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>After completing a three-hour ride, the two drove to a supermarket and a nearby department store as part of their planned stopover to grab some food and get a change of clothes. However, the place had been struck by a tornado a few days before, and on reaching there, they found that both the facilties had “just disappeared”.

>They decided on a change of plans. “We would then go for lunch at a Mexican store. We had a three-hour training ride behind us and were now quite hungry,” Ten Dam said in the podcast. “It was half past two in the afternoon. I just wanted to take a little cold shower and so, Thomas threw that water over me.

>“We stood between the car doors, taking a shower. After Thomas washed me off, I quickly swapped my pants. But while I'm doing that, I hear a very angry person screaming across the street… we just wanted to freshen ourselves before some Mexican.”

>“Suddenly there were five police cars. That man who had yelled at us also stood there and said: ‘for this you have to go to prison’. It was actually a typical redneck. They got Thomas first, he was searched and then got handcuffed. So I thought: shit. Then I also had to turn around and I was also cuffed.”

>Dekker added: “I didn’t dare to do anything. I had five pistols pointed at me, even though those people had an IQ of a shrimp.”

Oh sorry it's not the "dirty kanza" anymore it's the "unbound gravel" because we're pretending it's a good idea to attract thousands of normal people to a backwards shit hole and act like it's going to turn out well.
Based Kansans jailing flagrant homosexuals with lycrafetishes
Time to get stoned.
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hell yeah brother
USA is such a weird place. It's even illegal to be naked there ?
they were buttfucking in public and got caught, the event coordinators had to spin it to "they were just having a naked water fight, nothing wrong with that right?" so as not to weird out normies who don't know all lycrafags are gay fetishists.
The US is technically one country, but there's a lot of variation (cultural, political, geographic, economic) across the continent and even within individual states.
not even the indictment says that. they really were just freshening up
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In some parts of the US you can be arrested for wearing baggy pants. In others, you can be arrested for wearing lycra. The majority of the land between the west and the east coasts is basically the equivalent of the DPRK or the Islamic Republic of Iran where "freedom" means the state imposing weird, provincial superstitions on everyone, at gunpoint, at all times.
>no link
also they were training in Oklahoma for the race
fucking kill yourself
Even within states there are massive differences.
Northern Viriginia is practically its own state. Rural and Urban Maryland are completely different things.
South Michigan is so low trust the gas stations won't even let you use the bathroom, in Northern Michigan they still accept checks.
Americans automatically associate fitness with homosexuality
If they were fat I guarantee they would have got away with it
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This is what the place looked like BEFORE the tornado, no surprise that they freaked out at the sight of someone who wasn't morbidly obese. The last known business other than a used tire shop, a shitty mexican restaurant, and a sherriff office was a "video rentals and tanning" joint that closed in 2017
This wasnt kansas it was Oklahoma. Im from KS and I looked into this. They were arrested 800 meters from a low pressure wash called, I shit you not, CAR BAPTISM. (A local businessman has a sense of humor).

At car baptism they could have used the bike/dog wash part to hose their bikes, themselves, and shampoo/wash.

Using the low pressure spray wash post gravel ride is a trick of the midwestern gravel grinder. (High pressure washes fuck up your bottom bracket)
In oklahoma public display of genitals and/or buttocks is a small misdemeanor with a fine.


They were arrested and charged with the same crime as someone who moons a cop or streaks a football game.
That town is almost exclusively a Marijuana town. Their main industry is the production and distribution of Medical Marijuana. They have 2 warehouses and a greenhouse in a 1500 person town.
Not to continuously post but they did that literally across from the church.

Unbound/Kanzaa is 100 miles to the north. It's held in Emporia, Kansas a beautiful little college town in the Kansas Flint hills.

If any foreigners ride the midwest I highly suggest both the KS flint hills and the Ozarks. Think your're a fan of rolling punchy hills? Ride the Ozarks. (Either missouri or arkansas)
>The majority of the land between the west and the east coasts is basically the equivalent of the DPRK or the Islamic Republic of Iran where "freedom" means the state imposing weird, provincial superstitions on everyone, at gunpoint, at all times.
Shouldn't you shitlibs then worship it like you do with those shitholes then?
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Actually in about 10 states you can get on the pedo list for just being in the wrong clothes for your legal sex and then using a toilet, that's why there's all these new bills to make "child sex offenses" punishable by execution, that way if an uppity woman wears a pant suit like some kind of cross dressing he-she freak, she goes on death row unless she agrees to re-education consisting of going to a state-run impregnation center, being inseminated by a clergyman (non-denominational) and then wear an ankle bracelet until she can give birth under the watchful eye of the local GOP state attorney general, this is the future we can all look forward to since rural votes are weighted like 5x more than urban votes thanks to a civil-war era law
Lol flyover spotted
Freedom isn't free, or something
waaait wait wait wait
just to get this right:
>be man
>wear 'female' clothing like skirt
>go public restroom marked 'gents' or 'male'
>pew pew hands up murrica youre under arrest
? Like this ?
USA really is absurdly funny. In my country every man has the legal freedom to wear whatever they want and go swim naked... oh wait...
You're actually both retarded and probably trannies. You're not gonna ever gonna get arrested for wearing the wrong clothes to a bathroom unless you're exposing yourself.

