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Why don't you own one with direct front drive?
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I'd love one, but don't you get sweaty back on this thing? Maybe make the seat from a mesh like a high-end office chair?
those are diy concepts

not bat the idea of fwd with back steering as in last photo.

i would took the design of first bike with functionality of second.
>i would took the design of first bike with functionality of second.
Just flip the seat back-to-front, mate.
The problem is that the second design is inherently unstable, rear wheel steering by itself won't keep the bike stable.
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>Have recumbent
>smol 10% incline appears
>tip over
Its a shit concept
that's a gear hub? what is the range equivalent to in terms of derailleur bikes?
why would you tip over
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>Why don't you own one with direct front drive?
Nah, I'm fine with my RWD
Because if you drive up a steep road for a few kilometers and have a inferior body position to balance yourself at slow speeds you will tip over.
>just go faster
You cant go faster because the position is worse for max power.
i would love to but im poor
id rather have chain drive tho desu
fuck all because hubs are memes
facepalming rn
yeah i hate hubs. i don't even have hubs on my bike.
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what about three wheels
It has cum in the name
>three places to get a puncture instead of two
>normies can ride it
I'll pass
tricky to steer
idk since it has no input multiplier other than the crank length .ie very little,
most epicyclic gear hubs are around 33% +- of what ever gear inch ratio you started with, and do have torque input limts that preclude the use of smaller chain rings
epicyclic also have the option of acting like a cvt but only tanks and toyotas do that.
the weight and drag + the dog clutches are all part of the fun, that and indexing tiny pull chains and levers.
some are complex like hammocks but most are more akin to the loose foam mesh that is on higher end backpacks.
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now 4 wheels
>two wheels good
>four wheels bad
cageless-cage reeee
>add big ebike motor
>add fearing
problem cagies?
problem cyclists?
>a puncture
Just slap marathon pluses, mate.
i bought some and immediately got a puncture lol
theyre very heavy tyres too but i guess that doesnt rly matter for a recumbent
>i bought some and immediately got a puncture lol
lmao how?
I did over 8k km with no puncture whatsoever and run them way underinflated too at times.
>theyre very heavy tyres too but i guess that doesnt rly matter for a recumbent
That's the point.
i went 30 miles
my local roads have been absolutely destroyed by the winter
sometimes i have to tank a pothole at 30mph because 4/5 of the road is taken up by a car
i haul alot of weight in my bags
when my bikes unloaded i can hop and manuever around them alot more easily but i can only hop and swerve my front wheel because my bike is very backheavy when its loaded
i also dont have suspension and starting to reconsider that decision
my car is on its spare rn too lol
my bike gets punctures all the got damn time
i changed the toob and its been fine since but yeah theres no such thing as puncture proof
also skinny tyres are a meme i got 1.5s for a laff and they do feel fast and nimble and fun but unless you have nice smooth roads theyre fucked
my next pair of tyres are gonna be the fattest i can fit in my frame
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What's the point in spending money for the shell if you're going to leave the wheels exposed? Doesn't that just about double your drag?
Also, do any anons have experience frankensteining a good reCUMbent (for speed, not muh comfort) out of old bike frames/parts?
recumbent bikes are gay as fuck unless you have a disability. my back is fucked, so i'm probably going to be riding in one of these queer mobiles with you fags. maybe we can do a meetup and all get ran over by the same truck.
Everyone knows hills are the only reason recumbents aren’t literally the superior alternative to road bicycles I don’t understand why you’re embarrassed about it
Good question. Shell without fenders is probably still much easier and cheaper to do. Definitely lighter. Frontal area would also increase. Small and narrow wheels might be okey even if they're not aero. But I'd build my velomobile in hot rod style with aero wheels. Maybe a tadpole configuration.
ok so you're just a fat retard that gets snakebite punctures all the time from running your tyres at 15 psi, got it
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I have this, cost me about 350€ + 200€ in tools, replacements and a pair of schwalbe marathon plus. Will be riding it tomorrow, the rear derailleur needs some adjustment but I'm lazy and it's still pretty much usable, so I'll fix it later.
>>1990994 we got one bois, hope you have fun
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Following on that. My main goal, whenever I have some spare money, is to build a 4 wheeled velomobile, kind of like the le mans, pictured here.
Except I want it to have the following requirements:
> able to tilt
> 4 wheels
> easier cabin access
> wheels fairings
> more ground clearance
> different materials for the other shell: fabric, plastic, etc.
> aluminum frame and maybe, just maybe carbon fiber monocoque at some point
> a version with solar panels akin to the cars seen in the Australian solar race

Not sure if I'll be able to fulfill all the requirements, but in a perfect machine all those would be present.
Following up on this comment.

