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I'm a public transit user cuz I learned to drive at 21 a year ago. I live in a US city that isn't NY or SF but decent on public transit in the areas I frequent...

I hate that car ownership is mandatory in America, I'll basically have no choice after I graduate, give or take a few years but to have the level of adult independence I want l will need a car.

Euro cyclists cannot even understand the difficulty of cycling as commute in many many areas that could geographically be just fine for it, but this was just never thought of

I am beginning to understand how this young country must be so tacky and cheap to the rest of the world. Ok no /b/ politics in the replies please. It's just sad that we don't have this thing that should be an integral part of a healthy society. Auto industry has even convinced people public transit use is something to be looked down on
Individualism is good up to a point. They US is way beyond that point.

That explains most of your social problems anon, including transit.
Explains my soul crushing existence
After WW2, the newly acquired wealth America found enabled its politicians and corporations push near sighted policies that continue to deteriorate our society to this day. Their intentions were initially good but the lack of knowledge, experience, and the test of time is now showing us the huge fuck up of what was the post-war dream. As time went on, a lot of malevolent policies and coverups became more prevalent in order to keep pushing "the dream." Before WW2, American cities had the infrastructure for local travel, out of necessity, but many of it was dismantled as neighborhoods changed rapidly from how accessible cars were. As accessibility to affordable and reliable cars decline, the pressures of a car dependent society will push our country into a self inflicted culture war.
>car ownership is mandatory.
(You)'re just weak. Man up, refuse degenerate prostethics.
Bet your ass looks like Dylann Roof IRL, scrawny, pasty ass white boy
Don’t delude yourself. The buses in Europe don’t run as well as the overlords would have you believe. Nor do the trains. Wales has been cancelling bus routes because the 20 mph zones were making it infeasible. Afaik it works fairly well in Poland but they aren’t overrun by commies so the public services including transport actually works reasonably well. Case in point the goal is to get rid of the transport options so if you aren’t fit enough to walk to work you’re pretty much out of a job and not needed anymore
Did you really have to resurrect this shit thread

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