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My instinct is to say "not possible", but I guess the US armed forces keeps pumping out pilots, oversupplying the market.

Sorry ur competing against welfare recipients :(
Drive the 3D bus, not the 2D bus. Demand not 3/2 the pay but N times where N is an integer and > 2.
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Oof, that's roughly what one dentist makes in a month here. Quite a letdown to have to be responsible for safety of so many and literally make less than one-tenth
What country? The US? Cant be...

How much does a military Lt pilot make there? Why would they quit to become a civilian pilot and earn so little as OP claims?
bad weather, lack of students or you work for a shitty flight school that doesn't maintain their aircraft you can easily make this little as a CFI in the US. I have seen some 141 schools where its disturbingly prevalent.

less so at part 61 schools that have in-house A&P's. there seems to be a truly unending supply of dreamers and novices who are willing to spend hundreds of hours over the course of multiple years earning their PPL's. the planes are better maintained at these places almost 100% of the time.

CFII's worry about this a lot less overall.
Used to work for an aerial imagery company and our pilots were all students looking to farm hours. And yea we made sure we paid them truly as little as possible.
FedEx is so fucking incompetent, they lost my package again because they delivered it to the wrong door and customer service spent the last day thumbing their ass "tracking" my lost package. The competency crisis is seeping into all industries thanks to corporate greed, it's frustrating being a human from the before times, to see how much everyone doesn't give a shit anymore. How much everyone is trying to pull a quick one on another just to make short term gains at the expense of long term sustainability. Society is crumbling because people don't give a fuck anymore
This is truly the fault of FDX pilots
It's not the pilot's fault but since this was a thread complaining about underpaid professionals and I have no other outlets to yell at clouds I decided this was appropriate enough.
Yet another reason America needs high-speed rail.
reading comprehension remains not the yimby's strong suit
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I'm making $83k base at a regional now just gotta suck up the instructor grind if you're American like me.
I'm a truck driver making $97k this year hauling garbage. Actual garbage. I'll make $105k next year with the inflation adjustment. Most of my job is sitting around, making paperwork, and directing temps what to do.
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I cleared $86k in 2023 working airside airport operations at KJFK. My base is $67k and I have 3 years to go to top step ($90k/yr) and most of my coworkers put away $30-50k a year on OT. We also get 15 days of vacation time, 4 personals, 10 days of sick time, and ability to bank our OT as PTO for use at a later time (up to 12 days). My healthcare is $80/mo ($150/mo for a family of 3-4) and covers everything with next to no pushback.

Most of my day is spent escorting contractors, putting down closures and picking up FOD. Worst part of my job is rotating schedule (6 weeks nights 2 weeks afternoons 6 weeks mornings) and working weekends.

This job made me want to become a pilot and gave me more of a appreciation for aviation, but I feel like I'm a little too old for it at 32. But it would let me leave the NYC area which I really hate...it feels like I have golden handcuffs working here sometimes. If I didn't have this job I would have left to Florida or Texas 4-5 years ago.
>This job made me want to become a pilot and gave me more of a appreciation for aviation, but I feel like I'm a little too old for it at 32. But it would let me leave the NYC area which I really hate...it feels like I have golden handcuffs working here sometimes. If I didn't have this job I would have left to Florida or Texas 4-5 years ago.
32 is not even close to too old. the "too old" cutoff is more like 45, if not older than that.
>when the pilot's entire salary is my year end bonus
No wonder you're all chuddies, jesus christ I thought you guys were supposed to be well paid. Should have learned to code
>get to laze about all day
>watch anime
>play games
>jerk off
And they get to pay you six figures
How many hours a day/week do you work?
Get a job with long island railroad or metro north railroad you'll make more.
You'll have two pentions. NY state and railroad retirement. But not social security that's what railroad retirement is for. No 401k match
What do you do?vv85
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I had a buddy of mine that quit LIRR as a track worker, management/coworkers were fucking assholes (he kept being put into situations that he didn't feel were safe + good old boys bullshit) and he got a job as a automation tech making $100k/yr for CVS. I'm really comfortable where I am, I have a ton of downtime and don't have to work with my hands as much. The most physically dangerous thing I do is drive around taxiing aircraft and jumping in/out the bed of a F350 for cones/FOD.