None of these look like they have enough leg room to pedal.

This one is the Northern Lights velo.
I like it a lot aesthetically, but it's not practical at all.
No suspension, too wide, rear wheel exposed, and these are only what comes on top of my head. It does have potential in a future version maybe.
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make hem electric and use electricity to transfer power from pedals to wheels.
thy way you are not dependent on mechanical limitations and the arms and suspension that sustain the cockpit are free to move as in the this toy:

with this concept of pendulum you can construct , a land rover and a supersport car, both in the same vehicle while maintaining it cheap to manufacture and energy efficient.

wish some bigger companies will explore the concept of a pendulum with movable arms and engines in wheels

i declare it the official /n/ transportation vehicle
E transmission is like the worst kind of transmission there are.
> Heavy: you need a motor for propulsion and another one to generate energy
> Inefficient: conversion ratio is somewhere around 60%, compared to +90%in traditional chains
> Limited: to stay legal you can't go over 25km/h (Europe) even if you pedal enough to go at 40km/h, you're limited to 25 by law, in a classic chain + motor system at +25km/h the motor disengages and you can keep accelerating with the chain
The swincar, although cool is incredibly over engineered to the point where maintenance is almost a full time job given all the systems and movable parts it has. All that just to go a little more comfortable. Doesn't even have a roof.

I like this one, as long as it has chain drive. It looks like a mix of bicycle and car which retains the familiarity unlike velomobiles, which are dildos with wheels (I like velos, but it's the truth). This one is more car shaped and could help bring more people to these kinds of transportation methods. It already protects you from the elements, all you need now is e assist and a reasonable pricetag and I'm pretty sure it could find a fairly ample niche in the Personal Mobility Vehicle market.
I think a big problem with this style of velomobile is that windows are too big. And on the sun it becomes an absolute hot box. This might be good in the winter (if you're lucky to get any sun), but in the summer it would be insane.
Windows should be as small as possible and forward slanting (like boats. see pic). this prevents direct sun exposure.
Also should be the same on the sides. Aerodynamics might suffer a bit, but if you make the window curved and on the side some channels for the airflow, I think it can be mitigated quite well.
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>I think a big problem with this style of velomobile is that windows are too big. And on the sun it becomes an absolute hot box. This might be good in the winter (if you're lucky to get any sun), but in the summer it would be insane.
>Windows should be as small as possible and forward slanting (like boats. see pic). this prevents direct sun exposure.
>Also should be the same on the sides. Aerodynamics might suffer a bit, but if you make the window curved and on the side some channels for the airflow, I think it can be mitigated quite well.

Regarding windows, Velos (not, conceptual, but real ones like Quatrevelo, Büik, Snöek, Milan, etc.) usually have the windows they have because they use the same visors as motorcycle helmets. Otherwise getting real glass, and not scratch-prone plastic to that shape isn't cheap. But what you saying is probably sensible.

Regarding heat, check pic related. Coloring of your velo goes a long way regarding heat management, also air intakes and maybe a small 5v ventilator will be plenty. But driving those things sweat free will probably only be possible with e-assist and on maximum assist.
Majority of real velos don't have windows at all, but those versions that do , the windows are really small.
And if they really are the helmet visors, you could still design a window , where visor is turned upside down, and it would be forward slanting.
Of course the paint makes a big difference too.
Would be interesting to see what can be done with IR cooling paint, if/when you could buy it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3bJnKmeNJY
Although there already exist IR reflecting paint (Used for houses with IR heating panels) and it would be interesting to see if it makes a difference compared to normal white paint.
>Majority of real velos don't have windows at all, but those versions that do , the windows are really small.

I think you are confusing velos with world record setting streamliners.

>And if they really are the helmet visors, you could still design a window , where visor is turned upside down, and it would be forward slanting.

You're not wrong.

>Of course the paint makes a big difference too.
>Would be interesting to see what can be done with IR cooling paint, if/when you could buy it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3bJnKmeNJY [Open]
>Although there already exist IR reflecting paint (Used for houses with IR heating panels) and it would be interesting to see if it makes a difference compared to normal white paint.

