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"most dangerous job in aviation? boeing whistleblower" edition.
I got to take a look inside the cockpit of a AAL 772 so you might say I now officially have jet time
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Is it true that you'll get good luck if you throw some pennies in there?

(I like the 773s with the GE9s more...their jet blast is retarded strong)
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Seaplanes are based.
Gliders are the big gay.
t. never flown a glider
>t. soaringfag
>t. Failed his CPL checkride on the PO180
>Rent ASES by tach time
>untie plane and paddle around for two hours
>start up
>do a quick hop out of ground effect then full stop
>shut down
>paddle around for an hour
>tie up
>pay for 0.3 hours
>log 3.3
explain in detail why this wouldn't work
Look it up yourself. 14 CFR 61.59(a)(2) carries harsh penalties but in general logbooks are largely honor-based and a matter of professional integrity. The entity you are renting from may not like the fact that you are just wasting time with the plane while someone else could actually be flying it though. Renting isn’t the best way to build time either lol.
there is obviously a ton of rulebreaking and winkwink nodnod things regarding pilots and the FARs. especially when it comes to the medicals.

but man, lying on logbooks is usually the type of behavior that leads to a broader unraveling and disregard for the actually meaningful regulations. usually the best-case outcome for that sort of behavior is merely losing your tickets.
I've started to realize how shit pilotfagging really is
its a job. people who think it'll fix their underlying issues are retarded. people get in such a rush to start before they have their shit together and then the disillusionment hits when they realize they won't be flying for a legacy until they are in their forties, if ever.
am I supposed to know what those gay euro numbers mean?
What did you expect?
>power-off 180s
how are you supposed to get the cum stains out of that faux fur seat cover?
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Is there a airplane pokemon or are we just sticking to the bird types /gag/
literally everybody who has ever flown a glider at least once will tell you it's the purest form of flying and endlessly comfy. it's just your lack of experience talking.
Latios and Latias are jets
Everything except for e-VTOL is based. e-VTOLs are gay and should be shot on sight.
have 250k buying budget
is cessna 195 a good plane for fooling around
You're welcome
what the hell is wrong with that plane
I feel like someone forgot a 0
Not really, nope.
Heavy, both physically and on controls, underpowered. High maintenance with the radial.
If you have much TW experience (a lot) in something else, get a 180 for that price. 250 would get you a pretty decent one.
Don’t bother though if you have limited tailwheel experience and don’t have access to a highly proficient instructor who can spend 15-30 hours with you to be safe.
Chances of wrecking it and fucking yourself up if not are very high.
If you’re looking to just fuck around and don’t need to get anywhere fast,
Get a 160HP Citabria or a decathlon. They’re so nice to fly, extremely forgiving and aerobatic capable, low fuel burn and low maintenance.
t.180 owner
Used to have a citabria
that looks dangerous, and i like helis a bit
ok what is the catch? former cartel airplane? i'd still get it
>goddamn loud-ass ancient TURBOJETS that are archaic to work on and hard to get parts for
>says in the description that a 12 year inspection was done 10 years ago, which means it's already coming up again, and will easily cost the value of the airplane if not more
>high time, high landings, could be close to a gear life limit or something that would, again, approach the value of the airplane in cost
>parts will be a pain in the ass to source and get and be extremely expensive (see the pattern)
>pain in the fucking ass to work on
>tiny as fuck, nobody can get up to stretch their legs in flight, thankfully the range is pisspoor
>avionics are an ancient clusterfuck that will be IMPOSSIBLE to get parts for, let alone find people who know how to troubleshoot them
You will be paying 300,000 grand a year for an airplane that's LISTED for sale just barely over a third of that. All that for an old ass jet that could break in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, and now you need to wait months for a part, so that you can pay hundreds of thousands for it and the AoG guy to install it.
t. bizjet mechanic
Pretty intense passion project of an airplane. If you have a strong background in tailwheel airplanes and find the right 195 (research this off of this website) it could work out as a solid 4 place airplane, but there are more practical options at the price point that most 195s tend to go for. Remember that the 195 is a design from the 1930s and so there will be a number of deficiencies when compared to a modern design, but also last I looked (several years ago) 195s were much cheaper than 250k. That being said, they're beautiful airplanes and I love seeing them around. If you're lucky enough to have 250k lying around and some flying experience already, I echo the other anon and suggest you get a more forgiving tailwheel and put a serious amount of time on that and go from there. If you're fortunate enough to have a lot of tailwheel time and that amount of money, then you wouldn't be here asking us about a 195. Either way, happy hunting for your new-to-you airplane, anon.
Im thinking of getting a helicopter and a loicense since ive got space on my rural property to keep one and avoid paying for rent and insurance. How much does a gearbox rebuild cost on a schweizer 269? I know how much the engine costs since its the same one used in a cessna 150 but not the gearbox
Why not just buy multiple $50k lear jets to rip parts off of? Also as long as the hot section parts arent warped and cracking from fatigue theyre fine
I knew it was too god to be true, that sucks. It seems like experimental is the way to go if you want to have a basic 2 seater airplane without having to eat beans and rice daily.
t. has never turned a wrench on a jet a single time in his life
And great, now you have a bunch of parts with zero info about their serviceability, that you're paying thousands in rent a month ond because they're in the form of airplanes. All so that when you're in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and your bleed air system shits itself in such a way that you can't MEL it, you don't need to order any parts. You just airline your pax home, airline yourself to where you keep your piece of shit Learjets, spend a whole ass day gaining access to and removing a few bleed air valves and regulators because you don't know what broke, while cursing yourself the entire way and covering yourself in cuts. Then you airline back out to your AoG shitheap, spend another whole fucking day gaining access to, removing, then installing one valve at a time, wrestling with the pieces of shit that are bleed air clamps. One engine run later, the valve wasn't the problem. Or is the one you put in bad too? You pulled it from an unairworthy piece of shit anyway. And now it's late, you need to go back to work tomorrow. Another week of ramp fees or pay an AoG team to fix it?
Should've bought a TBM...
This I did it once about a year ago and was sold right away. As soon as I finish my type rating and get on the line I'm getting my commercial glider certificate.
>Started flight training and then program got shut down by rona in 2020
>Family selling house at the end of the month
>Will have a bit of money to cover flight training and cost of living while I do it
>Can move basically anywhere
>Would prefer somewhere in the western US, hopefully with reasonable rent, good gun laws, places to do off roading and motorcycle riding, and a cooler climate. Hoping for somewhere in or near mountains.
>Obviously needs to have good flight schools and AMEs, necessary FAA stuff,etc.,, looking to go all the way to commercial and make a career out of it
Any ideas? I was looking at Northern Nevada and really liked the Carson City area a couple of years back but it's been overrun by remote worker califags now, and NV also has meh gun laws, would prefer a place where I don't need a permit to carry.
gliders are the cyclists faggots of the sky.

Its spendy, but its got great VFR conditions year-round. tons of BLM land to do whatever you want. the gun laws suck but are also completely unenforced east of the Cascades. Good flight school there too.

nowhere out west you want to live is going to have reasonable rent. the few that do won't have flight schools.
Huh, might be worth thinking about. I really like the climate and geography there. Sucks about the gun laws but at least they're not as bad as California I guess, and looks like constitutional CCW is on the ballot this year so maybe there's a chance of that happening.

FWIW my bar for reasonable isn't super low, basically just "not California." I can do $1,500 for a 2 bedroom apartment or whatever and I've seen that in a lot of places, even Carson City's around that mark last I checked, it's just a bitch to get anybody to rent to you there if you're not a remote worker with a huge salary even if you're willing to pay a year up front. (Which I was when I was talking to property managers.)
When flying a traffic pattern, at the point where you turn from base to final, what altitude should you be at AGL? I'm just a simmer but I always find I've descended too much before final and make a pig's ear of the approach.
Approximately 400-500' AGL.
It depends on how far out you extend your downwind however and if you properly account for the wind on your base leg. Keep a tight pattern in case you lose your (simulated) engine.
Thanks, tight as in the length of downwind? Are you not at the risk of being too high when you enter base if you've made your downwind too short?
i dont know how your video game works but if you are in the VFR circuit pattern you descend by airspeed and attitude (looking out the window), not staring at your altimeter. i literally never look at my altimeter if I'm making a pattern approach except to establish I'm at 1000 ft AGL on the downwind.

pick up the glideslope when you turn final, if you're really high forward slip to land and if you're really low just stay on the power and keep her at 65kts.

you really shouldn't be low. high is fine, low is weird. then again here I am talking to you like a pilot when in reality you're just playing a video game.
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Best job is fuel taster this this drop is 43.2 proof
One crashed in the past month during an unmanned test flight.

