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Performance enhancing drugs edition

Old >>1972124
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I just used my shitty little emergency mini pump today (pic related). I've had it for about 5 years without ever having a chance to use it IRL, and today I was riding through a forest and an cute* young zoomer anime character with the ebike from dragon ball had a flat tire and this thing actually worked as intended

*cute as in adorable baby kitten, there is no need to call the FBI on me because I only had pure thoughts
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what a nice day
you enjoy breathing in all the exhaust gases?
Guessing you've never been doored successfully just a lot of close calls like in the video, right?

The memory of the pain is usually enough to dissuade you from those kinds of bold moves
nothing smells like Murica more than fresh exhaust fumes on a warm afternoon
I've been doored twice but both times not bad enough to cause trauma. Still, trauma from being t-boned doesn't stop me from riding stupid. I've hit the ground enough times to lose my ability to remember most things anyway.
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rearwheel,,,quick release isoeasy!
,,,,frontire hubmotor Sucks changing tire!
thanks grandma, don't drop your purse.
Never fucked up a bike either then. For me, the fun of taking absurd risks like that lost its luster after time spent in recovery, in the ER, having major components wrecked and needing replacement etc

You'll learn
Stay safe and have fun anons. Gorgeous weather today.
I'm glad I'm not the only one; thanks for making the effort to put genuine and good advice out there.
put the gravel tires back on the gravel bike then went for a gravel ride. explored some unexplored territory, but my tire got caught between some double track and i flipped, nbd.
the weather feels like fall, it's never been this nice and mild out as far as i can remember in the spring. but then again my memory is terrible.

ya i used this zefal pump today. it`s about 2-3 inches longer than the one that exploded, had the tire ready to go within a minute or so.
>Never fucked up a bike either then.
No, I lost a bike when I got t-boned and being in the ER is not fun, I'd hate to lose another bike or be in the ER again, I can't even count or remember how many times I've been been dead, I've just been so incredibly lucky it's so unreal nobody believes me but you also need to realize, adrenalin junkies like me exist and close calls like that, make me feel the closest to being alive. It's the reason I
>can't stop, won't stop
>damned young punks not listening to a wise old elder like me!

Time for your Metamucil, Ethel
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80 miles....almost a century.....
Not bad for an anime grill. Remember that thirdies think 100km is a century so you're already a cenntenarian by the standards of R.O.W.

Just do that again and tack on another 20 amerimiles next weekend and you're part of the club!
Looks sandy and in that terrain it's easy if you aren't careful to go OTB. I always try and keep the speed up and in that type of trail just stay in a track.
When you cross is when it's sketchy.
I need to try listen to my anime music on a ride with one earphone in.
i've taken to headphone in the right ear and an earplug in the other ear since i can still hear, but it really cuts back on how painfully loud traffic and wind can be.
I just use a bluetooth speaker. Not like the people going by in cars are gonna hear lmao
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im going to go in a bike ride tomorrow guys, i'll try to take some pics but i usually get so immersed in the ride i tend to forget.

if i do remember to take some pics i'll post one here, just to prove that i'm not bullshitting.

to make things interesting please suggest a theme for my pics, for example - bike in front of flowers, or bike next to angry cow.

if it's possible, and i remember then i'll take the snap that you suggested that i liked the most.

picrel is a pic from a ride is did last year.
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Today was awesome. Starting a bit earlier would have avoided a little of the afternoon traffic but I can feel myself getting back in the groove and my legs coming back. Keep riding like this and the winter fat should be gone in no time with a reasonable diet. The gym and a dozen ski days are just no replacement, nothing as motivating as not wanting to feel like a fat ass up big hills. Sure I’ll be dying either way but at least if I have it my way it’ll be because I’m pushing myself to go fast.
Bike in front of do not enter sign/road closed/one way

