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Why would anyone own a car when you can buy this, go 30mph and never pay for fuel or car maintainence again?
because beta smol weewee poorfag status signalling issues
also herd mentality and cage advertising
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>going 50 kmh on a shitty bicycle
dumb /n/igger
Because subhumans will steal it
>limited range
>limited carry capacity
>no climate control
>no water/mud protection
>struggles with bumpy roads and potholes
get one if youre an urbanite wagie or office drone whose only trips into nature are along manicured tourist paths, otherwise a car is necessary
this, betas need to peacock their cash to pull, that's why they need 4-wheeled status symbols
most people don't want to die in a fire
Because legislation requires us to register those as motorcycles and pay taxes and insurance and registration
>tiny brakes meant for 15mph
>tiny narrow tires meant for 15mph

if you want a moped buy a moped
I need to haul shit regulary.
Not everyone can work from home with a macbook.
Average bicycle speed is half that
>speed is even lower if trying to haul anything
No space for family or tools
>mandatory shower upon arrival
Rain, wind, snow and ice exist.
>still only a fraction of the speed even the cheapest cars can do
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>they need 4-wheeled status symbols
That one is the ultimate chain destroyer, gimme the comfy hub motor
Op's post is dumb as fuck but the whole point of e-bikes is to not make sweat a problem
>the cartard of /n/ brags about something not worth bragging about
Typical commie behavior
>Rain wind snow and ice exist
Being bothered by those must be a sign of having absolutely no mental resillience. I cant even imagine how scary the world must feel to some.
>no climate control
Imagine being dependant on technology like A/C. Same thing, must be a low determination fatty thing.
>no water/mud protection
See above. Also if one is really that kuch of a princess they can always choose to run fenders.
>going 50 on a bicycle
like almost every cyclist does daily, descends exist you know ?
valid point. But you do see how the bicycle is not the problem here... right ?
Motorized vehicles are gay and for emotional and physical cripples. Electric bikes are no exception.
Oh yeah and also my house only costs $110,000 because I have to drive 30 minutes to retard central downtown to work (and then thankfully, escape the retard zone after Im done, back to my quiet wide-open roads
>have to escape falador park without using the doors
>sandwich lady spawns
>*sandwich lady turns red* ”I DIDNT SAY YOU COULD GRAB THAT!”
>teleported south of falador
>win 50B gp on youtube
Because believe it or not, not everyone is a bugman. I am a fucking incel in the city and am looking at commuter ebikes rn, but since I still have a reason to go to bumfuck nowhere where my parents live and occasionally take a bunch of stuff there or back, the only plausible solution for that is still car ownership. For normal people with families it's even more important. Even if you avoid becoming a trope parent who chauffeurs his kid to soccer practice and other activities (you won't), you'll still have to drive your kid somewhere and fuck you for sticking the child on a seat of a bike and larping as a thirdie if you can afford a car. Not only is it going to be impractical, but it will be unsafe. With all the stupidity the car drivers do, bikes are still far less safe.
How am I going to transport my kayak and all my fishing gear on a fucking bicycle you reddit brained commie faggot nigger
on a trailer weakling
in bike friendly areas its not uncommon to see people ferrying their kids around in cargo ebikes.

in a car obviously retard, that doesnt mean every single journey you take requires a cagie
>>>/o/ cageoid false flag operation
I live 35 miles from work and winter exists
>in bike friendly areas its not uncommon to see people ferrying their kids around in cargo ebikes.
Yes, bike friendly areas like Bangalore. I've seen pics on this board from retarded scandinavians carrying shit in bike trailers and it's sad. Ffs, it's your children. Why would you deliberately compromise the safety and wellbeing of your children just to prove a point that you were brainwashed to defend by the greenfags? You don't have to be a slob and drive distances of a 100m, or refuse to cycle at all when it's handy, but don't artificially make your actual difficulties harder than they have to be. You're not helping anyone doing that, least you and your family.
Now thats almost a new level of comfort addiction.
Just wanted to say these bait threads are shit.
>deliberately compromise the safety of your children

bro its on a bike path travelling at 15mph
like ... by operating motorvehicles that are known to obscure your vision, hit children at an alarming rate while destroying their future environment ?
Still far less safe than virtually any other mode of transport. In the end you're still unnecessarily roleplaying as a hobo and making your family go through it.
>do it my way. I AM your dad.
Because e-bikes are fucking gay and you're a faggot if you do this
Honestly, unless you don't live in a 1st world country (amerimutt large cities count as 3rd world), you park your bike in a safe spot like inside your office building, lock your bike and don't leave it unattended for more than 30 minutes, the likelihood of your bike getting stolen is close to zero.

