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/n/ - Transportation

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Do you guys ever talk to fellow passengers on your public transit?
>another week of riding the subway
>another week not talking to anyone, barely making eye contact, just standing facing the door/looking at the floor
>another week seeing the same people at my home station and never talking to them
>another week seeing the same qt girls and never looking at them let alone talking to them, even if a seat opens next to them
I know it isn't common for people to talk a lot on the train nowadays with everyone having headphones on but it still feels horrible
talking to strangers in transit doesn't really conform to my idea of american politeness
they might think you're a schizo or desperate
maybe in a place like Brazil or Italy
No, anyone willing to converse with a stranger on transit is mentally ill, on hard drugs, black, or all three (most commonly all three). I'd rather not converse with anyone in any of those categories, or act like them in any way myself.
No. I don't talk to people in the elevator either
I don't start conversations out of the blue on transit or in general, but if somebody drops something near me or something like that I'll pick it up for them and converse if they do, or if somebody asks me a question and we go from there.
so like if you guys see a cute girl sitting alone, you wont sit next to her and try to talk to her
I know a guy who does that and everyone cringes because the girls always look super uncomfortable but they act nice because you never know how a guy will react if spurned
>beautiful indian/middle eastern girl sits in the exact same window seat of the exact same train car on the same time train every single ride
>see her on it every day
>usually has in airpods and just looks out the window the entire trip, while occasionally looking at phone
>sometimes the seat next to her is empty
>never sit next to her, just always stand a distance away and occasionally glance over at her while scanning my head in the 30 minutes we're on the train together
>she stands up before her stop and for 30-45 seconds i see her tall and slim body in heels with a tight sweater accentuating her tits then watch her walk away
>never speak a word, make eye contact, or even smile at her because I offer nothing to anyone anyway and someone as beautiful as her has guys falling over themselves to be with her

Riding the subway is such a depressing experience.
sometimes I see a cute girl like that and I feel instinctively that she must be in danger (I have a sixth sense about this stuff, plus you know all those things they have in the news now), so I'll often get off at the same stop and follow them home. always stay about 20-30 feet behind so they don't get too spooked. sometimes she'll start running and although I can't see the person chasing her I'll always make sure to keep up with her and keep her in sight at all times because you never know these days, there are some real crazies out there

based silent hero

wish we had more of your type keeping the cute girls safe
ma dude, talking to people on trains is as comfortable or uncomfortable as you make it. I don't do it every day. Just when i feel like it. I don't talk to people during rush hour. Nobody wants to talk during rush hour. People just want to get from a to b during rush hours.
That famous American politeness where you make small talks with your cashier and speak for hours with your bartender as they were your friends.
No, the last thing a cute girl wants is some /n/ posting autist trying to chat her up on transit, and if she approaches you then she's definitely not right in the head.
if i'm not supposed to talk to her and the ones who talk to me first are bad, then how find waifu?
take HRT and become the waifu
I usually just sit next to cute girls and stare at them the whole time
I talked to an Asian qt on the London Underground yesterday, she was holding an instrument case and we started talking from there about music and stuff. Got invited to a cello performance she's doing and I got her socials
If you're not too autistic it's quite easy
>been riding subway for 10 years
>have never spoken to a single other person despite seeing all these same people who get on and off with me in my town's station
it doesnt even matter anyway, not like i would tell people any details whatsoever about myself. still living with mommy and daddy in my childhood home at 32 years old, you think im exposing my life to a single person where they can see that? even the people in town who ride their bikes on the train like i do, i cant face that humiliation even though getting to know people in my same town would be a good social experience, i cant do it.
i only speak to people i have financial transactions with
How often do you take the subway though? I've been taking it multiple times a day for almost 25 years and I get into a conversation every couple of years. Admittedly it's usually because I ran into someone I know. One time I accidentally sat next to a guy I shared a cubicle with 10+ years prior, in another job in another state. I was in a terrible mood at that exact moment and I was ruder than I should have been so we never reconnected.

Usually it's just mentally ill people who talk to me when I'm in a certain mood, I guess they can see I'm also not right in the head. They're not so bad really, just strange and lonely. Since my doctor put me on certain medications it has been easier for me to engage in a steady conversation with schizophrenic homeless people. It's good practice in case I ever want to become a normie again.
i take it twice a day during commute hours. lots of people on both trains. see lts of people, the same people usually, getting on and off at my home station. im on the train with some of these people for half an hour. i still never talk to anyone.

i know times are different now than the long past because 99% of people are on their phones with headphones on so you would actively have to disrupt their experience to talk to them. but i dont think thats hard for normal peope to do.
>Do you guys ever talk to fellow passengers on your public transit?
The polite thing to do, and the only thing to do on public transport is to stfu and mind your own business. Talking to random people on the train would exhaust me and everyone else and I would have no energy to do anything else. Anyone that talks to strangers on public tranasport is mentally ill.
>The polite thing to do, and the only thing to do on public transport is to stfu and mind your own business.
i know it is. no one on there really talks to anyone. idont know why this concerns me. its probably because im completely socially isolated with no friends or relationships, and the people on the subway are the people i see most often. and it feels so shitty being in a car with these people for half an hour and just doing nothing with that time

i guess at least i never sit down, only stand, so im never just straihgt up sitting next to someone for 30 minutes not looking at them.
Yes. Often. But it depends on the situation. I mean if you sit next to someone who has bored look I do engage into conversation most of the time, whereas when there is someone who is clearly bot in the mood or busy, I won't. I think it's always positive. Never had a bad experience, even when I argued with people who clearly had other perspectives as me. We always left the train with a smile. As long as all are genuine, I think it's good
Strangers often look at you like you have a third head if you talk to them unprompted.
And that's from my experience living in the Southern US. Going by the commentary I've seen from across the world (which can be unreliable, I'll admit), if you do that in most places they'll not only respond like that, but also make a frustrated post on the internet later about how a subhuman dared to approach them on the tram with conversation and human interaction.

I think we have a widespread crisis of millions of people, who would not have been anti-social in past eras, adopting a sort of quasi-autism where every minor interruption in their bubble is an affront to their existence and wellbeing. The mental illness induced in people across the world by social media does not help.
exhibit 2,345,629 of /n/iggers trooning out
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I also see a lot of older women who become very chatty with each other on the morning commute, and I'm a little jealous of it. I guess if you're seeing the same people every day you can't help but get to know each other a little better. There was one time that a bus driver had to take a bathroom break in the middle of the route and came back with coffee that he offered to passengers (and a few people took him up on it).
nobody here was around for bianchi-kun (now bianchi-chan)
>I guess if you're seeing the same people every day you can't help but get to know each other a little better

>see the exact same people on my commute at my home sttion daily for years now
>never speak to any of them
>even see cute women who clearly live in my area or at least near me
>still avoid social contact
This is how I met my wife. We used to take the same bus to work and after having exchanged flirty looks for a while I sat next to her one day and said hi.
>just doing nothing with that time
Listen to a podcast
Listen to an audiobook
Read articles
Read books
Play billiards with your nuts

You have options
>riding subway
>have seen this qt girl for a while but she kinda looks like a proto kardashian, looks like a complete bitch, some sort of middle eastern with pale skin and probably lip fillers and a thick butt and arm tattoo, probably an onlyfans slut, always on her phone the entire time
>spend ride always looking back at her
>today for the last 10 minutes she comes over and stands right next to me
>dont say a word or even look at her
thank you autism
Social alienation is a symptom of our time and it is not limited to public transport.
> (I have a sixth sense about this stuff)

OP, how schizophrenic are you? genuinely.
>never sit next to her,
Good move. Her smell may turn you completely off.

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