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A cool thing imho would be Astro-Inertial Navigation System like the one on the SR-71, so that reliance on GPS/GNSS is basically eliminated (gps spoofing these days is everywhere) and avoids normal INS' accuracy decrease over time.

On the other hand a really comfy interior with wide seats, in terms of passenger experience
I'd love to see someone like Embraer drop an absolutely batshit crazy design, 20-30 rows in a 2-3-2 layout. Propfan powered flying wing.
>all steam gauge cockpits
>VOR/NDB navigation (no RNAV capability)
>going to a 2-2 or a 3-2 seating arrangement on narrowbodies
>only hiring attractive, cheerful, female flight attendants under 30
3 engines
4 engines
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>Astro-Inertial Navigation System
Ye olde planes had sextants built into them to navigate by the stars
Yes, but that wasn't a system - it was manual.
Astro-Inertial Navigation is a digital automated system
>4 engines
yeah, feels safer
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>3 engines
>4 engines
6 engines
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24 engines
Looks better too

What the actual fuck was Saunders Roe smoking when they came up with this.
Box wings, canards, something else, box wings, list goes on.
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Everyone was on that good shit for a few years after the war
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Retractable landing lights.
>Everyone was on that good shit for a few years after the war

Certainly the most interesting period of aviation with some of the most eye-catching aircraft. No era since has been quite as sweet
>Saro proposed project P.192, a 670-ton seaplane powered by 24 Rolls-Royce RB.80 Conway jet engines with 18,500 lb (8,400 kg) of thrust each.
>The aircraft was designed to have flown at a cruising speed of 450 mph (720 km/h) and an altitude between 30,000 and 39,000 ft (9,000 and 12,000 m).
Okay, okay...
>Its range would have been 2,100 mi (3,400 km).
What the actual fuck indeed
I implement a series of changes that allow for increased passenger interactivity with the flight. This begins at the gate; passengers may have the plane depart early through a vote, leaving any passengers that haven't arrive behind. The cost of those passengers tickets is distributed amongst those pax that voted to leave. No more waiting for that last family that totally got "held up at security"!

Once in the air, a similar voting system can be used at points along the flight to determine some routing elements. For example, consider a band of turbulence sits along the most direct route to the destination which the airline might consider diverting around. A vote would be put up to the passengers: "Slow and Steady" or "Gun it/Run it". This would make passengers feel much more involved in their own transportation, and improve customer satisfaction. Even better, the airline would avoid the blame for rough flights or delayed arrivals, as it was the other passengers that made those decisions!
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Double fuselage SOVL
Direct democracy in hindsight was a strategic error on humanity's part
Flying wing KINO
Boeing and Airbus should make planes with a lower failure rate, like Toyota cars.

It's become commonplace for planes like the 787 and 350 not to crash, so they should be able to reduce the number of situations where people feel anxious about trouble during a flight.

If they continue to be such a frightening vehicle that makes you pray to God, they'll eventually lose customers to the HSR.
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thank you for your 70 IQ post
>If the black box survives every crash why don't they just build the whole plane out of that stuff?
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Smoking lounge
Maybe find a way to make planes fully recyclable so that airlines will have less interest in longevity and innovation could happen more often than every 2 decades. Plus it also means we won’t need to dedicate hundreds acres to airplane graveyards.

Just do a lifting body at that point. The fuselage is like that because a pringles can with wings can fly for 40 years. Try to be creative instead of pandering to a bunch of shareholders who want to maximize what goes into their pockets and minimize the products cost to make.
>Maybe find a way to make planes fully recyclable

Aluminum already is fully recyclable just like soda cans and metal fatigue makes it so they have to be replaced after X amount of cycles. There's already early production 787s being sent to the boneyard because they ran out of flight cycles. The biggest concern will be during the transition to composites but even then just shred it...it's carbon fiber at the end
What book is this?
Some kind of deodorant so when I have an Indian sitting next to me and he takes his feet out of his shoes I can apply a deodorant spray to nullify the smell.
I'd love to see some avionics data on the in flight entertainment system

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