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>most responsive drop-bar hydraulic brake levers ever
>ergonomics better than GRX
>RD shifts even faster
>finally fixed the FD

It's over for Shimano.
>can't buy one without the hammerhead
>"finally fixed the FD"

I think Shitmano will do just fine
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>*drips one drop of brake fluid on you*
yeah nah I'll stick with my brakes that I can bleed without turning my neighborhood into a superfund site if it drips
>finally fixed the FD
according to who? them?
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>$4000 groupsets
>still no drop bar cues
Shimano has sunk so low I wouldn't be surprised if this group is better than DA
I fucking hate Sram but Shitmano has literally gone to shit in the past 5-6 years
you know the guy that always has promo codes for SRAM owned businesses stuff...he totally couldn't get the chain to drop in 2 hours of riding around at 100w in a parking lot
Do you own a car?
No? But even when I did, I took it to the shop for stuff like that, where presumably they take precautions with toxic chemicals, like collecting them in special bins, and securely pouring them down a storm drain in a poor neighborhood at night.
Well I like riding bikes 40+years in the past so I am good.
I like that the groupset has some silver parts, but for my use case dt cable shifters are preferred.
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>most responsive drop-bar hydraulic brake levers ever
nope thanks you
>ergonomics better than GRX
that's a low bar
>RD shifts even faster
never really mattered
>finally fixed the FD
imagine still using a FD, lol, lmao even
>It's over for Shimano.
It's been over for Shimano,
They're close enough for this to be a matter of personal preference IMHO. The only real loser is Campy since SR WRL buttons and shift performance are worse than 105 Di2.

Personally I'm all in on Di2 because mineral oil is easier to live with and because I prefer having one battery that only needs charging every 3 or months over having to worry about multiple small batteries. I'm planning to wire the shifters on my 12sp bikes to the seatpost battery in the future so I never have to worry about coin cells either.
>poor clearance
>no ferrule
No, thanks, no am*rican ESG BlackRock diversity globoslop for me.
>probably costs £7000
£3,750 thoughbeit
clearances and ferrules are for chumps
tite gapz all day erry day
>double pivot
>not silver
I am good famalam.
>400$ and up for a fucking cassette
They're just making up prices at this point
it usually ends up all over their shop floor whenever the drain bucket doesn't catch the brunt of it
If I lived on his shop floor I'd probably want him to use a safer kind of brake fluid
The price of the whole group is slightly higher than the old red.
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They're one piece cassettes it's dumb but probably expensive to machine
I've've handled an earlier generation sram red cassette and I can confirm they look and feel stupidly high spec from up close, I don't know how much labor it costs to turn a solid block of titanium into a cassette but 4x the price of a normal cassette doesn't sound crazy
When you write "ferrule", do you mean "cable tip"?
Ngl, that's impressive weight weenie tier
You know about 15 years ago it was recommended to prepare a proper dump site in your backyard
They’ll pay anything to cover up the ballooning weight gain of widerange
Recycling has gotten to be such a hassle I don't even prepare a site.
Looks like dog shit. I will never upgrade. 9sp rim brake. Cycling industry is dead
>>1997281. Old rich retards with erectile dysfunction are stoked
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>not even red
It's been bugging me the whole time. Maybe it was red when it came out many years ago.
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>but 4x the price of a normal cassette doesn't sound crazy
my cassettes cost 16 €
what do you mean does it use a special super toxic break fluid or something?
DOT 5.1, 4 and 3 are not recommended to get on your skin. It can remove paint and is somewhat toxic.
Real reason I don't like it is it absorbs water over time, so you have to bleed them eventually.
While my mineral oil brakes work fine.....after 10 years. Mineral oil also never goes bad under age related storage. Many industries use mineral oil for other products, so you can get it easily at a grocery store under "baby oil"
that is some sexy machining for a bike part
Let me guess you need more
think I was 13 when I was first bleeding DOT oil brakes in my dirt bike. Don't remember my dad even mentioning anything and everything went fine. It's not so scary, though the SRAM rival bleeding process was pain in the ass, luckily I'm back to cantilevers and the god tier MT201's
It's not scary, it's just unneeded and sram+other bike brands use the weird push+pull brake bleed setup. On my motorcycles and older bikes I can just add fluid in the reservoir and bleed like normal. My first bike bleed was later since I wasn't cool and didn't have a dirt bike(rip).
I need less
>t. downtube shifting 10 speed enjoying rider
Their brakes still run on DOT-4 instead of mineral oil. I would never
when we were kids we lived next to a vinyl chloride factory and swam in the river every day and we were fine, stop being s oy bo y
>10 speed that's not compatible with any other 10 speed groupset because it has 11 speed pull ratio for some reason
>isn't compatible with 11 speed either

Yes, I need more than Tiagra 4700.
Mineral oil has better performance with high temperatures and it also doesn’t absorb water. Also it can be gravity bled as opposed to DOT-4 which needs to be vacuum bled.
You have to actively try to spill shit when working on SRAM brakes. Also if you do get some on your skin just rinse it in water. Same if it gets on your bike. The only time you'll get problems is if you spill some, which is already difficult to do, and then just leave it sitting there.

Water absorbsion is a positive feature. Otherwise the water that gets into the system either freezes in cold or starts boiling in hot conditions.
>but water isn't supposed to get into the system
Well the brake fluid also isn't supposed to come through the pistons and soil your brake bads but it does. Thanks Shimano. And when one happens the other also happens.

It was already fixed with first AXS launch.

It is compatible with 11 speed you retard.
>the water that gets into the system
What water that gets into the system? What are you people doing with your bikes?
The water gets into the system probably the same way as the oil is getting out of the system. Shimano pistons are notorious for leaking oil, and if the oil can get out water can get in.
Just say you prefer DOT and sram.
I don't, and that's okay. Had worse experiences with sram then shimano or hayes.
I don't really have a preference. Both mineral oil and DOT have their pros and cons. One isn't really any better than the other. Mineral oil works on a well designed system, Shimano is shit, at least on road brakes, so it's shit. But it would be shit with DOT also. Campy is mineral oil and they're the best road brakes.
What about not buying Shitmano pistons? Is that an option?
I only use old shimano mtb brakes. Just not enjoying a sram brake bleed with the syringes right now. Round 3 will be coming up soon and I hope I get a good bleed this time. Yes I got dot fluid on my gloves, on the ground, on the caliper, lever and grip.

I like campy single pivot brake calipers and aero levers......... Yes I am that guy.
Is that still a thing? I've only had one pair of shimano pistons but so far I'm about 15k miles in and nothing yet
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13 speed SRAM Red grabel group.
>13 speed SRAM Red grabel group.
SRAM is a privately-owned company and is not subject to BlackRock shenanigans.

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