A very interesting watch, I just bingewatched all his videos on cooling paint, very interesting. I don't like how thick it must be to make use of the snow-like reflectivity tho. Some tests with other types of paint types (silicon, and vinyl based paints) to make the paint more flexible. Due to the vibrations that happen on the road, having paints that can withstand the flex of frame are a must. But on those you'll probably be sacrificing the ability of a rylic to puff up and add heat reflectiveness. At witch point I'm not really sure it's better than just good old off the shelve white paint. Maybe they even sell a more reflective paint ready for cars (and velos), will have to research that. Very fun series of videos to watch tho.
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>I think you are confusing velos with world record setting streamliners.
I worded that very poorly. Majority of real velos are open cockpit, therefore no windows. Only some of them have additional hood over the head, with windows. And those are mostly meant for the rainy days, as far as I understand.
>On topic of helmets
Pic related. It's a quick sketch, but I think it has a potential. kinda like some medieval helmets.
>A very interesting watch
Also check Tech Ingredients yt channel, they have some videos on that topic too.
by that logic all the people in the netherlands would be recumming since the country is entirely flat, but they're not. main reason is it looks uncool.
LS Swap when?
You're not wrong. If you want to see how socially accepted something is just look at how many women use it. I really doubt it that there is more than 5 women that use Velos out of their own accord.

The two main factors that keep normies away from velos are:

> Price: The cheapest model there is right now, which will be unveiled at Spezi 2024 is the Büik essential, which will start at 5500€, that's big money for a bike, I got myself 3 bikes for 1200€, for reference.
> Social acceptance/cool factor: basically what I said I the first paragraph.
Personally I wouldn't use a velo without a racing hood like the one in pic related (it's the Snöek).
The drag reduction you get by putting it on make it more than worth it.
But I guess you are right, many normies wouldn't use the hood unless it's raining.
Thinking about it the phalic shape can also be a detriment to getting one.
So my idea would be something like the Dijker (bottom pic) and the nose of the Viper Mk II from Battlestar Galactica.

This would serve the double purpose of not making it look like the tip of a dick and be the intake for ventilation (should be able to be closed when it's cold outside).
The point should be made from a material that can be bent so it doesn't go slicing knees if it imcta a person.
Legroom should also be researched and considered. To reduce the profile linear pedals instead of circular maybe should be considered despite being slightly less efficient.
>>1992108 fuck, forgot pic

With this kind of nose it would probably feel more like a fighter rather than a dick.
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>Personally I wouldn't use a velo without a racing hood
I agree. I am mostly interested in velomobiles as an all-weather vehicle, so it needs to be fully enclosed; similar to a car.
Something I don't like with the hoods is that if you open it when it is raining, the rain starts to fall directly onto the seat. In comparison the car doors are much better, the rain does not wet the seat (most of the time). And also I think that many velos require you to step on the seat when getting in, which can make it really dirty in bad weather. I am thinking more about the whole velo horizontally split in half, and the the top half opens up (like a car hood, but not just the front, but whole length. Kinda like Funny car dragsters). This way the top half still provides some protection directly above the seat. It does weaken the body though, so I am not sure yet.
>Thinking about it the phalic shape can also be a detriment to getting one.
Is this any better?
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LoL are you the pissyvelo shitposter from a very old thread? That was kinda funny.

I thought about upening the velo like you described, it's one of my options.
>LoL are you the pissyvelo shitposter
Hey, I am not a shitposter. I am very serious in designing my own velomobile. I am thinking about it for more than 10 years, so I am sure I will make it real soon.

Actually a couple months ago I did some airflow simulations, the result was that my design is shit.
Cuntmobile is back lmao
Had a good laugh in the old thread
anoyone know where i can find a new headrest for my M-009 tadpole that doesn't cost $90?
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>Actually a couple months ago I did some airflow simulations, the result was that my design is shit.
Pic related. I went with forward slanted windshield. Also on the side the top is slanted outwards. To protect against the sun. At the front the window is bigger for better visibility.
Enclosed wheels. The whole velo is quite high, because the hottest air is always at the top and there is also where the head is, so I tried to give more headroom. But extra height is not good for aerodynamics. Forward slanted window also not good. Mainly I think, because of high sides, so the air doesn't have anywhere to go. But I need these high sides because of the riders shoulders and also the wheels.
I was also trying with different angles at the back (kammback style). For my surprise the sharp transition from main body to the angle gave better results than smooth (fillet) one.
Aerodynamics is though.
Design issues I see right off the bat.

