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I’m a pilot doing aerial work and approaching 1000 hours and I’m about to apply to a company, I have all my licenses and rating’s however since I graduated, I’ve only been flying VFR since there’s no ifr operations (even if I consider myself to be very good, If not better in IFR) but still tho, it’s been a year. Anyway, I feel like my knowledge in aviation has gone so low, like I feel like idk what I am doing but when I open the aviation books, I instantly know the answer. Like do you get it? If someone or an exam asks me, I’ll know the answer but otherwise I’ll be lost. Also are there any airline pilots that can tell me if the airlines train you well in terms of their operations and their IFR procedures and is it normal that 70% of the stuff I’ve studied in aviation, it doesn’t apply in real life. (For example I used to know the entire FAR AND CAR AIM by heart, now I know like 30-60% )
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So you’re trying to say I’m humble? Problem is I’m super young and my career as well is super young
I may have to take a plane soon lord jesus help me from frogposter pilots.
anyway you seem like a nice dude, hopefully a non larping pilot will come here and give you some comfort
They will not hold your hand, you are expected to know what you’re doing when it comes to IFR flying. If you haven’t done it in a while, rent and file IFR or get with a CFII to brush up on some weak areas (both ground and flight). The airlines will train you well enough to pass the applicable checkrides and ensure you have a base skill set but it isn’t the company’s job to maintain your instrument proficiency.
Yeah I get that, IFR is pretty simple especially in the airlines but I’m asking they’ll teach us like the GPS, the particularities of the airplane and operations. like trans Atlantic flights, they’ll train us, right?
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>if the airlines train you well

you need to know your shit when you show up
That is very accurate, unfortunately. Any additional sessions or extra training count against you too. There ends up being a lot of on the job training, and hitting the learning curve can be very frustrating without proper guidance.
No, that's pretty sus. Crazy to realize there are pilots like you among us. I hope you're just venting.
>lord jesus help me from frogposter pilots
this is why I don't fly any more
The Dunning Kruger effect is a big cope. I have had impostor syndrome as a software dev for many years and everyone said this was normal. Then when I had the chance to compare my work with others I realized I really am shit. Today I believe that having impostor syndrome simply means you're bad at something and should find a way to improve.
dunning kruger effect and imposter syndrome arent related anon
you are fucked. you only know 30-60% of the FAR? anon, that is sub-PPL level in this day and age.

you stopped taking it seriously as a career, which is kind of fine for a low hours pilot who is at the PPL or IR level...but by the time you hit around 150 hours you should understand that need to live, eat and breathe this stuff to make it. I would honestly quit now if I were you.

airlines are not your friend. to them you are a colossal drain, among the highest paid professionals in the world to do a job they would be happy to see automated (even if it meant a few more crashes). for a regular person not born into wealth or high-achieving enough to get into an elite school one of the last career tracks that can get you rich. they have ZERO interest in training and/or coddling you, in fact they want to grill you and wear you down with checkride after checkride and medical after medical until they get finally get you.

and your head case loser mentality and lack of dedication means you shouldn't even think about Alaska or corporate aviation. either commit to a lifetime as a CFI or just quit.
This feels like the right thread for this question. In the past 2 years I have developed an insane anxiety around flying. Specifically, take off and landing, but take off more so. I know all the stats about safety. I don't like medication but my wife loves to fly to her family and friends are all over the country which means I will be flying more and more as time passes. Any thoughts on how to handle?
Should I say fuck it and get on anti anxiety meds or something? Any tips and tricks?
I'm going through airline training right now and they'll teach you all about their operations as they pertain to the company. IFR stuff you really should know pretty much all of it already as the baseline regulations aren't different. If anything airlines may have some different ways they handle things like takeoff and destination alternates, who needs to be flying an approach and so on. But all the baseline stuff is the same. I'm the same I don't get much actual IFR but I file at least once every other month and can still easily fly an ILS down to minimums with no autopilot or flight director.
Just look in the cockpit when boarding. If the pilots are white men you're good to go.
Book a window seat so you can see what's going on outside the aircraft. Also keep in mind that a low-end 737 costs 90 million and the airline is going to do everything in it's power to ensure that nothing happens their plane... despite Boeing's incompetence
Just to be clear, this fear is new. I’m 32. I’ve been in plane since I was 4 at least 50 times. From short skips to long haul flights to China.
Once I got married and started thinking about my future I started to feel an increased anxiety (I finally had something to look forward to). There’s some other reasons I’ve pinned down as to why my anxiety has increased but you guys don’t need a novel. I’m just trying to find a reliable way to get over this bullshit
What about the takeoff/landing makes you nervous? Have you had any previous unsettling flying experiences?
Imposter syndrome is a fat cope for retards who refuse to accept they're incompetent. Actually competent people don't get le sussy reddit syndrome.
Basically, you're a fucking retard
I’ve had a few but they generally didn’t bother me. Once where at cruising altitude the fear/anxiety melts away. I walk around, stretch, nap, read etc. landing makes me nervous when I see the plane shake from the wind, but overall I’m ok with it because I know it’s almost over.
Take off: the rapid acceleration, the sound of the engines roaring, and the gradual incline fucking terrify me. I’m not comfortable until we’re starting to level off.
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People think of planes as rooms and not vehicles. They maneuver and accelerate, and make lots of unusual noises. These transport-category jets are fantastic machines with significant redundancy and built very strong, don’t let the news fool you. We fear what we do not understand, but even if you don’t you should have faith in the engineering, construction, training, and procedural design of the operation. All you gotta do is show up, kick back and let us do our job, we worked hard to get here and I look forward to work every day.
>let us do our job,