Random stranger holding your bike
picture of bike thrown in river
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lol what is the sticker in reference to?
MLM companies like Herbalife, etc., there used to be all sorts of bumper stickers like that
>Get Rich Now, Ask Me How!
I mean, I get that.
but that's a pretty specific meta joke to get printed on a bumper sticker. is there some kind of story behind that sticker?
No idea, just saw it on the interwebs and thought it was funny.
i went to the beach for the first time in ~20 years, looked around and said "huh", then went home.
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Had a work thing at a hotel about 4-5hr away so why not eh

Nice baiku
>tfw 99 r2000 near me but listed as 2 sizes too big
i don't think i could stretch from a 48 to a 52. lots of 650c r700s around me for some reason too, but i really don't want to be stuck with 650c.

i was looking at the catalogs and there was a touring bike with a head shock with 25mm of travel wtf
>out riding
>all I can think about is how hungry I am
>get home and shower
>no longer hungry
>can't even force myself to eat
>don't get hungry for a few hours
>hunger + feeling like shit from not eating hits me all at once

I hate this shit so much. Every single time I think "I need to force myself to eat next time" but every next time I decide I don't want to eat because I'm not hungry and the cycle continues.
If you are trying to gain weight just constantly be eating. Wherever you are.
Bring food next time on your ride, so when you take a mid ride stop you can eat it.

If I had this issue I would have a large dinner the night before the ride, or eat early the day I ride and have a larger breakfast.
>48 to 52cm
If it's just standover many riders just lean the bike over.
If it's top tube length..... yeah stick with a smaller frame. Or run a longer frame with shorter reach bars+shorter stem.
Lmaoing at ur life
I've experienced this. this is going to sound condescending because it will sound "too obvious" but: carbs during the ride, protein after. if you skip the carbs you'll just go slower. if you skip the brotein you'll become exhausted and not want to ride the next day.
>If it's top tube length
>48cm road bike has a greater tt length of 1 cm
what the fuck
it'd be cool but i don't think i want badly enough for $300 even if that's not a bad price.
SO relatable. i have taken to rice and onions sauce before and during rides because it's pretty easy to wolf down even if you are not very hungry. plus way cheap and SALT helps on extra sweaty days.
>rice and onions sauce before and during rides
is this the fucking "eat rice and beans out of a ziplock bag" guy? I thought we chased you out of here
no lmfao. i am just poor and hate buying like boxes of bars. i really don't mind stopping to eat for a couple of minutes.
there are other cheap alternatives which are going to be better mid ride, but i just have a shitload of rice.
what is "rice and onions sauce", can... oh you mean rice and the sauce of the estrogenizing bean that we can't type, lol. here I was picturing someone preparing senegalese yassa before every ride and carrying it around in a jersey back pocket and stuffing it in his face with his bare hands

I'm op and I'd rather just stop and have pastries and ice cream and coffee but I'm also a MAMIL so I don't mind the cost but now I sort of want to caramelize some onions and put it on rice for some reason
>>If it's top tube length
>48cm road bike has a greater tt length of 1 cm
My guess is to preserve or keep whatever geometry+toe overlap they want they went with a longer top tube.
Yeah for 300 you need to know it will fit
The japanese should have made many smol bikes, since their people were smol.
Probably, not too many 80s bikes with a sloping top tube. I'm pretty sure they measured the seat tube, which a sz 50 has a 52cm seat tube, which should theoretically kinda fit between my touring bike and "sport" road bike...i think? But idk dude it looks fucking small with how sloped that top tube is. ime people are pretty bad at taking accurate measurements and sometimes manufactures measure things weirdly.
Funnily enough I pretty much only see Trek's and Cannondale's in my size for the most part. I have seen ONE rb-2 that was definitely my size in my state, but it was just way too far away.
That's a pretty modern frame(to me). My guess would be mid to late 90's since it has a carbon fork, split face quill stem, brifters,and a sloping toptube.
I agree on people being bad at measurements, I generally don't even ask and just look at the headtube length, but I buy 56-62cm steel bikes so it's easier for me.
Just keep looking, and since you already have a bike or two only look for deals.

