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Subway Police should be allowed to perform wanton brutality on fare evaders, you know, all the people causing the problems in the world's subways. The bums, the drug users/addicts, the smokers, the showtimers, the loud rap music players, the criminals. Riders report these pieces of shit causing the problems, police come in, ask for fare, when they don't have it, the police tase them, beat the shit out of them, physically throw them out of the station, then burn all their homeless belongings. Wanton arrests of all these "people' and throw them in jail without a trial.

If fare evaders were eliminated subways would be great places. Why are they afraid to do it? Who gives a fuck that homeless drug addicts are having their civil rights violated? Who gives a fuck that antisocial people with no regard for the comfort of others are getting their civil rights violated?
Beating them up and burning their stuff isn't really gonna affect anything except make them more unhinged and obnoxious to be around. Psychotic people don't understand consequences so you can't really threaten them into changing their behavior.

So... Jail them indefinitely for no reason. Uh huh. Isn't it more realistic, if you're willing to incur that cost (immense), to house them and provide proper wraparound healthcare etc? What you're suggesting is pure fantasy.
>why should taxes pay for health care? that will just encourage people to not be healthy
Also rightoids
>huh??? the streets are full of crazy people running around off their meds? WHY WOULD LIBERALS DO THIS!?!?!??!
all that matters is getting them out of the subway system. if the bums hear from other bums that if they go into the subway that police will beat the shit out of them and destroy their belongings, they will stay out. same with the criminals and gang of teenagers who do their shit.

more like

>abortion bad, force unprepared people to have children, also we are tough on crime
also rightoids
>once the baby is born, we want to remove all welfare from you unprepared parents, which will cause the children to turn to crime, which will make them end up in prison
I agree. Not just transit cops, though. Citizens themselves should be allowed to beat people to death for crimes such as littering.
no, but like the subway system is a PAID system. unlike being on public streets. people fare evading into paid subway system should be treated like they are breaking and entering. the police have probable cause to beat the fuck out of them.
I don't give a shit about subways. I want to beat people who make my life worse.
Wrong, public transit should be free for the people, subsidized by the government, through taxes, that's why it's ""'"'public""'"'
i agree with this as well, at least for well-to-do citizens and not the assholes i talked about in op, but its not a realistic option.
it effectively is free to the public with how low fares are, most of the money comes from taxation
>Who gives a fuck that antisocial people with no regard for the comfort of others are getting their civil rights violated?
The NYC liberals who voted to make blacks immune to prosecution for crimes, that's who cares.
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Subway trains should have jail cells
I disagree with your ideas of creating an Italio German Transit cop hassle based system to fuck with mentally ill people.

The answer is you ENFORCE THE LAWS

-no spraypainting, open drinking or begging, fighting or intimidating normies and tourists. (arrestable)

-no sleeping on train. No bluetoof speakers. No pissed or shit pants. (eject them)

-give out good conduct passes that can be redeemed for ride tickets when transit cops witness outstanding citizen behavior or excellent politeness to our elderly or disabled. Target these good conduct passes towards teens. Partner with a local business where there is a freebie coupon. Give an old lady your seat? Thats a free day pass and a coupon for a slice.

-since MTA is expecting more from passengers slowly upgrade the rail cars.
>no sleeping on train
Do you live here? Obviously not because perfectly timed microsleeps and then waking up just before your stop is a basic life skill, not that you would know since you only take the train when you come to see a yankees game once a year
>give out good conduct passes
Nanny state freak, you're trying to turn me into a libertarian aren't you, your psyop isn't going to work, we need to build a wall around the city to keep scum like you out, what's next, don't put your groceries down on the seat for 5 seconds when there's literally nobody else in the car or you get a summons? Fuck off
I agree about enforcing the laws. But my point of this entire thread is that we KNOW it's fare evaders who are doing all this shit. You know it's fare evaders who are tagging up stuff, openly drinking/drug use, fighting, loud music, being disgusting filthy bums. And if there are ones paying doing this stuff, I'm sure it's an extremely small percentage. No one is paying to get in just to do illegal shit.

So when you see these types of peple, citizens report them in large amounts. Have cops get onto the train cars where it's reported. You ask for their fare, they don't have it. They're now trespassing, so you violently throw them out.
Wanton brutality is a bit much, but yeah fare evaders and other disruptive people should be ejected and banned from the transit system, month or two for first time offenders, fine and a year ban for second/third, and couple months jail and lifetime ban if they still don't get it.
>Psychotic people don't understand consequences so you can't really threaten them into changing their behavior.
So homeless need to be executed?
I wish. I'm hunting you and skinning you alive the second I'm allowed to.
the reason you say brutality is to act as a deterrent. if people know getting caught fare evading wont just lead to getting removed from the subway but having the shit beat out of you, maybe they wont do it. fare evading into the subway should be viewed as breaking and entering and cops protecting their property

now i should also say that while i dislike fare evasion as a whole, my real biggest gripe about it is that its the fare evaders into these systems that cause the problems that hamper the reputation of public transit systems, and those are really the people i want removed. people who do fare evasion but i wouldnt notice otherwise because they just come on and act like a good normal person standing/sitting quietly, they dont need to be forcibly removed. but the ones coming on to panhandle, cause terrible sights/smells on the cars, playing their loud bluetooth speakers or phone, dancing in peoples faces, drug use, smoking, harassing people or committing crimes? yes, they need to be forcibly removed and have the shit beaten out of them and have the transit system broadcast that these things are happening to people on the train who disrupt others to stop it from happening.

