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>darwin bros won again.
kek, doesn't seem to be India. Where else are people this retarded?
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was she trying for a selfie?
>moving head injury victim by the neck in jerking motion before checking them
Which one has brain damage, can't tell
Made it 1 second in before I bailed. I can't watch this shit anymore.
she was donezo anyway
>be reckless near operating heavy machinery
Many such cases. Wasn't some broad run over Challenger or bb some years back?
Hidalgo Mexico, Canadian Pacific 2816
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What were they thinking in this moment?
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I believe he's wondering where he left his stencil where they paint the number of kills
While I agree the guy isn't the brightest, there's no way that woman wasn't dead by the time he touched her
vaxx status?
Her brain was istagramed before she could register what was happening. 2000 tons at 30mph to the head does that to people.
Honestly, not a bad way to go.
Unironically, this should be painted on rolling stock. It might put some thinks into people. Not suecides, just crashes.
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You can't tell from the skin color?
was her kid trying to pull her away just before the cronch? poor lad to be born to such a retarded mother
I love the last few frames
>fuck, I got brain on my hands
for me it's the guy in the super mario outfit
>Welp, guess we're Nazis on the news now
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>Canadian Pacific
goooooooodddd morningggggg SAARS
Is that her kid trying to pull her away before she gets hit? Jesus that’s grim. Imagine orphaning and traumatizing your child for social media clout (not even clout, really, just a marginally cooler video than the people around you). Fuck.

Indians in Canada.
I'm torn between feeling bad for her or lacking sympathy for people who are always on their fucking phones. Like just watch and enjoy the fucking train, why do you need to fucking film everything you see.
Indians in Mexico*
its in mexico
>Cars say "Canadian Pacific"
>hecho en Mexico
Source on claim?
Realistically speaking, is there any plausible way she could have survived that?
Do you think it's her kid trying to pull her away?
Maybe if it barely strafed her side of the head. But judging by the video it hit her faurly square in the back of the skull. No chance in hell you survive getting hit by multiple 100 tons traveling close to 100km/h in that area.
is she ok
Yeah she walked it of just after the video ended
Lots of Indians in Canada
>Is that her kid trying to pull her away before she gets hit?
oh fuck I didn't notice that
god, this would be such an incredible way to die. just put my head too cose to a train facing away from it and boom lights out dead. im too afraid to commit suicide but this would be the next best thing. and she even got rhe benefit of not even expecting the train to hit her so it isnt like she had to prepare herself and psyche hersef up to lean her head in there.
Darwin cooms to retards like these.
>guy with backpack shakes the blood and brain matter off his hands at the end
yeah but odds are you'd misjudge how to position yourself and you'd end up perfectly lucid as you get quad amputated and your spine severed at the neck and then you're just trapped in your head for the next 45 years eating through a tube
I was thinking that it was probably just the sheer blunt trauma to the brain killed her instead of actual real injury.

How did the back of her head not explode like a watermelon?
Why do non-whites try so hard to convince us that they're humans when they don't even value their own lives
What they really want is access to White people, they absolutely don't want to be around more people like themselves.

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