Those low spoke count shimano wheels are cool and would work perfect for most riders using that frame.
yeh 99 like i said before. i was thinking hmmm, this would be pretty cool for a component swap if it doesn't fit me, but at $300 and a trip i'm not sure. the wheels are pretty neat so is full ultegra, but really i could definitely find something cheaper and closer if that is what I wanted to do.
i generally just buy lugged steel bikes when i can find them, but i thought it would be cool to have something kinda modern with brifters but not of the era with weird hunch top tubes frames that look 3x smaller than they really are.
wow that may be the world's ugliest cockpit
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whats the pastry on the left?
I seem to recall it described as something incongruous, possibly a "churro"
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Rode 70 miles in Dr. Martens today. Lovely weather.
took me like 2 hours to modify one pannier and make a hook out of aluminum stock
i rode to the drugstore for peanut butter and milk but they didn't have [real] peanut butter so i got peanuts instead
then i got a flat. what a day.
thought you were the non quoter and talking about the fucking carrot. although, i do not believe that is a churro.
it's a croissant retards
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smokin' rocks and ridin' docks
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Yeah that's why I said incongruous. If they want to call a cube a churro then who am I to tell them not to? Besides, maybe there's a part of spain where they make square things and call them "churros". Like how a tortilla means something different depending on who you ask.
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I really hope this is rageb8. Why do you ride the way Asians drive?
>I can't even count or remember how many times I've been been dead, I've just been so incredibly lucky it's so unreal nobody believes me but you also need to realize,
Juggalos cycle? Must be electric, big boi
woop woop
because I'm Asian
but I'm a smol boi
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I remember when electric rideshare bikes became a thing in my city zoomer kept chucking them in creeks, it was a petty vandalism thing that became popular and maybe that's the joke?
They did that here, too, even more so with the e-scooters.
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>go riding in the woods
>twilight, dusk, then nightfall
>hear lots of gunshots in the direction of leaving

it's neat to see and hear all the nocturnal birds. thankfully no panthers or anything but i did see some really big tracks, no idea what they could have been from.
4/20 drivers are wild. Everyone's in a hurry until they stop in the middle of the street cause they forgot where they were going.
Today was super peaceful, even by Sunday standards. I think people were just inside the house and high, love it.
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There used to be flashing lights on the ground to alert zuckered out mobe users of incoming trams. That doesn't appear to have worked and these barriers sprung up in the last couple of weeks.
be careful chicaganon
adrenalin junkies jump from airplanes or bridges or cliffs, or go mtb downhill, this is a sad excuse for autodestructive and antisocial behaviour and we as cyclists can all see trough your bs.
i downloaded an app on fdroid that supposedly identifies birds based on their calls but i havent tried it yet. there's some kind of nocturnal bird that i cant identify and they all react the same-- they get spooked as i ride by, fly off and make a weird, unique little birdcall as they go. i only encounter them at night and cant ever get a good look at them in the dark.
it's weird because this one stuck around for awhile on the trail and didn't fly away until i got super close unlike other birds. but the one continuously calling just kept getting louder, and louder, and louder as if it was following me. kinda spooky.
kind of neat seeing all these animals come out at night, i don't often visit the woods after dark.
I mean, you're right, it's antisocial behaivior and I don't want to promote riding that like. It's not like I ride like that all the time, I was on a delivery in that video and I do risky things to move fast to make decent money. Just the reality of my job. Still, moments like that really do make me feel alive because most times, I feel dead inside.
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Stopped to pick up some big rocks that had fallen on the road. Heard a noise and saw these guys staring at me. They were dropping those rocks just to fuck with cyclists. Deer are the cagers of the animal kingdom.
>moving soon
>bought nice hardshell case for my bike so the movers won't fuck up my bike (it was around 530 shipped)
>said it was delivered
>got notification it was delivered to the parcel area
>saw notification about 20 minutes later
>it's nowhere to be found
>can't even file a claim because it hasn't been long enough
>out of the multiple packages I was supposed to have gotten over the past few weeks I've gotten a total of ONE regardless of where they were supposedly delivered to