I know that I am 10 days too late, but what is your experience? If none, just spend $30k on a Champ, Chief, Cessna 120/140, Stinson, Taylorcraft, Funk, Luscombe or Ercoupe (or $40k on a Cub, Vagabond, Clipper, Canuck, Porterfield Collegiate, Commonwealth, Interstate, Pacer or Tri-Pacer).
Citabria is also good, if you widen your budget to $60-80k, but at $80k CAP-10s, which are better aerobats, become available.

Just one thing: Avoid purpose-built LSAs like the plague, unless you are looking at one from CubCrafters. They are seen as death traps. Same goes for anything powered by a Jabiru engine.

The engine is what matters when it comes to repairs and spares, for classic aircraft only the order is as follows:

Continental=Lycoming>Franklin>>>Aeronca/Prestwich>>>Inlines and radials.

For modern aircraft, Rotax follows Continental and Lycoming and Jabiru, Revmaster/Aerovee and FlyCorvair follow Franklin.
No more than 1/2NM away from the field.
In a Cessna, that means the runway should be about halfway up the strut.
You'll know what I mean by a tight pattern if you reduce engine power to idle abeam the landing point and perform power off landings. Power off landings are excellent to assess the glide characteristics of the airplane you are flying.
>Continental=Lycoming>Franklin>>>Aeronca/Prestwich>>>Inlines and radials.
Looks like someone got filtered by radials.
I've been depressed for years and it's gotten worse and worse to the point that I'm pretty sure I'm going to die to my own doing (not in an airplane or harming anyone else). My situation is such that I can't stop my flight training to go through the FAA hoops to get treated and maybe return to flying. I'm halfway through my commercial certificate, hoping to go to the airlines.
Do I suck it up and hope things get better soon or should I give up on flying? This is all I want to do in life but if the FAA keeps me from getting treatment, I don't know if it's worth it. Any advice is appreciated.
being a CFI is worse than being in training, if you can believe it. students these days will make you tear your hair out with all the cancellations and entitlement. the end of the hiring craze has trickled all the way down, which means you are probably going to be stuck working the pattern with students until 1500 hours. so yeah, don't expect getting your certificates to be some panacea to your ills.

you should probably pause training. there really is no rush anymore and the last thing you want to do is have a busted commercial or CFI checkride that you have to explain. the airlines got burned hard by many low-hours applicants who had blemishes that were once-disqualifying but who they had to hire out of necessity.

you've got your PPL and IR (presumably), that means you can still fly for enjoyment.

ive never had a depressive episode (lucky me) so I can't offer any real input for that. best I can say is try to spend some time in the outdoors and if you can find a girl who is worth caring about.
Go to the gym, not even memeing, exercise makes a huge difference.
>meme "solution"
>not even memeing
you're assuming he has rich parents or something. he's halfway through his commercial, he's probably got a ton of debt by now. to give up would practically force him to an hero
so he should take out more debt so he can pull minimum wage as a CFI for two years? that's not really going to improve his financial situation at all, and his emotional well being will fully crumble

the game has changed and the standards are going to pretty high going forward. dont believe me? skip to 7:50

the 4 year degree is back to being a hard requirement and its no more caravan-to-legacy wonder stories either. failed checkrides (from what I've heard more than 1, especially after the PPL level) are going to be really tough to overcome.
>muh LCCs
>muh regionals
yeah it trickles down. when southwest and delta start taking only the best of the best it leaves a lot of quality candidates out there competing for the regional and LCC jobs.

anon with depression should take a break from the flight school grind. nobodies saying he can't get up there a few times a month to keep himself sharp, but if he hasn't got his degree yet it might be time to be a part time college student, work a little bit of a job and get himself together.
It countered the meme solution which made it a solution.
Thanks for your input. I've seen a lot of that cancer student mentality all around and speaking to the instructors at my school, it sounds manageable here for the most part. I think I'm going to finish my commercial then take a break before going on to CFI. I'm stuck in 141 hell so I'm obligated to finish commercial without a pause unfortunately. Going outside and >>1997354 helps but theres only so much your environment can do when theres issues inside unfortunately.

My parents are paying my way to my commercial cert then I'm paying from there. I'm very thankful to not have any debt but it's still a considerable amount money to just walk away and waste.

I don't have any checkride busts so far and I'm doing well in commercial so I anticipate not having issues there either. I hope I'm a good enough applicant to land a turbine job anywhere that will take me. Planning for the future in aviation is stressful.
good lord. how many people have rich parents to do things for them in this industry
I know right. Half the people at my small flight school are under 20 with their parents paying for it
this morning you were talking about suicidal ideation, how to self-treat so you stay off the FAA's radar and whether you should drop out. now this afternoon you're gonna power through your commercial (which you are only halfway done with) and try to get a low-hours job driving caravans? what it'll be tomorrow? let me guess, somewhere between F/A-18 naval aviator and andreas lubitz. maybe a combination of both.

you sound like you need to chill out, and that the 141 grind is working you into a frenzy. how about first coming to grips with the fact (and it is a fact) that you will almost certainly be CFI'ing your way to 1500. don't be another student who says
>this is the career for me, I cant see myself doing anything else, I'll do anything to keep the dream alive
and then balks at grinding the circuit with teenagers for 18-24 months.

planning for a future as a pilot is stressful to you because you are probably a horseshit applicant. lemme guess, no degree, no military experience, no real career/employment history in a professional job. and there's genuinely nothing wrong with that (though you want that degree if your goal is actually the airlines), but you're just not competitive so you have this mentality of hoping against hope that you will luck into some unicorn job. reality check: those jobs are going to go to guys who at your stage in training already know they are a shoe-in. if you aren't certain about getting it, you're not getting it.

instead what you should be doing is getting competitive. being obsessive about this and laying out what your weaknesses are, preparing yourself for the grind. that, plus 1200 hours babysitting, will make you confident and stronger and ready to do this job for real without putting you on this wild emotional rollercoaster.
Why do you people paint instructing in such a negative light? The low pay I can definitely understand, but instructing students is rewarding in its own right. Do you feel no satisfaction when your students learn and succeed? Or when your demonstration of a maneuver is flawless? How about when a student fails or struggles, do you not empathize or learn with them?
satisfaction doesn't pay the bills and most pilots are horrible teachers and only instruct because its the fastest way to a decent pilot job
There are certainly upsides, and I've had plenty of enjoyable and memorable moments while teaching. I love it when my student passes their checkride on the first attempt and they're all happy and grateful for the effort I put in.
But then I look at my paycheck and fucking kms, I look at my logbook and see 1000 hours of single engine piston VFR time (worthless) and kms again
>This is who I'm competing for jobs with
I much enjoyed teaching, what sucks is working 14-16 hour days and getting paid for almost none of that.
My cfi’s are getting paid 45 an hour
Damn, 14 hour day, 2.5 billable hours of students who actually showed up. Fuck off schlomo.
Not so much filtered it is a matter of maintenance and cost to own. I would love a Porterfield Flyabout, Fairchild 24 or Curtiss Robin, just the cost to maintain an aircraft with a LeBlond 5, Wright Whirlwind, Curtiss Challenger or Warner Scarab is much more than a Continental, Lycoming or Franklin, and Pratt and Whitney radials are not much better either when it comes to this. If cost is not an issue for a classic, then go ahead, get an aircraft with an inline, V or radial, just know that if you encounter a problem, there is nowhere near the support you get with Continental or Lycoming, where the engines are ubiquitous and considered the industry standard.
>he isn't an A&P and needs to pay people to work on his plane
>cannot comprehend the same exact shit just in a circle
Just curious, anybody know what the whole CFI life is like in helos? Restarting flight training soon after a few years away (I was only like 10 hours in and then covid and other bullshit after that stopped me) and I've really always wanted to fly helicopters more than planes so I'm thinking about going that route. A better post-CPL/CFI situation would definitely be a nudge in that direction, and I can imagine that it might be nicer since you've got less people who are just chasing airline paychecks.
sounds like you suck at scheduling
I'm not a current CFI, nice try faggot. Been there done that. Drive your slaves harder tho, okay?
yeah bro lemme just go to 16-24 months of school for a certification that doesn't do anything to move the needle on your hirability as a pilot
lmao thats not your competition. he's just fodder. anyone who has worked at a flight school in the last two years has seen the absolute torrent of mid-30's working professionals looking for a new career. that's your real compeition.
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How do the helo shills get fresh victims? You would think everybody is clued in by now.
>lumps inlines and radials together for maintainability and reliability
Yeah dude you're fucking retarded and have no idea what you're talking about. An R-1340 is just a few steps behind your average shitty clapped-out opposed engine. Boohoo, they don't make new Chinese cylinders and you can only get overhauled ones from certain shops throughout the USA.
But lumping things like the R-1340 with a TBO of 1600 hours, with the RR Merlin with a TBO of 200 hours (and you're lucky if it makes it there), and shit like the weird-ass Ranger L-440 is pure retardation.
they look cool
>your competition of mid 30s career changers
lol, I'd like to thank my dad for paying for my flight school so I could get my PPL in high school and land my current Legacy job in my mid 20s. I WILL retire double digits at my airline, I WILL spent the last 15 years of my career as a widebody Captain. I WILL be able to spend almost 40 years as a legacy captain if I so choose. I WILL tell the 62 year old probationary FO to fuck off if he's mad the guy in the left seat is younger than his own children. I WILL shake hands and kiss babies. I WILL give the kids their plastic wings. I WILL NOT show up on live ATC.
you sound dangerously based my friend
the 195 is one of the coolest fucking platforms for an aircraft and I wish they'd bring that airframe back with a pt6 or allison.
That said dogshit for anyone without 250k to spend on flying /annually/
>mid-30's working professionals looking for a new career
Fuck that's me.
I'm not gonna be competing with anybody for airline jobs though, I just want to fly small planes into stupid places.
So if I have 5 years of experience working on Falcons, that won't move the needle on my hirability flying Falcons?
in their minds they were going to train you everything you needed to know already. and they'll be worried that you might be feel emboldened to MEL things when its not your job, though you can squash that apprehension if you know how to interview well.

