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A guy with a very high fitness level and a bike touring experience, on a recumbent diy ebike, won a race practically against an ebike spaceship (a velomobile adapted to be sun-powered).

It appears that the main factor to win the competition were the top speed limit for the motor assisting and the fitness level of the competitors. THIS IS MY TAKE. Maybe i'm completely wrong.

I think this thing is worth watching.

This is stupid. Its delusional to assume no machine could be constructed to beat humans at almost every physical task. If any human 'wins' against any machine it is because that machines performance simply was by design lower than human performance. Like the 'top speed limit' you're quoting here. Bigger thing, more batteries, more solar panels, bigger motor etc. etc. and the machine will win. So what's the point ?
>ebike race
nobody cares lol
I agree.

I also think we should ignore all that and just chalk this as a win for humanity over machines. We'll have fewer victories as time goes on.
the point Is, that e-bike racing is a thing. They covered almost double the distance of the Tour Divide and it was a great competition.

Road laws are the upper limit to any type of long distance competition. So, things like speed limit for assisted pedaling is not even a something due to arbitrary competition rules.
Road laws ?
So you're saying you'd beat a motorcycle ? Electric motorcycle ? Electric motorcycle with pedals ?
C'mon now. There is no competition between man and machine and its construed scenarios. So either a well engineered machine beats man every day, or you have engineered or chosen the machone specifically to loose to man.
he didn't beat any machines, he beat a bunch of faggots on ebikes
>So you're saying you'd beat a motorcycle
how did you come out with this stupid idea? every game has rules, you can't bring a motorcycle to a bicycle race.

I'm just pointing out that evidently there are very few people with the knowledge to build a solar powered vehicle, race it in an unsupported 8K Km trip in the real world, and enough time, willingness and knowledge to be fit enough.
see >>1998319
>Wondered about the case of jack.
He had less mechanical problems and better luck with the weather.
I don't know. According to his early numbers he rode his bike 17 hours more than Jean-Marc (who, btw, did 500 more km just to avoid climbs)
i mean, the rece lasted 24 days. if you stop 15 minutes earlier than the time limit every day, it's 6 hours that you lose over the curse of the race. if you take off your jacket in the morning, pack it in bags and take it off every evening, and if this operation takes 2 minutes: it's almost 1 hour of riding that you are missing.
i guess the main focus of ultra racing is managing to stay focused for SO FREAKING LONG.
Imagine committing yourself to piss only once a day for 24 days. and imagine doing the same for a million different micro things.
Yeah I've been reading the analysis:
I don't know why JM avoided climbs so much, especially given the only time he took the same route as Jack he nearly matched him for time on one of the steepest climbs. Lack of confidence?
his Velomobile was 70kg with no load or rider.
i think JM built a system very efficient for when there is sun, for when there is front wind and for when there is now wind.
terrible in side wind, ineffective in rear wind and so heavy that going uphill is almost entirely based on batteries.

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