Maybe they scanned it but haven't actually delivered it yet, it's way earlier than when they usually do but I even left work early to make sure I get this shit, but I know that somehow the shit went missing in the 20 fucking minutes from when it was scanned to when I went to the package lockers because they probably just set it in the area as there's no fucking way the fit an entire bike box in a god damn locker. But it's fine I don't even fucking care, I hope the movers destroy my nice carbon bike and then I can just throw all my cycling shit away and be done with it, maybe then I can get the balls to just fucking kill myself
It sucks, hopefully you're going to find it and this stressful period will pass too, hanger on tight :)
you should have taken one
We all do sometime (> ^_^ )>
still better than being dead for real or causing the death of someone.
How would you bring that back on a bike
I live in a small apartment too so that might not work out so great. Also I don't want lyme disease or CWD or whatever other nasty shit those things carry
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i go by these houses all the time and i never noticed how nice some of the colors are, particularly this yellow and orange one. houses should be fun colors.
Florida hasn't had attractive homes since the first half of the last century
i think these 70s era homes look kind of charming. though most homes older than that around central florida have mostly fallen into a state of disrepair. the majority of florida is pretty ugly desu, but i've never gone further north than ocala or further south than bradenton (i remember it being nice...?) or the north point of lake okeechobee (shithole).
i'll probably tour around the state either around june or this winter so i'll get some exploring in.
Florida is gross. We should saw this motherfucker off and let it float off into Cuba.
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I found a wheel in a dumpster when I went to throw a water bottle away.
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Samurai Jack climb good
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The work commute
Only about 12 miles round trip but it’s a really pleasant 12 miles
abandoned bike guy strikes again
yeah but i mean you could say that about probably half of the us desu
Such a good fucking ride today man, I might not be as fast the other Freds but I did well by my standards and I'm not that tired after the fact. 32 miles and a couple thousand elevation isn't much for some but its a solid training ride personally. Sunny with hardly a cloud in sight, mid 60s, and just enough wind to add to the environment without being a major factor in regards to riding.
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My bike case showed up. I don't know why the fuck postal services mark shit as delivered and then don't deliver until late the next day. Atleast I'm not out $500
>don't know why the fuck postal services mark shit as delivered and then don't deliver until late the next day.

Because fuck you, that's why!
You can thank Louis De Joy for that
Tire swap because it was ~25mi to and from the closest mtb singletrack trails. First time actually riding mtb trails, way fun, will have to do again. The big sand patches at random spots suck but everything else is fast and flowy. But my right hand is fuarked from deahgripping and crashing once.
Also jelly donuts.
What kind of retard brings an extra set of tires for a 25 mile ride lmaoooo
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why would i run slicks on loose sandy terrain
even so, why would i want to run knobbies for 50 miles of pavement over slicks
he brought slicks for the long commute, and knobs for the trails he was commuting to.. what's dumb about that?
I just found them on an abandoned bike, they were going to waste
Abandoned bike anon strikes again! How does he keep getting away with it?
When people have right of way (like they stopped wayy before you or have no reason to stop) in parking lots or at intersections and they wave you on, do you go? I understand they are trying to be nice or whatever and maybe I'm the autistic asshole but I think it's fucking annoying. It doesn't make much sense either if they are just going to be frustrated about being stuck behind you regardless. Idk. I'm not getting into a flailing match. Even when I was driving, the people here just seem to be exceptionally reckless with risk taking. Now that I don't drive it just seems even worse.
But to be fair, I cycle WAY more than I ever drove so maybe my experience is pretty one sided.
depends but generally I try to regulate my speed so the car can stop and then go before I get there. but I get that isn't your question, just putting it out there. many times I will dismount, stare at them, shake my head and wave THEM through. I also say "no, YOU go" but obviously they can't hear me but they see me talking at them, anyway. but sometimes I'll accept the wave-through, it really depends on the situation and also if I can actually see the driver through the window glare.
I never do that. If there's 2 cars on either side of a stop sign and one waves you, chances are the other one will just go as you're entering the intersection. I also understand they're trying to be nice, but its actually much safer if everyone just follows the traffic rules and goes/stops when they're supposed to.
Yeah I try and do the same, most people usually just respond to my nod after they wave which is fine, but it's just the people that want to fight about it. So many Americans are just so angry and I hate having to deal with it. Don't really want to pull into the crosshairs of someone who is ready to peel out and fly in a fit of rage, bicycle or not.
I agree with this.