i mean bro at the end of the day if you want to fly planes for a living there really aren't many shortcuts aside from a 4 year degree.
Correct, stop pretending you understand anything
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I have a pathological need to become a cargoGOD. I will be the based freedom loving UPS driver of the skies. I REFUSE to become a goycattle hauling bus driver.
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any fellow glasses wearers in here? there is no reason not to take them off at cruise
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Non-zero amount of jet time confirmed.
How do pontoons work licensing wise, can any pilot just do that? Seems like a lot of extra stuff to know
Choppy water, current, yadda yadda.
slip the coast guard fella 20
Ok so the same as the marine industry then. Nice to see consistency
what's XP like? Their payscales look good and I wouldn't mind getting in on the ground floor if it meant insane relative seniority fast
>stops hiring for ten years
pshh nothing personnell, kiddo
>BS and MS in STEM
>10 year career in F50 company
>currently CFiing (gold seal)
>Busted my CFi ride
Any chance at the majors? I am nervous that I will not get on with a regional once I hit my 1500 hours in a couple months due to the hiring slow down and a check ride failure.
you busted a renewal? wtf happened
Busted my CFI initial. I have never had a student fail since I've been teaching. 20 signed off.
For me, it's
My brother’s friend’s/roommate’s dad is an executive at netjets
How can I use this to get a job there
i have reason to believe hiring will start winding up again towards the end of this decade
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cool looking avion

I'm at the Bethpage Air Show waiting for the Blue Angels and A10s to come out but it's still IFR with 2 hours to go. I nearly overslept and missed the F35 demo

F35 is fucking based officially my new favorite jet other than the F15EX sorry slavshit you disappointed me but that's a /k/ topic
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F35s were amazing and unironically louder than any jet except for maybe the AN124. Definitely 2x louder than a 747-400 or MD11 on takeoff.
Nah one failure is fine. Just explain it and own up to your failure. If you prep for the interview well they won’t care
I'm in a stair truck by a diverted 737-8. They probably could of landed but noooo, rain drips. They were like hey we need MX, only I know those retards at the repair shop left way early because 1. Sunday 2. Memorial day. Pilot sir can you please have your dispatch call for maintenance, they aren't answering their phone and i dooooont know why(Evil laugh)
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I have 4 austros left boys
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I want to get my pilots license and cfi and shit as cheaply as possible, and so I want to do all the written stuff I can beforehand

What tests and stuff can I do before I start actually flying? I already got my class 1 medical so I'm good to go on that front
>as cheaply as possible
wait for fuel prices to drop
save as much money as you can (or take a loan) so you can afford to fly as often as possible (every other day ideally)
meet people at your flight school also working on the same stuff and talk about what you're learning. quiz each other. practicing will solidify things.
in general, your life needs to revolve around aviation if you want to be successful and minimize cost/time
>Gold Seal
absolutely based. idk what F50 is but the essential problem is that there are no qualified Captains for the regionals, and the regionals have too many FO applicants. You may consider looking towards a Part 135 gig to bolster your PIC time, not only freight jobs, but shit like JSX or Contour. Even if you start as SIC, an SIC in a EMB-140 has better experience than a guy with 1500 hours C172 time.

Consider that, PIC gained under certain 91K and 135 pax operations counts towards Part 121 upgrade, and the Majors consider jet PIC good, even at 91K and 135 pax ops. I've never worked for JSX/Contour nor do I know anyone there, but maybe look that direction for a Captain job? If the 91K or 135 pax op requires the PIC to hold an ATP, it'll count towards your 121 upgrade hours.

All the regionals have slowed hiring, some no longer pay for ATP-CTP. Get a job quick before there are no jobs to get.
none of this matters if you don’t have at least a bachelors from a reputable university

/gag/ (and even worse reddit) are basically negligent handing out these kind of advice and assumptions without first mentioning that. so many of you without degrees are walking into a buzz saw where you are not competitive for the best jobs and have zero career fallback if you have a medical issue.
literally as long as it's accredited, which is the default, that's all that matters
please don't tell me you need to breathe it for any longer than the training. i've heard even from airline guys one of the best things about the job is leaving it behind at the end of the day?
there are a few accredited online-only institutions I would avoid but yeah, almost all accredited schools suffice.

save yourself a lot of money, time and heartache and just give up now. if you are already smelling the barn before you even solo you’re not going to handle it. I’m serious, the grind takes years and it has to be your everything. find something else.
i know training and timebuilding is a grind and considered by many to be the worst phase
>none of this matters if you don’t have at least a bachelors from a reputable university
>guy I replied to has a Masters

how about you off yourself retard, learn to fucking read
To say you lose your life is a bit misleading, that's only if you expedite and want to go from zero time to regionals in like 2.5 years.
When you're in the back thinking you know better than the crew we're up front not thinking about your opinion of how to do our job, not even a little bit.
is there anything in aviation that has as much SOVL as Sheppard’s congenial yet beleagured explanations for the FAA’s most ridiculous questions in the bank?
anything with John and Martha King
>every other day
Why not every day?
Is it retarded to get all my ratings and then apply for the chair force after? Does it give you a leg up?
i think the real question is: do you have to be smart to be a pilot? airline or otherwise?
>this nigga can't into spaced repetition
it used to be, not anymore. Why would you want to make $50k a year and live in fucking Minot ND when you could be making $150k and banging stewardesses?
a person of average intelligence, with enough study and practice can become a pilot. The question is "how much" practice-for example after a certain number of hours your likelihood of passing a Private checkride starts to diminish
dedicating three or four days a week to flight training is enough to finish in a reasonable amount of time? i wouldn't want to spend more than like a year and a half. i don't think i'm really all the retarded so i don't think i'd need to worry too much about needing extra time
ideally you're available 5-6 days a week but realistically with weather, scheduling, instructor availability and maintenance you're probably going to fly an average of 4x a week.
Plan on about 75 hours to get your private, then 50 hours of time building for instruments, 40 for instruments, then the long slog of time building for commercial, actual commercial ACS is pretty quick to learn, should take you 25 max 30 hours. Go get your medical right now, start studying for the private written so you can hit the ground running.
i've heard private is the most encompassing and difficult, is that true? it would make sense, everything else aside from maybe instrument is probably just rules and airspaces
How long would all that take if I were to start this summer? Maybe like a month from now? I live in Columbus Ohio, available 7 days a week, have my first class medical.
not him but all initial training up to the point where you start timebuilding for 1500 can take like a year to a year and a half generally
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Private usually takes the longest because you're going from knowing nothing (and sometimes having to unlearn habits from things like vidya) to performing maneuvers within specified parameters. There is a LOT of material to go over, from flight controls to airspace to instrument operating principles.The average person takes a little under a year to go from zero to private, obviously that's skewed with more part-time and hobby fliers than full-time career changers but you should still budget for 6-8mos with scheduling DPE's and bad weather in the winter.

