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So it happened again, we can blame tactics, workers, management but we simply aren't good enough.
All those shitty African airport maintenance crews must be thrilled to know they will never get the blame again.
at the end of the day all the shit boeing has escaped accountability for and gotten away with scot free makes me pretty unsympathetic when they get buried by clueless normies for some 25 year old 737-300 crashing in africa
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I am so thankful for brown people, without them what would I have to cry about while watching my company go down in flames? Now if you'll excuse me, I have some whistleblowers to murder...
Almost makes you think the shill campaign is funded by ryanair or something lol
The people knocking together this shit have bailed anon, why are YOU throwing away your one life?
this guy is very lucky to still be alive
>"I have lost faith on the quality organisation here at
If only there were whistleblowers willing to take the aircrafts' faults public.
The airline name says it all. It wanted to join the 40%
I suppose you could say he will be a Spirit very soon heh
> plane falls 6000 ft in 4 minutes
That probably wasn't a 4 minutes downdraft.
More likely pilots staring at the cockpit without knowing what's going on, pretty much a la Air France 447.
Modern pilots can't recover from a stall. They can't even identify it.
Maybe having flight schools filled with rich fucks with no vocation (of which half are rich arabs) was not a good idea.
I ain't going if it's boeing.
>6000 ft in 4 minutes
is a normal fucking descent you turboretard

You know Africa is run by mentally 6-year-olds LARPing as adults, right?
>A potential disaster was narrowly avoided when a packed passenger plane took off just seconds before it was about to run out of runway because of a software glitch.
>The autothrottle (A/T) disengaged when the takeoff mode was selected, at the start of the takeoff roll, and subsequently the thrust manually set by the crew (84.5% N1 ) was less than the required takeoff thrust (92.8% N1 ).
Jesus Christ ... Sooner or later it stops being funny
>modern pilots can't monitor instruments at critical phases of flight
seems like a bigger issue than autothrottle not working
Neo-Nazi shitskin Boeing shill award
Kill yourself Boeing shills
Total Boeing enployee death
>Neo-Nazi shitskin
>he doesn't know what self-hating brownies are
first day on the internet?

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