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Any fellow Texans here? Summer is right around the corner and I am starting to feel the heat. I'm expecting that we will reach 100F (38C) temperatures very soon. Is there any way at all to deal with this? or I just have to embrace being sweaty?
You know what they're going to say.. Lycra and bibs.
and a change of clothes
This is not accurate because we're not at norwood 9 or roided up to the point where our hearts explode

Anyway my recommendation is to leave t*xas
Atlanta here.
I've gotten in the habit of taking my shirt off before the ride and then going slow whenI near the destination, just fast enough to air-cool but without any real exertion. try to cool down as much as I can that way. then when I get off the bike I carry a washcloth and sponge down until I'm dry. then put on the shirt and join the destination.
I used to carry bandanas but I'd soak through those.
the left can't meme
former austinite here. i don't see how there's any way around it. ideally there's somewhere to shower when you arrive at your destination, if you're commuting for work. my commute wasn't super long so i would ride veery sedately on my way there. that said, i was a grad student so i never really needed to look like an adult. i always thought it would be impossible if i had to arrive to work in business casual attire looking like i didn't just crawl out of a pool. also i moved to maine a few months ago. fuck texas.
Just make sure your workplace is all downhill from where you live so you only have to sweat on the way home.
Big brain
the beauty of riding a bicycle is that you don't need to wear any protective gear since you won't be going faster than 30mph at maximum anyway
>b-but helmets
helmets are for mountain biking and motorcycling
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AZ here.
>extra pair of clothes
>shower at work if needed
>cover every exposed piece of skin in sunscreen
>drink water
Arizonan here. Drink lots of water and suck on rock salt/electrolyte tablets.
Wet your clothes when the water evaporates you'll cool down
don't do this with stuff that chaffs like denim
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water bottle, baggy shorts, flip flops.

Nothing else needed.
Just drive a car. No one at the office wants to smell your stankass after riding a bike in the most humid and hot state in America to work.
if i lived in Texas i would drive a car
if I lived in texas I would kill myself
you should kill yourself as if you lived in texas
Like everyone says a change of clothes, also before I change I usually wipe down the extra sweaty areas like underarms and my back with the shirt I was wearing so you at least remove a lot of the sweat that way
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go faster?

I rather a place where cars are NOT essential for a satisfactory work/life balance
Spanish here.

Shower and use a mild body gel every morning. Apply odorless deodorant.

Wear natural fiber clothing only, not too tight and in light colours.

Shower in the evening if needed but without soap.

You could be sweaty, but never smelly
Embrace sweat. Two bottle cages, always.
Tempefaggot here

I know I am going to get shit on this board for it but I bought an electric bike to combat that and wind. PAS is fucking a blessing when it is 110F and 80% humidity in monsoon season. Usually PAS to work then for exercise pedal back home unless it's monsoon season and 112+80% humidity+haboob
lose weight and body fat, go slower, wear less clothing, that's it
>leave t*xas
everyone is going there
just get a car like a normal man
>posts a literal fucking commie advocating for people living in pods

nevermind, keep cycling, with any luck a carchad will end your life
Velo with second skin, swamp cooler, and walkable community. Also, migrate.
I live in the Houston area and walk to work.
I can do it because it's about a mile or so away and just takes 20-25 minutes one-way.
Since the summer is coming back I'll start bringing a towel with me to wipe down. It's definitely doable if you at least change shirts in the restroom (nobody should know what's going on around your crotch).