Instruments is more technical, you're going from S-turns across a road and short field landings to briefing plates and flying SIDs, but the actual FLYING isn't that difficult, if you can maintain a heading or a specified climb/descent speed, it's just a lot more rules and regulations to memorize and a different way of thinking about flying

Commercial you're going back to VFR and you're performing a lot of similar maneuvers to private, but to tighter standards or with different parameters, and you're expected to know the regulations for offering your services as a pilot which you become legally able to do.

is right, ab inito to CFI/banner towing/pipeline patrol should take the average person about 18mos
>bad weather in the winter
i lucked out, i live in FL
>what are hurricanes
we don't get hit with hurricanes all too often in SWFL
2 to 3 day events that won't affect a flight school with enough capital to move airplanes out of the cone of uncertainty?

I mean when it comes to storms, major weather systems that can be forecast a week in advance pale in comparison to the low freezing layers and ridiculous convective activity that the midwest brings to bear in all but the shoulder seasons.
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Can an Airline Pilot and an ATC ever be friends?
Part 61 bro checking in

I got an inside track via a work connection from my old career to a pipeline gig once my commercial is done (I have IR checkride in a month). no CFI required, should be about 150 hours a month factoring in weather. the pay is less than CFI, but I can manage and would rather build the hours and not just sit in the pattern all day with teenagers. complex and high performance planes too, between that the XC it’s very quality hours for something I can start right at 250TT.

But down the road what do I lose not being a CFI? will it be held against me? can’t seem to get a straight answer. I’m ok with there being a drawback but maybe I get instructor rated and then just go do the pipeline gig? I have a bachelors and a really successful pre-flying resume with a lot of promotions into leadership positions. I feel good about my profile overall, but I would like stay ahead of my competition for the best jobs after 1500
well the pre-pilot resume is irrelevant i can tell you that. afaik spending your timebuilding phase as a cfi is preferred by most because in areas without gigs like that one you're going to it's the fastest way out of what is basically the worst phase of the career. the only thing you're losing in this case i guess is repeating certain fundamentals over and over again. some say being a cfi is a great way to solidify yourself as a pilot early on, i'm not sure if that's true. either way if you're getting 150 a month you'll be done in a year at the very most, accounting for maybe extra time off you take or whatever
Honestly I think being a CFI for the first like half or 2/3rds of your hours building then switching to pipeline is a good course
Join the military and get a flight contract. Hiring is at a dead slow and NO ONE wants 61s, no matter how many hours. A 500 hr 1400 hour 141 kid could get a job faster than a 20,000 hour 61. The military is literally your ONLY option.
recruiters on /n/? that's crazy
Regionals will be fine
Not worth it. Depending on branch, you most likely won't select what you like.
Helicopter operations by far.

I say this as a guy having both ATPL(A) and ATPL(H)
>look mom, I posted it again !
There are flight instructors who have worked for 6 months and only got 60 hours in that time trying to work at the school I'm at. So many children under 23 are going to be flight instructors. They are giving the 3 planes at my little school lots of hangar rash. The older people trying to become airline pilots sold their business’s, took 401k loans, mortgaged their house etc to become pilots. I wish them all the best but i foresee a lot of desperate broke pilots in the next few years. One girl took an 85 k loan with 17-23 % interest lol. If i was trying to become an airline pilot i’d be setting my sights way lower and wouldn’t give up my career.
How you figure to make money doing that?
A lot of people with 1500 hours and 30 college credits are about to get told “go back to school”. It’s going to get extremely competitive, honestly (the 61v141 bait aside) a lot of people would be better off military. I suspect it will be less competitive for those jobs than 121 since all the 30 yo boomers have aged out of flying for the service. A lot of these kids will never get hired past CFI, especially when the surplus trickles to caravan gigs [spoiler]it already has[/spoiler]

We are at the end of flight school->CFI->caravan->airlines. The horde of HS educated ATPs will hog the CFI jobs since that’s as far as they can go (nobody gives a shit about TT when none of it XC, night, turbine etc and especially with no degree) and the recently minted CPL’s will be clawing over each other for banner towing pipeline gigs to try and eventually make it to a caravan since the CFI jobs will all be lifers who joined the industry with dreams of airline jobs and got swatted down by harsh reality.
Hoping for a government job, flying geologists or conservation people into remote strips for the Forest Service or maybe doing water bomber stuff, but there's also lots of rural light cargo FedEx Feeder type stuff, flying people out to remote hunting lodges or fishing lakes, being the personal pilot for some rich guy with a ranch, or whatever.
> One girl took an 85 k loan with 17-23 % interest lol.
Jesus Christ
Europoor here, aren't these considered as usurious rates? I mean in my country such rates would never be accepted (or even offered because they are considered illegal)
Well its not a federal backed school loan so she could declare bankruptcy and get rid of that unlike a federal loan so there is a lot of risk. Thing is the cfi’s dont think she will make commercial and are going to tell her to go elsewhere
You should move to Alaska then.
Yea i could see this from my first few weeks flying and how long it took the head instructor to land a job. People are still planning their careers as a fedex pilot at 90 hours though. Im thinking to myself like damn its gonna be rough for these people. Then once they realize they're all competing against each other shits gonna be a toxic environment
you retarded on accident, or willfully a dipshit?
this year and the next are gonna be slow but i really don't think it's as ogre as he said it's gonna be. in fact it'll probably pick up around 2030
That's the dream but I don't know if it's viable for me yet.
I didn’t say it was over. I just said it’s competitive and that the landscape is changing. You don’t want to CFI past about 750, and really less than that if you can help it (none at all is ideal).

When hiring picks up and Boeing unfucks itself (years) who is gonna get the jobs vacated by the retirees? The 2000 hour caravan driver who went to 206’s right at 250 and worked his way up from there (plus a degree) or the 3200 CFI lifer who has never flown anything more than a Seneca, and for paltry hours at that, for hire and has HS as their highest formal education completed?

All I’m saying is be the former and not the latter. You are in control of this, you can do things the old way or you can plan for how it will be.
cfis have always been valued. when shit picks up again it'll just pick up again. regardless of anything if you can get into a regional that's all that matters, that's the most valuable time you can get.
but what happens when everyone is trying to get into the regionals as a stepping stone? it all trickles down and at the very bottom is the humble CFI. an unfortunate but harsh reality that the worst job flying planes is teaching people to fly planes. don’t fall for Reddit cope that this time in trainer aircraft burning holes in the pattern with teenagers featuring very little (if any) XC, night or instrument actual is anywhere near as beneficial as jobs where you will log those hours.

CFI is the job people take because it’s the job they can get fresh out of school. fair enough. but do not fool yourself into thinking there’s not a distinct reason for that. once you can stop instructing, stop. get in higher performance, more complex, larger aircraft at every opportunity and fly as much IFR, night and XC as you possibly can. I should not have to be the one to tell you that CFI is not a good way to build those hours.
I just got back from taking a flying trip in Alaska. If you can survive the cold, it's probably the coolest place on earth to be a prop pilot.
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What were you flying?
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Nah that’s just a shitty attitude. I had a great time instructing, I did it for 5 years, but you have to find a good company. Most people are just trying to bang out their hours to get to another job, fine, but how do you expect them to feel about a job they didn’t want in the first place? It was an incredibly rewarding job, I was very proficient all the time, I made my own schedule, I had as much time off as I wanted, if I was sick nobody gave a shit, I was home every night, and I was always learning and helping people learn. When I left I made $42/hr with benefits flying a well-maintained fleet. It was very satisfying watching my students become instructors and airline pilots themselves. It wasn’t all great but it certainly wasn’t all shit. I instructed before and after COVID and watched the industry halt, but I didn’t panic because it ebbs and flows, and sure enough it came back. I do some cool work in the jet and there are a lot of upsides, but QOL is arguably lower. Some people just refuse to see the plus sides along the way.
Why did you instruct for so long?
I like instructing but I also want to move on at 1500hrs, ideally into the right seat of a regional airline in early to mid 2025.

