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What is the best country for a third worlder to work in as a delivery guy for a while to save a few bucks (50k) and then get the fuck out?
Most places the wages have been deflated and there are too many riders, you can't make more that minimum wage without having multiple accounts or spoofing there just aren't enough orders to go round
>as a delivery drone
If you are good and do 12 hour shifts you are going to average out on upper poorfag, means you save maybe 2000 bucks a year. So have fun living in the first world paying first world prices and working 40 years to save 50K
the crashes happen when you're tired. So don't ever stretch a shift too far.
>delivery guy
>save 50k
Save 50k yen maybe
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The best bikes for deliverymaxxing are unironically 90s mtbs adapted for street riding.

Custom built with light tubing, stripped down to the bare minimum it's easy to get one to sub 10kg, narrow bars these bikes will fly through traffic and handle all the shortcuts, steps and cobbled alleyways and still last for 30 plus years.

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