>Large profile: will act as a sail in crosswinds
>Large windows: adds a lot of weight if using a hard material or very scratch prone if using something lighter and weaker. Will need to be replaced, which will be expensive and a PITA.
> Condensation: the thermal difference between inside and outside will condensate the air on the window. Unless you have some kind of holes or fan that blows air into it.

Current commercial velos (Bulk, snoek, and the likes) the the way they are because of a reason, and your velo defies all of that. If you go for style rather than efficient you'd still have to solve the issues I greentexted. Wishing you good luck.

What software is that btw?
>Large profile: will act as a sail in crosswinds
Some say that can help go faster, sailing like a sail boat. I assume it might work in steady winds, but in sharp abrupt winds seems to be more trouble.
Otherwise I agree with all you said. That all was my concern, but I was playing around with forward slanted window design and I ended with this shape. if it would prove to be good aerodynamically, I might compromise on other stuff, but it is not.
Also it's impossible to see any traffic lights, because you can't see above eyelevel.
That is why I have abandoned that design. It is no good on any aspect. I thought of it, I tried it. In a trash it goes.
Next one will be more slim and compact. And small window. I still want to make it forward slanted though.
I've got some new ideas, I'll see how it goes.
Software is solidworks.
give it thicker tyres tho i wanna be able to corner like a car
and an ebike motor
electric cars are solved
ive been thinking of learning to weld for that purpose
i wanna get a load of old steel shitboxes and cut and weld them up into some frankenstein bikes
some kinda lowracer thingy would be fun
got big plans for a 4 wheeled cargo bike thingy
id rly love to try making a fiberglass fairing for a regular bicycle also
if only i wasnt poor :(
god please somebody put an ebike motor in one of these and make cagies seethe
>4 wheel
>ground clearence
>solar panels
thats the same shit i wanna see on a vehicle like this
good luck with that though
start off with a basic non tilting recumbent trike and a front fairing and see how that goes before you commit to a complex project like that
ive been thinking of a vehicle like this but with tandem seating and cargo space also
the perfect car the government wont let us have is out there in velomobile land
i believe those are gravity racers not velomobiles
if only the swincar was more than a toy its so based
i agree though at a certain point if you have enough electric power you mayaswell just have the pedals be a generator for the battery instead of directly driving
unfortunately its a car and not a very useful or practical one
but it has potential
>his ebike is legal
hahhhahhha *twists throttle and zooms away*
if digits recumbents are banned from this board
i wanna make that thing in automation
that looks sick but you really didnt need simulations to tell you its unearodynamic
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try and stop me
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Add a roll cage
Checked and based recumcucks are btfo forever.
Shit up a different board with your weird fetish
eboomer full circle. It's been obvious from the get go that the boomers plan with the electric motorcycle is only to penetrate protected infrastructure to later slowly expand into it and overtake it too. Fuck motorists and enablers like Canyon.
The videos from Spezi are starting to roll in.
At 5:11 . It looks a bit bulky from the front, but I like that the doors are on the hinge and not some velcroed afterthought.

At 2:42 . I really like that orange velo. Long sleek bonnet and short tail.
Give me normal ride height or adjustable and I will.
Important to note: the gradient here. White in purpedicular sunshine: 120F
Black: 140F
The answer is double hull and/or insulation, even propane powered refrigeration. All beats the greenhouse on wheels if a car.
>White in purpedicular sunshine: 120F
>Black: 140F
Where did you get those numbers? On picture range is from 31.1°C to 45.8°C (88 F to 114 F).
I can't find the link to the full study though to see what is the ambient temperature.