Some people for whatever reason, many valid (but some not), will hold back and do this. Ok fine. There are people who just want to fly single pilot ops and set their career ceiling accordingly knowing full well it costs them money (frankly this is based).

but most people want to earn the big bucks and enjoy the prestige of the career. a competitive applicant can be on a seniority list 5 years after graduating with their commercial. for many that is the goal, for a deluded many it’s an expectation. I am speaking to that goal.
I liked it and did it until I felt it was time for a change in location and lifestyle, the same reason most change jobs.
>many valid (but some not)
What makes a subjective career choice invalid? Some of the most insufferable people to fly with are those with a 17-year plan to go from 0 time to wide body captain, hyper-fixated on the end goal and never slowing down to appreciate where they are at. They are the ones that bitch and complain at any and every inconvenience along the way and foster a generally un-fun environment for their students, coworkers or crewmates. They chase a instagram-worthy career that rarely exists, if at all. Some of the best people I’ve flown with are second or third career regional captains who don’t take themselves so seriously and have fun with what they do.
I am saying those “17 year plan students” are fucked and after in for a very rude awakening that they are not competitive applicants.

people do with this what they want to do with it. I’m not against that, I’m just saying for the career minded the stepping stone of CFI should be stepped ASAP and honestly an inability to get strong having to do it probably kills widebody dreams before they even begin
having my "shooting for the stars" just be working for an LCC or MAYBE southwest feels so good seeing all these debates
>he thinks Southwest is a modest goal
lol, lmao even
southwest is my reach. i don't really expect it honestly
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Whatever it is I hope you enjoy what you're doing. I see a lot of people shouting in despair because they may have to instruct for a bit longer than the absolute bare minimum, not realizing that the past 6 years or so have been the historical exception. It isn't the end of the world, and remember, flying is fun.
Just to be clear for anyone reading this, it is horrible advice and quite frankly I think it was posted in bad faith.
You can still build time and make a career with a background from a part 61 school vs a 141. I was part 61, I got some phenomenal jobs along the way and some not so amazing ones and am now at a legacy. Key is to take yourself and your flying seriously, network well, mentor those behind you, and you will end up in a good job that you deserve.
It’s bait anon. Nobody cares 61 v 141.

The military shot is not bait though. It’s a good option for people who qualify. I think we might all be military pilots here in the next five years whether we like it or not anyways
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t. a dumbass
a handful of planes, mostly old 40° flap Cessnas. The descent speed with no power and 40 flaps is insane. Alaska is such an indescibably beautiful place to fly.
*indescribably, phoneposting pls understand
172N’s have them (maybe M’s too?) and it’s kind of a widowmaker in xwinds. you gotta be sparse with them if it’s blowing
as someone who has been depressed and had to lie through their teeth on their medical, don't fucking bothet. psychiatry is a fucking scam. do NOT give up something in your life that gives you enjoyment, do not give up hope for a better future. the second you do, you'll wallow in your misery, and society and therapists and psychiatrist are more than willing to let you self indulge on your own misery. you'll get nothing but positive affirmations as you ruin your life. I NEETed for years because my parents and society said it was okay to be depressed and the only reason I clawed my way out was because I grew so disgusted with myself that the shame of existing was too much. it was hell to get out of that existence. it has been seven years since I was a NEET and I'll never not despise psychiatry for encouraging me to wallow in my emotions instead of manning up
I need to find that post about circular runways...
1- Wash your windshield
2- Wash your penis
if they draft me i'm going to south america
>the military is not bait
el emm ay oh
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First solo flight next week if the weather allows it.
Im pretty fucking nervous brehs
best feeling is when you get rid of your instructor and gain +200fpm on the climbout.
Wear a shirt you don't mind ruining.
Does ATC actually believe us when we say "traffic in sight"? I don't even trust myself...
ATC doesn't care. Saying traffic in sight means you can see and avoid and your voice is now in the tapes so if you crash it's your fault.
I love Canada so much guys. I'm making like 45k usd to start captain on a small turboprop. Wow things are so cool here I hope they never change
Damn that sounds so cool but I think I’ll stay on the south side of the border. Happy for you G
cfi salary on a turboprop lmfao
Gets even better. Forgot to mention it's a twin.
Technically I'm not a full on captain yet either, so not entirely honest.
I've I'm cut loose it'll go all the way to about 60kusd. Oh yeah.
any leaf AMEs here? I want to get into aircraft maintenance but I can't tell if its a shitty job or not. I'll most likely never be a career pilot so this might just be a cope for me.
Do you like being around cancerous materials, contorting yourself in cramped positions, using every curse word in the book at the engineers who put some stupid fucking bolt in the shittiest spot (and it gets safety'd), while the pilots are wondering when the plane will be ready, and you're sweating your ass off in the sun, all while getting paid less than you should? Then congratulations. Being an aircraft mechanic is for you.
It's actually not that bad. I fucking love working on airplanes. But it's not always glamorous work, and unfortunately a lot of people go through school just to find out they hate it.
Is my plane ready yet? I’m late to making double your pay and doing half as much work
>unfortunately a lot of people go through school just to find out they hate it
this is what I'm afraid of. I'm almost 30 with no other prospects and I'm too broke to do flight training so this was my last idea to still have a career in aviation, but everyone I've talked to gives a response similar to yours saying how miserable it is but also cool sometimes.
I know the money is in the airlines but working on small single engines or business jets or even helicopters sounds like it might actually be comfy/fun instead of climbing the seniority ladder doing line maintenance at air canada for 10+ years so that one day you'll make half of what a pilot makes.
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Fuck this guy >>2001740 , I appreciate you guys. People like you keep my shitbox 200 in the sky
This actually sounds cool. Flying small planes to and from the middle of nowhere out in Alaska or the interior of Africa, don't even care if it pays pennies compared to an airline job. No idea where I would get started with that though, especially as a euro.
Another busy night where I'm glad I'm not a controller (snap runway change)
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Bill Anders just killed himself.
not my problem
It's time to solve the boomer flyer problem... permanently.
If I use hair gel to move the hair over my ear back, does that count as "not over the ear"?
If I go any shorter my baldness will be exposed

Good morning saarge!
Don’t look like a slob, that’s the big idea.
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get a hair transplant or just shave it, why didn't you get on dut sooner? now you have to get on stronger stuff
uhhhhh should i issue a notam or nahhhhh
Meh, it's on a taxiway
Is it a movement area, guessing yes since it looks a taxiway. Maybe just tell ground about it and they can send out a wagie to check it out.
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(i am the wagie....)

pilot reported a pothole to ground, airport duty manager raked it and generated fist sized chunks of asphalt. notam + twy closure due to pavement failure.

pic rel looked worse than it actually was in terms of clearance desu almost thought it was gonna be a incident driving past but i guess ramp begged him to let them tow to the gate
Did you know that we have

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>known to be slow
>makes you run after him when you get closer

what the fuck is their problem?
nigga your entire life has 1/1000th of the airmanship in Bill Ander's toenails
this is why people glaze over the NOTAirMen, shit
Iike this is inconsequential
perfect aerodynamic profile for a cfm56 (he peed right after this pic)


idk it made fist sized chunks of asphalt after poking it with a rake I'll take pics later gonna go out to lunch
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Meh, used to happen often at Kai Tak
Back when I worked at an avionics shop I would rescue frogs from the taxiways.
what do you do with them?
We had a frog outbreak on the Northside in October. Was interesting. My coworker last week picked up 300+ turtles in a 2 hour period from 3-5am that night.

We pick them up in the green, tag/note/mark them (USDA + Airport Biologist helps), drop them off in red X area. Area surrounding is swampland so we built part of the runway into their territory. We do have physical barriers but they have all day to get around them. Yesterday was interesting because runway in the picture was active and a few planes landed on it (mostly departing but was concerned the one I picked up was gonna get flattened/ingested since it was lingering)
Not a CFI (yet) but currently in heli flight school finishing up Commercial and I know pretty much all the heli and plane CFIs at my school. CFI seems pretty cool. The pay isn't very good as you would expect considering it's a starter job. It's an amazing way to build experience though and really come to understand flying. When you are just starting out, at least for me and a lot of other people I've spoken to including CFIs, you really breeze through the info that you are taught and only know enough to barely pass your stage checks and checkrides. Being CFI and having to teach the stuff everyday makes you truly become a subject matter expert. Day to day, being a CFI is having 1-3 students per day, doing grounds and flights like you would expect. Logging sessions, attending meetings, doing preventative maintenance. A lot of CFIs are hired by the flight school they graduated from, so you should really be considering your time as a student as essentially a very long interview if you want to be hired there. And I don't know about other schools, but at my school, new CFIs teach Instrument and Commercial. They only let the more experienced CFIs teach Private.
Sounds like you're doing a great job
I'm at nw2 right now, but it doesn't seem to be changing
think I might get on fin + minox just in case
Why am I seeing more and more "airline pilot influencers"? I swear to god almost every #FemalePilot is an Instagram influencer
get the FUCK off my runway
because it's the effeminate gay thing to do. Swayne, Big Ern, Garrett, all massive fags.
women be posting
Any field where the dreamer:doer ratio is wildly inbalanced (aviation is in the realm of 1,000+:1, and that's just of people who make it as far as solo'ing...the pure internet consoomer faggot avgeek/simmer/whatever balloons that ratio into the tens of thousands:1) is ripe for exploitation on social media. its just easier for most people to live vicariously through a youtuber than actually put their head into the FAR's long enough to get their PPL, let alone make it to ATPL.

add in the cute white woman aspect, which is just red meat for the pajeets and other worthless ESL's that have taken over the net, and its an easy layup. I actually think the airlines are quite wary of this sort of thing (exception: United, which is pozzed past the point of return) but what recourse do you have? I think big organizations and people in general are very slowly realizing that internet people are actually inconsequential, but its going to be some time before we reach the level where giant corporations are actively antagonizing people with audiences in the hundreds of thousands or even millions. though I actually think that is the shrewd move these days and the Real Customers you want would admire such a gesture.

but, for now, we are still in the era of every product and service having to be All Things To All People.
Narcissistic people have access to the internet and it’s easier today than ever to make that garbage content. For the airline it’s essentially cheap recruitment and advertising until the individual fucks up on camera. I loathe them because the general public has no business up front, and I dislike the personality of pilot lyfe influencers. It also promotes other people that shouldn’t fly but have too much money or not enough sense to climb into the cockpit with a camera and “share their journey” until they come out with a “I messed up…” video or they crash and burn in their fourth hand bonanza that has an autopilot a bit too complex for them.

