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File: ebikevsescooter.jpg (7 KB, 357x141)
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The eternal debate...Which one is better /n/?
E-bike is a lot better. Even a folding one.

But, you may need to make do with a scooter because reasons.
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ebikes obviously
One costs 3-5x as much as the other, and still exist at a viable spot in the market
The other one exist because its dirt cheap.
Are you too lazy to walk? Or have absolutely no place to keep a bike? Or move around in places where there are too many n*s, so a bike would get stolen in seconds? Buy an escooter. Otherwise buy an ebike.
Who cares? You're only debating this because you have DUI.
Both are bloat
So... reasons?
They're both cancer in my opinion. The only thing that's worse are those monowheel contraptions, totally unsafe.
The e-scooter would be good in a big factory warehouse or something like that

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