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File: Hyperloop.jpg (148 KB, 1136x852)
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How much longer do you think it is before they convert the vegas loop to go hyper? I know they have been using Teslas to test it and are able to execute the loop faster and faster now. It seems like the Boring Company has to be pretty close to making it go hyper?
>tfw I thought they called it the boring company because the work they were doing was no exciting but still needed. Not because they are actually boring tunnels.
Why would you assume any Elon Musk project is destined for anything but spectacular and embarrassing failure? The Vegas loop is never going hyper. It's only ever going to be a shitty Tesla tunnel.
Dude it went bankrupt like 6 months ago, didn't it?
how long before it becomes a homeless shelter?
I've heard Vegas has underground homeless kingdoms
True but on the bright side the bums get flushed out with every major rainfall.
>the boring company (le ironic reddit name)
>makes a useless one lane tunnel to drive cars around in a circle

Very boring indeed
> tesla
> full self driving
> needs drivers to drive around in a 100% controlled environment with no weather, no pedestrians and no traffic
The most stupid musk brainfart ever
What is that giant tube sticking into the bore, above the car?
Why didn't musk run a narrow gauge rail through it and run a short passenger EMU back and forth or something?
Disposable battery cars seems like an expensive rolling stock option for a fixed route, never mind replacing 50 glorified cabbies with like 8 BLET workers. They must already have a dispatcher and the whole thing can operate in line of sight rules anyway.
What does going hyper mean in this context?
I don't speak techbro.
OP is a retard and confused the Las vegas convention tunnel loop with hyperloop, or it was meant to be a joke, who knows.
>Why would you assume any Elon Musk project is destined for anything but spectacular and embarrassing failure?
because Paypal, Tesla, and SpaceX have all been massive successes?
Realistically what would stop them from outfitting the tunnel with a rubber tyred metro. Cars would have to be fairly small but the Glasgow metro tunnel has a smaller diameter than this.
... fuck
Vegas loop at the convention center does not concert itself with being an efficient transit system.
It merely exists as a tesla commercial and as something retarded politicians with no capability of systems thinking can use to look relevant to other retarded people.

It is a total joke that the LVCC ever approved of this shit solution, but to the credit of the mayor, she was opposed to it.
Is it just a metro system for cars?
Why not just make an actual metro system at that point
ramming through junkies with a tesla as you travel is part of the experience.
The vegas loop?, No they're expanding it.
>I know they have been using Teslas to test it and are able to execute the loop faster and faster now.

It's amazing how if you wait long enough, you can sell people the same scam / magic beans from 100 years ago.

>May I present to you the all new Cir. 1861 -- Hyper Loop !!!
>tunnels are a scam, anon discovers the long-forgotten truth

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