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I want to get a minivelo bike for getting to and from the store, going around the town etc. What are your experiences? Is there anything I should keep in mind?
it will get stolen
No idea, but if it's designed well it won't be too squirrelly.
Minvelos barely exist as a product outside japan, every now and then one company does their take and it gets hyped and then they're out of stock, last I remember was the VO frame that was like $1000 for the frame and by the time you get around to a fully working bike you might as well have gotten a top of the line folder which probably handles just as well but you can fold it too

If there was someone selling non-garbage minivelos for like $1000 (no I don't mean the B-D ones that have parts made out of bent paper clips and melted bepis cans) it could be interesting until you realize the market for it is just larpers who will totally get a mini velo any minute now until they realize there's about 5 other things that make more sense for the same use case but aren't quirky and weird, be honest the reason you want one is nobody you know has one and you think it's gonna be a thing
I've never ridden (rode?) one but I do have a folding bike. It is quite fun because of the nippy acceleration and handling due to the small tyres. The only problem is the awful geometry. I assume minivelos solve that problem? I am tempted to buy one.
what does having wheels that small do? i can only think that any little pebble will make your ass hurt and also any curb would be death
smaller wheels are stronger, and tend to be more agile. Worse for maintaining momentum on the flats, and worse for rolling over things.
However the ride agility should be compensated with frame design via increasing trail and reducing head angle.

I rode a bmx bike as a kid and it was sketchy off road on descents. No sitting down since it would hurt hitting small rocks.
it's hilarious how a 24-inch mtb is the same exact thing as a minivelo but doesn't get anything like the same respect from baiku snobs online
>baiku snobs online
those are just larpers though. minivelo larpers are the same guys posting "what $8000 obscure boutique frame should I get for a use case that I haven't defined for a geometry that's irrelevant because I don't ride enough to have specific preferences"
actually nvm i whanged my knee on the handlebars like 3x over the course of 2 hours riding these are not the same
Explain this please. Someone made a bike, put on smaller diameter (worse) wheels and compensated with a ridiculously long headtube.
Also it looks like you'll find your weight distribution well fucked up unless you go full triathlete.
The idea of the tiny wheels is making the bike not so cumbersome inside a train
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Also, there are other types of tiny-wheeled bikes which look interesting
Why board a train if you have a bicycle ? Also take the wheels out if it's that much of a problem.
Or just refuse to be carted around in motorvehicles like cattle.
It's not though, don't play dumb. The geometry is entirely different, you wouldn't say a hybrid is exactly the same as a rigid MTB because the rim size is the same
What a retard argument

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