It's usually annoying, sometimes i refuse by dismounting, and sometimes i'll be gracious and just accept it.

It's not that different from all the other little awkward polite interactions like when someone holds a door from far out for you. It's kinda dumb and navigating it politely is just part of being a person.

It's also worth recognizing that for drivers, stopping to give way is usually a conventional and helpful thing. Good driving means stopping to let other cars in. That's almost always just helpful. Stopping to let pedestrians cross is also usually just helpful. Bicycles are different because they're more mobile and more vulnerable, but the pattern of behavior being applied to you is grounded in real life pragmatism.

>it's just the people that want to fight about it
If you're in a bitch fight with a stranger over who is allowed to be polite and who is going first, over anything, then you are one of the people that wants to fight.
>its actually much safer if everyone just follows the traffic rules and goes/stops when they're supposed to.
I don't agree. A driver stopping to let you in is adding an element of chaos. Chaotic elements in traffic environments create danger and raise awareness from all parties, leading to increased safety.

For most drivers, convention, traffic rules, when you're supposed to stop and go, and what is supposed to be on the road, does not include bicycles whatsoever, so simply following routine renders you practically invisible.
so how do I increase my zone 2 power? do I need to test the upper range constantly? Or just do leg work on the side alongside zone 2 volume? Or just zone 2 volume?
HIIT workouts.
God I love Japan's autistic wedge buildings. I really want to do a Kansai to Kanto tour

you should stay in zone 2 for long periods, and increase gradually. maybe start with 2 hours, then increase 4 or 5 hour rides. twice a week.
twice a week, increasing as recovery allows.
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that's a grade a grader, bacon. enjoy your renewed roadway.
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Did stuff in the woods today
I lost front traction on a very loose berm and smacked a tree which was fun
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now with audio!
donated like 60lbs of books. going a bit neurotic selling/donating a ton of possessions. it's for the better.
does it spark joy?
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Didn't want to spook the Canadian geese.
Seen tons of these over the last month or so.
more relief than anything
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Night rides are the comfiest. Especially if they start at 14:00.
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I went out earlier than usual and the cafe where I usually stop was PACKED with roadie chads and stacies who all seemed to know each other and they all had really nice bikes and they were all good looking and had good social skills. They were unreasonably nice to me and didn't make me feel bad about being a weirdo riding alone but in the future I'm going to go back to my schedule of leaving late in the morning so it's just me and a few other ugly loners like me and my bike is the nicest one in the rack because it's mostly casuals and asocial freaks at that hour.
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>go to drop a bunch of packages off at the package store
>forget they were stacked up over a foot off the rear rack
>swing leg round and make contact
>get caught and fall backwards
>everyone looking at me like im retarded