Don’t forget to like, subscribe and hit that little bell
Do any of you /gag/gers have any experience or thoughts about flying a 172 over open water? Specifically water wide enough that you will spend some amount of time in an area where you will not able to glide to shore from 12,500 feet?

Talk me into or out of this idea
Depends on a lot. What shape is the plane in? What is the water temp? How far over water do you intend to fly? Would there be acceptable emergency services if you were to go down (I wouldn’t do it off the African coast). In any case you gotta have overwater equipment and be familiar with ditching procedures.
>its just easier for most people to live vicariously through a youtuber than actually put their head into the FAR's long enough to get their PPL, let alone make it to ATPL
I believe the barrier for most people will be money
why do people still LARP and pretend working at a regional is bad? it's not the 90's or 2000s anymore
I didn't know pilots make $30-70k??? thats so low. How can you fly a jet full of passengers and make such shit pay?

Please remember, women are retarded. Captains in the majors make a fuckload. They are giving at best regionals.
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I did it y'all :')
>"when I get to American Airlines" x3
>"I don't have flight benefits right now, as a cadet you get nothing"
>"as a pilot I make $30-70k"
shes a CFI.
I took a trip to r/flying and it looks like everyone over there acts like legacies are literally the only possible career destination. Everything else is a “stepping stone” like the regionals. Southwest, frontier, etc. all stepping stones to a legacy. They pretend to be realistic then act like WB flying is the be all end Al and you should always be willing to uproot yourself to get to the right seat at delta or some shit. What if someone likes being home every night or every other night while still getting decent pay (“decent” pay for pilots is in other words fantastic for Americans in general)? Would they not consider F9 their goal? Or some other? What is wrong with those people
I almost pity them. While my walk around smells of APU exhaust and Kansas cow shit I actually have a lot of fun. Imagine spending a decade or more of your career clawing your way to the next step only to “fly” and A320 in and out of Atlanta for the next 30 years.
they act like shiny jet syndrome is a legitimate career path
i'll take the faster seniority and good contact/scheduling/qol at f9 over bursting a blood vessel trying to calculate how much time i'd have to spend at a given airline to make my app more attractive to some AA rep
>southwest airlines cockpit
wonder how many times she was sexually assaulted
this bitch
>minimum time to upgrade at OO
>hired at WN
>immediately hired at DL
The whole thing is a powderkeg ready to blow. The entire system 2019-2024 has shat itself pursuing DEI and now there are incompetents everywhere. Everyone from the flight schools to DPE's to airlines is responsible. Complete fucking nightmare.
A lot of people who become pilots are also the types of people who want to make a lot of money. Legacy is probably the most well-known and accessible way to make the most money as a pilot. But there's still plenty of well-paying pilot jobs that don't require working for a legacy airline.
Was she in your skywest indoc class?
>Would they not consider F9 their goal?
because low cost airlines do not have long term life expectancy. They go bankrupt all of the time. But the Big 3 are protected and will never go bankrupt
ULCCs are a stepping stone and for people who can't get a real job. Southwest and JetJew are in a different category, despite not being Legacies, and you could make a career there. On the other hand, Alaska is a Legacy without widebodies and is on par with JetBlue as far as your earning potential goes, in addition to being geographically on one coast. Then Hawaiian, which has widebodies and is a Legacy, isn't much of an airline to anyone unless you're in Hawaii or enjoy commuting across an ocean, CVG base notwithstanding.

Legacy is nearly colloquial for pax widebodies. Until a legitimate pax carrier in the 48 has widebodies, it's all about the Big 3 for maximum earning potential.
f9 hit 30 years and is still growing
What is F9?
they won't see 35
the only lcc dancing around the grave right now is spirit
if anything f9 will become another southwest
Any of the LCCs could fail any day now and I wouldn’t be surprised. Airlines do not wallow for long, there can be no signs of mortal danger then bam bankruptcy and ceasing operations.

The legacies will get bailed out, and I would count WN with them. Everyone else is on shaky ground. This is a fact of life in the industry. I would not expect everyone of Alaska/Hawaiian, Spirit, Frontier and JetBlue to weather a macroeconomic downturn. And the fallout from Boeing will have reproductions on the job market for at least another 5-10 years. But it’ll come back, it always does.
Talk to SWA pilots and they think it's more likely to sink than F9
before indigo frontier wasn't an lcc, it was a regular business airline. it may very well return to that in the future
bros i want it bad, talk me out of it
for context i have no license but am planning on doing it in the future when i get out of uni (and debt)
internally its all a modern kit plane made to look like the original
will probably run about $30k to build and runs off of motor fuel
its either this or i buy somebody's already built hatz cb1
and while i probably shouldnt be wanting to do it as an inexperienced pilot, its tempting to want to do light aerobatics (intentional spin stalls, rolls, and maybe dives)
what do you guys think, does the jenny look like it can be used for that sort of thing? its pretty similar to the hatz, which can do those maneuvers just fine, but their site doesnt list any approximate g-ratings
or maybe i should just forget the idea of aerobatics entirely and just focus on normal flight?
also if it matters, i have ridden a few times in a cessna and understand how a plane works pretty well, so i'm not going in entirely blind
overall i like the idea of a slow, lightweight plane that looks cool with bumpy, turbulent flights
i guess its hard to say but i like the idea of being more in control and part of the plane to really experience the feeling like i'm flying, rather than being under a canopy with temperature control and a pretty view
get your tickets, learn to fly a pattern pony then go nuts. my experience: these types of planes are best owned fractionally.
actually, i already do have a close friend who's interested in piloting aswell, although he seems more interested in modern low wing aircraft like a piper
yeah I simply do not take this sort of thing seriously from people who haven't passed their checkride yet. honestly, enjoy the ride. learning to fly a 172 might not seem thrilling from the chair but it is a rewarding experience.