If you're still afraid, you can always buy insurance.
Can't buy insurance for an illegal 2000w ebike. Also I want to be able to use it to go to the beach or just out for hours and not have to fear not finding it when coming back, which is just not possible in 99% of the world
>Why would anyone own a car when you can buy this, go 30mph and never pay for fuel or car maintainence again?
Because it's illegal in Germany and you will be fucked if caught for some reason.

I will insure the fuck out of your illegal 2000watt ebike at a laughably usurious rate
The only dad you ever had
Hitting a pothole at 30mph is near motorcycle accident levels of damage. I guess if you have bike paths where you live, it might be alright though.
Ok, explain to me how I can bring my 78kg dog to the vet?
Taxis are insanely expensive here in the Netherlands.
What's the cost of car ownership there? Surely it's more than the cost of one emergency taxi ride.
>Being bothered by those must be a sign of having absolutely no mental resillience.
Or not being a third worlder and having standards. Imagine having to bring a change of clothes to work while carchads laugh as you change inside the bathroom.

>Imagine being dependant on technology like A/C.
Imagine sweating like a europoor instead of having an AC everywhere you go.
>in the Netherlands
Just kill the dog, and then yourself. What a shithole.
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Car cost:
3-4k + 500 for license + 700 for insurance + 200-300 maintainence + 100 tax + 1000 p/a fuel + 200/mo parking

500-1000 for bike, 800 for motor and battery + 200/mo train tickets

cagies ragie, cant imagine blowing thousands a year just to be stuck in traffic while commuting just to pay off your expensive mistakes
>same cost monus the small initial investment yields far better commuting experience, safety and comfort
way to out yourself as a melanated individual with no impulse control
he's greatly underestimating car cost and assuming your commute requires taking your ebike on a train. a good car for 3k is kind of a pipe dream these days, if it's anywhere past 2015 it's gonna be 10k minimum. and I don't find driving that comfy or good of an experience, it's more stressful than biking.
>same cost

bad reading comprehension? its half the price with 0 upkeep cost
>get one if youre an urbanite wagie or office drone whose only trips into nature are along manicured tourist paths, otherwise a car is necessary

>NO GF because women don't want to ride on handlebars to go out to dinner in their nice dress and shoes

Of course the fat smelly incels in this thread never have to be concerned about getting a gf, that'll never happen anyway.
It's called paying for an uber.
Not sure how much fun you're having going out on a date and not sharing a bottle of wine.
>a gf that doesn't ride and doesn't wear riding cloths
no thanks
imagine wanting to be anywhere near a woman who thinks cycling is embarrassing, though I can see that in the US with the average female weight.
>be cyclist
>pay $8000 for carbon that shatters when the wind blows and it falls over
>pay another $500 for some shorts made out of girls tights
>pay another $400 to have someone adjust your seat post for max aero
>pay another $20/mo for an app to share your watts
>sweat when its hot out, seethe when it rains
>post to reddit when you carried a cookie home and be sure to mention how you're happy you didn't need to carry groceries because mommy already did that with a car
>arrive everywhere looking sweaty, disheveled and exhausted
>nowhere is safe to park because tyrone is around with an angle grinder
you never realize how based cars are until you've tried to be a bikefag
you need to try a bit harder anon, this is way too obvious.
>But you do see how the bicycle is not the problem here... right ?
Well courts all over the first world, both national and international, are pretty much declaring it the sovereign right of shithole citizens to do whatever the fuck they want, wherever on the planet they are currently located.