this happens way more often than i would like to admit, though usually i can catch myself.
yet another case for front racks.
but I'm sorry that happened to you. I fell for the first time in forever recently and it nearly sent me under a car . so rack or no, anyone can get got.
i really do prefer loading the front before the rear, but the boxes were just too bulky to fit between the bars.
i'm just really clumsy and forgetful. it took me a solid month to adjust to riding clipless before i could complete a ride without failing to unclip and falling. falling sucks, accidents happen. just hopefully harmless non-fatal ones.
Does it still count as 1 (one) ride if I change bikes inbetween? Thinking about doing a century tomorrow
some people are just not as physically gifted in coordination.
Like those people at school who ran weird.
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>first time riding fixed gear
>first time also using a foot retention system
>immediately get launched over the front trying to learn
had to switch back to platforms. Fuck me does this burn my quads. I'm pretty sure my fit is dialed in but I guess I'm just really inefficient with pedaling on freewheels
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Someone tried to kill me. Wtf is wrong with cagers
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Good afternoon to all, especially my fellow CAAD chads
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that doesnt seem like the CAADs natural habitat
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Today we ride a little strade bianche
Mama didn't raise no bitch
every bike is a gravel bike if you try hard enough
another abandoned bike ripe for the taking
Rode to the Thames Barrier today.
it took me 600 miles to realize my saddle was too low, i think i'm retarded.
rolling hills are fun, also i brought cornbread., i love cornbread (i did not eat all of it).
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based. i pack cornbread, too. i like to stop at a gas station and crumble it into a bottle of milk middway through my ride
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but now i make hot water cornbread and freeze them for bike rides. they're not as dry and easier to choke down on the road, and they don't tend to crumble into chunks during the ride like cornbread does.
the whole inefficient things is a stupid myth, together with the 'round, smooth efficient pedal stroke and what not'. You'd feel your freewheel chopping and disengaging if your pedaling was moronic enough for your freewheel to not behave effectively like a fixed gear while pedaling.
Whats burbing your quads is the skidding, you might manage to even have the feeling you pulled your hip flexors tonight but that'll go away.
Comfy, unless a farmer overtakes you on a hot, dry day
nta but don't people who cycle regularly just automatically develop an efficient stroke narurally? the phrase "pedalling like a retard' doesnt even make sense to me.
nta but the most efficient stroke may require changing your saddle position, cleat position, etc. you might arrive at what seems most comfortable to you in the immediate future, and settle on that as "most efficient" even if you could gain a lot more efficiency by fixing your shit, even if it feels unnatural in the short run
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you lure in a swarm with a queen?
easy 10 miles this morning. Took a semi new route and went slow since it was so dark and my eyes are so shit in the night.
Good news is without the insoles these shimano sized "10" clipless shoes fit.
my dude, buy yourself a light - it will change your life
I used one, my eyes are just that bad and I wasn't sure if the sidewalk was going to end or not since.... it does on the other side.
me when i run my light on low
sometimes i turn it to medium and im like wtf i can see?? though seriously, if you have like a sub 600 lumen light it's worth it to get something brighter if you're gonna use it often.
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finally had some more time so I've just been crusing round countryside on this white boy. did 120km, been blasting Pendulum on the loop this whole ride.
maybe I'm gonna push for 200km this year
now a cold coke, kitkat and ice cream. good times.
nice bike. anyway what is the point of filling yourself with the recommended daily intake of pure sugar at the end of your ride?
I had a craving, can't be helped.
the coke alone is your RDA for sugar.
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The burned railroad ties at the border between two states represents the power of the Federal Government to regulate interstate commerce. They are arranged in a christ-like cross symbolizing the insertion of religion into secular affairs. The graffiti symbolizes a toilet stall in Pompeii and the chains represent something else I'm sure. I'll get probably get banned for posting this because They don't want you to know the truth (we both know exactly who I mean so I need not spell it out).

Is that bike made by the same moser that makes wristwatches?
Finally had enough rain falling I could try out the rain cape I purchased (Tucano). Looked as painfully awkward as the dude in the product photos. Worked really well at keeping me dry from both rain and sweat. Kind of strange not being able to see any of my bike/bars/hands.
>you sleep in a tent. I AM THE TENT
Looks comfy. Now would I ride a fixed gear bike with it like the ad? no, but a mtb, commuter, or belt drive would be optimal in that setup for rainy days.