I think insulation might do more harm, because the major source of heat is still the body doing the work. And you have to remove that heat. Insulation is good only if you actually have some sort of air conditioning installed.
Vented double hull might work. The outer hull stops the sun and heats up because of that, inner hull is heated up by body heat and the air between both hulls circulates and cools down both inner and outer hull.
>propane powered refrigeration
Do you know where to get it? I cant' seem to find anything useful.
Ucl employees are not welcome.
>At 5:11
Yeah, the Velion, previously known as Katanga VM45.
At first I thought it would be a competitor for the Quatrevelo, but it's not, this one is WAY bigger. It was meant to be in the scooter category with a top speed of 45km/h (27-ish mph?) which would require insurance in EU. Which I don't like at all, it also pains me that using it without e-assist is almost impossible.
Your gradient is completely wrong, the real measurements are as >>1995868 said. In a more cold weather the color might not matter, but where I'm from, Spain, it does matter a lot. Also all the suggestions you said increase weight by a lot, which is the main issue with VMs and not emissions. So if I can cool my velo by ~14°C with 0 weight gain, there's no reason not to do it.

>>1991166 following up on this post, I made some progress in the design phase of the 4 wheeler will post later, I'm using SketchUp for the 3d model because that's what I learned to use in highschool and can't be assed to learn any other software.
why does it have to be so gay looking
I'd like a recumbent bike. Please point me to anywhere where I can find a good description of proven recumbent geometry. 'Plans' would do too.
I have a suspicion that those things run very different HTA and trail.
it doesn't interest me to do so
>mobile habitat for yellowjacket wasps
>reasonable pricetag
this thing would be like 10 grand minimum. i'd rather buy a tricked out colnago at that price point.
sexiest space fighter there is

Anyways here is the pic. I didn't post it earlier because it realized that a tilting 4 wheeled velo is unnecessary complex. My idea was to be able to ride fast with it and use it as a camper, thanks to the additional space granted by the absence of an in-shell wheel. But I realized that I'm probably better off with a tilting trike velo and a non tilting 4 wheeled velo. Two separate designs instead of trying to mush it all together.
Anyways, the specs are:
>Max width: 90cm (contact path width about 80cm)
>Max tilting angle: 25°
>Wheelbase: 1.2m
>Max turning angle: about 45° following Ackerman geometry
>Turning pin angle: 12°
>Scrub radius: about +5cm (10° kpi)
It has full independent suspension, rear wheel drive with Cardan joints to transmit power, a reverse gear, differential, drum brakes.
I'm aware that all of that adds weight, that's another reason I stopped developing it.

Hell yeah brother

Yeah, that was a bit delusional of me, but hey, a man can dream.
> "fuck cars!!!"
>makes a car
>Cardan joints to transmit power, differential
This all sounds good, but I suspect that all these parts have quite bad efficiency due to friction. Especially if you buy cheap general purpose parts. This might also be true for long chains on rear driven recumbents, especially if they are guided trough the tube.

>a reverse gear
Maybe would be easier to just do some kind of freewheel lock and then pedal backwards?

I found this guy, he has some very good videos. He seems to have a lot of hands on experience. I recommend watching.
He has much more videos on his Ukrainian? /Russian? channel, Including simulations. I haven't dived in those videos yet, but I think I can learn without speaking the language.
The reality is much more complex, the reason it's designed like that it's because people don't like change, the average joe/jane are set in their ways and are afraid of new designs. They want something that's already familiar. This is exactly the reason why the first cars looked like carriages and slowly transitioned to what we know today and it's a more optimal design.
If you go outside (I know we're in 4chan, but still) and ask people around what would they rather buy, either the canyon design or the way more optimal dildo shaped Snoek design, most people will choose the canyon, because it looks like a car but with different proportions, while the other "thing" is completely alien to them and they wouldn't risk it. There isn't many people that open-minded, and even less bicycle oriented open minded people.

Yeah, the friction worries me as well, my idea was to use high speed cardans with ball bearings, not ideal, but better than regular ones.
I would like a freewheel lock, but having a hard time finding designs, so I may have to figure it out myself. Which I don't like the idea, because I'd want to much as many off the shelf components as possible.
Yeah, velodreamer, I'm well aware of him, saw his videos in Russian and now he's uploading them in English so I watch them too as a refresher. Appreciate the input nonetheless.
Looks like it can only ride on pavement and the pedal leverage looks god awful. Useless to me.
don't worry anon, the faggot dildos on wheels are also what I was laughing at
> "velomobile"
> "fuck cars"
>makes car, but cockshaped
Says a lot about cyclists.
>Which I don't like the idea, because I'd want to much as many off the shelf components as possible.
How did you plan to do a reverse gear, if not by your own design? Have you planed to use of the shelf gearbox?
There are Sturmey Archer QS-RC5 and QS-RC3 that have a reverse gear. Is there anything else?

