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How much does this stuff annoy you train autists? I love trains but in a different way to you
>How much does this stuff annoy you train autists?
I'm annoyed it's not a full train. doesn't look that tall. i prefer freights and monikers
I find whole cars to usually be too much, style, proportions and subtlety gone for pure size. Gimme a neat panel like OP every day
don't fuck with passenger stock, especially not the windows. not on locomotives either. but freight cars are good. I like the status quo in usa, they seem to stick to those rules nowadays
I don't like just scratchy scrawly vandalism graffiti but if there's a clear effort to make something interesting I like it and it doesn't annoy me at all. It was that or an official company advertisement, might as well have some SOVL. And yes I mean for metro/subway type trains. I don't care about freight.
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Passenger stock aka metro is the creme de la creme of graf m8, it will never stop. The feeling of walking amongst the giants is incredible
if it looks good then I dont mind at all. Its mostly illegible shit tho.
Looks like shit 99.99% of the time

Wish we dealt with vandals the same way the Saudis do
i think it looks cool
god i hate these faggots.
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If train companies were to provide some trains as a kind of urban art showcase, it would be a great change, some legal graffiti look really solid. but when it's just retarded tags they can fuck off and die
Singapore handles urban art very well, much to the dismay of foreign dindu nuffins and their enablers.
Nigger behaviour, not compatible with civilised society
>walking amongst the giants
aka a bunch of pussies who won't even go for police stations and cars, or giant billboards. oh no, pissing off the popo or ad agencies would be the worst, gotta take the view away from commuters.
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nerd detected
Doesn't work, see picrel. Afaik only passenger metro not painted is NK. Even the israel metro has been done
Metro graf is a Western culture thing, not found in negroid, gook or raghead culture. Nice to see thirdies sticking up for fellow thirdies
Lmao just move seat fatty, I bet you don't piss and moan when a giant coca-cola advert blocks your window
here if you even try to paint the metro you'll get lynched by the community.
Where are you?
Medellin, Colombia
Looks like shit, it's not that I inherently hate graffiti when done right and with permission but that shit doesn't mesh well with the livery at all
OP will not deliver.
is right.
only based thing the paisas
the rest is sadly glorifying easy money el mundo es de los vivos nigger cope
Police will lose whatever face they've still got if they don't actually enforce the "don't put paint on stuff without permission" laws on their own stuff, so of course that's a deterrent.
As for billboards, the issue there is that there's only one way on or off the billboard, compared to trains, where there's multiple directions you can go to get away from whatever you just painted. And it usually takes less effort to get rid of the graffiti too.
These guys don't get to keep doing it by getting caught. Unless they ask for permission first but well obviously a billboard company or police department isn't going to grant that.
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This the metro? Forgive me if not, all you little south American countries look the same to me
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Based, I love street art and graffiti.
Most people hate them but I actually like the typography works
If you come paint my house I won't report it to the landlord
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i respect your love for filthy looking 80's rolling stock, but i prefer anti graffiti coatings, automated train washing yards and that clean look that gives me this first world feels every morning.
It's abhorrent. Perhaps in the past there was no other way for a struggling artist to get their stuff on public display, but these days it's easy to show the world your work. The only reason for putting it on the side of a commuter train is because you crave the sad satisfaction of being a nuisance to other people.
no the reason is called getting up grandpa. you will never be all city
It's cool.
If it's the subway then why the fuck do I care? It's the fucking subway.
I'm not sitting in an observation car
>If it's the subway then why the fuck do I care? It's the fucking subway.
"The demoralization worked"
I don't mind on euro trains since they already look like shit, but on American/Japanese style stainless steel trains, it's terrible. Covers up the natural beauty of the material and the artistry of extraction and manufacturing.
You have to be a real boring joyless mf to prefer a boring wall or ads over graff
I'm not a nigger, that's why I don't like graffiti.
graffiti writers are overwhelmingly white
yes, that was a long time ago and the culprits were caught and fined. I would not have a problem if the "art" wasn't so cookie cutter nigger styled. Every retard does the same shitty wacky looking fonts. The adds are way better because at least they usually have good designs.
spiritually they're niggers and they deserve the same thing.
I hate it on buildings, but like it on trains. I don't know why.

Graffiti is typically better looking than the fucking black inner city artist murals they paint all over the fucking side of buildings in cities now days. I rather look at tags than crying brown people.
>Perhaps in the past there was no other way for a struggling artist to get their stuff on public display
That is definitely not what most graffiti is about. Graffiti and tagging is mostly about marking the territory and doing cool illegal shit like painting a whole fucking train.