Think we just had the last rain of the season today. I went out for a short exploration ride and found the gov't blocked off one set of local dirt jumps. Kinda lame but there was a homeless dude, downed trees, and shit being piled up there so I hope that gets cleaned up.
Mostly a recovery ride since I had a hard ride yesterday.
>developing arthritis (probably) in left hand
>crash few weeks ago and damage nerves in right hand so its almost unusable
>cycling makes both of these worse
i hate it!!

anyway it was so humid out that it was a wet ride by proxy. i saw an esploded 16:9 trinitron by one of those donation boxes. wish i didnt get rid of mine, but god, i really just had nowhere to put it.
I prefer one with sleeves and longer. this looks bot short and not safe for steering
>that smile
w-what is he doing under there?
My mom cured her arthritis in the hands via diet and exercise. She had it at 50, and once she changed it's been fine currently at 67 or so.
I always heard the cold makes it worse too....
We can't see the seat.... so....
ya, lifting was helping my left hand, i just stopped temporarily for numerous reasons. just seem to have lots of inherited health problems and get injured pretty frequently.
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Close call with a car this morning.
woke up in a new bugatti
you were falling on some car?
I think I killed a lizard today
I always start easy and ramp up from there. If you try you will gain back your strength quick, it never truly leaves you, just goes away until you train it again.
is the car in the room with you right now?
Got some massive air off a pothole, stuck the landing.
A snippet of todays ride, testing a GoPro
Otherwise it wasn’t anything crazy today, just messing around in the woods for a few hours
>80’s Fuji vantage
Neat, surprised someone was still rolling that around even recently
cool video, protp: the gopro app can straighten the curved lines from the spherical lens but the workflow is a pain until they release the pc version, however, there's a free and open source tool called gyroflow that can apply lens correction to make curved lines straight again and utilize the motion data (in the original recording) to further stabalize or apply horizon leveling
gotspicey,,,,salty,,,pepperyabouturning Gods word,,notone Word!,
dontell me itsnotruevery WORD!
The pedal I JB Welded into the crankarm on my mountain bike started coming loose after 770 km.
How to achieve natural high from cycling ? Once I rode around for the fun of riding but lately I have only felt it as a means to an end and that end isn't about joy
just take fentanyl and ride your bike
Ride somewhere nice. I went out into the forest today, then had coffee and a pie in a small town. I couldn't have been happier to use my time that way. Wide, empty roads, cattle and horses. One minute I was riding casually, pedalling along, next I was in the drops hammering as hard as I could, cause I felt like it. This is a natural high.
New area, ride in the woods, maybe send it super hard on your local loop/ride.
ok figured out the quad burn. Moved the saddle back and it got better but now my hands are starting to hurt as I ride longer. are there saddleposts that allow you to move back further? or can I drop the handlebars to increase distance and put the strain in my core?
Night rides are great for a change of pace. Riding through the hood is good for adrenaline too.
Generally hand pain can be that you need to move your hands more on long rides. If you are on flat bars I go from normal hand on grip, to palm the end of the bars.
If it's on drops you have all the hand positions. Besides that higher bars or shorter bars would put more weight on your butt, less on the hands.
>in left hand turn lane
>some boomer and his wife pull up laughing and hear the tail end of "i could run ya up ta that curb right dere"
>give him confused look and say what?
>says nothing further

what the fuck did he mean by this? was this a threat or something?
sometimes you can get rid of hand pain by nosing up the saddle but then maybe it crowds your taint.
I recently did this on my current new build and it worked without that side effect, though. just one notch on my cheap post really helped
he's a dork, don't worry about it
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that's when you pull out your problem solver and say "I could poke a lotta holes in you right 'ere"
How do you defend yourself against dogs? I've been chased twice by huge dogs when I was just peacefully passing by, I'm not allowed to carry firearms either, I just have a knife in my pocket.
Huge problem where I live. They usually are farm dogs or escaped farm dogs, so they don't really bite, and get away with shouting. So I just do that.
If you see them from a distance you can pick a stone or swing a stick, but recently I'm considering buying pepper spray, although even that could be useless against modern super killer dogs.

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