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Ever heard the phrase "too big to fail"?
Oh no, anyway
Boeing won't fail because the US military will just buy those planes.
>us military waste their budget on crap that falls apart
They'll buy other more expensive military planes. The 737 max is useless for all applications.
It's more useful than the eternally grounded A321 Neo
There are many doors, Boe boy
The Max ought to be grounded right alongside it considering it's track record. Amazing they keep letting the things ack in the skies.
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>eternally grounded
>Cirium data shows that 637 jets with GTF engines were in storage on 1 April – 32% of the total fleet (1917 total)

20% of Spirit's fleet is grounded ATM due to Neos with engines that can't help ACKing themselves from the fan blades exploding. I'm literally sitting next to a 4 year old JetBlue A321N that's been out of service for a year for the GTF issue. 737 Max is unironically more proven at this point at least their jets are still flying...if Ryanair can do USN carrier style landings every day at Madeira with them no issues then its a good plane.
how many people has it killed?
Ey technically no one died in the boeing door incident (and has died since the ethipian crash)
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Its not even funny anymore unironically.

Just sad.
well except the whisteblowers

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