Instead of cardan you could use a simple flexible joint (Giubo). might not be more efficient, but it's more simple and easier to DIY your own version.
You might even think about flexible shaft from 1000W rotary tool or some gasoline grass trimmer also use them. Should be strong enough.
Flexure joints, rolamite, scroller wheel, capstan drive are all very efficient, but hard to come by. But simple version can also be diy. But it is good to think about them, because sometimes they do come handy. Also torsion bar suspension. And old light peoples-car suspension designs: done for cheap and simple and should also work on velomobiles.
In your design you loose too much space in the middle. I think in the middle should be a person and all the suspension and frame should be on the side and around the person. More like trailing arm suspension.
You have some VERY good idea. Will definitely check out Sturmey Archer, I know them because they make drum brakes already popular with velomobiles, didn't know they do that too.

Regarding the guibo, I did check it out, for this application it's no use, since I need about 40° of bend, but maybe it does have a place in a different design I have been ruminating in my head. The other stuff you said is something I will write down, I see some good ideas that I might implement, so appreciate that.
I bring you a treat: Vision USA (1974)
Killing time on YouTube I came across this:
I know it's technically a velocar rather than Velomobile, but
then what is Quatrevelo?
It has a few distinct features:
>Leavers rather than circular motion pedals
>A round steering wheel like that of a car
>Gear shifter also similar to that one of a car
I like all these features, as I think that the best way to get
people interested in the subject is to make it as familiar as
possible to things that are already commonplace, cars in this

It's like a 1974 version of >>1991181
do you have to take out a loan each time you change the chain?
LoL, when I got new chains it was 33€. It was the basic Decathlon ones, I ain't spending on good chains for a beater bike.
>I need about 40° of bend
I think this is quite a big angle for a cardan joint. (As far as I remember from uni). And if you are using a single joint and not a pair of joints with correct phasing, then you will have problems with vibrations and maybe even with loosing traction if this is for driving rear wheel .
If this is stationary 40° angle then you should think about bevel gears. If it is like 40° with moving +-5° or so, then bevel gear + cardan joint.
An interesting idea is also (semi) spherical gears. It works like normal gears, except that angles between axis can change. I 3d printed a plastic sample a couple years ago, but I didn't have an application for it, so I didn't go any deeper in that topic.
Of course this is entirely custom job, but even metal 3d printing is getting cheaper, depending on your budget, untested design, etc.... something to think about.

> I think this is quite a big angle for a cardan joint. (As far as I remember from uni). And if you are using a single joint and not a pair of joints with correct phasing, then you will have problems with vibrations and maybe even with loosing traction if this is for driving rear wheel .
As far as my research goes I've read that cardans are good for up to 45°. It's not coincidence that I've chosen 40°. My idea was that the suspension is a bit lifted so the wishbones sit at 15° from the horizontal plane, I also accounted for up to 25° of maximum leaning angle, therefore, adding up those numbers I'd need 40°. I wanted it lifted like that so it's more visible to cars over the hood. But I guess sacrifices can be made and the wishbone horizontal angles can be reduced as well as the leaning angle by quite a bit.

>An interesting idea is also (semi) spherical gears. It works like normal gears, except that angles between axis can change. I 3d printed a plastic sample a couple years ago, but I didn't have an application for it, so I didn't go any deeper in that topic.
>Of course this is entirely custom job, but even metal 3d printing is getting cheaper, depending on your budget, untested design, etc.... something to think about.
I don't know what to feel about spherical gears, they are not used much, there must be a reason. Also to keep the teeth touching the mechanism must be relatively heavy.
I do want to use 3d printing for this project, but not in the way you suggested, but to make composites: https://youtu.be/nhqAhYOdGNc

Also the other day after an hour of YouTube research I figured out how to make a simple lockable differential that also should be not much heavier than an open one. The locking mechanism can also be used to lock up a freewheel and engage/disengage a motor, so I'm quite happy with that.
>>2006151 cont.

That said, I check this thread almost daily, but I only respond when I see the thread close to page 10 and reply then to keep it alive. Maybe one of these days I'll be assed to make a 3d drawing of the whole transmission.
>>normies can ride it
>I'll pass
Normies can breathe air; will you pass on that too?
add frame, add roof panels and doors. add comfortable seats, ac and boot space.
Any updates?
Thread almost dead.

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