step by step
i can get that, i'm sure i'll see things differently later on, and i already know just a cessna 172 is already thrilling in my perspective
but ww1 planes are something i've been fascinated with since i was a child, and i know that realistically theres not much you can do in a private aircraft to make your life more efficient in some way like saving money on traveling for the majority of people, i want to fly solely for enjoyment
also buying a cessna means paying out my ass for a certified aircraft that needs to be inspected by certified inspectors and worked on by certified mechanics using certified parts, while a light experimental sport aircraft can be worked on by yourself, or at the very least using parts that dont cost double because of paperwork
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now granted, you can get 6 figures and a bunch of time at home at basically any airline, even the big 3. just live in base and get the slightest bit of seniority.
of course if you want your neighbors to think you're unemployed, live in base and bid reserve. you can even do this at the regionals. it's just better to do it at a better paying airline.
or yeah just work for f9 i guess, it's basically a step up from g4 in every single way
so my wife starts med school in a month at a T20 MD program. should I keep pushing for the biggest pay and try and weasel us close to $1m/year gross earnings or chill back and take a local seaplane job that pays an hourly?
bid reserve
if you're not already in an airline though then yeah seaplane shit sounds fun. if i didn't have to get into massive debt to do this i'd be more keen to do fun cool shit like that
I've only ever been a 208 driver, I could go regional at the drop of a hat if I wanted to. obviously I have considered this for a long time (she was accepted 8 months ago) and I'm not relying on the kentuckian banjo playing forum for the answers...but some of you must be regional pilots. would it make sense to grind that out through her medical school then kick back & relax with some pt 91/135 chillness?
i'm guessing your concern is never seeing her again or something? there are 135 gigs that'll get you home every night, i think ameriflight. it can be a bitch though.
envoy has 1.5 yr upgrade. keep that in mind. but it's best to avoid commuting for a regional too...
but like the posts above said, flying for an airline doesn't always mean you have to be gone. that stereotype only applies to the ravenous who fly as much as they can to earn as much as they can.
you can also do pipeline patrol memeing if you want to. literally all you do is vfr boring flying. inspect power lines, pipes, whatever. but these are generally timebuilding jobs.
Problem is, oo anon, that I enjoy my job just as much as you do but I enjoy a higher pay, lower schedule load, way more flexibility, and great work rules. For me to stay uncomfortable long enough to get here makes it so much better in the long run flying a bussy out of anywhere for 30 years. That being said your pity is certainly wasted on anyone at a legacy shop. LCC bro in here has it figured out too tho I will concede that.
your 200s are going away
its good to enjoy where you are, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be trying to move up. i've been making the best of my time at my regional, but i absolutely update my app with United every month.
unless you update to make yourself black, a woman or obnoxiously LGBTQIA+++++ you might as well give up
What kind of kneeboard do you guys use for ipads? I have an ipad pro, the big one, and most kneeboards/flight desks dont fit it
>gets xboxhueg ipad
>doesn't fit
seems like a you problem
I have a normal ipad and Pivot case/kneeboard/leg straps fucking rule
Why is every single flight school jam packed with asian FTSP students? What gives?
I use a normal kneeboard and a window or yoke mount for my phone. I have a mount for an ipad mini but haven't picked one up since the next generation of them are coming out soon.
yes. :(

thank god for having a flow. At least I will make it to a legacy one day.
The upside of Hawaiian is getting to live in Hawaii. The updated pay scale isn't too bad either.
Plus, they just bought more planes to do cargo for Amazon on the islands. I don't think they're going to go out of business.
They are being acquired by literally the most pozzed and fucked up airline in the country.
>he doesn't know
They’ll go away when MHI stops making parts for them, but no sooner.
Personal and professional advancement is always something you should strive for, but it’s also important to appreciate where you are and what you do. Flying jets at a regional is still pretty cool.
I believe time off is the reason I’ll leave this company, but for the moment it’s not a big priority.
Because flight training is shit everywhere else so they send them here on contract.
I hadn’t heard
jfk ground getting ZANY rn
ok this explains it ya he sounds like he wants to jump out the tower
Hooooly fuck 2 hour delay look at that lineup 30+ planes on the ground had to bob and weave in between planes before I said fuck it and got back on the service road we even had some power outages at the terminals and twy lighting
>one plane has to wait in the river
Are loans really worth it? I'll never be able to afford flight school without them.
look for subsidized loans if you can, since those come without interest for a certain amount of time
also, i can understand why you'd be anxious to get into flight school asap, but if you're doing this as a hobby, would it be wise to try and get in before having a reasonable income to afford it? even if you go to a flight club or share a plane, it'll still probably be more expensive than whatever you pay for flight school
unless you're trying to get into ultralight flying or something close where maintenance and fuel is cheap
I want to do this as a career obviously. I wouldn't even be considering flying planes as a hobby unless I were fucking loaded.
surely you can find scholarships for that then
regardless you will have to take loans unless you get lucky with a fuckload of scholarships
i think some universities offer those programs, which might be better than going for a regular flight school
just make sure that whatever you do, you get through it all to get your commercial license, since i think some companies that hire you will help you with loans
take everything i say with a grain of salt since i dont have a license myself, i'm just a med student who plans on getting into the hobby once i make big bucks myself
also if it makes you feel any better the loans i'll have to wind up taking are roughly 200k in total

imo this is a trainwreck. the aviating was an F, the navigating was an F, the communicating was like a B....this flood of validating comments is imo fucking stupid. couldn't find an airport with TWO GRASS STRIPS that was right under her nose, and then with altitude to spare crashes into the trees.

hate avgeeks, hate online aviation "community"...the standards for this thing are getting so fucking pathetically low
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student pilot on solo XC doesn't know en route airports she can divert to? what happened to doing one of picrel for people at this stage in their careers?

Idk who to blame, a lot of student pilots just dgaf these days and treat flight training like the same joke their public school was during the coof. you can't tell them anything or explain to them principles, especially the girlboss types who either resent or want to shag their male CFI's. then again CFI's just skip so much these days, and the schools (particularly 141) with the prohibitions of landing on grass and not letting solo pilots push themselves do no favors.
I mean she crashed and lived while on a solo flight that's pretty good. Most people don't do the latter.
No fire usually means no fuel.

She crashed because she overflew her landing area with no engine power then plowed into trees on the departure end. I don't know what she expected to happen, and she was -385 descent coming in to land? I guess nice job keeping your airpspeed low and energy management but uh you do have to land the plane and a prop strike is better than a tree strike.
I see some chart going around that literally just dancing has a better effect than every other conventional or unconventional depression treatment by quite a bit. So put on some jams and boogie and see how you feel. Also if you're lazy, get some blood flow going one way or another. Everybody's different but that personally helps me.
Buy a motorcycle
So at what point do you have to become an alcoholic? When you become a CFI? And when does the cocaine come into play?
>They’ll go away when MHI stops making parts for them, but no sooner.
or when United says no more
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i am already an alcoholic and a CFI AMA
I had my CDL prior to training so I would go over the road or work a harvest season or whatever between certificates and ratings to save up then I'd work very low part time hours on a driving job while I worked on my ratings. did it PPL-IR-Multi-Commercial-CFI without a drop of debt, took fourteen months from discovery flight. it was actually kinda nice in the 30-50 days while I was out on the road or grinding I did Sheppard, sat the corresponding written for the rating I was working towards, memorized pertinent FAR's and did a lot of the book stuff so when it came to fly I just flew 5-6 days a week and it was glorious

now I am a proud CFI making significantly less than I did as a dirty semi truck driver
A few drawbacks of this
you gotta have the CDL first. when I got mine it was $1200, now I think its closer to $8k for an A license. ow. plus you need all your endorsements so you can maximize the short-term earning potential.
its tough to pass a checkride and then in the next 48 hours skip town and know you're not gonna fly again for up to two months while all the people at the same stage as you will keep going. you usually make up for this with the frenetic pace of nonstop flying when you get back (this only works pt 61 btw) but you feel like you're taking a step backwards.
the money. trucking these days for an experienced driver with a clean record and all the endorsements pays over $100k a year now. walking away from that to earn $29/hr as a CFI is brutal...but then again the CFI wage is even more brutal if you're buried under $100k of debt

you could skip multi and save some money too.
Dan Gryder was in an accident yesterday.
Sounds/looks pretty bad. I know next to nothing about the crash, other than it was in a Lockheed 12. Preliminary reports suggest that whoever the pilots were, used full flap on takeoff and had the gear up when they entered a stall/spin at 300ft and augered her in. Apparently a flap take off in the 12 is an absolute no-no and it will stall if they are put down before/after TO.
Some say two people were killed and judging by the crash photo, looks like it should have been fatal for all involved.
From what I can see online, Dan suffered minor injuries which would be quite something based on aforementioned crash photo.
It was sickening to open a Reddit thread (I have no account there and never will) to see all the faggots grave pissing and shit talking Dan.
I know he rubs a lot of people the wrong way but I’ve always felt he is genuine in his concern and efforts to make aviation safer. I often hear his voice in my head as I’m flying, reminding me not to be an idiot and think things through.
Regardless of the outcome I hope everyone involved is more or less OK and make quick recoveries.
Shame on the loss of the bird. There’s only 17 left airworthy.
Will be interesting to see how Dan comes out of this, especially if he was the pilot.
As my old man said today (as someone who watches all his vids) “for a safety guy, he sure does crash a lot..”
However he ‘recovers’ from the incident, I’m sure he will make it a learning lesson, which will be a net positive for the rest of us.
Stall/spins are the worst. Always good to be reminded of the consequences of such things.
How interesting... the faggot sucking off Dan Gryder is a clueless retard. You're confusing two different Lockheed 12 crashes that coincidentally occurred very close to each other. The former was a museum airplane that killed the two pilots, the latter was a privately owned one that injured three on board, including Dan. If you bothered paying attention to the r*ddit thread, the title literally points this out. He made a video shitting on the dead museum pilot, just to get hurt in the same type a day later. But I imagine it's hard to pay attention when you're drooling all over your keyboard in tribal frustration, considering you're stupid enough to think Dan's content provides any value beyond one's basic critical thinking and understanding of physics. I.E.... not being a braindead retard and being able to fucking read.
I would have more sympathy for that nigger if he didn't spend an entire video making unnecessary personal insults towards a friend of mine that died. And I'm sure I'm not the only person that feels the same, judging by the defamation suit filed against him. Considering your asinine conclusions, I know you'll stammer out something about him hurting feelings. Not really, I just know how I'll react if I ever see him. Or more relevantly (as you can see) how I react to news of his peril. Again, I'm sure I'm not alone.
Sucks to see the loss of another beautiful airplane and the two injuries, but bummed Dan wasn't snuffed from this world with his ragebait, boomermagnet (literally as proven by you) content, aimed towards simpletons with a pedestrian understanding of human error.
this is your daily reminder that Dan Gryder thought that Trevor Jacob crash was a genuine accident and later deleted his video on this topic because that way most people won't call him out on his bullshit
Literally who?
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Everyone is alive, Gryder was in the copilot seat; he broke his leg and has a massive gash on his forehead. Pilot and passenger beat up pretty bad as well but no fatalities, brain damage, lost limbs etc...

