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What are some examples of fairly hilly cities that have a lot of cyclers commuting and infrastructure for it?
I'd like to see improvements here in Sydney but I feel like cycling will never catch on that much because the hills make it too hard for most people.
This is an interesting question.
As a euro it would be difficult to name a hilly city where there is a lot of bike commuting or a real bike culture, and that is also because there's not many major metropolitan areas built on hilly terrain (maybe rome or Madrid but they are no really that hilly? Maybe lisbon?) then you'll go in cities and villages on the plains of the whole continent and every 80yo granpa is getting around on a bike. On the other hand of the 100k~ cities built on hills that I can think off bike use is marginal. It's just like that
Eletric bikes might change something in those rare dense rich cities built on hills
Yeah I'm not surprised too many old world cities haven't been built on land like Sydney. Lisbon looks a bit similar as it's also on the coast, I'll check them out.
>Eletric bikes might change something in those rare dense rich cities built on hills
Yeah it's definitely common here, I think largely for this reason.
Lime bikes are a thing here and getting up hills is stupidly easy and fast on them.
In the USA? Pittsburgh. Don't laugh its true.

Kansas City is hilly like Madrid and is their sister city. /n/ related transit updates:

Expanded streetcar that rides along main drag north and south southward to the university.

Voted down a 1.7 billion dollar "deal" to put a baseball stadium downtown in an arts district.

Built a 50 million usd stadium in now safe ex floodplain area by the Missouri River for our womens football team. Next world cup is playing games in KC so we are building lots of stuff for it.

The Current's new stadium is part of the Berkeley riverfront development area which is cool. (Our riverfront was formerly undeveloped due to seasonal floods and insufficent locks).

In mass transit news the citys buses and streetcars are now free.
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I'm not laughing, I've been there, not sure why anyone would laugh as this is pretty obvious but yimbys can be breathtakingly stupid so I'm not surprised if you've had this experience

NYC is also hilly as fuck but you'll get raged at by the yimby crowd if you say this in urbanism spaces because they've only seen NYC in television shows about williamsburg and the east village, which of course are pancake-flat. Pre-ebike, cycling discussions about the city were full of clueless idiots arguing that everyone should have a single speed or a dutch bike because (I'm not even joking) "there aren't any hills in NYC". Not sure how things are now because "cycling in nyc" internet spaces give me hives
Victoria, BC has a decent amount of hills and is generally known as the cycling capital of Canada.
It's mostly just a cycling city because its one of the only places in Canada without a real winter. The cycling infrastructure is just "okay".
I suppose Edinburgh or Glagsgow are quite big cities and also hilly maybe some brit can confirm about bike there.
I might have taken this on board you if you hadn't reddit spaced
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>do I fit in yet?
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Lausanne in switzerland is literally built on a hill and has plenty of cyclists all year around.
Málaga is somewhat hilly and it has decent bike infra, but e-scooters are by far the most used. For every bike you see at least 5 zoomer scooters.
Madison WI, arguably the best pound for pound cycling infrastructure of any city in the USA. Not quite hilly, but it’s less flat than people expect.
Lisbon is hilly, very few people bike here and mostly do so on the flat areas
The roads in pitt are terrible no one is commuting on a bike
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San Francisco. Best city to bike in USA besides maybe seattle.
There's pretty good cycling infrastructure in most towns along the Colorado front range; Fort Collins and Denver are great.
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Bozen, South Tyrol.
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Lots of steep hills surrounding the city. An abundance of great climbs and great views.
But anon I am
>What about potholes?
You're on a bike just ride around it lol
>then you'll go in cities and villages on the plains of the whole continent and every 80yo granpa is getting around on a bike
literally no one uses bikes here in Italy, and old men haven't been that way in 2 decades
Rome is hilly but also the worst city in europe for traffic
I bike in brooklyn, it's hilly around prospect park, cobble hill, park slope, all those rich lesbian areas. the bridges themselves are basically huge hills if you're someone who tries to bike commute into the city. manhattan is hilly as fuck once you get to midtown and higher. The bronx is like a mountain range compared to the rest of the city, but I don't think you could bike there without having your bike stolen immediately. brooklyn south of prospect is completely flat; I used to bike to rockaway across the gil hodges bridge all the time as a kid, that bridge sucks ass because of how narrow the bike path is.
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São Paulo is hilly.
The "cycling infrastructure" is basically restricted to very few flat areas, which are roads built close to rivers.
If you need to go anywhere else, you're pretty much guaranteed to need to use a very low gear like 22/32
>Rome is hilly but also the worst city in europe for traffic
Yup. It's fucked but what can you do? To sort it out you'd have to demolish priceless history edifices. Maybe Milano should be the centro.
I thought hills were illegal in Kansas?
Where'd you pull this data from? What website?

I have a few ideas, but need to verify location first in similar methodology.
pretty much every city in Portugal is hilly other than south of Lisbon.
pretty much every city in Portugal is hilly other than south of Lisbon. not much commuting for obvious reasons. that's the reason dutch are such bikefags; it's a 2d country...
pretty much every city in Portugal is hilly, other than south of Lisbon. not much commuting for obvious reasons. that's why dutch are such bikefags; it's a 2d country.
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>that's the reason dutch are such bikefags; it's a 2d country...
They have other issues.

Trondheim comes to mind as well. See the Trampe bicycle lift. They definitely have hills.
I biked about 30 miles round trip to rockaway yesterday. You’re right, super easy ride, at least on the way down

Brutal headwinds the whole way back tho
There's no reason why people can't just buy a bicycle with low gears just like how people but different cars to suit their environment
It will never catch on there because of stupid laws such as no sidewalk, and forcing a helmet
>literally no one uses bikes here in Italy,
more proof than Bozen is not truly in Italy
Where can I buy a road bike with low gears?
>There's no reason why people can't just buy a bicycle with low gears
>It will never catch on there because of stupid laws such as no sidewalk
You pretty much indirectly answered your own question here. People don't want to pedal flat out up a steep hill making miniscule progress while some boomer aggressively accelerates past mere inches from you. I hate it too, which is why I never cycle uphill on a busy road, instead I jump on the footpath if it's wide enough and gets very little foot traffic, or find a better route with a less busy road.
I know some roads with dedicated bike lanes on hills solely for going up which are a really good idea.
Also I don't know if you live here in Aus but the idea that you're actively stopped or policed from riding on the footpath or wearing a helmet is a total meme. It's really not enforced, I've ridden past cops without a helmet multiple times. They do do raids occasionally but here in Sydney I don't think they've done it for at least five years.
And most people are wearing helmets for their personal bikes anyway, it's usually only sharebikes where people can't be bothered.
>but I don't think you could bike there without having your bike stolen immediately.
br--klyn "people" are completely delulu, some of the best cycling in the city is in the bronx because it's devoid of dutch karens and unracer scum
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A major problem is most people feel ashamed pushing a bike up a hill.
That's actually a great mode of transport. You have a shitty beater, could even be a single speed, and you either push it, or cruise. It's a faster version of walking and can carry your stuff for you. I get around like that sometimes despite having several nice bikes.
It's fun, you see more stuff, it's great when you're drinking.

But normies absolutely hate pushing bikes up hills.

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