The primary barrier if you're physically fit is simply time, and how much of it you're willing to sacrifice to walk or bike rather than drive. You might want to add buffers to account for the time you'll need/want to freshen up on-site. I've biked to the grocery store and other places and, despite the apparent stereotypes of Texas drivers, most people are relatively sane/ethical and actually don't want to kill you. Just be extra cautious near the highway intersections or avoid them entirely, if possible.
Austin is rough due to how hilly it is. I've seen bike lanes at such steep inclines there that I wonder if any brave soul has actually used them. Houston is a shithole, but at least biking is easy on the body because everything is as flat as a Japanese cartoon girl.
I'm glad you got to escape the brown hordes in minority-White Texas and enjoy Maine's Whitetopia. If only all of us could be so lucky.
>advocating being a normie
election tourists are a plague
there is nothing more reddit than being

Designed to cool.
fuckcars is based tho, they make car-free memes which indoctrinate people into eco-radicals that attack pickup trucks
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Hello fellow desert dweller. How hot is too hot to ride? 102+? I can water and sun screen but heat stroke sounds like ass.
In high heat there's basically nothing you can do to prevent sweat. Your best best is to instead maximize moisture wicking and odor control. Get as much of the sweat to evaporate before it builds up. This will also make sweating more effective at cooling you off.

If at work, I assuming you don't need to be in a suit so pack clean clothes and especially a good under layer. Merino wool boxers and socks will help you be less sweaty, control odor and you'll feel a lot better. After you undress in the bathroom/closet whatever at work, give yourself wipe down in the pits, crotch, and any other areas like that. Microfiber or other quick drying thing so you can just rinse it in the sink. Apply deodorant and you should be good to go. If you need other clothes at work, you may want to see if you can leave them there at the start of the week.

The only thing I have not figured out for looking halfway decent is sweaty hair. When my hair was long it always looked bad even after brushing it out at the office. I go short in the summer now and it dries much faster. Also goes without saying but if you are using a helmet make sure it's one with good airflow. Not all brain buckets are equal in this regard.
>living in texifornia
i will never get tired of watching california liberals destroy texas like a plague of locusts.
I'm sorry man, it was already broken before they started moving there.
that kid likely lives in rural america where there is no PT and his school is 30 miles from his house, and has a job after school at the metal shop. He shouldnt be forced to buy a car, it should be a gift paid for in full for his birthday.
Texans should really thank the transplants, now they have a convenient scapegoat for their failures rather than owning up to them.
that's extremely cringe
i'm not a white supremacist and minorities were not the people i was eager to get away from. fuck you.
Use sunhoody, bibs, helmet with good vents, embrace the sweat, protect yourself from sun, take shower
>move to the edge of city
>bus to the centre takes 43 minutes
>or I drive for 9 mins, and get the park & ride which takes 15 mins to get into the centre
Bump because at least people are trying to have a discussion ITT
let's be honest it's the heat reflected by the aphalt that makes cycling on even mildly hot days pure suffering.
I always gave myself a half an hour extra tike in case I had to change a flat or something. Then I'd get to work andcool off in the break room. I also kept baby wipes in my locker to wipe down.
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This. Had a colleague who biked to work and had the most putrid smelling shoes ever. Everybody hated him.
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>not getting your 16 year old a full size V8 truck for his 16th birthday
Lol? I like bikes too, those are great for 8 year old kids.
whatever man. you're still one fewer car on the road. i have mixed feelings about e-bikes but every transport mile on a e-bike is better than one in an automobile.
If commuting for work, listen to everyone else.

If just riding for fun or for transport around town, just drink lots of water. You probably won’t notice how much water you’re losing with the wind cooling you down. Dehydration is the main danger in that heat. Invest in a good hydration pack and use lots of ice to keep it cool for longer rides.
how to meme 101
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depends how long the ride is and time of day. I'm fine with 105 in the early evening with less sun. It also depends on how far you're going
It never gets so hot that I can't ride 5 to 10 mins to the bar but a 40 minute commute at 105+ is shit
it's funny because in my mind commuting in stroke inducing heat is still associated with pleasant feelings. green trees that give you shade and deserted cities all for yourself (many cities in europe during late july-august effectively shut down and turn into ghost towns) As I already posted, this pure suffering is only caused by asphalt reflecting heat and no trees to give shade. if you have these two things in your commute it's super fine, the heat gently invites you to take it easy, sweat dries immediately, and going shirtless is definitely encouraged
Doesn’t work when it’s humid
The "friendly 'roided up giga chads sharing insightful advice" will never stop being funny to me, in a good way

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