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Are they predictably bad?
Do other users act like they aren't?
Are those users playing "drag race simulator" instead of hypermilling?
What speeds minimize the reds on your route?
Which cities have it the best?
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There is a city in BC Canada where if you drive exactly the speed limit you won't hit a red light driving through the whole city. It's called "ride the wave" program. It mostly works. I did hit a red light once.
Piedmont in Atlanta works like this. it's not due to anything other than it's a one-way street with like 7 lanes and infrequent lights so you can always go fast, unlike every other street. I don't know if the speed limit is the right speed but you can go from where it starts downtown at least to Ansley and possibly further by just coasting if there's a red in the distance and then gunning it through the greens without stopping. you only have to avoid the first red if you do it right
What technology is used to get nearby signals to communicate information with each other? Does it have to be wired or can it be wireless?
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Here they use all of the options.

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