Like these fine PIA fellows?
I speak as an airline pilot in the US, I wouldn’t be caught dead flying on a Pakistani airliner.
Jesus God get out of the plane if you're not confident in your ability to fly it.
zoomer entitlement fed by a lifetime diet of
>anyone can do anything no matter what
from years of deliberately ruinous public schooling. low on competence, high on confidence. acts like a headcase and then expresses bewilderment and incredulity that people hold it against them.

many such cases
>right seat
embarrassing post
can't even address me directly. classic beta F/O post. I'll bet the flight attendants peg you
Well I appreciate it. I try to apply the same logic I use in my day to day to planes, and I also try to remember how many flights I’ve been on before this new anxiety.
Might just start swigging a shot before flights though. Either way thanks a bunch
Don’t overthink it brotha you got it
Calm down seat 27B
Look up vagus nerve anti-anxiety techniques on youtube. You will find a lot of lilac clack hippy chicks humming and breathing, and all of it works.
Daily 4-7-8 breathing exercise for 8 reps helps to build immunity from overactrive panic response.
t. ex-panic disorder fag
I'm in the same boat but takeoffs and landings are the only part in ok with. The rest of the time I'm paranoid about turbulence. Used to fly all the time with no issues, it's a new development since flying with my kids. I'm going to get a valium prescription for my next long haul flight.
Thanks Ill try it.

I'm convinced alot of it has to do with having things you feel very responsible for the future.
I have Private and IFR Ratings in Heli and I am halfway through my helicopter commercial rating and yet I still feel like I don't know anything lol.
Don’t worry anon, it’s kind of normal to feel like that at times, passing the assessment to get in an airline it’s gonna shake up things already since you pretty much have to superficially study the fcom of the particular aircraft that they fly plus getting the feel for it in a sim to not fuck up in the simulator part of the assessment (I recommend at least 4 hours of training before showing up to the evaluation).
After that it’s like going to flight school all over again, they will expect you to know how to fly ifr and be capable of communicating and all that but you’ll be bombarded with new information, e learning, procedures, tech, regulations and dealing with hr for the documents and everything else, letting alone the fact that you have to learn how to fly with another guy that may or may not be an asshole.
After that line training as well is gonna feel like day 1 of flight school, you’ll feel retarded at times but it’s all right you will get things with experience.
I can tell you, it’s gonna be a real pain in the ass at first but you’ll enjoy it once you get in the flow of things.
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Yes, watch this video

This Iranian literally pretended to be someone else, called the FAA and got his certificate no questions asked. He was flying without a license, logbook, airworthiness certificate, and he stole an airplane. He was deported by the USA -twice- after illegally importing mexicans, tried to bribe officials, crashed a plane on landing, was involved in numerous fraud schemes

Now this guy had a dream and nothing could stop him

he was literally an impostor
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and after serving multiple sentences, he moved to south america and he is still doing great! Looking to buy an A320 to restore
I imagine it's increasingly common what with how planes all fly themselves now and human pilots are only there for airline deniability of responsibility purposes
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What a fucking chad. You get wypipo whining about not being able to get a job because they're only hiring non-wypipo and here you have an entrepreneurial gentlemen of the engineering persuasion just straight up making his own company so he can give himself a job.
career FO is the ascendant position. do you really want to put yourself at the bottom of the seniority pile all over again- probably lose your base, your bids lose weight etc.? and it's gonna take longer to get back to an equivalent level of seniority as a captain.
if you've settled in to wherever you live, maybe have a family, and you're making good money as an FO, don't upgrade unless they force you.
Yeah this would all ring true if it wasn't a picture of the right seat of a Skywest CRJ-200 gasping for air in and out of DEN every single day. I lived that life in both seats and fuck that, how anon is happy to show up to work is beyond me but good for him I suppose. If I was forced into going back to that I'd just get out of flying altogether.
nuh uh, I saw a documentary episode once about a dark-complected gentleman who flew every part of every flight on autopilot since completing training and racked up thousands of flight hours before something finally made him take control for a few moments and he immediately crashed, face it buddy you're just front row passengers
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You sound like you hated every step along the way. If it’s between flying the 200 or listening to guys like you bitch and moan I’d rather fly to Wyoming every day.
Honestly Skywest is the first job I'd ever had where I just couldn't stand it. Loved my high school and college jobs that I paid for timebuilding with. I loved my first flying job, home based, schedule flexible, good money etc. Then I got to the regionals and just hated Skywest. I was one of the last classes there during and after covid. We got to see what the company was made of. So I got lucky and left, really enjoyed my stop after Skywest and had a hard time leaving. But now I'm at a legacy and chillin. If Skywest works for you then congrats dude I like to hear that, I just hated my life there.
what's a good regional? skywest is usually called the best, for the pay and upgrade times
Quite frankly, none of them are. SkyWest bills itself as the best but I enjoyed virtually zero schedule flexibility when friends at other regionals did, I enjoyed zero vacation awards during my time there, and while it didn't happen to me they are force upgrading now in addition to "metering" hiring from them to their mainline partners. But if you have to live on the west coast I understand, that's their primary draw. I'd recommend going to the first regional that hires you and then take the upgrade+bonus at another regional. If you wanted to work for United for example, go fly for an American Airlines Group regional because united will most likely hire its competition before sacrificing its cheaper regional feed. If you want to fly for Delta, don't fly for them in an RJ first. You get the point.
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i just want to get in with frontier or allegiant tbqh. maybe southwest. i value not being gone
Just because others seem to be better doesn't mean you're shit. Usually they're good at something specific and you're envious of that, but you may be better at something else, or you may have a wider but more diluted skillset, which has its uses.
Of course there are cases where you really objectively are far less experienced than you'd like, but most people realize this if they don't constantly live in an echo chamber.
>I value not being gone
>t. ACMI

How many times have you practiced flying into a tall building


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