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Houston Infill Edition

Discuss transit planning, infrastructure improvements, streetscaping, and housing design in your city.
Guys, mom and dad kept me in prison (suburbia) for most of my early life, I could have been in walkable cities but they traumatized me with the lack of mixed use and now I will never have sex, how can I get revenge? Would suicide and never posting on /n/ again be the correct response?
Design cities that force urbanization on suburbia. Make high speed rail systems that go directly through their neighborhoods to bring lots of vibrant cultures to enrich their lives. Give all homeless a lifetime free transit pass, as well as any BIPOCs and non-binary persons. Make actual houses so expensive that the only solution is a shoebox shotgun house connected by a covered corridor that everyone walks through - TOGETHER.

Killing yourself is rarely a solution to anything, unless the problem is living.
Urbanists/YIMBYs talk about a city that isn't Houston or KC (IMPOSSIBLE)
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businesses will continue to have parking lots because car owners buy things and homeless crackheads who take the bus do not
Kill all developers, abolish zoning code,
what if my usual problem is that I'm currently alive
There is no hope for Houston. The new mayor is fucking up everything. We've been trying to get a transit line down Richmond connecting to the University for over 20 years, first with the approval of the light rail by the voters that then got sabotaged by a congressman, and after that it was shifted to a planned BRT that just got canned by the mayor after years of planning and one again, approval by the voters. This city is just fucked, can't even get a hopped up bus lane installed without a politician suddenly leaping forward at the last minute to shit on it.
Good stop talking about it
I agree, it should be abandoned. It's a sweltering shithole.
Awesome. My city just got rid of parking minimums as well (sunbelt US).
There’s never gonna be a sweeping urbanism revolution but these incremental improvements are significant.
Canada’s housing shortage is even worse than ours so I hope Toronto follows suit.
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>Houston has no zoning or restrictive building codes and lets developers put midrises anywhere like /n/ fantasizes about
>yet Houston is somehow this car-centric hellhole that /n/ hates
the duality of man
San Fran
Austin, Minneapolis

houston isn't really free of zoning, it's just not following the same structure as other american cities.
Houston is America's largest and most important city, that's why urbanists can't shut up about it
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>Following renaming the former Vauxhall Service Area on the Garden State Parkway in honor of Whitney Houston, the New Jersey Hall of Fame joined The Estate of Whitney E. Houston and public officials today at 2:30 p.m. to unveil the service area's exhibits and other initiatives in her honor.

Cagetrolls and boomers are SEETHING
>Cagetrolls and boomers are SEETHING
This goes over the cagetrolls’ heads.
>there's paperwork that says what can and can't be built in certain neighborhoods
>therefore it's basically zoning
The fact remains that developers still have the least restrictions in what they can and can't build. You can keep moving goalposts to say that whatever goes on in Houston and other similar cities "doesn't count", but it is what it is.
Great news. In my Sunbelt state they technically eliminated parking minimums in the desugnated CBD's of all cities and towns. Also the Strip Malls can be developed by right and through administration than hearing NIMBY'S talk about the same old things. We are on the way bro's.
I have a feeling Texas will turn Blue eventually. Just because of Austin and Houston going that way overall. Houston just ends up being slower because of the fact Boomers still live there. Give it the next cycle and you will start seeing better results.
Houston and Austin ARE blue areas, though, and dedicate an enormous amount to "dem programs", etc.
how does the lack of zoning of Houston prevent the Texas DOT from destroying large swathes of the city to accommodate highways? and the state underfunding alternatives to driving, more or less forcing a modal share 90%+ in favour of cars
>destroying large swathes of the city to accommodate highways
The only things that get knocked out are properties close to freeways that were "automobile-oriented development" anyway. Look at what got demolished for the Katy Freeway, there's a McDonald's, a 59 Diner, a Denny's, and a La Quinta. Truly a loss for the city and its culture.
Guy you replied to has a point, Texas is famously running short of land
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I just transitioned from the TU Delft Architecture program (amazing profession, my true passion, cool people and shit pay, shit hours, lot's of pressure) to Urbanism (gay profession with boring people, good hours, slow meetings, 1.5x to 2 times the pay if you play your cards well).

Talk me off the ledge or help me mourn this ego-death anons. I did this all for my future kids and if they're going to be ungratefull i'm going to smack the ever loving shit out of them.
/n/ - Houston real estate spam and fast food preservation
do you think there were just huge empty strips of undeveloped land for the cities to accommodate highways? or that they always had highways? are you retarded?
You’re the only one moving goalposts. Go have a hissy fit somewhere else.
>huge empty strips of undeveloped land
For the rural highways, yes. Most of the freeways were developed from highways that existed since the 1920s. There were a few that were did cut through low-density housing, areas that would be considered "suburban" by 1950s standards.
because the only arguments mentally ill fatherless faggots like you have against cars is that they're caused by muh zoning that prevents the government from putting everyone into commieblocks
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The based just keeps coming.
The more of these that happen, the more we have evidence to support doing it in other cities.
Hail Satan, what part of Houston or Kansas City is that picture from?
They just relocated the freeway like a mile or so to the south, and the new one was wider and a more direct route.
Missourian lurker here. Do urban-planningfags really talk about KC that much?
that's fine, anyone with a brain shouldn't be against highways entirely, but they should form ring roads like in most of europe instead of blasting through the middle of a city.
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One day AI will replace the politicians. It will be super intelligent and will spit out the optimal way to create living environments for humans. All the current suburbs and cities are so poorly designed that I think that they will just suggest to tear it all down and rebuild a new environment from scratch. Robots will build everything.
>It will be super intelligent and will spit out the optimal way to create living environments for humans.
Optimal for it.
what are those soviet-style apartments with mixed residential and commerical and an inner courtyard called again?
not kruschevkas or commie blocs but the planning layout i mean
they have a name
soviet-style apartments weren't mixed, they were living quarters all the way down to the 1st floor.
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I can't wait desu
my mistake then, maybe they were a scandinavian thing
still need the name
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Our current type of AI is just repeating what it gathered from the internet.
Exactly. Even Eisenhower had envisioned the highway system to be ring roads, and he was completely dismayed when he discovered cities building urban freeways. It was the opposite of his original vision.
The issue is that "ring roads" wouldn't be considered ring roads by current development standards. Even in most "downtown" areas, much of the city core was avoided. Because most of the development in cities was done post-1950, there's a lot of handwringing about how highways "cut through the city" when those areas were considered more "suburban" at one time.

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