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File: 61SbHN2v9FL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (72 KB, 1025x1500)
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What is it with cycling and roll tops ?
Are roll tops our bag ?
What makes the roll top the supposedly better bag for cycling ?
Also are roll tops the objectively better bags ?
First day?
You know there's a thread that's all about bike bags? >1992661
They're slightly easier to overstuff, and there is less to break like a zipper which would cripple the bag, and they are potentially somewhat more water resistant vs your average zipper. They're terrible bags for general travel purposes because if you ever have to check your bag, the hook thing can come loose and then all your shit is all over the tarmac. But for cycling only, they're pretty alright.
you posted a broken link
Cycling roll tops are usually waterproofed and a roll top is inherently a waterproof design compared to a zipper, even weatherproofed zippers leak but a roll top doesn't even in torrential downpours.

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