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How do you see the value of scooter/mopeds? Are they still a good budget mode of transport or have they been overtaken by e-bikes?
I never see them discussed on here and I'm curious what the conse/n/sus is.
I think the negatives are that
>scooters require registration and licensing that makes them more expensive overall
>not as portable as a bike
>still run off petrol and not electricity
On the other hand, they
>have better range
>are more comfortable
>a pillion passenger is far more feasible
>can be parked on the street without much fear of getting stolen
Also they have a very developed secondhand market which I don't think e-bikes have and probably get a lot more mileage on average than the average e-bike.
A secondhand scooter is probably priced similarly to a new high-level e-bike, albeit with higher maintenance costs going into the future, but will still probably get higher mileage in the end.
they're not nerfed to 32km/h which makes them a lot more useful to go across town. but they're hard to pick up and carry onto public transport
>scooters require registration and licensing that makes them more expensive overall

still cheap
>not as portable as a bike
why would they need to be portable are you dumb?
>still run off petrol and not electricity
as if that is a disadvantage

are you trolling?
anyway they are not the same thing
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I think ebikes have replaced 50cc mopeds that you don't need a moto license to ride. Larger displacement scooters are still better, and are harder to steel than ebikes
>as if that is a disadvantage
I couldn't be bothered going into the petrol vs electricity advantages/ disadvantages, especially as it hinges a lot on regional and personal circumstances (if you own a house with solar panels it's definitely a plus, but tbf it's unlikely this applies to the common /n/ demographic)
Can thieves steal them as easily as ebikes?
They can be carried away or tossed in the back of a van/truck fairly easily. Mopeds/Scooters have keys so its less likely for someone to start it and ride off with it like on a bicycle. Also some scooters might have a manual tranny, the super cub has a semi manual tranny so you need to know how to use it to ride it away
Motoring is a signifier of a disease that starts in the mind and spreads to the body. Its a downwards spiral of weakness of the body and mind from there.
Scooters and e-bikes, like all forms of motorized transport, violate human dignity. A self respecting human that is not an actual cripple should refuse using those.
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in western europe scooters are almost exclusively associated with bottom of the barrel inbred north african trash, and even the natives that ride scooters tend to be lower class dysgenic garbage. i'm so disgusted with those people that i categorically refuse to ever ride one.
>still run off petrol and not electricity
What ? There is plenty electric scooters in EU going from 50cc to 125 and even some 250cc like picrel, they use the old classification to give you an idea of the power but they are full electric.
Bersonally I don't find either very useful since parking is no issue and I have to have a car anyhow because ruralfag.
But the way I see it, e-bikes have less stigma than mopeds that are seen as mini-motorcycles and even need registration and licensing in many parts of the world.
>better range
care to explain, how scooters had
>better range
compared to bicycles ?

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