So yes, the bicycle isn't the problem, but it's illegal to solve the problem, so cycling is forever worse, for the rest of time, for everyone, because it's now globally illegal to be early-00's Japan or Netherlands. No-one actually voted for peaceful harmonious nations built from social trust to be outlawed, but they were, and that's that, so we unfortunately need cages everywhere.
I'd much rather have a peaceful harmonious nation built from social that isn't also an overpopulated clot of land that needs everyone to be cooped in a 300sq.ft shoebox but you do you.
Any $3k car will give you a better exeperience than any ebike in the world.
>and I don't find driving that comfy or good of an experience, it's more stressful than biking.
That's because you bicucks always pretend cold, rain, snow and ice don't exist.
wear a jacket and pants
wear a rain jacket and pants
if you live in a shithole that doesnt plow bike paths then yes you might be fucked
how can you compare a car to a bike, the whole point is not having to pay for the excess of a car
This whole thread is about comparing a bike to a car.
I tried my hardest to sound sardonic but if I really need to spell it out for you, yes, I agree, about everything. I'm just stating what's happened and how deep the rot is.
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>cars being used recreationally by highly skilled subject matter experts on a closed course with extensive safety precautions
I'm sorry if it ruins your fun but how could you think ANYONE would object to this? Literally the whole obnoxious shit-flinging match over cars is about cars running down pedestrians and other innocent people who are just trying to go about their day, particularly by r-slurs in souped up hot rods that belong on a race track. In the future if you want to troll /n/ you need to post like some shitty Altima Type R with tinted windows and a urinating calvin sticker blowing through a crosswalk full of peds while honking or something
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>words words words words
>didnt post a badass foxbody
how fucking dare you
I'm saying you're fine. I'm "anti-car" and what you're posting is the kind of car stuff I like and support.
you dont understand
these cars belong on the street
they're just on circuits because some fruit loop decided to host a race there and sbf cars will scower the earth to destroy fatass nerds.
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the 5.0 army will reunite to destroy all life on earth
Ok! I'm very upset by this. Happy now?
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the only thing that makes me happy is the sound of a 302 with long tubes, no exhaust at 4,500 rpm hauling ass down the road
E-bikes are CANCER and FAGGOTRY and I can't wait for the federal mandates to happen, regulating them like the electric mopeds they actually are. I hope when it happens it kills e-bikes entirely so they aren't shitting up all the bike infrastructure they started infesting when the pandemic happened.
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For casual usage it doesn't make sense because pic
Even if you're delivery courier or WaNt sPeEd it doesnt, because carriage motor destroy transmission and need extra service

If you delivery courier then you
- buy forward geared motor wheel (Without overrunning clutch and sprocket)
- with few power because pic and because the wheel motor has low efficiency at powers below rated
- detach all transmission (chain, cassette, sprockets) for less weight and no service for transmission
- setup forward geared motor wheel to rear of ebicy
oh, I forgot, it makes sense to electrify only FAT bike and only if there are bad roads. In any case, we are pushed by electric energy, and the fat bike’s wide tires make it much easier to ride on bad roads, reduces stress on the pelvis and arms. and if you have good roads then you don’t need an ebike, you can easily ride a road bike
It's more convenient.
>Literally the whole obnoxious shit-flinging match over cars is about cars running down pedestrians and other innocent people who are just trying to go about their day
Nah, it's about mentally ill commies that hate the notion of people being less dependent on the state and stata-managed megacorporations.
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So do I, or do I not buy a bafang conversion kit? You're all too confusing about this sort of thing.
Bicycle transport -in a city- represents individual freedom on a far greater level than car transport.

You never worry about parking, you're not paying registration fees or insurance, you can ride after a night out drinking, you can easily repair and customize your bike yourself, you can travel through parks, on paths, the wrong way down one way streets, stop wherever you want, go wherever you want.

Kids can do it. That's a huge one, kids being free to get around by themselves and not relying on their parents to drive them. I wouldn't want to raise kids in a place where they can't safely cycle.

Cars often represent too, a huge financial burden, and one that turns people into wage slaves. Physical health, too, is freedom.

The freedom a car gives is about road tripping. That's why I own one. Getting around in a city by car, as 'freedom' is absurd. You only think its freedom because you're bluepilled and trapped in platos cave.
>Bicycle transport -in a city- represents individual freedom on a far greater level than car transport.
No it doesn't. You're basically a pedestrian with slightly more range, still locked in a tiny radius from your dwelling.
>Physical health, too, is freedom.
Miss me with your commie speak, nigger.
If you live way out in a sprawling hellscape (you) then yeah, but if you live reasonably centrally in a nice city (me), then no.
As I said, i have a car, and reasons to drive it in the city are few and far between.

>physical health is communism
oh it's a fat.
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>sprawling hellscape
As if you needed to show that you don't deserve anything less than a painful death already, communist scum.
> reasonably centrally in a nice city
Lmao, stfu tranny
>physical health is freedom and is exclusive to spandex clad faggots
Eat shit and die.
what brand of retardation is this? hey faggot this is the transport board, TRANSPORT.
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I just got done modding mine to handle 40 amps which makes it to (40A*52v )=2000W+++ its more like 2500W at the start because the battery voltage foes up to 60+ when fully charged.

