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Who's worse?
Southwest is actually pretty damn decent for a "discount" airline, they don't nickel and dime you like Shit-tier or (get you there in) Spirit. As a burger I've never had to deal with Ryanair, but the stories I've heard make them sound pretty awful.
I got sick of the subhumans that fly Southwest.
Since RyanAir by design doesn't serve the impoverished American public I'd bet it's at least marginally better.
Both are shit, but anything europoorean has extra low standards (that shockingly can make even WN look good)
Ryanair had the shittier service
Southwest has the shittier clientel
I like Southwest and I’m dismayed about this hostile takeover happening now. Their route map is a little underwhelming but other that I find them unpretentious and great value with service that blows away pretty much all their competitors. Oddly enough the only other crews I’ve had as cheery as Southwest is AirFrance amd Air New Zealand.
I would imagine southwest due to all the spics and niggers on the plane
Ryanair don't even have the stretchy things on the back of the seats
How fucking poverty can you get
I'm an easyjet Chad through and through
Ryanair is fine for short journeys, longer ones are maddening on them.
southwest larps as a low-cost airline but in reality is the same price as american/delta/united. the only thing they have going for them is free checked bags.
Ryan Air from what I've heard is basically just Frontier or Spirit for euros.
never flown southwest, but ryanair is actually great
>spotless safety record
>fleet and logistics so good that if a plane breaks they will send a new one in few hours
>serves a ton of small airfields that would otherwise not be accessible
>tickets that are often cheaper than train or a bus
you don't really expect to be threated like a king if you pay 20€ for a ticket, do you?
Ryanair is genuinely not too bad. People shit on them for hard landings when those are necessary in the 737 to avoid gear shimmy (and it decreases the risk of go-arounds/overruns anyway.) Firm landings are safer than soft landings!

Never had a bad experience with them. They have opened air travel to the masses desu
Why the fuck did it add desu to my reply. This is new
Jet Blue is more disorganized/chaotic than Southwest but they don't fly lawn darts so I'll stick with them if it's one or the other

Have some respect, back in my day we tried to hide our newfaggotry
Sorry man, I'm accoustic
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Ryanair is a true pay to win experience.
During booking process, preset options are aggressively trying to nudge you into some premium service. (eg seat reservation costs extra and if you don't do it they threaten to separate seat assignment of others booking with you) Their included carry on is half the size than normal airline standard.
During the flight, the staff has to go through some humiliating product advertisements.
Seating experience is sub tier.

Worst: They are cheaping out by using middle of nowhere airports and giving false impressions about that online. Eg. they used "Frankfurt-Hahn" as one of their main hubs but that airport is nowhere near Frankfurt.
But yeah, good safety record.
This desu. Southwest is a LCC, Ryanair is a ULCC. They're not comparable.
It's frontier or spirit but with the network size and ubiquity of southwest
Easyjet are miles ahead of ryanair. And it's mostly because A320family is just a nicer plane than the 737, seats wider, aisle wider, slightly more legroom.
>seats wider, aisle wider, slightly more legroom.
Internal configuration is up to the airline

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