestly don't understand why this sort of thing (useing name brand food for in flight catering) isn't more common. I can't imagine it's any more expensive, and I imagine for a lot of implementations the logistics are probably easier. Benefits include a hightened sense of familiarity for the customer as well as the food probably being better than whatever dogshit they've got on the normal menu.
I remember one time when I was a kid, for whatever reason they had instant ramen as a backup meal on a flight my parents took me on and it was incredibly good, since ramen doesn't have the problem a lot of other food does when it comes to reduced sense of smell at altitude, and the fact that it was just really warm and comforting was excellent. From a logistic standpoint that must also be incredibly easy since it's just a pre-packaged, unrefridgerated thing plus hot water, no need for anything like a microwave.
>$129 each way, 1991 dollars
>$600 round trip cost today
Today you can get airfare for almost half that cost (on the same airline, not even a competition with Spirit), and yes, the service is worse, but you get what you pay for. Back in the comfy days airfare was so expensive only quality white people could afford to fly, which is why things were so nice.
You need to inflate using %GDP not CPI. Even GDP/cap is incorrect for luxury goods like air travel in the past.

Fucksake learn how capital, wages and profits work.
>Back in the comfy days airfare was so expensive only quality white people could afford to fly, which is why things were so nice.
Not arguing this, but also remember a lot of things used to be included that aren't anymore. Seat selection wasn't a "luxury", almost everybody gave you at least 1 free bag, carry-ons were unregulated, priority boarding wasn't a thing, etc. Add all that on to your basic United economy fare and you'll find it works out to at least $600 round trip.

Now we have people who can't afford to be flying burning up what little savings they have because the priceline commercial told them that they and their 7 kids deserve a vacation, while making flying a living hell for literally everyone else involved.
>You need to inflate using %GDP
What does microsoft and google spending has to do with the affordability of air travel for the common man?
>Fucksake learn how capital, wages and profits work.
Marxist/Keynsian economists are the last people to listen to about economics.
I think you are overestimating the amount of additional cost for the services that have been monetized, but that has allowed the creation of a flying nigger class which opts out of those 'luxuries'. Still, when you look at the overall cost of tickets since 1990 has trended down, even as the cost of fuel has gone up, which of course is a major driver of cost. We are left with a cheaper, lower quality product; just like most things we buy today.
i'm always a little amazed at the way some corporates had their shit together to pull stuff like this off. putting out ads like "call any travel agent, tell them you want mcdonalds served to you right there on the plane, like a fucking maniac" and then it would actually happen.

i had the same thought and found $260 rt on UA ($110 on F9). airfare staying the same nominal price is an insane feature of the last half century
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>be me
>ride Amtrak for cross-country tour across the United States
>have lunch
>can't have a burger and fries

Explain yourselves Americans.

You clearly are American, otherwise you'd have seen and ordered the burger on the menu that says it comes with chips and been disappointed.

I'd rather not
talk to me when you can go through the airport without taking off your shoes
The saddest Happy Meal ever made.
They want to scan faces now, it's awful.
Way to completely miss the ads joke, esl boy

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