hell, assuming money was not an issue, everyone could be a fare evader but if people were forced into being socially adjusted members of society with threat of force, the public transportation experience would be wonderful. no homeless allowed and everyone in the system has to be normal and quiet with no drug use or loud music playing? it would be a great place
Transit cops can fight you but it has to be one v one.
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I can see you have no idea how public policy works when there are multiple stakeholders with conflicting interests. Here's what would really happen:

1. New rule passed, police can beat and torture civilians for minor infractions "to create a deterrent". The public enthusiastically supports the new rules because people are sick of hobos pissing on the seats

2. Police being police decide that the subway is now where you can go and take out some stress on commuters.

3. "A few bad apples" (the average cop) gets addicted to stepping onto the train and shoving a baton up some rando's ass for failing to look adequately subservient. Numerous social media videos come out where there's a bunch of obese pigs tasing grannies to death while cumming in their kevlar tacticool cargo pants

4. Backlash happens, city council decides to undo the rules they passed earlier. Police union presidents issue direct death threats via social media to the families of all politicians involved in the backlash. City council backs down.

5. In an effort to appease the police, city council offers to re-classify $500 million in police equipment funding to call it "educational material". The next generation of MRAPs and Boston Dynamics Killdogs now have the Department of Education logo stenciled on them

6. Hobos continue pissing because the cops never had any intention of doing anything about that because it's inconvenient

7. Every cop now gets a third home in either Montauk or the Adirondacks (his choice), courtesy of taxpayers
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Fucking amateurs lol
fuck the (subway) police
>So homeless need to be executed?
No. They need housing, food and healthcare. If they are nuts, why would they care whether this is provided inside a stockade?
go get shanked by a crackhead nigger libtard
I'm from cucknada and my grandpa used to say some army guys from a base by my city would come every now and then and just beat the shit out of any junkies on the train
now ofc the zog police will arrest u if u do that, esp if the junkie is nonwhite like that US marine that choked out that nog
You behave or you leave. It's not racist it's just the only way to run anything. It's not our problem most Africans and jews are incompatible with a function European style civilization and they have a massive continent to go raping people on.
>>abortion bad, force unprepared people to have children, also we are tough on crime
You dumb whores aren't being forced to have sex. In fact we wanted that to be illegal too.
Not only that but it should be a citizens duty to perform brutality on the homeless
>why should taxes pay for health care? that will just encourage people to not be healthy
pay for your own stuff, leech

>huh??? the streets are full of crazy people running around off their meds? WHY WOULD LIBERALS DO THIS!?!?!??!
It's always the libtard cities that are full of druggies
>No. They need housing, food and healthcare.
pay for it then retard
we should just start disappearing homeless people like the chinese already do in their major cities
>>abortion bad, force unprepared people to have children, also we are tough on crime
>also rightoids
>>once the baby is born, we want to remove all welfare from you unprepared parents, which will cause the children to turn to crime, which will make them end up in prison
I know, its ridiculous. we should just sterilize anyone with a subnormal iq instead.
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Wearing a mask because you are a caregiver for elderly relatives will soon get you disappeared thanks to the israel lobby
London manages to run a crime-free subway without Judge Dredd patrolling it.
zoom zoom zoom
The police shot him, not niggers.
>I can't have sex so nobody should
>t. sexless virgin
I pity you
la metro now enforcing fares
>>huh??? the streets are full of crazy people running around off their meds? WHY WOULD LIBERALS DO THIS!?!?!??!
This is because they closed all the asylums in the mid-70's. That's where the criminally insane used to be put.

>Beating them up and burning their stuff isn't really gonna affect anything except make them more unhinged and obnoxious to be around.
The vast majority of fare dodgers aren't psychotic. Not every bad person is a bad person because they're insane, some people are just cretins who need to be hit really, really hard immediately after performing the behaviors you want to discourage.
>Psychotic people don't understand consequences so you can't really threaten them into changing their behavior.
Yeah, you can. Even people in a bout of genuine psychosis respond to force. And I say "genuine" because the reality is we have multiple generations of adult toddlers for whom public shame has never existed.

On-the-spot corporal punishment is the only kind of threat that the people who need it understand. You could threaten 1 year in jail for fare dodging, but that wouldn't dissuade the people who fare dodge more than a 30-second caning.

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