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Has there ever been a bigger meme? Why would anyone use these, especially in the modern day?
because they just work
i dunno man, but, when there's nothing else to hand and you really, really, i mean REALLY want to shove something inside your ass, sometimes you just have to do it, you know?
Use what? A derailleur? People like them because they work, they're reliable, and they're serviceable. If something breaks, you can fix it with simple household tools and replace individual parts easily. With an IGH that's not possible. What would you propose?
some people can't afford a car
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works on my machine
Freewheels are modern degeneracy. Derailleurs ? KYS.
It's okay, sram cassettes wobble like freewheels do now.
derailleurs are like 100 year old tech
And yet still way too modern to be any good. Fixed, free or IGH.
If you rode motorcycles / dirt bikes I bet you would say how carburetors are better than fuel injected because you can take them apart on the side of the road if theres a problem, even though the alternative will pretty much never fail on you with proper maintenance
>just works
>available as electronic shifting if you're feeling especially 21st century
>easy to maintain
>makes fixed gear riders seethe
>cool moving parts and noises
What's not to love?
The fact that freewheels enable riders to corner and descend beyond their ability causing dangerous situations.
So you're just going to dodge the question then, cool, I get it. It's ok to be wrong sometimes. You would know a thing or two about that.
what is this a race? one speed is all I need
Cope and seethe
It is objectively false that IGHs can not be serviced and fixed with simple tools and replacement parts. Shimano for example does a very good job at providing all parts in the nexus line. Some of which I haven't even ever seen failing.
Care to elaborate ? Or are you claiming that many derailleurs do not have a single hex nut anywhere in the system and spanners are not 'simple household tools' ? In that case fair. Everyone gets to choose what is common in their household after all.
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are people talking bikes that are fixable with simple tools?
Love this. One built for developed countries would be a little different, but I really love that there are engineers out there making something with a focus on reliability, durability, practicality, etc.
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Allen keys are not simple tools?
Most western citizens have access to the cheap and easy tools to fix most bikes. It costs probably 50 bucks to buy the rest if you go amazon/ebay/aliexpress for cone wrenches, square taper bb tools, and others.

Admittedly I do like that bike, and it's kinda similar to what I used to commute on, except my bike was a 90's mtb single speed that weighed 27lbs.
This bike is fucking sick
I wonder how better the world would be if we could design everything this intentionally
Sorry but bikes are meant to be lightweight, sexy and fast. They aren't meant to be workhorses for the third world. I hope the creators will be able to see their wrongdoing and atone for their sins.
>'This is not a bike...'
>Sorry but bikes are meant...
Anon. Please take your meds.
>posts bike
>claims it isn't a bike
Sorry bud but it's not me who needs to take their meds.
Once again the delusions of the unracer untermensch have been laid bare for all the world to ridicule.
I did not post a bike. Dysgenic roach. KYS
So you're claiming >>1999269 isn't you?
In 1869, William Van Anden of Poughkeepsie, New York, USA invented the freewheel for the bicycle.[3] His design placed a ratchet device in the hub of the front wheel (the driven wheel on the velocipede designs of the time), which allowed the rider to propel himself forward without pedaling constantly.[4] Initially, bicycle enthusiasts rejected the idea of a freewheel because they believed it would complicate the mechanical functions of the bicycle.[5] Bicycle enthusiasts believed that the bicycle was supposed to remain as simple as possible without any additional mechanisms, such as the freewheel.[6]
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How do you feel knowing that your supersimple fixie is more complex than a freewheel velocipede
That's not a bike. Says so in the picture.
Unracer delusions.
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(you) are in the wrong place. Please go frequent imageboards where tripfagging is the norm or there is user accounts or idk...
damn, I'm a poser
t. fixiefag
I used to ride a bike places. But the rear derailleur would always fuck up like half the gears caused the chain to pop off.
Fucking piece of shit, I don't know how anybody rides a bike when the brakes barely work and the chain pops off after a quarter mile.
My car never has that problem.
if you got a car that was totally fucked and didn't fix it then it would be totally fucked too
Half of these are absolute nothing statements/features except the rack.

>Heavy gauge steel, "wow built so strong"

It's thick steel pipe, because they didn't want to spend money on good tubing.

>Designed for compatibility with locally available spare parts

That is every single bike, unless it has some absurd design, almost every single bike can work with what ever "locally available spare parts" there are.

