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29 inch wheels are ridiculously big for people under 6 foot tall
No they're not.
26 wheels will be back soon.
This **

This has all been resolved, more than a century of trial; error has provided the correct answer.

For most road riding 700c is best, for offroad 26'' is best.

29 was brought in to make 26 look inadequate because the bike industry flooded the world with 26'' bikes that were built to last a hundred years.

29 is a meme, it's for tards, 27.5 is more reasonable, byut 26 is still best by any metric you care to examine.

Rigidity, lightness, acceleration, durability, traction of rough and loose surfaces - The industry needs to sell more bikes so now and again they come up with a new 'standard', and all the consoomers jump onboard because they lack immunity to advertising.
well you conveniently forgot speed, stability and comfort
you're right, 26s excel at those, too
no one even uses 27.5" anymore
everyone uses 29" because its superior
literally no one has used 26" for like 15 years
the only place you see less than 29" is on the rear of DH and enduro and they use 27.5s there
sir my bike was sold in 2012 and is a 26 bike. Many DH bikes were 26 still into 2015/2016.
I just like my old bikes. I also understand 700D that WTB is looking at will MOG 29er.
After that 24in will come back.
Why do people come in and say stupid shit like it's gospel?

Like sure just because something is popular doesn't mean it's good, but even a ignoramus could read what you typed, then look at professional MTB races of any discipline and see that literally no one is using 26 inch.

What do you have to say against that, retard? That there's some huge conspiracy to sell everyone a slightly bigger wheel??? Why are.you so fucking gay
>700D that WTB is looking at will MOG 29er.
I have 29x3.25 and I'd go bigger for comfy dirt road cruising if it was available, but this makes me wonder about bigger wheels for more aggressive riding.
let it be known, 27.5x2.3 is God's chosen wheel
Performance is what your bike can roll over. Skill is what your bike can roll over when you're riding it. Fun is when you have more performance/skill (= inches) than your friends. Fitness is for homos in lycra. Objective truth btw.
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29 inch users most be compensating for something..
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your mom said she preferred my 700c over you dad's 650b
>29 inch wheels are ridiculous
Fuck of 650 "mate."
>than your friends
Race is not fun!
I thought 650b was what unracers did to vintage road bikes to get more cushy tires in those old frames
It became the new MTB size first, the old roadie conversion is an independent phenomenon but became trendy
29” is literally 700c with big tires, and 27.5” is literally 650B with big tires, the rim hoop standards have not actually changed for over 50 years
wattlet says what
who cares even if it was true, it's not a beauty contest faggot
this. they don't want to hear it, but it's true.
I bought a 29er because bigger number mean better
No. Have you seen modern enduro/DH tracks?
People are getting taller with each generation, small wheels make no sense any more.
The message should instead be: people under 6 feet are ridiculously short.
I have a burning hatred for short women

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