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What are some good and simple carbon roadbike fenders/mudguards? I got showered 4 times during a ride yesterday (and the 5th tine was a hail), I'm sick of road spray. I am looking at the zefal swan (pic related) because it seems simple to mount when needed and is really cheap. Are the aks ones much better? They seem way more involved to install.
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No experience with that mudgaurd, but my old SKS ones work nice. I like that they fit many sized mtb's seatposts, and the front one has inserts that go in the steerer.
Obviously plastic, but that's light enough for my use case.
A plastic bottle from the roadside shoved between the saddle rails.
This shit looks vile. Look at SKS Raceblade (they have versions for rim and disc brakes) or Ass Savers Win Wing. I think the Win Wing is the best looking fender, but the coverage isn't very good.
get real fenders
Just make sure you are okay with losing some paint and you are okay with some rubbing here and there.
Been my experience with similar sks fenders, they do look way nicer then the above examples
Use 3M tape under the straps.
These are total crap.

Something similar to these is what you want.
I don't mind the look of zefal and it seems way easier to mount. I wouldn't use this regularly, only put it on when the weather is unoredictable or shitty.

What makes the sks better? Its triple price.
I keep a lot of stuff in a saddle bag
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I have that fender, I'm pretty happy with it. The SKS meme fenders (I've tried all of them) are marginally better but practice it isn't as big an advantage as you might expect unless you have a very short ride and are very slow, and there are disadvantages to going apeshit and trying to trap every last speck of road spray (not happening, sorry)
I agree. My favorite part is being able to move seatpost fenders so easily.
The tire rub was the annoying part of full fenders.
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i got these SKS beavertail fenders, i think they were called. kind of a nice in-between. they work well, provide better coverage than clip on thingies, and are only a minor fuss to remove. also, don't @ me about the overlong cables and stupid handlebars. everyone makes mistakes. i'm working on it.
oh i should mention how they mount. you screw in these little L-shaped flat metal tabs to your brake bridge and then the actual fender just sort of slides onto them, so if you don't mind those little pieces of metal you can pop the fenders off in like a second
love that little dude on the front
reckon you could get something similiar silly on the forks brake cable stop
It's close enough to the wheel to actually keep you clean.
>The tire rub was the annoying part of full fenders.

Set them up properly once, then there is no rub.
You should probably leave the mechanical discussions to the adults
>carbon road bike
But why? Like, my bike has fenders and I like them, but it's a city bike. Why do you want an absolutely "no fenders" sort of frame and then put fenders on it? Are you going to kit it out with lights and racks and big comfy tires and a gearhub next?
>Are you going to kit it out with lights and racks and big comfy tires and a gearhub next?
>tfw no carbon city cruiser
Yeah. That is if you have the clearance. Which you usually dont, partly because a 23mm tire is often times the slimmest you get today. This is where the hackjobs start and why no fender install ever goes nicely unless its some sort of granny bike.
I am running 32 mm Conti Ultrasport 3, with Fenders, no problem. Sure, took me a few test rides to get everything adjusted, but it's been a few thousand kilometres since, with no issues.
What's an "absolutely no fenders" frame? I checked mine for stuff like that but all I see is a UCI sticker. Does the dutch government publish a hit list of frames to scream obscenities at when you people see my people enjoying them wrong (which is to say enjoying them since the dutch apparently hate fun)?

I found 700x28 to be the easiest when I was running full retard fenders but I could get scwalbe winter 700x30 studded under them with a bit of suffering (once set up it was fine for the rest of the winter). Granted this was on a steel frame bike with a fair amount more clearance than my carbon frame I currently do the most riding on, but it had drop bars and 2x10 which makes it an extreme sports armstrong bike according to the karens here
Thats actually not bad at all. I have a normal not carbon road bike seatpost and that would fit.

I ride w/o fenders or mudguards bc Im a lycra guy who rides dry tarmac but that would work great. Its the only ass saver Ive seen that doesnt look doofy.
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Kind of ontopic but how do I replace the back one I have? There's a screw behind the wheel which might be possible to get out if there was a 90* allen screwdriver that head has a short enough head (less than 2 cm)
Show the fastener. This sounds like its either constructed very weird or you somehow didn't remove the wheel to begin with (?).
thanks. my big bro and i were cycling across oaxaca state a few years ago and we each got a little luchador in an outdoor market to mount on our bikes. i guess to make us look even more like lunatic tourists? doesn't matter--people are so friendly and curious when you roll up to some small town in the mountains on a bike. got invited into peoples' homes/shops to drink a lot of home brew mezcal. good memories.
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can't see shit, captain
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simply remove the wheel you doofus
also you didn't answer my question as to wherever a very short headed allen tool exists
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Yes, simply.
Or you could deflate the tire and try with a round head hex key.
>Or you could deflate the tire
That's pretty good idea, should have thought of that, thanks
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seconding full fenders, i got a set of sks raceblades that connect to the rim brake and mounting holes/quickrelease. a real bitch to set up but keeps you completely dry and can be clipped off easily in good weather
fyi theres no point to fenders being cf since they don't have to be strong, you'll find plenty that are just plastic and they're just fine
The fender material is irrelevant as long as it's light, plastic if fine for this and carbon fibre just is strengthened plastic, but as there's no need for strength it's retarded to pay more for it.

Now, carbon fibre struts do make sense, as do titanium struts, and that's why I use them.

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