Painting a whole train in 5 minutes with friends is cool as fuck, and if you disagree you're a fag.
It's ugly as shit, and if you wanna make ugly as shit art in your own space fine, go nuts, but this is an eyesore the whole public has to look at
>degrading common goods is cool
this is the nig mindset
In 2024? I think It's the opposite of "cool". A teacher of mine used to say "philosophy was born and died in Greece", which means that is a unique and unrepeatable cultural phenomenon and translates to "tagging was born and died in nyc". That context doesn't exist anymore, To me if you were not credited in style wars you're just a vandal and really stupid or confused and this theory is confirmed by all the taggers I've met in my life.
It's really just like littering or vandalism, it's amazing how much damage just a few schizo or idiots can do to the public space.
As long as it doesn't shit up the windows too badly I think graffiti is cool
Beyond that, actually brightens my day.

Ghetto self aggrandizing.

GHETTO ASS BULLSHIT. Trash that deserves as much respect as a fucking advertising wrap for nike or coke. They're going for the same tingle in their testicles that toys get. Dogs piss on the metros to mark territory, but I expect more from humans.
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Some diverse and talented artists have blessed GWR.
I understand from your choice of meme words that I'm supposed to be upset at this but I'm fine with this, actually maybe even a little gleeful. Though if they were to break some glass and maybe set it on fire that would be even better. Nothing makes me happier than to watch symbols of perfidious albion get publicly desecrated and humiliated
That's what I assume all graffiti artists truly feel - not that they are improving their environment and making people happier with their art, but lashing out at what they hate and making sure everyone knows it, spiteful little shits who we would be better off without.
You're an anglophile so your opinions don't matter. Some graffiti is nice, other graffiti is shit. Same with all art.
Universally it is shit.
Even the high quality stuff is kitsch and cringe. Paint your own walls.
Been there done that, I'd rather just pay someone to do it. MGTOW DIY cultists are welcome to engage in their tradie hobby larp. And graffiti artists are welcome to improve trains. In the case of br*t*sh trains, taking a dump on the floor would be an improvement, so the bar is pretty low wouldn't you agree.
I was sure there's a significant overlap of scat fetishists and graffiti enjoyers. Like I said, keep your hobbies to yourself.
Reject modernity, embrace tradition
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I like riding anime-themed vehicles because part of me wants to think it enrages anti-weeb people but then I realize those people never travel more than 150 miles from the hospital where their mother shat them out and airplanes never get within 30,000 feet of them so they won't ever see them and I'm just letting them live >rent free inside me
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you bri'ish faggots are fucking pussies. can't even properly graffiti a train.
That looks like fucking scrap mate
Why do you care so much shitbro? Is it your train? Do you own it? Mind your own business
Why do you care so much shitbro?
Cause I have to fucking look at it that's why

>Is it your train?
In a sense yeah? My tax dollars pay for it I am invested in how it looks.
>Do you own it?
yes, I do. and when tokyo metro goes ipos later this year I will own that too
I guarantee you don't piss and moan about advertising plastered down the side, you're a good goy.
Sounds based, hope you have lots of cash left over for yard security
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>mandatory criminal conviction
>24hr manned security at all yards
>1000s of CCTV cameras
>solvent detectors on all carriages
Still getting it done in 202
No I fucking hate that shit too, trains looked so much better plain and clean
I respect your consistency. Even on the modern soulless insect looking metros we have nowadays?
I mean, I think rolling stock like the new WMATA 7000 series is really soulless so idk
stainless steel has more soul than paint
The duality of man
Cold, mechanical, anti human, anti soul. You're delusional
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You wouldn't get it
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Lets both agree this is pure soul though
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>carpeted floors
Try posting something from this century
>Is it your train? Do you own it?
Ask yourself those questions and if both answers are no, kindly jump off a cliff.
truly a nigg
nta but they're right and you're wrong neener neener
its better on trains where people dont actually care - freight trains
id be pissed if a spray paint blocked my fucking windows unless it was a soijak
I was actually gonna bring these up. They're Romanian (Bucharest) commie-era Metrorex subways, I think they sometimes still run on some lines. They were very often graffitied to shit, but he new Bombardier ones we got in the late 2000s almost never were. First time I see one above ground.
They still work

IVAs still run on M4 and sometimes M3. They used to run overground regularly until 2004-2006 when they were withdrawn on M2. (See Berceni station).

Also Militari, Berceni and Pantelimom are partly or fully overground. The picture iirc is from Militari.

Si salut romane
It's the purest form of attention seeking

The people in the scene are mentally ill losers
Whao dude you're so street and ghetto! You're getting up! Did you dress in the latest streetwear and impress the other morons by drawing your superhero alias name on the wall?

Cool! You're getting up bro!!!