>powerful all-wather coaster brake

Again because it's cheap and nigs are too stupid to understand brakes

>High impact pedals with forged axles

This would be a shocker if you only rode some carbon 2 dollar chineseium

>durable ergonomic seat

just from the looks of it, it looks like cheap garbage

This looks like a cheap, garbage bike that you can buy in america for 50$.
You didn't watch the video.
just watched it, you can get something similar at any walmart or kroger mixed with some parts/ways of making things you would see on old bikes. The drum brake is cool. Over all faggy video and bike.
Not even going to bother, have a nice day.
IGH are expensive.
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wow a retard runs his mouth without knowing what he's talking about color me surprised
me when i look at gear hubs
> doesn't understand engineering
Bicycle specific tubing (in standard size) is optimized for ultimate strength. The modulus of elasticity for steel remains the same for all steels, within a margin of few percent, regardless of treatment ans condition.
This means you will have an easy time optimizing for lightness by increasing yield strength and reducing wall thickness to maintain the same required strength. This will sacrifice stiffness if tubing diameter is kept the same.
Now the key point to take home is: This will allow a lighter frame take the same stress that a bicycle is put under while RIDING. It will make the frame very prone to failure under many atypical stresses, as encountered during handling, crashing, etc. This being advertised as a third world work horse implies that it is not going to be ridden, loaded with one rider and nothing else, on a good road. But instead encounter such atypical stresses.
t. mech eng
in theroy, yes, but on a bike it doesn't matter that much. You're a mechanical engineer and on most things you work on/ studied, the wall thickness would matter. These bikes however would probably be fine with thinner steel, but the main reason they used thick garbage steel was, because it was cheaper. If you design bikes for some company I'll yield, but I doubt mechanical engineers work with bikes that much.

kys libfaggot retard "wow heckin based nigger bike"

Niggers acting like this is some crazy utilitarian bike, when a 90s mountain bike, or some walmart shitter could do the same.
Not reading all this shit but unracers get the rope
Watch your disgusting language, we're on /n
sir, the rope goes around the headtube so you can pull me along and go fast. You can race to that right?
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It's steep where I live. Hub gears don't have the range
I agree, every groupset should be electric by now.
Imagine setting up some stupid mechanical derailers and shit. Caveman tier shifting.
It's steeper where I live, I love being oht on the fixie.
Skill issue ?
t. alpine
I ride bikes and a motorbike THO and the difference with a carburettor is you need to pull apart a lot more of the bike, with more serious knowhow, equipment and time than a derailleur which is literally right there in front of you.
I don't think anyone who seriously knows about motorbikes would sincerely suggest it's wise to pull apart a bike to get to the carburettor next to a road, the idea doesn't even make sense to me either, as a carb is more likely gum up from not riding it for a long time so it'll be at home if you need to pull it apart and fix it. That's the real benefit of a carb over a fuel injector, and what its proponents would actually champion, that you can maintain it yourself at home (not saying carbs are necessarily better overall though).
Alfine has a 409% range
Thats wild. I remember when tripple 7s on MTBs hardly has that sort of range.
It's a hell of a lot easier for a bike designer to build a bike with a hanger than it is to fit a whole damn gear box in one. Especially when the gearboxs available havent been great up until the last few years. And cyclists are still going to buy bikes so why would they stop, ain't no one gave up bike riding because they hated derailers.
I got 666%
>Shimano for example does a very good job at providing all parts in the nexus line
wich part, they will sell you the shifting mechanism, bearings, but only the whole inner gearset, not seperate bushings, sprockets, springsh
Sure bud. Thes even sell more individual parts than picrel gives you. The two most expensive items are just shy of 30 eurobux a pop. Im absolutely convinced you can get every piece of a derailleur for less than 30 bux ... riiiiiight ? On top of that both are parts that, like I've mentioned, I have never seen failing and no one I know of has seen it happen either. Some shimano casettes, that is the large unit that is not sold as individual cogs, run more than that and casettes are wear items.
Why is it that numbnuts always demand others prove their extraordinary claims being false on here ? Maybe use or sell and service some IGHs or so ?
You can get a whole derailleur for $10, retard. Internal shifting hubs aren't inherently worse than derailleurs, but its actually retarded to say that they're better than a derailleur in repairability. A derailleur is just a simpler thing, it takes less time to fix and they're way more plentiful. If you have a huge hard on for these IGHs that fine, but they're not better than derailleurs.
This is why IGH won't takeoff unless it's on expensive bikes.
Cheap, simple 10 dollar derailleurs are abundant, and better yet if you run friction shifting almost any derailleur will work. for your needs.
The reason derailleurs make unracers seethe is that they're used by people who actually give a shit. IGH is the transmission version of "just existing makes me tired, please come and take me father death". It is an outward sign of a diseased soul
Anon I think your rear derailleur has authism
Also mashing on pedals is quite detrimental to your knees and joints. So not only you are going very slow and almost falling at each slow and painfull pedal stroke. But your are also actively destroying the delicate cartilage in your knees with the process.
Enjoy your 10 bux derailleur. I'm sure your 10 bux derailleur compares in quality to all IGHs.
It's more efficient that's for sure
Oh wow. Enjoy your minmaxed bicycle.
Can I just say it's amazing that they can make stuff like that and sell it for so cheap? We live in marvelous times. Makes me want to get a bike with that new kind of shimomo groupset that's like joke tier but it probably still works and that's a miracle.
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Looks like there's a bunch of trails on either side, and I bet the air is so clean down there.
I'm a bit jelly.
Just more points for derailleurs, we can't stop winning
what's the alternative? fixed gear is retarded, the weight and efficiency of hub gears sucks, rohloff is way too expensive, single speed belt drives are cool i guess but they're still single speed. derailleur is still the best if you want to go fast, unless you're riding an ebike but i don't consider that a bicycle personally, more of a pedal moped
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because it works and costs fuckall if you know what to look for and are not shit for brains as it comes to maintaining your bike, look at my setup, shimano altus derailleur i got for like 15 bucks (im seriously surprised at how well it works), a shimano freewheel casette i had for like 8 years now (works perfectly fine) and the last one got badly damaged from neglect i dont really remember how much was it or what is it but its 8 speed so whatever and the wheel bearing is this NSBIKES one that is refusing to give up for like 10 years despite me not servicing it. i love my chain tensioner, i give zero fucks about the chain falling off because im 100% sure it won't fall off if the derailleur is properly adjusted, if the derailleur fails the front chainring can chip a tooth and the chain gets jammed in the chain tensioner, it happened a few times when i was neglecting my bike and it was nasty. the only thing i spent a lot of money on was the shimano ZEE crank because i used some other shimano cranks that were 20 bucks with an adapter but after buying and breaking two i decided i need something proper that actually fits my frame. a lot of people seethe at derailleurs with freewheels because they have to experience a pre-made bike with bog standard derailleurs that constantly fail from neglect and improper installation and adjustment, even then i am sure all of the off-shelf bikes use the cheapest possible parts because of how oversatured the market for them is.
notice how beat to fuck my bike is, this used to be way worse before i realized i just need to get a new frame and new cranks because of how worn or beaten everything was, then i just swapped the rest of the parts to new frame (fork too but i think my old fork just needs seals changed) and the bike is basically new. overally this thing started when my uncle who puts together mountain bikes had a bunch of old parts he didn't need like a marzocchi bomber front fork or twoforsix dartmoor frame and just hacked that together for me when i was a kid. all im saying is that you shouldn't buy a bicycle but instead build one from sourced parts then build on top of it until it's perfect.
Because not everyone lives in the netherlands/denmark to ride fixies and people in the third world can't afford rohloffs and belts
Imagine riding so little a casette not only outlasts a semester but several years. Dude. Do you have 20 bikes and ride them all equally or what is going on ?
holy DJ
You have some beefy parts on there
Because of all the alternatives it's still the most efficient, power delivery-wise and weight-wise. You pay for that efficiency in component wear, mostly the chain, but as someone else said "it just works" and that's all there is to it. If you don't see the pro riders on The Tour using IGH's or other exotic alternatives then that's your cue to what's good and what's not.
>If you don't see the pro riders on The Tour using IGH's or other exotic alternatives then that's your cue to what's good and what's not.
Nonsense. At best this is applicable if you're a racer, which most cyclists aren't. Also IGH's aren't exotic if you come from someplace like Europe or China.
>If you don't see the pro riders on The Tour using IGH's or other exotic alternatives then that's your cue to what's good and what's not.