The right main gear on the plane was was just out of repair by the owner, and experienced a brake failure on landing causing the plane to careen to the left into a tree.

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I did it by the way. Had a few more solo flights since than. Feel like a baller.
How much do you get paid to be Ops at your airport?

t. ops in texas
>since the next generation of them are coming out soon.
I wish Apple would hurry the fuck up with that, I got mine in 2019 and it's really starting to struggle but I really don't want to buy the current one that came out in 2021 when the new one is supposed to be on the horizon.
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Not shown: 3.5% increases across the board with our latest contract. I'm at $32.11/hr or $67,788 base because I was a year 3 maintenance man making $56k in the same agency at LGA before taking a promotional test (they have to at least give you a 5% bump). We can easily clock 500-700 hours of overtime so we can stack another $25-45k on top of our base pay. Rotating shifts can add shift diff roughly $2-5k for working afternoons or nites. So some of the senior guys can pull $110-140k in a year if they're greedy and want to live here.

Please get me out of here it's just hard to stomach a 30-40% pay cut. The only thing making it tolerable is that average rent here outside of Manhattan is $1800-2100 a month....but houses are going for $500-750k + 12-20% tip over asking price 60-90 mins away by car. I have coworkers with 2 hour commutes one way. Taxes are 35% inc. my 401K Pension and Healthcare.

We do a little bit of everything at my job as an ops agent, including runway closures/sweeps, wildlife, FOD, escorts both contractors and aircraft, airside construction watch, and whatever ATC asks us to.
The tail wheel was swiveling. It was supposed to be locked for landing and is part of the checklist are you some kind if DG shill?
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It’s 10000% a fact that the number of $500k boats and cars have grown since 1950 but planes have shrunk but I have no proof

We can whine about how planes have gotten more expensive and airports keep getting shut down (both true) but the fact is flying isn’t fun for normies, if they cared people would fly
Why is nobody buying JAS-39? Everyone is just buying F-35's instead which doesn't make much sense when you think about it. Politics I guess.
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747 diversion inbound
I think I’m gonna try to hand fly more on my next trip
Its because most normies are drooling retards, and you can be a retard and drive a boat, an airplane/helicopter? You need some grey matter for that
I forgot to take a picture, anyways just imagine a international 747 diverting and then airport ops being all weird because customs is not around.
>omg the door is open who...WHOoOOO
>the pilot did
>ops *head explodes*
>800T SIC hour 24 year old female FO from my company just got a CJO with United
THIS SHIT IS DRIVING ME FUCKING INSANE. I spoke with a United recruiter last month, and he told me they are looking for candidates with several hundred hours of PIC now. Girls really do live life on easy mode.
UA is even more in the FAA’s doghouse than Boeing for exactly this reason
there are probably more cars in the world, period, but there are far fewer boats and planes than even in the 1980's
if you were serious about your career you would transition for DEI points
I'll be honest. I considered ticking that box, and putting on some makeup for an interview. Not that they'd be dumb enough to bring it up, but if they did I'd act offended.
Canadian too so you know those fags would love it
That’s all true but that doesn’t help GA from collapsing
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Yea. I mixed up the two crashes that were a couple days apart. My bad.
What are the chances of two extremely rare aircraft crashing in that time frame?
Fuckin low.
It was my bad.
I’m watching his video now. You should too, niggerfaggot.
Also, KYS.
I’m sorry about your friend. I really don’t know much about Dans ‘history’. I just watch him once in awhile, he does offer some good safety suggestions.

Aside from everything, I find it ‘amusing’ that Dan was apparently making a video on how not to crash a L12 then crashed a 12.
Very sad that such a beautiful aircraft got fucked. It would seem that it’s ‘fixable’. Idk, I’d like to hope so.
It doesn't help the cost to get into to GA.
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I’m at 1300 hours right now but my airline cadet program has a 4-6 month wait period from ATP mins to getting a class date. Is this normal in the industry? Pipeline patrol pilot BTW
Posting that shit on Instagram is so weird, just create a LinkedIn and join the rest of us in the mud. Imagine an accountant posting about going from Deloitte to PwC on Instagram.
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>no leading edge slats
I feel the need for speed (and I can’t slow down)
>my regional has a 4-6 month wait for a class date
so does everyone else, either go 135 and skip the line as a DEC or suck it up
how much do you airline guys pay / did you pay for your flight training loan
pay per month i mean obviously
who's got the list of drugs an airline pilot can do on off days?
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planespotting kinda day I'll try to post some webms when I get home they're landing 13L it's beautiful out and im not assigned to any details
KAL A380
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It's actually a ANA 773ER, I've seen it knock around cans with the jet blast, absolute beast
the KAL cargo hangar is the single most disgusting building I think I've ever been in that wasn't condemned. Don't miss that walk in or out.
JetBlue with Brooklyn Nets Livery
China Cargo 777F

Pushing the limits of webm sizing. They knew I was recording so they started landing all the CRJs on this runway after teasing me with a few heavys
DAL 767-300
Is 29 too late to get into aviation? I see 16 years old flying solo and its discouraging.
what's your end goal?
I'm a pilot for a Big 3 airline and you're older than me
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is this a surface incursion I'm about to pull his badge
Why do people always ask this same dumb question. It is literally never too late to "get into" anything. This is such a pervasive mindset and it is very defeatist. I'm not one of those motivational types but people saying this kinda stuff annoys me. And to answer your question, no it is not too late. I know plenty of pilots who started at your age and even much, much later.
PP Patrol. Are you heli? Isn't that a Part 119 exception. You need ATP for that? Genuinely curious.
start ioe this week. Any tips? Its my first jet
Its not like the sim at all. No time pressure. A couple minutes of delay are normal and your airline probably has an ACARS delay code specifically for pilot training. Take your time, listen to your check airman as much as he's willing to teach, and most importantly try to enjoy. Good luck out there.
what plane
I could use some advice fellow skychads. I've been having the shittiest luck landing a job as
CFI without my CFII and I'm considering a pivot to becoming a jump pilot or getting my seaplane rating if it's a reasonable thing to do. There's a school in Las Vegas that'll give me all the training I need to work in the 182 but I'm not sure how many hours I'd be able to build doing that. I don't know what the float pilot job market is like either. Should I just get my CFII to increase my chance of landing an instructor job?
as we move towards slower hiring (not the end of the world, and likely temporary) I'd recommend the CFII. Jet jobs are all about IFR flying and so the more you tailor your resume towards that the more likely you'll be at the top of the stack when hiring normalizes again. Plus you can do jump piloting on the side. I'd imagine a similar cost between CFII and SES but one is way more of a multitool for you career where as the seaplane rating is extremely niche. Even if CFII is twice as much I think it would still serve you better in the mid to long term. Plus you can always get the SES in a single weekend somewhere if you decide that you want to pivot towards that.
I think he's saying he's flying pipeline while waiting for an airline slot.
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Hey....buddy you can't park there!

>open emergency exits
>passengers slide down below into a freeway with 50-60mph cars
if i had to guess, hiring will be slow til the literal end of the 2020's then the regionals and probably majors will open their gates in around 2030 and keep it going for a while
not great but not terrible, and not nearly as bad as the old days
CFII way, way, way before floats. Realistically IRA is kind of a PPL add-on and a CFII is a much more professional proof of your competency flying instruments.
Airlines hire for two reasons. They hire to cover growth and attrition. The attrition is still there but for a variety of factors the growth has not come to pass. As soon as that picks up again hiring numbers will stabilize. I don't know what my guess for timeline would be but I wish the best for the up and coming behind me.
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