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Sydney Metro edition
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>Meanwhile in Shitbourne
Trains come every 30mins
No train to the airport
Trams riding with traffic, take nearly an hour for a 10km distance
high speed rail when?
just found about the Brisbane "metro". I can't believe they are coping by calling this third-world BRT shit "metro"
100 years at the earliest
>moving to a place on the sandringham line
Eat shit franganistanis
It's all coming up anon
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the City section of the Sydney Metro is gonna open sometime in August, probably mid-month
Have any concrete plans for the connection between Hunter Street and Martin Place been revealed?
I know that on the Martin Place metro open day a few months ago there was a wall which they were saying would be the entrance way to the connection to Hunter Street. Wynyard Station is also gonna get connected to Hunter Street
How far are the stations from each other, as the crow flies?

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