Pros ride whatever they're told to ride. This isn't Eddie's time, heck it's not even Lance's time. You get what your sponsor says you get
>the pros do it so you should too!
>the pros do it so you should do the opposite!
Both of you suck and are the cancer ruining cycling discussions
>>the pros do it so you should do the opposite!
Anon never said that. I don't see how you could reasonable interpret what they said that way. You suck and are the cancer ruining internet discourse on any topic.
It never ceases to amaze me how shitty people on the internets are at reading comprehension. Go back and read my post again, fucktard, I didn't say IGH was 'exotic' I said there are exotic alternatives AS WELL.

The 'sponsors' know what works and what is a stupid meme, unlike you. IGHs are only good for city bike casuals/normies at best. They aren't very efficient compared to a derailleur system and that's a well-established and acknowledged fact.

Oh look someone with an IGH and a bad case of buyers remorse wishing he had more gears or any ability to have a different set of gear ratios. Here's my advice to you: get a real bike with a real drivetrain and join the rest of the human race, mmkay? Then we won't have to hear you whine about it anymore.
>x or other elements in Y
>x or elements in Y
There's a semantic distinction between these statements. The former clearly implies inclusion of x as one of the elements in Y.

It's not my fault you don't know how to communicate.
Derailleurs are pure cancer

I only wish pic rel had a low enough gear for climbing some of the roads where i live
reject chains, retvrn to shaft
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I just want a plain bike to ride for daily exercise

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