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SS United States to be evicted from Philadelphia Home Pier 82, in September, judge rules
At this point, just sinking it somewhere in the Caribbean to become an artificial reef would be more dignified that letting it continue to rot away.
Is that thing even seaworthy?
it floats. i wouldn't go any further than that.

I hope (despite knowing full well how this is going to end) that this urgency motivates a huge rush a big time cash in. instead I think she's headed to the bottom.
>The US is sinking, and soon
Something something society bottom text
I agree. It's kind of an unpopular opinion, but just sink it. I love ocean liners, I wish more had been saved, but this is sad. The thing that makes the Queen Mary special is the fact that a lot of the interiors have been preserved. Walking on board the QM is like stepping back in time. 99.99999% of the United States is gutted. It was never worth saving.
But but but "muh blue ribbon holder!"

If the choices are a watery grave or the scrapper's torch, I know which one is the more fitting end.
I wish she had been preserved better. When you walk around her interior now you can barely tell you are on a ship. Might as well be an empty warehouse.

If she was worth investing in, some billionaire would have already bought her. She will make an excellent reef.
Recycle it. A ship from that era has too much lead to sink. Plus coral isnt picky they love concrete
What a fucking waste.
Is there a better metaphor for the absolute state of the United States of America. The 2 ships which were the prides of the fleet are in total rusted disrepair (SS US) or at the bottom of the ocean (SS America)
the better metaphor would be if they were in pristine condition only 10 years ago but were given to illiterate migrants from central america and are now derelict.
If only we had the money to spend on fixing it, instead of giving every penny away to our (((allies))).
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I suppose Phuket wouldn't still be interested in obtaining a replacement for the SS America would they?
Why phuket? Explain it like I'm not a sex tourist
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Well the United States' sister ship, America, was dry-docked for the final time, they found the hull was still in excellent condition despite over a decade of abuse. This led to a plan to sell it to the island of Phuket where it would be redeveloped into a five-star hotel. The problem was that the ship had been laying derelict in Greece and was prohibited from traversing the Suez Canal due to its not being able to move under its own power and not being up to then-current maritime fire codes. So they contracted a Ukrainian tugboat to tow it around the Cape of Good Hope to Thailand for refitting. They got as far as the Canary Islands and then they ran into a storm that snapped the towline and the ship wound up on Fuerteventura and it broke in two and remains today.

I'm kinda surprised that SS United States Conservancy didn't offer their ship to the developers as a replacement for the America. It has almost identical dimensions and the hull was in even better shape owing to it's being a decade younger and not having been nearly as badly neglected by its various owners.
Neat. How is it that commercial ships are still getting sunk by weather in this day and age?
I don't think a hulk being towed to be turned into a hotel qualifies as a commercial ship, anon. But if you think this story is neat, i think you would probably like the one of MV Lyubov Orlova.
It's just an old ocean liner that's been gutted for awhile. A shell. Scrap her or reef her. Makes no difference.
The money is there, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the US overall budget. There's just no political will to do so because congresscritters don't care and most people who aren't maritime history nerds don't care.
Its the principle. We have spent enough money to restore this ship thousands of times over on Ukraine and Israel in the last 3 years. We have spent many more times that money on foreign aid over the last 40 years.
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