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Does covering your bike make thieves more or less likely to target your bike?

I am looking for reliable solutions to keep my electric bike intact during work hours. My office has a history of thieves randomly showing up during peak hours to powertool off locks and ride off into the sunset. Out of dozens of bike they always go for the most expensive looking ones, naturally. I just know my shit will stand out.

I also have a keychain tracker, but I'm not sure where is the best spot to hide it?
If it's professional bike thieves they will probably lift it to see what's under the covering or have scouted out what bikes arrive before hand.

Had myself a break-in recently at my appartment complex and targets were e-bikes, high-end road bikes and higher end generic mtbs. If you have a propper e-bike and not a conversion it will be gone when thieves show up.
If they are brazen enough that they can power-tool locks off in the middle of the day with no consequences then probably anything you do will make little to no difference.
The top whack locks can slow down the power tools, having 2 diamond rated locks means about a half hours work for a decent angle grinder, but if they're experienced thieves they're gonna get it. Make sure you have the cereal number to give to the police.
If it's outside and there's already a history of blatant thefts there's nothing you can really do. Your best options are either storing it inside or getting your workplace to put up security cams or something. Locks keep honest people honest or however the saying goes.
i also bought a keychain tracker, the only problem is where do I put it so the dude just dosen't remove it as soon as he see it?
The unfortunate reality is that bike are a prime target for criminals. They are fairly easy to steal in the grand scheme of thing and are much easier to sell than basically any other vehical.
Trackers are nice but any competent thief will be on the look out for them. There are few places to hide them on a bike, under the saddle or in those bottle cages with a hidden compartment but as far as I know you can detect these things electronicly. Maybe you can get it inside the frame but that probably hinders how good the tracking is.
At the end of the day the best thing you can do is have a solid lock and store it somewhere safe, that will atleast detere the morons and crackheads. And if it does get stolen hope your insurance doesn't jew you out of the money.
Storing bikes outside is a terrible idea regardless of how much security you use. Thieves can and will take it and cops won't do jack-shit about it.
Your options are to just take it inside with you or to buy a tracker so you can go shoot the thieving nigger yourself.
>office has a history of thieves randomly showing up during peak hours to powertool off locks and ride off into the sunset
why don't you lock it then take the battery off and carry it into the office ?
This is actually a great idea. Might as well take the seat too.
>Might as well take the seat too.
This is actually a terrible idea if by seat you mean saddle and set post. It will rain inside your frame and fuck up the internals.
Just put a bunch of tags in it, and carry a gun to track the nigger down
I'll ignore for the moment that I consider e-bikes to be cancer since you're using it for actual transportation and not clogging up bike paths with actual cyclists on it.

Get an alarm system suitable for a motorcycle. It's not like you don't have a battery on the thing to power it, or that you're worried about extra weight. An e-bike with an alarm on it would probably make a bike thief shit themselves when it went off, the last thing they want is to draw attention to themselves.
>My office has a history of thieves randomly showing up during peak hours to powertool off locks and ride off into the sunset.
Bring your bike indoors, if your employer complains ask them why they're subjecting you to having your shit stolen.

Fucking do not interact with the kinds of people who steal bikes, they will kill you over a bike. They steal bikes, they're fucking vermin, they have nothing to lose.

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