The railroads strike me as having more hostile management/worker relations. Said friend also has a wife who's a supervisor at MTA confirmed similar and told me to stay where I was (asked her about becoming a conductor since they called me for that position after taking the exam 6 years ago). PA is a lot friendlier. For example we never had an actual vaxx mandate, and we don't have timecards like they do. We get a easier time requesting time off and the ability to bank OT as PTO means with enough seniority you'll have 7 weeks you can take off in a year (my position gets 96 hours but maintenance for example gets 160 hours they can bank)

I'm Tier 6 so I'm fucked regardless no pension until I hit 62
Where would I start?
I didn't play any games today.
27k seems low
yeah for a job that requires nearly $100k in training

fwiw the instructor grind lasts a year and I actually think is extremely valuable. in a roundabout way the system does work. instructing really is the best job for a 250TT pilot.
What's tier 6?
New York State pension. Applies to all city and state jobs here btw that aren't first responder or railroad they have their own pensions


Tier 4 is everyone pre-2009, Tier 6 is everyone post 2012

Tier 4 Final Avg Earnings calculation has zero limits on overtime and full pension can be collected at 62 after 10 years of service or 55 after 30 years of service. So you'd hear of people living at work before their retirement to buff up their pension with as much OT as possible.

Tier 6 is at 63 years of service (no earlier) and places a cap on overtime earnings in your final benefit calculation.

I joined at 26 so if I Tier 4 I would have been able to retire at 56
CS degree
>We also get 15 days of vacation time
>10 days of sick time
I feel sorry for Americans
That doesn't include weekends which is why I said you can have up to 7 weeks off. The same position at a European airport pays half the amount with less take home pay and worse healthcare.
It might pay less but you will have twice the amount of days off and not have to pay for healthcare.
My healthcare is unironically awesome

I can go to any specialist without referrals, 95% of doctors are covered, and copays are $20 a visit (they were $5 prior). I've never ever ever had to pay out of pocket for anything other than prescriptions and even that was cheap. It includes dental and vision which also covers everything including surgeries and orthodontics. It's $140 a month for a family of 4 and $80 a month for myself (my taxes are 35% avg between city state and federal inc. SSI and Medicare as single...and that's also including me putting 10% of my pre tax pay into a Roth IRA every check called NYS Deferred Compensation which is a easy). US Govt/State Worker healthcare is not the horror stories you see veterans or white collar wagies deal with...they usually get the best healthcare of anyone making under $200,000. I actually work with people who had children that needed multiple surgeries for issues during child birth and they paid zero out of pocket (and people that own businesses and work as paper pickers/jannys here for the healthcare)

And I doubt Euro countries give 3 months off. Take the hours there, add them up, divide by 8 (8 hour work day) and then divide that by 5 (5 day work week). That pic shows I have theoretically up to 6 weeks off (128+28) + 1 week paid sick (40). The comp time is another 11 days (2 weeks 1 day) I can take off on top from converting my OT into time off.
Yeah well you're gay
Thought Roth IRA is the one that's after tax
thats a meme, starter pilot prob get paid that much to work at dingy regional carrier.

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Starting to get some real germanwings vibes around here.
>How much does a military Lt pilot make there
O-2 makes around $71k.
if your BAH is in the fucking Hamptons
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Nah. This is the breakdown of a O2 with 2 years of service living near Elgin AFB. Total compensation is $95,867.
Sometimes you do actually have to deal with things and solve problems literally no one else understands though. In fact most of the time no one really knows what you're doing including your coworkers who are supposed to be double checking your work. That can be stressful.

But then again landing a fucking plane every day sounds way worse. It's crazy to me that works at all and that they pay you guys so little to do it is weird enough that I don't really like flying.
idk man i have 25 days vacation and i dont think it's much tough you get more the older you are
we have unlimited sick days ofc? you mean sick days without a doctor's note? we need one after 7 consecutive sick days
it's always crazy to me how little vacations americans have
I'm 21, is it worth still to try and become a commercial pilot? I heard the entry costs are massive
Treat it like college and actually have an interest in aviation and airplanes that's borderline if not entirely autistic. And realize you will be competing with Air Force and US Navy graduates for the same positions too so you have to work extra hard. Alternatively if you don't have any actual health issues just join one of those too.
>~1000 military pilots leaving every year
>~5000 retirements at legacy/major/LCC's every year
he'll be fine
i'm starting air traffic control training in oklahoma in a few months
can't wait to have zero free time to browse this shitty site and just direct planes all day
Worst idea you could ever possibly give to anyone, the market is saturated as fuck, no unions, "good salary" is not true anymore, night shift is NEVER paid but always required, and many other things I can't even remember right now.
t. code currynigger
That was a phenomenal emergency landing without front gear.

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