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YE OLDE edition

Previous: >>1985990

US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1
UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
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I got kicked out of school right before I was supposed to take the license test and graduate, so I joined the Navy instead. Ask me anything that will allow me to maintain my OpSec.
what are the launch codes to the nuclear missiles on board any of the subs.
Siu has me scheduled to go to piney point next year, should i just bite the bullet and go to msc?
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Holy fuck FINALLY got a ship as AB
Been off for 6 months collecting EI and the neet ‘tism was starting to get to me

Good thing everyone in the industry is a closet neet already so I doubt they’ll notice that I haven’t had human contact in 6 mo
How much of a fuckup do you feel like?
can someone give me a rundown on how to launch a life boat/rescue boat/life raft?

I have to become a 3rd mate in 24hrs
>life raft
Kick it over the side
>life boat
Tell the bosun to do it slowly and make sure no one gets hit in the head by anything
>rescue boat
Just don’t run it dry and make sure the plugs are in and have someone show you how
Hope you feel stupid.
I got confused (´;ω;)
Anyone who prefers working in the summer to the fall/winter is a retard

engies fix the fucking AC do your job
pocketpussy onboard: need it or keep it?
Happened to me twice in the past two weeks, three times in two months. I wish there were a way for this to be recorded and they lose the first hour of watch pay or something.
Well I worked with a captain who embarks at 5th month and disembarks within 9th every year. Not everyone enjoy rolling and pitching.
that's gonna be me some day but the my dream schedule is sept to end of season
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bureaucracy in this industry is fucking wild, it's like they don't want people
Yeah I have two guys on board with medicals pending and neither have seen any progress in weeks. Btw those white sheets are so retarded, we had to put one on our bow once to assist some navy ship for its christening (it had a minor collision the week before lol) and it pulled off almost immediately after contact with the hull.

I feel like God has a plan for me and did this to me for a reason. I'm grateful for where I am in life. With that said, I am 2000% doing the Military to Mariner program if for no other reason than closure.
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top zozzle
What ship?
El Faro you absolute newfag
Huh. Weird, i thought about it from the description but didn't remember the "Scooby Doo voice". The retard captain going full Karen wanting to speak to dispatcher's manager (iirc) was shamefully hilarious.
This entire industry would be 1 million times better if the NMC wasn't so understaffed. It took me 2 months for my MMC to come back all that time for those lazy retards to open up an email and read a pdf btw.
Though i suppose this is the consequence of it being such a niche field of employment in the USA
>company doesn’t pay for travel to and from the ship
The fuck is this now?
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You go and knock knock your friend ITF.

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Is this baltimore?
How could the capt fuck up so badly
Anyone know how to go from being an engie to having a normal life and job? Feel like an outcast mental patient freak, i want a normal job i think.
Wypipo don' season dey harbors.
Why would you feel like an outcast? Most normies probably think working on ships is cool
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Good morning deckies and engies have a good view of The Mountain of Tariq!
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>Do NOT use
Can we talk about the runaway use of safety stickers and placards and bulletins? Just had to tape up a sexual harassment warning in every room. Pretty soon you're not going to be able to see the walls with all these fucking things. Very un-aesthetic.
the old faded ones with non-english languages written underneath are soulful
Will a dui conviction keep me from getting a twic/mmc?
If you are less than 7 years from completing whatever sentence you got from it, then yes.
how competent do you have to be as a brand new 3rd officer
Has anyone done the JobCorp program? I’m a poorfag and I’m 19.
That's gay
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Thinking about getting into the human trafficking business as a side vocation. Except when I got to meet up with the trafficker to pick up the cargo, I traffic THEM and pop them on a cargo ship up to Iqaluit.
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Is this a good industry to get into if I'm a sensitive young man?
Not really, you have to take a lot of shit
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I meant like the romantic kind of sensitive, not the crying if someone calls me a faggot sensitive
Yes definitely, get out here
How much money can I make as an electrician on one of these ships
I was in the navy years ago, I was a gse
I know msc posts their post scales, but gcaptain says msc is just terrible and somebody new to this industry should go literally anywhere else
why is this industry so fucking dogshit
What industry isn't?
The catshit industry
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All could be forgiven if it just paid more. Wages just been too stagnant. Pic unrelated.
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well bros my first time as a 3rd mate, 5 months in... so far it's a mixed bag.

So far we've just been rotating around Indonesia and China transporting coal but the next voyage is Korea for Turkey (around Africa) and that's where I will most likely be headed home in 2-3 months. There were some good days mostly in Indonesia as both captains would allow the ship to be turned into a floating whorehouse, I fucked 6 women during our three stays in Indonesia but there were also hard as fuck days where I'd not get sleep for days, specially in china with all the fucking river maneuvers. Also the difference from the mindset of a cadet to one of a OOW is huge.

been putting in work to my best ability and I think it's well received by the chief and captain, all in all so far proud of myself

filipino electrician on my ship has 5500 USD monthly
Is that piece of shit a fednav ship?
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>anon discovers what outsourcing really means
Outsourcing is bad.
no, im a slav on a slav ship
MFOW union lowest paying contracts are 9k a month
I know some people who have done it, you can get your foot in the door with it i guess, the kids there are generally stupid but do it and work hard
>COVID vaccinations required for most vessels.
>Full COVID Vaccination
>You will not be considered for employment if you do not possess all of the above items.
No thanks
Are they still serious with the jab? When I was applying to one company, they said I need to be vaccinated for typhoid and covid. I took the former and ignroed the latter. Company seemed to also ignore the latter and accepted me.
But that was in Europe.
That's just what their website says
Wobbie I'm tired...


Message is authentic
I think it’s funny that america doesn’t accept other countries tickets so all the other countries were like fuck you and don’t accept american tickets

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