Slapped new power transistors on it, new 8AWG battery cables that I shortened down for less resistance, even reinforced the phase wires and got one of those hobby NTC probe fans I will stick on the aluminum head spreader, this babe will fly.

Its the best motor ever made for the simple reason it was a stolen japanese design and the chinks did the right thing by not updating the design for 10 years and thus allowing it to be after market support and cheap spares, this is what internal combustion corpos fear.

slap the fake 250w label they give you and you wont have any issue with, You wont even get in trouble even when biking outside the HomoUnion legislation building in Brussels that is responsible for that gay legislation limiting to 250W, just avoid karens and other analog bikers because hoes are envious.

Honestly what people often overlook is camouflage

Just copy the color scheme of the bike and it will be like the motor and the battery is not even there.

If decide to throttle past crowds, hover your jaw over the handle and pretend you are pedaling like the stadium bikers, they will its your speed.
I meant heat spreader, not head spreader, but this thing as a whole is a nice skull spreader in an accident.
For fatbike or 29 MTB? Is it worth removing the entire transmission to reduce weight and not have to maintain it? How to place just pedals without feet to carriage?
I use a recent geometry MTB 27.5", full Sus, has 2.4" thick wheels but I may try the 2.8" to see If i like it, fat bikes have ~4" thick ones iirc so its a nice middle ground, its mostly meant as a leisure vehicle, something to ride on trails if my muscles are sore from running the previous day, if you bike in (sub)urban areas just go with a 29" fatbike all day, its just impossible to find a reasonably priced fatbike donor to DIY on, and if you want it to be electric you you might as well buy a chinese prebuilt fatbike that is also folding and you can shove inside a car without a rack, it will only cost 1k which is about the same price as the bafang kit with the battery alone.

Also Fatbikes are more relaxing and fun to ride on, even if you are just using throttle and not pedaling at all, your core and upper body wont have to move or expend energy to balance the bike as much as the classic bikes.

> removing transmission
This is not a rear wheel motor, its a midrive so it works along with the Transitional transmission.
So I assume you mean removing the rear cassette and derailleur and putting one of those single gear mod kits they sell online.
Yeah its very possible and a good idea, a lot of people destroy their gears by changing speed when they shouldn't or because they don't lube properly so I guess its a viable reducing complexity is nice, a bbshd will power through every slope with a chainring that is 42t or bellow, so you might as well stick to one speed.

> just feet no carriage
sorry I don't understand what that means.
I wouldnt feel safe buying one for my mom.

I got her a qt miata on lease turnback. She drives maybe 6k a year. But to her generation loss of car is loss of freedom.

Im also a non bike commuter. I drive 45 minutes to work via car and ride my roadbike from my garage on the weekend.
Rejecting the economic benefits of E-bikes taking on the role of light transit would be an act of self-harm.

Not saying it isn't possible the feds do it anyway, wouldn't be the 1st or even 500th time.
my boomer mum got an e-bike a few years ago. she almost never drives now. she fucking loves it. Boomers love e-bikes.

my dad crashed his one and smashed up his face and got badly concussed which was pretty scary but they still both ride everywhere. And these are people who viewed bikes just as toys their whole lives and refused to commute even when i gave them nice bikes before.
Hopefully my mom and dad want to ride with me eventually again, and I would put front e-bike motors on their bikes since it makes the most sense for local riding.
Boomers lived through the 70's bike boom and many rode around so it makes sense.
>Boomers lived through the 70's bike boom
yep. in their head road bikes are awful

and they ALSO lived through the 90s mtb boom so those were the first bikes they ever rode that could actually brake /shift smoothly. And weighed 15kg and had heavy knobbly tires. So they also think 'nice' bikes are next to impossible to ride up hills on.
>perfect speed to get killed by average negligent cager
I'm all for solving these issues and makig a under the line "car" as the 3 empty seats and two tons to get a cup of coffee is the world's biggest mistake.
My mom has her raleigh i bought her that she rides in the 4th of july bicycle parade but she had a recent fall so ebike commuting isnt really on the cards.

She'll take her red raleigh out and do the 3 mile parade then itll be back in the garage until labor day bike parade.

I suggested she flip the raleigh and get 300 for it bc she only rides 3 to 4 times a year...you'd think I suggested she pawn a kid.

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