It's also illegal to shoot a rabbits from a motorboat in kansas, do you think thats actually being enforced. Shut up you retarded nigger faggot, go back to jacking off to sissy porn or what ever you were doing tranny.
Why have bathrooms at all then if there's no risk of "exposing yourself", I can just use prayer to materialize the pee out of my body through the divine mysteries of immaculate urination while standing in line at the grocery store, no pervy "adult activity" like doing something all animals have to do several times a day, wow problem solved, sciencetards btfo!
If you walk in naked to a bathroom thats exposing yourself, are you severely autistic? You retard faggot
I wish America was a tenth as based as you think it is, you delusional faggot. All anyone asks is that you lycrafags stop literally rubbing your gayness in everyone's face, but if you were capable of that you wouldn't be lycrafags. And then you wonder why everyone hates you.
> Northern Viriginia is practically its own state
And it’s pure hell living here.
If a casual glance at my lycra-clad ass was enough to make you have a crisis over your sexuality, you might as well just stop pretending you were ever straight
> since rural votes are weighted like 5x more than urban votes thanks to a civil-war era law
The constitution predates the civil war.
Who thinks its ok to shower naked in a market parking lot?

They need to be register as sex offencers
The point was that USA tards get in trouble for 'exposing themselves' aka being outside naked, or even simply taking a leak.
You're a wee bit stupid right ? I mean scroll up, read your >>2002539.
>It's also illegal to shoot a rabbits from a motorboat in kansas
Pretty sure that's in all states. Something about you shall not shoot over a road, trail, body of water, or anywhere you don't have line of sight. And yes it's enforced.
As i explained before the tranny derailed the tread they were charged with a non sexual offense. Misdemeanor level. On the level of a mooner or a streaker.
Commiefornians deserve to be choked to death with mustard gas
This anon is right. Fish and game dont fuck around with hunting from cars and boats, exception being spearfishing season. Its a multiple hundred dollar fine and a license suspension.

This is true but Southern California is awesome, ngl
Flyover retards with a shrimp IQ are seething

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The beetus thing is funny because it's real. Fit person = gay = pedophile = shoot them with your pop gun. Flyover land is wild.
Do US cops actually draw guns at streakers?
Being a cop is a dangerous job these days. Their phones could catch fire while playing candy crush. The donuts might give them even more beetus. Someone on reddit might say mean things about them. If they rape too many teenagers while on duty they might get a stern warning and have to do 2 weeks of desk duty. These woke anti-cop social media accounts are committing hate crimes against the race of police officers every single day and the libtards won't lift a finger to stop it.
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Yeah , you cant be naked in a walmart parking lot
You can deflect all you want but if you show your hog to a child or even just put it where people can see it, you are going to jail

End of story
They were playing penus butt in public so yes
No one will responde to thise
what they were doing was illegal and they deserve to get a ticket or arrest if necessary, but did 5 cops need to draw and point guns at them? pretty sure one cop could've said "knock it off" and then read them their rights. there was absolutely no point in escalating it to a life-threatening situation other than cops are a bunch of donkey -raping, shit-eating thugs.
I've done things more dangerous than exposing my weiner and been let off with a warning .
>Yeah , you cant be naked in a walmart parking lot

The federal regulation prohibiting indecent exposure is found in 25 CFR § 11.408. This statute states that “a person commits a misdemeanor if he or she exposes his or her genitals under circumstances in which he or she knows his or her conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm.”

You can, it just depends on what you think is reasonable and whether you are aware of other people's standards. It's fair to assume gravelfags live in a naive bubble and therefor they are innocent.

>what they were doing was illegal
It's not.
>"we were simply naked in public together because we were gonna eat mexican food and wanted to wash"
Uhuh, and the Saudi businessman tripped and fell into the babysitter.
>“I didn’t dare to do anything. I had five pistols pointed at me, even though those people had an IQ of a shrimp.”
This sentence doesn't even make sense.

>legal sex
There is no such thing as "legal sex", it's an oxymoron. Sex is physical.
Also if you frolic around in a dress showing your penis to children you should be on the register and have your life ruined. This is the behavior you actually want to protect, women dressing like men is a red herring.
washing/changing semi discreetly (behind a door) in a quiet carpark after a bike ride, swimming at the beach, or stuff like that is completely normal behavior

no one is even accusing them of sex.
as for
>muh children
children wouldn't notice/ care. Puritanical nonsense is pretty exclusive to adults.
Thanks for proving my point completely that the conduct of autogynephilic pedophiles is what you actually want to protect.
I gave the extreme case and you essentially responded "yeah, so?" and appealed to the wisdom of children. Children are retards, that's how they get abused, that's why they need to be protected.

Very telling that Florida made aggravated CSA-u12 a capital crime and the alphabet people threw a tizzy. I guess it's no surprise from a community with heroes like Harvey Milk.
sorry i was referring to reality not to your fantasy scenario
>"no-one is ever arrested for indecency ever and pedos aren't real"
OK then there's no problem with keeping it illegal then.
it's a real thing for sure, just not relevant to this specific case

hell when i was a kid a guy got arrested for parking in the school lot and whacking off
The spray wash and low pressure dog wash was where they should have showered. Its called Car Baptism, hehe
>You can, it just depends on what you think is reasonable and whether you are aware of other people's standards. It's fair to assume gravelfags live in a naive bubble and therefor they are innocent.
That will be down to a jury to determine
>just not relevant to this specific case
It wasn't in reference to this specific case, it was in reference to the troonpocalypse fantasist who was attempting to claim that laws about children being abused are AKSHULLY about women wearing pants. >>2002400

But this specific case is embarrassing because the recounting of the arrest is such an absurdly fake caricature that it immediately draws into doubt everything else the two said about the incident.
>recounting of the arrest is such an absurdly fake caricature
which part is unbelievable?

strong arming sexual perverts is something cops would do and most people would want to happen, and if that's not how they were characterized to the police, being arrested at all doesn't make sense.
and yeah sorry i just butted into your arguement i didn't even really read the shit you're tlaking about and i find it hard to care about all that in either direction
>There is no such thing as "legal sex"
i can already tell you know nothing about law

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