Funny, coca-cola don't own the train yet they can plaster their shit all down the side. So if I pay big daddy govt or big daddy transport I can out whatever I like on it? Good one, imagine thinking that your fare will decrease if all graffiti stopped tomorrow
Whiter than you Ibrahim
>nooooo not the heckin windows!
You are the soijack
All good fella I do it for me and my mates, not you. Imagine having trainspotting as a hobby and referring to others as morons kek. Maybe try something that has a creative output or that you can actually contribute to, not stare a shit that greater men than you have put together.
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I hate graffiti. It looks cheap, tacky, unclean, and unprofessional. And it's noisy. Gives me a headache just looking at it.
Also 90% of the time it's illegible basketball runes.
What does this shit even say? NAGP? Meaningless. Stop it.
you are a failed artist and "thug". are you a nigger or a really single mother son tryhard?

Need to start chopping some hands.
In NZ we have two cities between Hamilton and Auckland. The idea was to make this roughly 1.5 hour by car journey accessable by train.
No we can't do that though. Instead of buying a higher speed train and I'm not even talking bullet here they decided buying a slow as fuc train that makes the journey take 2.5 hours would somehow be a good idea.
Nobody uses it and it runs at roughly a $90 milion a year loss.
This is what listeening to roasties, diversity hires and out of touch boomers gets you.
That's what trains are for. God bless the machine and its megatons of cargo.
Want to die inside, just a little more?
Go to Youtube and look up a "Naples street tour".
It's better than nothing.
90 million compared to the 2.4 billion spent on one bit of the motorway in the same place.

Driving from Auckland to Hamilton between 4-6 adds an extra hour stuck in traffic so the time is comparable for ordinary commuters. I'd rather be on the train if i had to do that commute.

Yes, obviously it should be better, but you're only ever going to get incremental change, and if you don't support it then you'll get nothing.
there is a guy that paints this all over town… ive seen so much of it at calm hours in the night that i feel like i know him
Brownophiles deserve to be deported back to their homeland instead of polluting their host countries that they hate
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I'm more annoyed at obnoxious advertising.
I dont like it when they cover windows or too much of the windows (as cool as it looks. And definitely a 100x better than big advertising covering windows). But I much prefer people spray freight trains, because I do like the look of many passenger trains- but some are kind of lame and could do with sprucing up.

It's gonna get cleaned up anyway so I might as well enjoy the neat art while it's there.

you're one of those "protestors don't have the right to keep me from getting to work" people huh
ugh yeah, the anime girls is nice but the giant fucking qr codes are ugly as fuck
>"protestors don't have the right to keep me from getting to work"
They don't though. If you block the passage you deserve to be shot.
As long as we get to shoot anti-abortion protesters on sight I'm good with that
NPC moment
Stop. I can only get so hard.
I miss when NYC looked like this.
This mf paid for 4chan
Those trains are so grim. I remember when they were almost new (2000) They were my favourite tube trains. Now they're falling apart and covered in graffiti. They're now legit worse than the 1960 or whatever stock that they replaced.
It's the stuff that keeps some people from killing themselves, I've heard. Understandible, imagine there were only red cars, it's a nice breath of fresh air.
if seeing graffiti saved your life then you're the kind of person who should kill yourself
Interesting balance of nerd/incels vs graffchads in here
If you've never painted a panel you'll never fucking understand and the point is you never will

No one is painting for you or your faggot co-workers at the water cooler
>clear effort to make something interesting I like it and it doesn't annoy me
This. Taggers should get their teeth spray-painted black and a fat unibrow sprayed on their forehead. Only other thing I dislike when an existing, deliberate artwork is sprayed over. Especially if it's one of a kind - commemorating a special train, event etc.
>If you've never done a line of coke you'll never understand and the point is you never will
How you sound
I hardly ever see graffiti on passenger trains in Switzerland. Anything there is to see is freight trains.
What do nips think of American trains? How pissed would they be if they saw graffiti on they're trains in Japan?
Fine in NYC but, keep the windows transparent for fucks sake. Also find it to be quite inorganic for cities outside North America and Asia.
Death penarty
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To me, it depends. If it's stuff like the picture you're showing, I won't even bother looking at it. If it's a full design (or multiple designs) across the entire train, and it looks real neat, then I'll enjoy looking at it, and maybe take a few photos as well.
Looks like complete shit
trainkeks btfo lmao
I'll accept the 8000s only if they are in the same metal-and-brown color scheme as the old trains. Otherwise the entire system is dead to me.
WMATA is a great system (though my home system is the MBTA so maybe anything looks better by comparison...) but yeah the new trains aint it imo.
Not sure how Saudi's do it but I probably agree with you

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